Peer Pressure - Melissa


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When the cabin announcement for lunch and the movie came on, Melissa decided she'd better use the bathroom while she had the chance. Jack graciously moved into the aisle to let her out, then watched her walk forward, admiring the firm buttocks flexing under the row of ivory buttons. He resumed his seat and contemplated the possibilities. A cold shower wasn't available, so Jack settled for twisting the overhead vents to full open.

In the lavatory, Melissa was noticing the buttons, too. They looked good, but were a great deal more inconvenient than a zipper. She hadn't noticed this morning, when Jacqui had helped fasten them, but they were awkward to unfasten. Finally Melissa removed the skirt completely, hiked up the short slip, and dropped her panties before relieving herself.

After wiping herself, Melissa slid the panties back up her legs. Out of force of habit, she slid two fingers into herself and rubbed them back and forth until her juices began to flow. When Melissa stopped, she could feel her clit throbbing with desire. Almost she started to pull the underwear into place, but then remembered Jacqui wasn't with her, and wouldn't be for a month.

The brunette sank back onto the toilet seat with a little sigh, and began stroking herself more urgently. Her thoughts wandered, then she imagined Jack fucking her on the bed in the dorm while Jacqui looked on. It was enough to send her into orgasm; her moan was drowned in the noise of the aircraft.

She dressed afterwards, carefully. It was even harder to fasten the buttons properly. Melissa gave up on fastening them in front and turning the skirt, it pulled her blouse all funny. Finally she succeeded in fastening the top ten buttons. That was barely enough to come down over the curve of her ass. A look in the tiny mirror assured Melissa she was decent and her slip didn't show as long as she didn't stride out too strongly. She checked her appearance from ahead in the mirror and left.

The short subject "news" was already playing and lunch was being served when Melissa stepped into the aisle. Luckily the first class cabin was small enough that the stewardess didn't need to bring the food cart down the aisle. Melissa walked quickly, but with short steps, down to her row.

Jack started to get up, but she eyed the generous spacing between the seats and motioned him to stay put. "Don't bother, I'll just slide across."

He slid back into his seat and watched as Melissa did just that. She was not even a foot in front of Jack's face, and he couldn't help noticing the extra buttons undone at the bottom. Nor could he resist the view as her sideways step over his briefcase parted the opening before him. The gap revealed the bottom of the thin slip pulled tight over the eggs of her buttocks and a hint of the lacy tops of her stockings. And unless the lighting had thrown him, Jack thought that her face was a little flushed.

Melissa settled to enjoy her meal, accompanied by a second Scotch which Jack insisted she accept. A few minutes later, the movie started. Melissa politely lowered her window shades, even though she had no interest in the film, which she'd seen already in its unedited form. It certainly wasn't worth watching on a screen smaller than the TV at home, after the airline censors had gotten finished butchering it.

The relative darkness of the cabin was comforting and reminded Melissa she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. When Sandra came by to collect the lunch service, Melissa asked for a blanket and pillow. Soon she lay back to nap, warmed by the blanket and impressed again with the amount of space available to the first class passengers. Jack turned on his reading light and began working on some notes; the low hum of the plane and scratching of his pencil on the paper lulled Melissa to sleep.


A faintly pleasurable sensation brought Melissa slowly out of her slumber. Jack's hand was gently rubbing her knee. She opened her eyes and found his light had been turned off; the shape of his hand moving under her blanket was just visible in the dim illumination. When the orbiting hand began to drift up her leg under her skirt, Melissa's pussy began to leak into her panties but she pinned Jack's hand with her own.

He twisted his wrist to catch her, then slowly withdrew both hands from under the blanket. Melissa watched without saying a word as Jack pressed her palm against his crotch, hidden beneath the still lowered tray table. She felt him bulge beneath his slacks and squeezed slightly, tracing the outline of his organ with her fingertips. Now caught up by her excitement, the aroused brunette did not resist as his hand returned to her thigh and slipped under the skirt.

Melissa closed her eyes and slid down in the seat, parting her legs to allow the intruder easier access. Her breathing had deepened and her lips parted in an unvocalized sigh; the sight of her like this fueled Jack's own arousal. While his left hand continued its journey past the tops of the girl's stockings, his right hand pulled hers to his zipper. Slowly she pulled it down, then reached into the fly of his undershorts to wrap her hand about his throbbing member. Melissa reached further, to caress the heavy sack nesting between his legs, before retreating and pulling the swollen penis into the cool cabin air.

Delicately Jack began to stroke the surface of the moist panties hidden beneath the ivory skirt and was excited to feel only bare flesh, no hair, beneath the lacy fabric. His cock jerked and several drops of precome glistened at its tip. They were quickly detected by Melissa, who was slowly jerking him; she ran a finger over the bulbous head to collect the syrup, then transferred it to her mouth.

The exquisite hand job soon resumed, the strokes coming more quickly as Jack pushed Melissa's panties aside and inserted his fingers into her soaking cleft. She knew she was nearing her climax when her hips started to ride up off the seat, but Melissa wanted Jack to come first. And it wouldn't do to get semen on his nice suit.

Melissa took Jack by surprise when she suddenly pushed his tray table up into seat ahead and locked it. She pulled his hand from between her legs and rolled over to take him deep into her mouth. Jack looked frantically across the aisle, but the couple there were still engrossed in the movie. Their headphones apparently masked the liquid sounds of his saliva-covered prick moving in and out of Melissa's warm mouth.

Quickly Jack lost interest in his surroundings as Melissa continued to suck and lick his shaft while massaging his balls through his slacks. Soon he was spurting jets of thick semen down her throat and trying not to cry out. Melissa had just finished licking him clean when the other passengers began opening their shades and they realized the movie had ended.

Melissa sat back in her seat as Jack hurriedly stuffed his cock back into his pants and zipped his fly. She was still filled with a burning craving that would be difficult to satisfy now. "Jack, I need you in me. I want it so bad."

Already the plane was making its descent, but the passengers heading up front gave Jack an idea. "The bathrooms. Watch which one I go in. Wait a minute, then follow me in, I'll leave it unlocked." Suiting action to words, he rose and headed forward.

Soon after, Melissa followed him up the aisle, wondering if any of the passengers would notice a second person entering the lavatory. In any event, she made it inside and was in Jack's arms even before she could lock the door.

Their tongues lashed against each other, but Melissa wanted more, wanted Jack's delicious cock thrusting inside her. "Fuck me hard, Jack." He began fumbling with her skirt, but Melissa solved the problem by leaning against the wall over the toilet with her legs spread as far as the small compartment would allow. Again the skirt parted to provide ready access to her waiting cunt.

Jack wasted no time in withdrawing his hardening cock, pushing the bottom of her slip up just a bit, and thrusting past the panties into Melissa's dripping slit. Melissa reveled in the sensation as the prick moved in and out of her. She suddenly thought of the aftermath, the semen draining back out of her and down her legs, and no chance to clean up. Fortunately a simple solution presented itself. "I want it up the ass," she cried, "Ream me up my butt!"

He backed up and tugged Melissa's panties down. She had to pull her legs together before they could drop to her ankles and she could get one foot free. Quickly she was back in position, even as the speaker announced that all passengers should return to their seats and fasten their belts for landing.

Her ass opened easily for Jack, and the hot, slick hole molded itself to him as he pumped rapidly in and out with long, hard strokes. Melissa shuddered violently and cried with the force of her orgasm. The sight of the gorgeous girl he hadn't known until a few hours ago climaxing while he violated her ass was enough to bring Jack off again, and he ejaculated into her milking bowels.

Jack quickly fastened his slacks and exited the cubicle, mindful of the earlier cabin announcement. Melissa was still leaning against the wall and panting, a few drops of come leaking from her twitching sphincter, basking in the glow of another successful conquest, when Sandra unexpectedly opened the lavatory door. The stewardess's face flushed red then white as she took in the scene.

Melissa turned and could only come up with, "Oh, hi, Sandra."

Grimly, the outraged attendant stepped in and slapped Melissa across the face. "You slut!" She turned Melissa around and showered more blows on her. "Disgusting whore! How dare you perform such perversions on my plane?"

To the freshman, it was just like Jacqui's beatings, and the blows produced the same pleasurable heat in her body. She closed her eyes and started moaning, which brought a righteous smile to Sandra's face. When Melissa began gasping, "Oh yes, please, more! I've been a bad girl!" horrified realization transformed the attendant's face and she backed away from Melissa as if the brunette were a leper. "Get back to your seat now, or I'll inform the Captain!" The lavatory door slammed closed and Melissa was left alone again.

Fright returned Melissa to her senses, and she decided it would not be wise to risk discovering if Sandra was bluffing. Regretfully, the quivering coed pulled her panties back into place, trusting them to contain any fluid that might escape her tight sphincter. The slip was tugged down and smoothed with quick brushes of her hands. Remembering how easily Jack had penetrated her, Melissa decided she needed to fasten a few more of the buttons on her skirt, although it took precious time.

A look in the mirror revealed a red mark across one cheek where Sandra had slapped her. Hopefully it would not be too noticeable if she was careful not to look at anybody. And with luck, it would fade to obscurity before she made it into the airport terminal. Melissa quickly returned to her seat, slid across in front of Jack again, and buckled up just as the plane crossed the airport boundary.

"Thank you for keeping me company," she said to Jack as the plane taxied to the terminal gate.

"It was my pleasure, Melissa, I assure you," he replied with a knowing smile. "Do you have any plans here? Will somebody be meeting you?"

It was hard to disappoint him, but this had been only a casual dalliance. And she really did have plans. "Yes, my family will be meeting me. Maybe on another trip?" Both knew they would never see each other again.

They rose with the others and Jack retrieved his jacket from the overhead compartment. Standing with the others, the two wished each other Merry Christmas, then moved to disembark. Another advantage to flying first class, Melissa decided, you don't have to wait to get off. Pun intended, she thought with a giggle.

She collected her coat as she passed the closet, then queued out the door. Sandra very pointedly did not thank her for flying Northwest, but Melissa didn't care. Jack was just another faceless passenger now as Melissa took the last steps out into the terminal lobby and looked for her reception committee.

Melissa scanned the crowd and quickly located her brother, John, and his wife, Amy. It was an easy task for the brunette since he was tall enough to stand out and still looked just as she remembered. She pushed her way across the packed waiting area and had almost reached him before Melissa saw the double-take and welcoming smile.

Two of his long strides closed the remaining gap. Before Melissa could say anything, John asked her, "Excuse me, have you seen my sister? She's a little brat about your size, went away to school to become a computer nerd. She's supposed to be on this flight, but I don't see her anywhere."

Melissa shrieked, "John!" and punched him in the shoulder, then he pulled her into a bear hug that lifted her feet from the floor. After a long moment he set her down again and held her at arm's length.

"I can't believe the way you look. Dad will probably have a stroke when you walk into the house. And you cut your hair! Has the world ended?"

"Oh be quiet!" Amy interjected. "Ignore him, Lissa, you know men get this way around a beautiful woman. And welcome home." Melissa hugged her sister-in-law, then the trio linked arms, John in the middle, and headed for the baggage claim. In about an hour, the coed would truly be home.

Chapter 13

When the car stopped in the driveway, Melissa dashed for the warmth of the house, leaving John to bring her suitcase. The coat wasn't enough after the months spent in the sunny Southwest. Although it was still early in the evening, the short winter day had already passed into darkness, but the welcoming porch light illuminated her path.

I'm glad I beat the storm, Melissa thought, these shoes would be murder in snow or on ice. She carefully mounted the front steps and was just about to open the front door when her parents, alerted by the noise of the car, beat her to it.

Melissa threw herself into her mother's open arms and the two Bednar women held each other close, shedding tears of joy at their reunion. Her father waited patiently to usher John and Amy in the door before closing it, then Melissa was hugging him as well. "It's good to be home again," Melissa sighed blissfully, "but I think my blood has forgotten about winter!"

They all laughed, then her mother urged her to come and get a bite to eat in the kitchen. Her father, Henry, playing the gracious host, offered to take her outerwear. Melissa unwound the wool scarf from her neck and unbuttoned the heavy coat, finally revealing her new, short curls and then her costume. John and Amy wore wide grins of anticipation as Henry exclaimed, "Why Lissa, your hair is so short!..." Melissa couldn't remember the last time he'd been at a loss for words.

Ellen Bednar, halfway to the kitchen, turned back when she heard her husband's comment. Melissa watched her mother's eyes widen in surprise, then glared at John, who had started laughing. She looked back again at her mother, who was walking slowly back toward her. "What do you think, Mom? Do you like it?"

A pleased smile gradually appeared on Ellen's face. "My Lord, Lissa, you must finally be growing up! I can't believe it, I don't think I'd recognize you if we passed on the street. I can't remember the last time I saw you wearing something besides jeans. Here, model for me."

Happily, Melissa pirouetted and walked a circle around the room, showing off the graceful lines of the skirt and blouse. "Don't say good-bye to the jeans yet, Mom. I nearly froze my legs off in this skirt!"

John took the coat from Henry, who seemed to have forgotten it, and commented, "Kind of a shock to realize you only have three sons and not four, eh, Dad?"

Amy joined in the gentle teasing, "Don't worry, you got used to a daughter-in-law, a daughter's almost exactly the same thing."

Henry shook himself back to reality and answered, "Perhaps, but it's still a shock. I raise Lissa for 17 years, then let her out of my sight for one semester and *this* happens!"

Soon they were all gathered around the kitchen table, sipping coffee or hot chocolate, while Melissa entertained them with stories of her first semester away from home. The tale, while true, left unspoken her more exotic extracurricular activities, and glossed over the reasons Janet had "dropped out." That left plenty to talk about, and Melissa was still going strong, assisted by a favorable jet lag, when the rest of the family began yawning.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's getting late, isn't it?" the teen asked. "I'd better get to bed too, I don't want to sleep in too late. I have some final Christmas shopping to do."

The remark evidently triggered a memory inside her father's head. "That reminds me, Wendy called earlier today. She wants you to give her a call, she mentioned doing some shopping too."

Melissa decided she'd call first thing the next morning; it would be great to see Wendy again and have a chance to catch up on the real gossip. "Fine, I'll give her a ring tomorrow. I assume you haven't given away my room?"

The question was rhetorical, but her mother answered anyway. "It's still just the way you left it. I'm sure you can get John to carry your suitcase upstairs. There's a towel and washcloth for you in the bathroom."

A few minutes later, Melissa was alone in her room. It was comfortingly familiar, but somehow it looked different after a few months away. She couldn't help smiling at the strange contrast between the determinedly feminine comforter her mother had picked out and the posters on the wall: "Tron" surrounded by famous baseball players. Neither was a perfect match for the clothes she'd finished hanging in the closet.

Sighing, she kicked off her pumps and started working on the buttons on her blouse and skirt. Once free of them, Melissa pulled her slip over her head and felt the goose bumps start to rise on her bare skin. She unhooked the bra and tossed it in drawer with her other lingerie, then slid her still-damp panties down her long legs.

Melissa stooped to pick them up, then held them to her face and inhaled. Her own scent came strongly to the teen, along with a subtle trace of another. Carefully, Melissa licked them clean of the few drops of semen that had escaped her ass, then decided they'd pass muster. She couldn't hide them from her mother forever, and Melissa couldn't visualize her sniffing underwear for telltale clues. Best to proceed as if nothing was amiss.

The panties went into the hamper, then Melissa pulled on her favorite Twins sweatshirt. It was much too heavy for school, but perfect for a night like this. Now a little warmer, she sat on the bed and rolled the stockings down her legs. They too were tossed in the hamper.

The alarm clock was set for 9, a precaution Melissa thought she might need on account of the time change. Then she turned out the light and wriggled under the blankets until she was comfortable. The old bed was better by a long shot than the one at school, and even Jacqui's bed wasn't really the same. Of course, it came with Jacqui -- no, Melissa told herself, best not to think about that. Think about vacation instead. She fell asleep planning her day with Wendy.


Gentle music dragged Melissa from her dreams the next morning. Her clit was throbbing and she realized she'd trapped her hand between her moist thighs. Well, it wasn't much of a surprise, considering that her body was used to going jogging each morning about this time. Melissa huddled in the warmth of the bed, lazily stroking herself, and looked out the window; she could see the snow falling outside. It looked like morning jogs would be off for this trip.

It was pleasant, lying awake listening to the tinny speaker in the old clock-radio, and not having to get up. Melissa listened until the weather forecast came on and learned the light snow was expected to continue most of the day with the temperature struggling into the mid-20's. She nearly rolled over at that and went back to sleep, but that wasn't the game plan she had laid out for the day.
