Peer Pressure - Melissa


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The session had not ended there, however. Melissa had then submitted to a waxing that removed the remaining hair from all of her body below the neck. That too had hurt, but she had pretended to herself it was only Jacqui spanking her and the pain had seemed less. At the end, Melissa knew her swollen breasts and drooling slit had advertised her emotional state to the two onlookers.

Sara had started to finger the young coed, but Jacqui had put an end to that before Melissa could achieve release. Instead, she'd had to wait, still nude, while Jacqui received her own wax treatment. Afterwards, the two clients had rubbed each other down with baby oil while Sara knelt on the floor between them and sucked their dripping cunts. In exchange for this service, Sara had hiked up her own skirt and Jacqui had ordered Melissa to eat out the comely stylist.

Melissa was quietly accepting when Jacqui announced they would be returning every other week for wax treatments in the future. The freshman had, as Jacqui'd doubtless intended, completely forgotten about Janet until the drive home.

Now they were back, it was nearly dinnertime, and there was still no sign of either Janet or Anne. Melissa pushed her discomfort aside and went to confront Jacqui. "She's still not back. I know Janet wouldn't have gone like this without saying something, Jacqui. I'm going to call the police." The trembling brunette steeled herself to stand up to her domineering mistress.

Surprisingly, Jacqui acquiesced. "Very well, if you must. But I recommend you consider carefully how much you tell them. Otherwise we might find ourselves expelled, and Janet still missing." Melissa wasted no time in returning to her room and dialing campus security.

It took some time to convince security, and then the police, that Janet had not just gone off on a lark. Finally Melissa and Jacqui had driven down to the police station to tell their story again. It was late in the evening and Melissa was about to scream with frustration before a missing person report grudgingly was filed. The freshman felt drained by the time they returned to the still-empty dorm rooms.


The following morning, neither of the missing girls had returned. The comforting routine of the morning run soothed Melissa's nerves, as did Pam's unexpected presence. Apparently her friend was willing to forget yesterday's scene, although all three coeds were unusually quiet as they circled the campus.

Melissa had been putting it off, but knew she had an even more difficult call to make. She flipped through Janet's address book, then called Todd Mueller. His voice sounded groggy when he answered, but he seemed to come alert quickly enough when Melissa stumbled through her story. It was difficult for her to recount the events, and Melissa censored most of her encounter with Janet, but the brunette sensed that Todd didn't seem to be as surprised as she had expected.

He fired a series of questions at her. What drug had Janet been taking? How frequently? Where was Anne? What had they told the police? Melissa couldn't answer most of the questions, and wondered why Todd had asked the last one. He managed to avoid giving her any new information, thanked her for the call, and agreed they would call if either of them learned anything new.

She had only a short time to brood over the mysterious situation before Jacqui called Melissa next door to service another horny young stud. Soon the willowy brunette was pushing her morbid thoughts to the back of her mind. She spread her thighs wider and luxuriated in the sensation of the penis that was pounding into her creaming cunt.


Melissa's concern for her missing roommate never faded. She fielded periodic calls from Todd as well as Janet's parents, always having no new information to share and learning nothing that would aid in solving the mysterious disappearance of the two coeds. But as the end of November approached, Melissa began to resign herself to the possibility that she would never know Janet's fate.

Following a Thanksgiving with Jacqui's family that nearly made up for being away from home, Melissa began sleeping in the queen bed with the junior rather than remain alone in her own room. Her schedule crowded with preparations for finals, nights spent tied in delicious bondage, and a continuing stream of hard young men pushed worries about Janet from Melissa's mind.

One afternoon she finally maintained her self-control, feeling a penis jerk and spray its load inside her before reaching her own trembling climax at Jacqui's command. It meant as much to Melissa as the "A" she received on her programming project. She failed again the next several days, but Melissa began to feel she would be able to meet her mistress's expectations.

Finally the semester ended. It was a sad day when, bowing to the inevitable, Jacqui and Melissa packed up the belongings of their vanished suitemates. Todd stopped by to pick up Janet's things, but was withdrawn and didn't stay long; the boxes of Anne's belongings would be mailed to her family.

The final surprise of the semester came the day before Melissa's departure for home. They learned that the school was requesting that Jacqui and Melissa share a room. Melissa had been thinking about asking to move anyway, so she quickly nodded and Jacqui informed Josh, the dorm R.A., that Melissa would move in with her.

The next question was more intriguing; Josh asked if they would mind forming a coed suite. Normally this was only done by mutual consent of all potential suitemates and the administration during room draw. In this case the school needed housing for a couple of transfer students and this was the easiest option. Melissa stifled a smirk, wondering why Josh was being so formal when he had fucked her twice in the last six weeks and surely knew what went on in their room. Jacqui finally agreed after ensuring they would be able to switch suitemates if any problems developed.

As a result, Melissa spent the night before her flight transferring her books and remaining clothes over to Jacqui's room. It was late when she finished, and the freshman knew they'd have to get up early the next morning to go to the airport. It was even later when the two women drifted to sleep, clasping their sex-sated bodies together.

Melissa felt like she was sleepwalking when she kissed Jacqui good-bye and squirmed out of the car at the airport. They wished each other Merry Christmas, and Jacqui commanded Melissa to behave and remember her instructions. Despite her fatigue, there was a bounce in the brunette's step as she headed into the terminal -- she was going home.

Chapter 12

Northwest flight 1561, nonstop to Minneapolis, was scheduled to depart on time. Melissa checked her suitcase, picked up her seat assignment and boarding pass, and strolled down the concourse. It was hard to believe it was winter here; some people passing by were wearing shorts even now.

Melissa knew she'd be remembering what the season was like soon enough. She'd checked the weather forecast and the high was supposed to be in the 20's with more snow expected that night at home. She carried her heavy coat, untouched in the steamer trunk until last night, over one arm, and had gloves and a scarf tucked in her purse.


The freshman had pleaded with Jacqui to dress "normally" for her family. Following successful service of the last few boys, a lot of begging, and finally some inspired cunnilingus, the junior had agreed. Melissa wasn't quite sure if her family would recognize her, or what they would think.

It wasn't traditional winter fashion, but Melissa liked the effect. The skirt and blouse were a creamy ivory color, cut slightly more conservatively than usual. The skirt was tight, but not clinging, and came almost to her knees. It fastened up the back with a row of nearly twenty buttons; she'd left the bottom four undone for comfort. The blouse was thin, but had full-length sleeves and a scooped front, slightly reminiscent of an oversized turtleneck, which revealed only a hint of cleavage.

The major changes were hidden underneath. Melissa was wearing a slip for the first time in months. She'd had to buy one for the occasion; Jacqui had gotten rid of the ones brought from home. It was cut low in front and lower in back, and was fairly short; Melissa would be able to wear it with some of her other outfits. Her bra was provocative, mostly lace, cut just above the nipples and fastened in front, but it was hidden by the slip.

Melissa was almost regretting the panties. The sheer, extremely high-cut French bikinis were *not* what her mother would be expecting. The elastic waistband was pulled high up over the line of her hips on either side and dipped to join the tiny vees of white fabric in front and behind. It had barely covered her cheeks when she'd dressed this morning, and Melissa could feel it creeping into the cleft of her ass as she walked. And after having gone bare for a month, Melissa had forgotten the sensations produced by the subtle movements of the satin on her bare mound. It felt good, but the day would be long and she wasn't sure when she'd be able to relieve herself.

After her continuing jogging and the last visit to the salon a few days ago, Melissa's sleek legs really needed no help to look sexy. But she wanted something to help protect them from the cold. Jacqui had absolutely refused to let her get pantyhose, saying they looked tacky. Melissa didn't want to use the garter belt -- there was no telling what her mother would do if she found *that* in Melissa's possession. They compromised on thigh-high hose held in place by the wide band of lacy elastic at the top. The color was just slightly darker than Melissa's skin.

To Jacqui's disgust, Melissa originally had planned to wear her comfortable (and durable) sneakers for the long trip. When she had nearly finished dressing that morning, Jacqui had dragged her in front of the mirror and asked if running shoes were really the right way to complete the outfit. Melissa hadn't been able to refuse the matching ivory pumps when Jacqui handed them to her. The Nikes were relegated to the suitcase, but on top where she could fish them out if it looked like there was too much slush and mud in Minnesota.

The final touch was the jewelry. Janet had taken her to have her ears pierced several months ago and helped Melissa, who had never considered the matter before, pick out some basic earrings. They were one of the few concrete reminders of her missing friend. Now the brunette wore a pair of pearl studs, which matched her outfit and complemented her dark hair and eyes.

The studs were Anne's, appropriated by Jacqui, who called them "spoils of war." She'd refused to accept them at first, but Jacqui had reminded her that Anne wasn't using them now and they could always be returned if she reappeared. Melissa remembered the night Anne had ambushed Janet, and decided it was a fair proposition. And she loved the way they looked on her; she hadn't been able to afford anything so expensive herself.

Self-consciously, Melissa's hand rose to touch her necklace. It was Jacqui's Christmas present to her, a miniature version of the collar she'd worn. The finely crafted links were each smaller than her fingernail and surprisingly light, resulting in a chain which draped gracefully around her neck without being overwhelmingly heavy. A petite jeweled lock hung in front; Jacqui had produced a tiny key and demonstrated that it was fully functional. Unlike the original, the necklace had a standard clasp at the back so it could be removed when not in use. Melissa had promised herself that only Jacqui would ever remove the chain.


What airport passersby saw that morning, then, was not a teenage college freshman on her way home for the holidays. An elegantly coifed, refined businesswoman with classic looks and stylish clothes strode down the concourse. Melissa knew she looked good, Jacqui had seen to that, but she was still unaware of the poise and assurance that a semester of college classes and her special lessons had developed.

Melissa found a seat in the crowded departure area and sat back to wait. It looked like the flight would be very full. Even the big Boeing 757 she could see at the gate would be hard-pressed to hold the number of people who seemed to be waiting for it. Melissa donned her glasses, unconsciously contributing to her "corporate image," and checked her boarding pass again. She still had a center seat. With a sigh, Melissa leaned back and tried not to think about a long flight smashed between two other passengers. Maybe she could at least see out the window.

A long line of passengers queued up when the boarding announcement was made. Melissa looked in disgust at the people carrying huge bags onto the plane, as if trying to deal with everybody's winter coats wasn't going to cram the overhead bins full enough already. She stayed seated when her own row was called, preferring to wait as long as possible before squeezing into the "flying sardine can," as her brothers referred to the passenger jets. At least Melissa wasn't as tall as they were.

Eventually the line at the gate shortened to a few passengers. Melissa put her glasses on again, knowing it would make it easier to read the seat row numbers, picked up her coat and purse, and moved to the end of the line. Slowly she proceeded down the tunnel to the plane, and began working her way down the center aisle.

When she reached row 19, stopped and checked her pass again. Yes, 19E was supposed to be her seat. But it was already occupied by one of a party of really disgusting looking young men, presumably also college students. Since they were already running their eyes over her body, it wasn't hard to attract his attention. "Excuse me, but I think you're sitting in my seat. 19E?" Of course, Melissa couldn't think of a worse fate than having to sit between his two companions, but she was determined to get home today.

Luckily, or not, depending on how she looked at it, there was no simple solution. "Hey, babe, no way! This seat's mine all the way to Minneapolis." He dragged a mangled boarding pass from the pocket of his jeans and showed it to her. "Of course, maybe we could, like, share it." His friends sniggered to each other as he patted his lap, but Melissa wasted no time considering the offer.

A cabin attendant noticed her standing in the aisle and came to assist. "May I help you?"

Melissa turned to her gratefully and explained. "Yes, thank you. I and this ah, gentleman here seem to have the same seat assignment."

The stewardess examined both boarding passes and sighed. "I'm sorry, it looks like a computer screwup." Melissa silently fumed at the euphemism that really meant 'programmer screwup' or 'operator screwup' -- the computer wasn't to blame in either case.

"Just take any empty seat, miss," was the stewardess's first attempt at resolution. Melissa had barely started to scan the cabin when the head attendant, who had overheard, spoke up. "No good, Val, we're full in coach."

The jerk in her seat made a show of tightening his seat belt. "Finders keepers, losers weepers, right dudes?"

She couldn't believe this was happening to her. Melissa was still simmering from the computer comment, and this last jibe was too much. "I *have* to get to Minneapolis!"

The two attendants huddled and reviewed their options. The image Melissa presented weighed in her favor, as did her civility in the face of the man's disrespect. After a last look at Melissa, the chief stewardess made her decision. "Thanks, Val, I'll take care of this. Ms. Bednar, could you please follow me?"

Melissa's hopes plummeted at the thought of being bumped from the flight, but she saw no alternatives. Her gratitude was all the greater when the attendant paused at the next partition, out of listening range from row 19, and quietly explained. "I apologize for the mistake. We'll seat you in first class, if that is acceptable to you?"

Acceptable? This was fantastic, she'd never flown first class to anywhere. The attendant's slow smile showed she'd read Melissa's response on her face, but the coed hastened offer thanks anyway, after a quick glance at the woman's name tag. "*Very* acceptable, thank you so much, Sandra!" Melissa scanned the small first-class cabin, which was about three-quarters full. "Where should I sit?"

Sandra made her own quick check of the cabin before replying. "We've boarded everyone but the standby passengers. Take any seat you like. May I stow your coat for you?" Melissa gratefully handed her coat to the gracious stewardess and scooted into the window seat close at hand in the last row. Melissa sank into the rich leather seat, so much more spacious and comfortable than what she'd been resigned to in coach. She relaxed as Sandra hung the coat in a garment closet and went forward to speak with the gate agent.

Soon enough, a trickle of additional passengers entered the cabin and moved to fill the remaining empty seats. Melissa turned from the scene outside the window as a middle-aged businessman dropped a briefcase on the seat next to her. He removed his jacket and folded it carefully before placing it in the overhead compartment. With an ease that bespoke frequent practice, he whisked the briefcase under the seat ahead and dropped into place beside Melissa, then fastened his seat belt.

Sighing in relief, the man loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. The two passengers silently sized each other up. She guessed he might be in his late thirties, was losing some of his sandy hair, but was still trim; not unattractive, Melissa decided, and a good suit. Married, too, to judge by the ring on his finger.

He, in turn, saw a beautiful woman, young enough to be a college student, but certainly not dressed like any college student he'd seen. The poise hinted at a higher age, maybe mid or late twenties. And apparently single.

He decided to break the ice. "Boy, I never thought I was going to make it on board. You think I'd learn, but here I am again, traveling on short notice during the holiday season. One of these days I'm going to be stranded for a week in some place like Fargo." Melissa liked his smile. "But it looks like we're both going to escape today. Hi, I'm Jack."

Well, the plane wasn't going anywhere yet, conversation would pass the time. "Pleased to meet you Jack, I'm Melissa." First names only, that was a nice touch. "I know what you mean, I almost didn't make it here myself. But I try not to make a habit of it."

Jack sighed dramatically. "Ah, you are your own woman. Alas, I march on company orders, while the fate of civilization hangs on my shoulders." This was said so comically Melissa couldn't help laughing.

Before she realized it, they were in the air, her precious window vantage all but ignored. Melissa had learned that Jack was a VP of Sales for a large company and frequently crisscrossed the western states that made up his territory. Melissa had let on that she was "in computers" but didn't mention she was only a college freshman. She'd decided that she enjoyed being treated as a real adult and didn't want to break the illusion she apparently presented.

Jack started describing some computerization efforts his company was making and soliciting suggestions. Melissa was knowledgeable about PCs even before starting college, and competently held up her end of the conversation through the first cabin service. Her Scotch was served to her without hesitation, increasing Melissa's confidence, and the taste reminded her of the birthday party not so long ago.

Here she was, just 18 years old, intelligently discussing business strategy with a vice president who obviously admired her body. What a change from the unsure tomboy who'd left home for the unknown Southwest a mere four months ago! Her family would be so proud of her.
