Pathways to Love


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"Mmmm..." she said with a big smile as I sunk deeper and deeper into her womanhood. Her eyes were shut tight, almost seeming to want to fully experience every inch of my invasion. Only when I was buried in her to the hilt, did she open her eyes. "You feel good, Ted."

"He always does," Beth said, clearly turned on by the sight in front of her. I then had to make a decision on how to approach this. Do I make love to her like I do Beth, or fuck her brains out and maybe upset her? I decided on a middle course and thrusted into her at a healthy pace, but not one that could be mistaken for lovemaking in some 80's flick.

"Oh, God, Ted!" Hannah bellowed as she got used to my pace. "Your cock feels so amazing! Fuck me!" I took this as instruction to up my pace.

"Doesn't my sister feel so good?" Beth said lewdly, while fiddling with her own pussy. I just kept fucking Hannah and didn't answer which didn't seem to sit right with Beth. "Well?"

"Almost as good as you," was as far as I was willing to go. Yes, I wanted to punish Beth, but I still loved her and didn't need some neurosis of hers fucking up our relationship. Weird thoughts to have while I was knee deep in her sister. Of course, she just smiled at me while continuing to enjoy Hannah's tongue on her slit.

"Mmmmmfffff, sooo gooood," was what Hannah was able to get out while Beth was grinding her box on her face. I could see her face in between Beth's legs, and she looked like she was thoroughly enjoying our fucking. That and the looks of pleasure and desire from Beth caused me to up my pace and send Hannah squirming over the edge.

Her muffled screams seemed to do a number on Beth too as she was soon cumming on her sister's face. Hannah took some deep breaths as Beth rolled off of her, licking up her own cum from her little sister. She kissed Beth deeply then looked her right in the eyes.

"Sis, you better never let this man go, cause he is one great fuck."

"I don't plan to," Beth replied, crawling over to me and kissing me deeply. I could taste the girl jizz on her tongue, an all too familiar sensation to my pallet. "I know I'm still on thin ice, but can I have a turn?" she asked sweetly.

Yeah, she was on thin ice, but her body had always been my weakness. While I still didn't fully forgive her for everything, I decided that giving her an orgasm wouldn't compromise too much. I nodded and she assumed the position, doggie style being her favorite. I gave her ass a few healthy smacks, knowing that it was both for discipline and that she liked it, before I buried myself in her cunt.

It was as warm, wet, and inviting as always as I started thrusting into her hard and deep. This was gonna be no love making session, this was pure fucking, and I wanted her to know it. Her responses from the invasion showed that it didn't seem to bother her.

"Oh, fuck! Pound me, Ted! Teach me a lesson!"

"Rail that bitch!" Hannah echoed. I got a firm hold of her hips and went to work.

Instead of putting her pussy in front of Beth, like I thought she was gonna do. Hannah got off the bed and came over to my side, slipping her tongue into my mouth, while my cock worked her sister. After about a minute of this, she broke the kiss and got behind me. I felt her separate my ass cheeks and start to lick my asshole.

Now, this was not a new thing for me. In addition to some kinky hookups I'd had, Beth was also a big proponent of it, seeming to enjoy doing it. While maybe not as talented at it as her older sister, it was damn close. It certainly helped me pick up the pace and send Beth into another orgasm.

"FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" as she erupted on my cock. Between Beth's pussy walls and Hannah's tongue on my ass, I wasn't gonna hold out for long. I made a couple of short panting grunts, which Beth recognized all too well. "CUM!" she demanded, and I did as she asked. I sprayed inside her, emptying my sack into her slit.

Once my orgasm was done, I rolled onto the bed to breath while Hannah started licking my splooge out of Beth's pussy. It was enough to make my dick twitch, but I was done. Not even when Hannah and Beth cleaned off my cock with their tongues could it get me anywhere close to hard. Beth laid on the bed next to me while Hannah stood up.

"I think I'll let you two lovebirds get some shuteye," she said while walking out, "and Ted?" she said as I turned my head toward her, "I want that," she said pointing at my wilting dick, "in my ass tomorrow." She blew a kiss and shut the door. Beth cuddled up to me and kissed my cheek.

"So, how do you like the family so far?" she asked in a cheery tone. I just rolled over to look at her. I don't know what look was on my face, but she just giggled and kissed my cheek. Five minutes later, we were under the covers asleep.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face the next morning, Beth and I having forgotten to close the window shades after the impromptu threesome with her youngest sister. I found Beth laying on her side next to me, curled up like a kitten almost. I just laid on my back and tried to process all that had happened the previous day.

I mean, really. My knockout, loving girlfriend had absolutely floored me. Sex with her family! Hooking up with all the women! I mean, sure, I knew that she was at least slightly bi before then, but yesterday took it to a whole new level. I'd seen her engage and get eaten out by her sister and she seemed to love every second of it.

The family, for their part, seemed actually to be completely wonderful. Her parents seemed to like me and were fully on board with our relationship, even offering me a job! Her siblings seemed the same, though he wondered if Richard was only taking a shine to him to deal with any guilt he had about boning my girlfriend without my knowledge. I was less angry at him then Beth for not telling/warning me.

Even as I looked at her sleeping, I knew I wasn't gonna hold it over her forever. I knew that I wanted to be with this woman for the rest of my life, I knew it before we got to the house, but this was definitely an element that I hadn't anticipated. At some point, I'd have to relent and let her father and brother fuck her. Of course, I had the tradeoff of all her sisters and her mother, but still. I made myself resolute to my course as Beth started to wake up.

"Morning, babe," she said sleepily and rubbing her eyes. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Not bad," I told her.

"How are you feeling?" Beth asked with concern.

"I'm ok right now," I admitted.

"Ted," she said shifting up, unfairly giving me a glance at her flawless breasts, "I know you have a lot to process, and I promise to be there for you. I love my family, I mean obviously," she said with a wry smile, "but I love you so much. I don't want this ruin us. I want you to be my family too."

"Beth..." I said with a deep breath, "that's all I've ever wanted," I admitted. "I'm not ruling anything out and I'm trying to keep an open mind, but this is gonna take some time for me."

"I understand," Beth said hugging me tight, "just please stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere," I told her rubbing her back. "At least, not yet."

"Am I still being punished?" Beth asked, timidly, but also with a sexy tone.

"Yep," I said without even a thought.

"So, I still can't be with my family?" she asked.

"Not your Dad or Richard," I told her. "I'm fine with the women, but I want you to hold off on them."

"Till when?" she asked. Now I was getting irritated.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but until I say so," I said back in a tone that was maybe snippier then I should've, which caused her to snap her head up toward me in surprise. "I'm working toward forgiveness, but the trust is gonna take a lot longer. This is all a lot to take in and I don't know that I'm ready to see your father or brother plowing you."

"I get it," she said softly. "I know I hurt you and I'm willing to do this for you. Is it gonna be the whole trip I can't?"

Now, I'd already decided in my mind that I wasn't gonna release her from this until after I'd tapped all the females in the family, but if I told her that, she'd have them run a train on me to free herself up for all I knew. I needed to control this. I think I was owed that at least.

"I don't know," I said unconvincingly, "I need to see how this all plays out."

"Ok," she said softly. I almost felt bad doing this to her.


Once we heard movement coming from outside Beth's room, we decided to get up, me throwing on a T-shirt and sleep pants. Beth followed suit with a tank top and booty shorts, similar to what she wore at home. Normally, I would've chided her about it with her family downstairs, but not with this family.

We went downstairs and saw her mother and father, Richard, and Diana all sitting around the table, drinking coffee and talking lightly. To any outsider, they looked like a typical family starting their morning. I saw that Annie and Hannah weren't up yet, but didn't think anything of it. Diana was the first to see the two of us from her angle. She smiled immediately.

"Morning, lovebirds!" she said with a bit of wickedness in her voice. The rest of the family turned and smiled.

"Morning, kids!" George said cheerfully, "sleep well?"

"Yes, daddy, thank you," Beth said giving her father a kiss on his cheek, followed by her mother.

"You wear out Hannah and Bethy last night, Ted?" Richard asked with a smile and I could feel my face get flush immediately.

"Or did they wear you out?" Diane retorted with a smirk.

"I think it was all mutual," Beth said with a wink toward Diana as we were poured coffee. The family was talking about how they wanted to go to their private beach that day and how much fun it would be.

"That sounds great!" Hannah said, coming into the room with Annie. Annie was dressed similarly to the rest of the family, while Hannah was still in her birthday suit. She winked at me as she got herself and Annie a coffee.

"You two have fun?" Cecilia asked, me assuming she was talking about me and Hannah. Then Annie spoke up.

"We did," Annie said with a grin that Hannah flashed back at her. Apparently, they'd hooked up either last night or this morning. While the rest of the family was unfazed, I grew beat red as I tried to focus on the French Toast now in front of me, something made harder when Hannah slid in next to me.

"So, how'd I do last night?" she asked me, damn near causing me to spit out my coffee. She giggled before she continued. "No seriously, I've never been with anyone outside the family, or the compound and I want an objective opinion if I'm a good fuck."

"Baby, you're a great fuck," George said lovingly, if not disturbingly.

"Thanks, Daddy, but you love me, and you'd always say that. Come on, Ted, tell me!"

I looked around the table and every set of eyes was on me, including Beth. Silent communication between the two of us told me that I'd better answer her.

"I thought you were really good," I told her honestly, seeing her smile at the complement. "But Beth's still the best I've ever had," he also said with complete honesty. Beth blushed and the rest of the family seemed to approve of how I'd handled it.

"Thank you, Ted..." Hannah said sensually.

"I'll just have to show him who the real best is in the family," Diana replied with a smile.

"Now, girls," Cecilia said softly, "it's not a contest."

"We'll see," Diana said, looking squarely at me. I knew that she wanted me. I knew that before she'd sucked me and had me taste her the night before. She wanted the real deal and I wondered how long she would wait. Annie also smiled at complement. Annie had been the most distant from me of all the family members thus far, but the look on her face now showed that she might have some interest too in trying out the new guy.

After breakfast and several more sexual puns and jokes, we started getting ready to head to their private beach for the day. Their workers would set up the towels, drinks and everything else needed, we just needed to grab anything we wanted to bring. I was up in Beth's room with her when I noticed she was only wearing a wrap with no bikini under it.

"No swimsuit?" I asked with an eye raised.

"We tend to go nude at the beach too," Beth explained.

"Aren't you afraid someone on the water or another beach will see all of you?"

"Not a chance," Beth explained as she stated that the water was cordoned off and the privacy of the beach assured. No one would be able to see any of them. Her father and even made sure that satellites wouldn't pass overhead, the family company having quite a few government ties.

"Oh," I replied.

"You can wear trunks if you want," Beth said. "The guys probably all will until we get down there."

"Ok," I told her. After yesterday, it wasn't like I had to be particularly nervous being around her family in a natural state. If I got hard, I'd just go into the water, at least unless someone offered to "help" me.

We got to the back lawn and saw some big golf carts ready to take us down to the beach. As Beth predicted, the girls were all in wraps that made clear that there was nothing underneath them and the guys were both shirtless and, like me, in trunks.

"All ready to go?" Richard asked everyone as I loaded up a bag with books and schoolwork.

"Let's go!" Cecilia said as we all got into the various carts. While I'd tried to sit next to Beth, Diana beat her to it, throwing out a teasing tongue at her younger sister.

"You have to learn to share, sis," Diana said teasingly as wrapped her arms around my arm. Beth huffed and sat in the front of the cart we were in. It took about ten minutes to get to the beach, Diana teasing me the whole way. Either whispering dirty things in my ear, or letting her fingers dance lightly across my covered cock. She even took my hand and placed it to her moist cunt, trying to show me how wet she was between playing with me and the bouncing cart ride. She was almost disappointed when we got to the beach as we all got out.

True to Beth's word, towels, chairs, coolers of drinks and snacks were all there waiting for us along with a volleyball net, a beach ball, and floats. As soon as everyone got out, everyone claimed their chairs or laid out their towels, me and Beth choosing a pair of chairs for the moment. Once everyone was settled in, the wraps came off the ladies and the trucks fell from the men. I took a deep breath as I followed suit, not really wanting to be the odd man out of their family dynamic. I was a guest, after all.

The lotion application began after that with everyone helping everyone else. Watching the sight of a whole family lotion up in the nude, with playful cock grabs and some nipple teasing was a hell of sight and I could feel my cock start to inflate. Beth saw this and gently stroked my cock for a few seconds before kissing me on the cheek.

"Sometimes I forget what an erotic sight it all is," Beth said, obviously referring to her family fondling. "You just get so used to it, but it is pretty hot."

"Yeah," I said as I laid on the chair, face down so my burgeoning erection would be slightly more hidden. "I mean this isn't gonna turn into a full-blown orgy on the beach, is it?" I said in half jest.

"Wouldn't surprise me," Beth replied, causing me to turn toward her surprised. "It's been known to happen."


"Besides," she said leaning over to me in her chair, which was directly beside mine, "I think I'd like to fuck you on a beach."

She'd mentioned it before as one of the things she'd wanted to try. Hell, that was part of the reason our trip was originally gonna be to the Caribbean. Her family watching on wasn't really discussed though, as you can imagine. Then it occurred to me that she'd probably had sex on this beach plenty of time with her family.

"Won't you get sand in some unfortunate places?" I replied. She smiled at me and giggled.

"There's some tricks to it I'll show you later," she said with a wink. I still wasn't totally sure how comfortable I really was with the idea that every person on the beach has fucked Beth at one point or another, but I also realized that I would likely be with all the women by the end of this week, not really having a bi streak myself. "What are you thinking?" Beth asked me with both an air of sweetness and slight concern.

"Still processing all this, I guess," I said with a bit of a sigh. "I mean I've had all this information for less than 24 hours remember..." I told her which she acknowledged with nodding.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Beth asked, rubbing my back slightly.

"I mean, I don't want you to think that all this is necessarily a deal-breaker for me or anything," I told her honestly, not wanting her to think I was thinking of breaking up or anything. That seemed to relive her a bit. "It's just gonna be big change for a lot of reasons. I'm gonna have to get used to sharing you with your family and get used to be shared too, I guess."

She grabbed my hand and squeezed my hand fairly hard, making sure she had my attention.

"I know this is a lot," she admitted, "I know it isn't normal, but it works for us. You have to admit there are some pretty awesome fringe benefits."

"I don't care about fringe benefits more then I care about you," I said rapidly and with some force. Her face contorted to one of pure love and emotion, clearly touched by that.

"Babe..." she said, almost tearing up with love.

"It's true," I said with absolute confidence. "Look, I'm not gonna lie, your sisters and Mom are hot and the idea that I'd get to be with them pretty much whenever, is pretty cool. But..." I said taking a deep breath, "you're the one I want. Even with all the shit that's gone down over the last 24 hours, you are who I want," I told her, elongating out the last five words.

Beth launched out of her chair to mine and started hugging and kissing me all over. She was a flurry of hands, lips, and tits as I could feel her rock-hard nipples against my chest, having flipped me over with more force then I'd have credited her able.

"Baby, let the man breath," Cecilia hollered at her in a light tone with a giggle.

"!" she said in-between kisses. I could hear everyone else giggling at the display going on.

"Damn girl, the boy's gonna asphyxiate!" Diana said chuckling.

"He'll die happy then," Beth shot back as she finished her barrage and settled down next to me. "You need to know this and I need it to be clear," she said looking at me with serious intent. "I am yours for life. I never want to be without you, ever!"

"Geez, sis, you never kiss me like that," Richard said, in a typical older brother tone of ribbing.

"Well, Ted's special," Beth said, squeezing me tight next to her.

"He seems to be," George said with a warm smile. "Now, who's ready for a dip?"

Everyone got up and headed to the ocean. Even though I'd seen everyone naked yesterday, my cock was still unused to it and started getting stiff again. I did my best to hide it beneath the surf, but apparently, it wasn't working too well.

"Happy to see us?" Diana said in a flirtatious manner, coming over to my side.

"Sorry," I replied, generally ashamed that I wasn't able to control it.

"Don't be," Diana said in a friendly manner, "you're only human," she retorted. "We all know we're hot."

"And humble," I said, playing into the moment.

"Totally," she said coming closer to me. "You know, I'm kinda upset with you."


"Well, Hannah got to go for a ride last night," Diana said, grabbing my cock softly, "and I still haven't gotten a try." She was definitely giving me "fuck me" eyes during all this.

"Can't wait your turn?" I said in a flirty manner as Beth came up to my other side, somewhat protectively. She wasn't trying to stop her sister's flirting it seemed. At least, not yet.
