Peer Pressure - Melissa


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Regretfully, Melissa dragged herself out from under the covers, then realized she'd forgotten to pack her fuzzy robe. No doubt it was still hanging on the bathroom door back at school. Well, the sweatshirt should be long enough, at least for family. Quietly, she opened the door and crept down the hall to the bathroom.

She'd almost made it when she heard a low wolf whistle. "Wow, nice cheeks, Sis! That how you dress at school?"

Melissa's face flamed and she hauled down on the bottom of the sweatshirt with both hands as she whirled to face Alan. The youngest of her brothers, only two years older than Melissa, sauntered down the hallway towards her.

"Alan! When did you get in?" Melissa considered, for a second, hugging him, but modesty won out and her hands remained in place.

The two siblings assessed each other as Alan responded, "We drove up from school last night, got in just around breakfast. If the girls in Chicago were as cute as you, I might not have been in such a hurry, but as it is, I'm kinda wasted. So if you'll excuse me, I'll crash for a few hours. But you have to promise we can catch up later."

Melissa giggled; Alan's eyes did look pretty bloodshot up close and his face was covered with stubble. "Go on, get your beauty sleep, it looks like you need it. I'll be around for almost a month, there'll be plenty of time to talk." Placated, he continued down the hall to his own room and entered. The thump of his still-clothed body hitting the bed was distinctly audible -- it was nice to know some things hadn't changed.

Still smiling, the young brunette walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Melissa tugged off the sweatshirt and hung it on the back of the door, then stood in front of the mirror and ran her hands over her sleek body as she considered her morning toilette. Her skin was still soft and smooth. The last waxing hadn't been that long ago, and additional electrolysis treatments had ensured her armpits, the only other real problem area, would remain as bare as her pubic mound.

Melissa's fingers found and absently traced the barely discernible mark on her upper arm that was the only visible sign of her contraceptive implant. When Jacqui had first mentioned a birth control prescription, Melissa had thought of the Pill. Instead, she'd somehow wangled a spot in the clinical trials of the new product that was already wildly popular in Europe. No side effects, no medication to remember, and she was protected for at least two years. Melissa still wasn't sure her selection was completely aboveboard, but she had to admit she fit the patient profile of "sexually active women under age 30 not using other forms of birth control."

*Very* active, Melissa corrected herself with a smile, thinking again of the flight out. She frowned as her roaming fingers detected traces of stickiness around her anus. Well, an enema and a shower would take care of that. Her travel bag was still on the floor where she'd left it last night; Melissa opened it and extracted an enema bulb from the bottom. It wouldn't be nearly as satisfying as one of Jacqui's enemas, but the full bag and hose took up too much space, and assistants were in short supply.

She filled the sink with warm water and added a few drops of bath oil. The pleasant fragrance reached Melissa's nose as she squeezed the bulb, then dipped the tip into the sink and drew in the water. Turning it upright, she pressed out the remaining air, then repeated the filling process to bring the bulb to full capacity.

Melissa spread her legs and leaned forward over the sink. She teased herself, running the tip of the nozzle up and down her crack and then circling her puckered anus. Then the tip was positioned in place, and she relaxed the tight muscle and pressed the rubber into herself with a sigh. A gentle squeeze flushed the warm water into her rectum.

It wasn't enough. The kinky teen withdrew and refilled the bulb two more times before she began to feel the pleasurable pressure in her bowels she craved. Reveling in the ability of her tight ass to hold back the water, Melissa drained the sink and washed the bulb before returning it to its hiding place. Standing again in front of the mirror, she toyed absently with her necklace, then her hands gravitated to her firm breasts.

Inevitably the fondling gave way to masturbation. Melissa was beginning to think about sitting on the toilet, just in case, when the decision was made for her by a knock on the bathroom door. Horrified at the thought of discovery, she threw herself on the toilet seat and asked, in as normal a voice as she could manage, "Who is it?"

"It's Amy," came the answer through the door. "May I come in for a moment? I think I left my rings on the counter by the sink." It was a reasonable request, one Melissa wouldn't have hesitated to grant half a year ago.

Quickly she grabbed an old Sports Illustrated out of the basket next to the toilet and opened it across her lap to conceal her naked sex. Taking a deep breath and clamping down hard on her tiring sphincter, Melissa called, "Come in."

Amy slid in the door and closed it behind her. "Thanks, Lissa. Oh, sure enough, here they are!" The offending engagement and wedding bands were returned to Amy's finger, but instead of leaving immediately, she started brushing her hair and chatting to Melissa. The teen was painfully aware of her stiff nipples and the growing pressure in her bowels. But as on her outings with Jacqui and the flight out, the need to conceal her excitement only fueled Melissa's arousal.

Giving up on her pretense of reading the magazine, Melissa wondered how her sister-in-law would react if she discovered what was going on. Amy had seemed a little wild when John started dating her a few years ago, but that was the viewpoint of a very young and naive high school freshman. The straining brunette could feel herself reaching a peak, and knew she'd have an answer to her question if she wasn't careful.

Oblivious to Melissa's state, Amy finally put down the brush, but instead of leaving she turned to face Melissa and perched on the edge of the counter. "You know, Lissa, I was as surprised as John last night. I knew you'd finally blossom, anybody with eyes could see that, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

Melissa could feel Amy actually looking at her for the first time that morning. "I hope I'm not embarrassing you, but you looked so good in that outfit. And I'd kill to have tits like yours." Amy's eyes narrowed slightly. "How did you avoid getting any tan lines?"

Melissa couldn't hold back any longer and reached an explosive climax. She shuddered and involuntarily crumpled the magazine in her hands as the fire swept through her. The ring of her anus relaxed and allowed the water in her bowels to surge into the toilet. Quickly she looked up at Amy, who had jumped to her feet and was looking at Melissa in concern.

"My God! Lissa, are you all right?" Well, no option now, the teen thought. She managed a weak smile before responding, "Yes, I'm fine. Really. I was just, ah, well, you walked in, um... I was giving myself an enema."

It didn't make sense to Amy. "An enema? But it looked so painful, why would you do that to yourself?"

The blush covered Melissa's face and spread down to her breasts as she explained the misunderstanding. "No, it isn't painful at all, just a little pressure. In fact, ah, I like it. It can be very pleasurable." The next part was the hardest to get out. "It's just that, um, I was feeling really good and you came in, so I tried to hold it in, much longer than usual... Well, anyway, it wasn't pain. I had an orgasm."

Amy's face was red now, too, as she understood what had happened. "God, I feel *so* embarrassed. Why didn't you just ask me to leave? It didn't occur to me you'd mind talking."

Melissa considered carefully, "I was being polite. And I like talking with you, you're my only sister... although I admit I don't remember much of what you said." The shared laugh lightened the atmosphere in the room considerably.

Melissa knew she should leave the explanation at that, but she was still glowing and the words ran off her tongue before she could recall them. "Besides, it was exciting. Coming in front of somebody who wasn't expecting it. I almost couldn't help myself." The silence stretched, and Melissa wondered if she hadn't just made a huge mistake.

"Well," Amy finally pronounced, "I thought *I* had a wild college life. We'll have to chat again about what they're teaching you at that school of yours, Lissa. Some time when the boys aren't around. But you'll have to excuse me now, I'm sure John's wondering what's taking me so long to prepare for our shopping trip. See you at dinner!"

With that she was gone, leaving Melissa to slump against the back of the toilet in relief. A few minutes later she was relaxing even further in the steamy shower, soaping the last lingering secretions from her body. A final rubdown with some bath oil left Melissa's skin feeling sleek and sensual, then she buffed herself dry with the fuzzy terry cloth towel. A quick dash down the hall returned the teen to the relative sanctuary of her own room.

After checking the time, Melissa lifted the phone and dialed Wendy's number from memory. The gruff voice that answered was reassuringly familiar. "Hi, Mr. Hudson. Is Wendy home?" Evidently he hadn't forgotten her voice, either.

"Lissa! Happy Holidays! I swear this phone doesn't ring half as much as it used to since you went off to school; it's good to hear your voice again. My daughter's one step ahead of you though, she just left for your place not five minutes ago."

That meant Wendy would arrive shortly. The trip wasn't much over ten minutes, even on a day like today. "Thanks, Mr. Hudson, I better finish getting ready, then. Happy Holidays to you, too!" Melissa hung up and started looking over her clothes. Definitely something casual, and warm, was called for.

Melissa grabbed a pair of panties and pulled them on. They weren't casual or warm, but hopefully nobody else would know. Her bras were even worse. After a moment of thought, she put them out of mind and found a plain white T-shirt and pulled it on. It was one of her old ones, really a size too small now, but it served its purpose; the Minnesota Twins sweatshirt went back on over top of it.

A pair of heavy corduroy pants, still hanging in the closet from last winter, and her grungy "winter boots" over woolen socks rounded out Melissa's outfit. She was just pulling on the boots when Wendy pounded on the bedroom door and bounced into the room.

"Lissa, how are you? It seems like it's been forever! You *did* cut your hair, your mom was telling me about it, you look so good!" Finally she ran out of breath and the two reunited friends hugged each other fiercely. Melissa found herself fighting the temptation to grind her mound against her friend's thigh and stepped back to a safer distance.

Wendy was looking pretty good herself, Melissa decided; not exactly a beauty, but pretty and extremely extroverted. Bemused, Melissa listened as Wendy outlined her plans for their activities over the coming weeks -- it felt like nothing had changed while she was away. Nothing except herself.


Melissa's nineteenth Christmas was all she had hoped for. The entire family gathered in front of the tree during the morning, as they always did, to open their presents. The fragrance of the pine needles and the changing patterns of colored shadows projected on the ceiling by the flashing lights on the tree brought back warm childhood memories of past years and wonderful toys. The gifts were perhaps not as flashy this year, but deeply appreciated nevertheless.

The rest of the day passed companionably as they overdosed on college football. After a few hours, the men were left to watch on their own. Ellen started work on dinner, Amy decided she needed a bath, and Melissa went up to her room to take a phone call from Wendy. The two friends chatted about their gifts, and Wendy mentioned that she'd gotten invitations to a great New Year's Eve party. The conversation was cut short when Wendy had to leave with her family to drive to her grandparent's house for dinner.

Melissa hung up and lay back on the bed. She thought about heading downstairs again, but decided not to. Football had never been her favorite sport, and she'd been too busy to pay much attention to the standings this season. More bluntly, she was itching for her afternoon fuck. An unexpected wave of longing made Melissa realize that she missed Jacqui, much more than she'd expected.

Chapter 14

As Wendy described it, the lingerie party New Year's Eve was "like a Tupperware party but with underwear instead of Tupperware." It was being hosted by Michelle Grant, whom Melissa remembered as one of the more popular girls at school. Lissa the tomboy hadn't had much to do with that clique back in high school, but apparently Wendy and Michelle were on closer terms now.

Michelle's parents would be away at a firm party in Chicago, so Michelle's guests would have the run of the house. Wendy had indicated about twenty girls and a few lucky guys would be in attendance, together with a sales representative from the company. There would be a large selection of lingerie "and some other stuff" that the girls would model. As a social event, it sounded to Melissa like a bust, but Wendy was excited about it and there might be something nice Melissa could buy for Jacqui.

Melissa opted for a dark leotard and slacks, with the Italian sweater she'd just gotten from her parents over top. It had a nice design, even if it was a bit bulky on her, but she could push up the sleeves or take it off if the heat got to be too much. Her concessions to dressiness were the pearl studs in her ears and, of course, the locket.

Armed with her checkbook, coat, scarf and gloves, she was ready to depart when Wendy arrived just before 8. Her brothers had departed for another party, so Melissa made her good-byes to her parents and reminded them not to wait up for her.

She hopped into the passenger side of Wendy's '72 "land ark" and buckled in as they slewed off down the snow-covered road. Wendy looked good in the red jumper and Christmas print blouse she was wearing, although Melissa couldn't understand how her friend kept from freezing, even if the heater was running full blast.


Quite a few cars were already parked in the Grant's driveway when they arrived, so Wendy found a space on the street and the two walked up the sidewalk to the front door. A few moments after they rang the doorbell, Michelle opened the door and welcomed them in.

"Wendy, come in, welcome! And Lissa, isn't it, I almost didn't recognize you! Just throw your coats anywhere, the closet's already full, then come in, everybody's in the living room." Michelle was wearing a cocktail dress and heels. Melissa complemented her on the look, but thought that the desired effect wasn't quite there. It was something Janet and Jacqui had taught her to look for.

Several pounds lighter, they walked into the living room to join the party. Melissa casually surveyed the gathering and decided it was nearly a social "Who's Who" of her high school year. Many of the best-looking girls from school were present, with a few new, but equally beautiful, faces. The men were a definite minority, but she saw Doug Matthews, Michelle's steady, and a few others in attendance.

Most of the women had dressed up for the occasion, and Melissa was glad she'd decided on the sweater. It was still a little on the casual side, but it complemented her looks. And those, she knew, had improved a great deal from the last year, courtesy of a killer hairstyle and some subtle makeup. Better class than glitz, Melissa thought.

Concentrating how Jacqui would carry herself, she got some eggnog and started making the rounds. Except for Wendy, Melissa didn't really know any of the other guests; she hadn't moved in this social circle. A flash of familiar hair the color of burnished flame caught Melissa's attention. The tresses, still as gorgeous as ever, belonged to Nikki Smoldt, the only member of Michelle's crowd Melissa credited with any real intelligence. They'd gotten to know each other slightly as two of the only six members of the last semester's organic chemistry course. Of course, Melissa wasn't sure if Nikki would deign to talk with her in present company.

If a number of the guests were surprised at her metamorphosis from the gangly outcast of last year, they for the most part still underestimated the actual change. They quietly envied the face and hair, but still saw only pants and a formless sweater in place of jeans and a sweatshirt. Only a few noticed the underlying grace and recently developed confidence that made her the most attractive woman in the room.

One of those perceptive individuals was Doug Matthews, who earned an elbow in the ribs and a glare from Michelle when she noticed his attention had drifted from herself. Another was the visiting sales representative, who'd had the advantage of seeing Melissa's new look before. Melissa nearly dropped her eggnog when she realized who had intercepted her. "Amy! What are you doing here?"

Laughing, Amy tapped the breast of her suit jacket, which was adorned with a name tag: "Amy L. Johannsen, Marketing Associate, Sweet Dreams Ltd." Catching her breath, she added, "I'm the official purveyor of merchandise for this assembly. What's your excuse?"

"Well," Melissa began, "it's a homework assignment. You know, for those classes we were talking about. Does John know where you are?"

Amy rolled her eyes theatrically. "Of course. He lost interest in these jobs when he discovered I don't actually do any modeling myself. You see," she leered, "he gets private preview showings at home." Both of them giggled furiously.

Michelle wandered over, attracted by the laughter. "You two know each other?" she asked curiously.

The two replied in unison, "Know each other? She's my sister-in-law!" "I use my maiden name at work," Amy added by way of explanation.

Michelle decided it was time to regain control of the party before Melissa's disruptive influence spread. "It looks like everybody's here. Why don't we start the show?"

Amy was suddenly all business. "Okay. I'll go make sure everything's laid out in the bedroom, you can send back the first volunteers and get things rolling." With a nod, Michelle turned and began calling for attention. Amy started toward the hall, but Melissa grabbed her arm for a moment.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, Amy." After getting a quick smile in reply, Melissa started looking for Wendy.

The crowd came slowly to order. Wendy had saved her a small spot at the end of one of the crowded couches, but Melissa elected to sprawl on the floor and leaned against the arm of the couch. It certainly gave her more room to stretch, and with the pants she had no need to worry about modesty. Her friend leaned over and whispered to Melissa, "I don't know what it is, but you look really great tonight. I saw the way Doug was watching you earlier. Can you believe it?"

Melissa turned and whispered back, "I can't, but I think Michelle can. I don't think she'd be very happy about my crashing her party and taking her boyfriend." Wendy started to protest that they were not party crashers, but Michelle started her announcement and everybody turned to listen.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're enjoying yourselves tonight." Cheers from the girls and wolf whistles from the guys confirmed the crowd was in a good mood. The bounty of the liquor cabinet hadn't hurt much, either.

"We've got a very special show planned for you, put on by our very own glamour models." She dropped a curtsy and gestured to the audience and the girls peering around the corner of the hall entrance as the applause returned more loudly. "Thank you. First I'd like to introduce Ms. Amy Johannsen, of Sweet Dreams Limited, who will explain what you'll be seeing tonight. Amy?"
