Pathways to Love


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"I'd say Hannah skipped the line, don't you, Beth?" she asked her sister, while pushing her tits up against me.

"You got to play with him first..." she chided her older sister, reminding her of the hanky panky in the home theater.

"Not the same..." Diana said, rubbing my chest a bit.

"What are you all talking about?" Cecilia said, wading over to us with her perfect, heavy breasts exposed to the air.

"Just when I'm gonna get my chance with Ted here," Diana said, giving her mom a wink.

"You know for being the oldest, you can be the most impatient thing," Cecilia chided her eldest lightly with a smile. "I'm sure we'll all get our turn...," she replied stroking my cheek lightly. This was doing nothing for my cock, which was growing even stiffer in Diana's hand.

"You're a real help, Mother..." Beth said, trying to snuggle closer to me.

"It's all in good fun, baby," Cecilia told Beth, kissing her on the cheek. "Besides, you want Ted to be a "real" member of the family, right?"

"Yes..." she replied, both acknowledging her point and showing a little frustration.

"That's my girl," Cecilia said, rubbing Beth's face with her thumb while she held it, that way that mother's always do for their children. "I'm heading back, I'm starting to prune," she said holding up her hands.

"Me too," Diana said, "come on, Ted," she said, leading me out of the water, pulling me by the dick with Beth right behind. We all got the shore and toweled off lightly, largely letting the sun dry us. Beth and I were still on our combined chairs, Diana now moving closer to us as well.

My cock, thankfully, was starting to deflate, being given a Corona and now starting to relax. I had my eyes closed and was starting to fall asleep until I heard a loud grunt.

My eyes flew open, and I turned to the source of the noise. It was Cecilia getting DP'd by the men of the house, George in her cunt and Richard up her ass. Hannah was laying near them, just rubbing her pussy at the sight of her parent's and her older brother all fucking.

"Oh, fuck!" Cecilia moaned out. "This feels so good! Being filled by my men!"

"Our pleasure, right, son?" George said while sucking on his wife's right tit.

"Yes, sir," he said with a grin on his face, before he looked over in our direction. "Hey, Ted! Come here!"

I looked at Beth, who seemed to know why her brother wanted me to come over, and she had a slight grin.

"Go on," she said breathlessly, almost like it was pointless to try and prevent whatever it was Richard wanted of me.

"Yeah, go," Diana said, swatting my butt lightly as I got up from the chair. I walked over gingerly to the live porn show that was being put on by my girlfriend's relatives. As much as I was stunned and quite frankly out of my element, it didn't stop my cock from inflating more, seeming to even get the attention of Annie, who was still pleasuring herself at the sight.

"Ted, you wanna help us out?" Richard asked, the confusion in my face apparently clear, "with you here, we can make Mom airtight without having to use a strap-on."

I could feel my eyes bulge out of my head, when Cecilia spoke up through her grunting.

"Yeah, come on, Ted!" Cecilia said in voice dripping with excitement. "My mouth is lonely."

Moving without thinking, I went over to where Cecilia's head was, her body jerking back and forth from the thrusting of George and Richard. I got close to her, hoping she was arched high enough that my balls wouldn't hit George's face. As soon as my cock was close enough, she captured it with her mouth and started sucking.

At this point, I'd had every woman in the family put my dick in their mouth, save Annie, and it was no doubt who the queen of the blowjob was. Her talented tongue and mouth was a wonder to me. I'd always thought Beth was extremely talented with her tongue, me now knowing why, but this was a whole other level.

"Alright, man!" Richard said enthusiastically, raising his hand for a high five which I awkwardly returned. Cecilia had my cock rock hard in no time as I could feel it going down her throat with every thrust from Richard and George. The two of them eventually worked into a rhythm where when one was entering, the other was retreating, something I imagine they'd perfected over time.

I looked over and saw Diana and Beth just watching us, their hands dipped into each other's pussies. I looked back and saw Cecilia's face, her taking a small break from working my cock.

"Ooh, you taste really good, Ted! Almost as good as Richard. Nice job, baby!" she said, smiling at Beth.

"Thanks, Mom!" Beth said in a giggle as Cecilia put my cock back in her mouth. Both men were groaning pretty good at this point as well, making me think they were probably coming to the end of their tolerance level. With Cecilia's skill, I probably wasn't too far behind when I felt my ass cheeks being pulled apart and a tongue wedged in there.

I looked and saw Beth and Diana were still on the loungers, smiling at me, but then saw Annie wasn't on hers. I turned around and sure enough, there she was darting her tongue in and out of my asshole.

"Thought it was time I sampled some of you," she said with a wink as she got back to work. I could feel my balls starting to bulge from all of this.

"About ready, boys?" George asked through clenched teeth.

"Yeah," Richard replied a bit out of breath. "Ted?"

"Uh huh," I replied, trying to hold on.

"Count it down," George said, "three, two, one, NOW!" he groaned as he was obviously cumming in his wife's pussy. Richard groaned out a second later, emptying his balls into his mother's rectum. I followed suit as Annie got her tongue further up my asshole then anyone ever as I blew my load into my girlfriend's mom's mouth. I saw her catch as much of it as she could, not letting a drop escape her mouth and potentially drip onto her husband. The other men dislodged from her.

"Mmmm..." Cecilia said, tasting up my cum.

"Taste good, babe?" George asked, grabbing a drink of water for himself.

"Very," Cecilia said, laying down on the lounger where George had gotten up. "Again, nice job, Beth!" she shouted to her daughter who giggled at the complement.

"His ass tastes nice too..." Annie said, getting off her knees and smiling at me.

"Nice job, bro!" Richard said, giving me a side hug with his cock still dripping with cum and lube.

"Thanks..." I said awkwardly as Richard chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," he said with a shrug as Annie got on her knees and cleaned his cock with her mouth, shooting me a wink as she did. "Hey Mom, how many times did you cum?"

"I think I lost count at five," she said breathlessly as George handed her a water to rehydrate.

"Nice!" Diana said as her and Beth came to join the rest of us, Beth handing me a water.

"Have fun?" Beth asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"It was interesting..." I replied, still trying to come to full terms with what I'd just been a part of.

"Mom's cocksucking skills are legendary," Diana said with praise. "Almost makes me wish I had a cock, though she's good with cunt too."

"Thanks, baby," Cecilia said in a warm reply to her daughter's comments.

After that, the girls decided that the boys needed a break. I took a quick dip in the water to rinse off then went back to the lounger where a water and fresh drink we waiting for me.

"Freaked out yet?" Beth asked with some concern in her voice.

"Not...totally..." I answered with honesty. "How often does that happen?" I asked.

"Well, Mom loves DP and so does Diana. Annie's not a huge fan of it but will on occasion."

"And you?" I asked, seeing her cheeks go red, giving me my answer.

"Surprised?" Beth said with an impish grin, while I was trying to get the idea of her father and brother spit roasting her out of my head.

"I don't think there's much that could surprise me at this point," I told her which got a chuckle.

"We'll see," she said, almost ominously. "Now you rest," she said letting me lay down. "I still have plans for you myself." With that, she got up and went to talk to Annie.

I just laid on the chair and tried to empty my head. I was in it now and I knew. It's not that I was worried about Beth stepping out on me so much, the talk with her parents yesterday helped with that, but I was really stuck on how I was gonna feel when her father or brother sunk their dick into her.

I knew that technically I could make sure that didn't happen, her still being on punishment, but I also knew I couldn't get away with that forever. At some point, it was gonna happen, especially seeing as we were virtually moving in with them in a few months it seemed like. I tried to rest my eyes and was having no luck at all.

"Mind if I join?" George asked with a smile, indicating to the open lounger next to me. I shook my head and he sat down, taking in the sun. "So how are you doin', Ted?"

"I'm here," I replied.

"Richard kinda surprised you by asking you to join us, didn't he?" George postulated.

"A bit," I admitted.

"Well, just so you know, it was actually my idea," George said. Apparently, I had a look of shock on my face as he continued. "I figured it'd be good for you to see that we meant what we told you yesterday about love and lack of jealousy. Richard thought I might be pushing you too far too fast, but Cecilia was all for it."

"Uh huh," I said, taking a strong pull off my drink.

"Look, son," George said, swinging around to sit up and face me as I did the same. "Let's not kid ourselves here. You're here for a few reasons. One and the most important one is that you love Beth and intend to marry her, right?" I swallowed hard, even though we'd broached the subject yesterday.

"I really do love her," I told him.

"I know that," George said. "I'm not gonna deal falsely with you. When Beth first told us about you, I hired a PI to look into you, pretty thoroughly." I can't say I was shocked by this given who he was and how he had to be careful with his daughter. "The fact that you're not surprised or mad about it tells me a lot about you."

"What's that?"

"That you care for my daughter while understanding that we have to be careful, for more than obvious reasons," he said indicating with his hands not only the land, but the nude family members that were all chatting. Beth saw us and blew one of us a kiss, I think me. "If you're wondering, all the reports came back with flying colors, right from the start. Not the least of which from Beth, who while I questioned her judgement yesterday by her decision not to forewarn you, normally has a good head on her shoulders."

"Yeah..." I said, letting that matter die.

"Look, the biggest worry that her mother and I had for Beth or any of our kids was that Beth was gonna find someone that only cared about her trust fund or our wealth or just how to use her. I can tell you honestly, we have no such worries as far as you're concerned."

"Thank you," I replied as George smiled.

"I know we're pushing you a bit and I'll be honest, the girls are probably gonna do a bit more," he said looking back at his family, all of whom kept looking back our way. "But it's only because they like you. In a day, you won them all over and hope you'll join the family. Can I make a guess about something?" he asked as I nodded. "You have a ring with you for my daughter, right?"

I was stunned, but he was absolutely right. I nodded slowly as George smiled, happy in his deduction skills.

"You were gonna pop the question once you knew we approved, right?" Again I nodded. "Well, we do. All of us. So have no fear of that, ok?"

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked him.

"Absolutely!" George said, seeming to be glad I was taking him into my confidence.

"I think I can handle most of this," I told him. "Not just the sex, but the money and work and everything. It's different, but I'll adjust and not take advantage of it."

"Son, if I thought you would, we wouldn't be talking right now, cause you'd never have got through the front gate," he said in jest, slapping my leg slightly as he chuckled. "Come on, what's the real issue?"

"I'm not sure how I'm gonna react when you or Richard have sex with Beth," I told him plainly.

"So, Beth's off punishment?" he asked, almost surprised by it.

"Not yet," I told him. "Not totally," I told him as he nodded. "But I know I'll have to deal with it eventually."

"Would it be easier if Richard and I were with Beth in a private room?" he offered.

"Probably not," I told him honestly. "Besides, I think I'll need to confront it head on when it happens. She's not off the hook yet, but I'll have to eventually. I can't let this hang over us too long."

"I get it," George said in an understanding tone. "Just something to keep in mind for when you free Beth," he said, leaning in a bit. "It is just sex. Sure, there's love and emotion there because we're family and we love each other, but no one's gonna take Beth from you or anything. I see the way my daughter looks at you, and I can tell she wants you to be her's for life."

That idea warmed my heart a bit, but I was still unsure how I'd react.

"Want my advice?" he asked me, nodding at him to proceed, "don't let her off the hook just yet," he advised. "Tomorrow or the next day, maybe, but not today. Wait until you've had a chance to be with all the women first, then let her off the hook, if you choose. Maybe after you propose."

He'd exactly figured out my plan! No wonder he was so successful.

"I'd been thinking in that direction," I told him hesitantly, "provided of course that all the women of the house were even interested."

"Oh, they are," George said quickly, "like I told you before, fresh meat..."

We talked for a few for minutes, him trying to put my mind at ease and me trying to be at ease. He offered to get me a fresh drink while I laid back down, thinking about how I should proceed from there. A fresh drink was brought to me, but not by George.

"Thirsty?" Beth asked, shaking the Tervis cup in front of me.

"Thanks," I replied, taking a sip of a homemade Arnold Palmer.

"What were you and Dad talking about?" she asked me.

"You, mostly," I told her honestly.

"Ooh," she said sitting down, "good things, I hope?"

"Again, mostly," I replied. Her smiled waned a bit at that, probably knowing we'd discussed her conduct yesterday.

"I see," she said, somewhat nervously. It was kinda strange to see this normally confident woman worried. I lightly tapped her knee, letting her know I was still there for her.

"Babe, I'm not mad at you, well at least not as mad, anymore," I said trying to reassure her.

"I know," she said demurely. "I really am sorry." I took her into a hug, her breasts pressed against me as I let her feel my warmth and love.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Richard bellowed out, getting our attention. "Wanna play some badminton?!" he asked us, some of their attendants having set up a net. We agreed and joined them, playing a few sets. I'd love to tell you there were no crass jokes about hitting a shuttlecock around, but alas, I can't.

After we played for a bit, we all went back into the water to cool off, everyone seeming to have fun in the ocean. Beth hung to my neck and started kissing me.

"I really love you; you know?" she told me softly.

"I love you too," I told her honestly, as she leaned in, closer to my ear.

"Make love to me..." she whispered. "Right here..."

She started stroking my cock, trying and succeeding to get it hard as she continued making out with me. I reached down and played with her vulva, rubbing her to get her ready. A few minutes of this, and I was ready to go, Beth propped up on me, wrapping her legs around me and I guided myself into her.

Her family was half in and half out of the water and strangely, I didn't feel strange about my dick being inside their family member's cunt. We weren't going at it like animals, just rocking against each other, entering and exiting Beth softly and smoothly. Beth came to my ear and whispered.

"I love you," she told me. "I love you so much. Claim me. Claim me in front of my family and show them I'm yours."

Beth then started bouncing on me a little faster, her breathing getting faster as she kept going. A few minutes of this and I shot my wad inside her, only a few moments after she came as well. Beth started kissing me as we heard applause from the beach, along with wolf whistles.

I probably blushed as we got out of the water, her family all smiles as we did. Cecilia came over to us, handing us drinks.

"That was beautiful to watch," she told the both of us.

"Thanks..." I said awkwardly, not really knowing what else to say about it. George smiled at us along with Richard. Annie and Diana had different looks to them as they both silently mouthed the same thing.

"I'm next..."

We stayed on the beach a little longer before heading in, suits back on and heading up to the house. I took a quick shower for dinner with Beth, trying to get all the sand off and out of us. We dressed for dinner, just a polo and shorts for me and another sundress for Beth. We saw no one else out yet, only the chef working away in the kitchen. Beth went to the bar and made us a few drinks as we went out to the patio.

"Today was a nice day," Beth said warmly with a smile.

"Yeah," I replied, sipping on my drink.

"What are you thinking about?" Beth asked me taking my hand in hers.

"Lots of things," I told her honestly. "I feel like my whole life has changed in the last few days."

"For the better?" she asked.

"I hope so," I replied, not quite as sure.

"Babe, it's gonna get easier," Beth said, trying to reassure me. "We all went through this when we found out about the family, and sure, we had better prep then you did, but it was still fucking nuts!"

"Understatement of the year..." I retorted.

"But then it became fun and loving and strange as it sounds, normal," Beth said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, normal may take some time," I retorted.

"Maybe after we move in," Beth offered. I rolled my eyes a bit at that, taking a heavy breath at her reminder that in a few months, this was gonna be an everyday thing. I still really had no idea how I was gonna handle living with all this openness and sex with her family. Sure, in our apartment, Beth was half dressed most of the time and we fucked all the time, all over the place.

I looked of at the horizon of land and coast and came to the obvious conclusion of difference.

This was most definitely not our apartment...

It was about then that Richard and Diana came out to join us with their own drinks. They seemed to know we'd been having at least a partly serious discussion and tried to turn us to lighter fare as George and Annie joined us.

"Where's Mom?" Beth asked.

"Well, Mom and Hannah..." George said, rubbing the back of his head. The kids all smiled, knowing exactly what their mother was doing with her youngest child. I just took a sip as the family settled down to relax some more.

After about a half hour, Cecilia and Hannah reemerged, Cecilia in a sun dress and a smile and Hannah still naked, but with a smile similar to her mother's. I squirmed a bit, and Hannah seemed to relish in it. I kept very quiet for a while as the family chatted lightly. It was only when the girls went inside to get us new drinks that Richard and George decided to check on me.

"Still kind of a lot, huh?" Richard asked me, asking maybe the dumbest question in history and apparently my face said exactly that.

"Not as much as yesterday," I told them both honestly.

"Look, I don't want you to get the wrong idea," George said, coming to my side. "We really don't spend our lives here just giving into all our carnal desires," he said, laying an arm around my shoulder. "We work and do normal family stuff too. I'll admit during vacation and when all the kids are all home, it does get a bit more..." he said, trailing off.
