Pink Juice


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What is this Corporation? Who are these people, testing biological weaponry on people without their content. What did I do to deserve this?! What did any of these men do to deserve this?! I assume by now that these men are in the same boat as me; the same sad sinking boat weighed down by heavy ballsacks and with panties instead of lifejackets.

I don't want to help them bring this product to market. What's to stop me from going to the press or the police or a hospital right now and telling them everything I've just been told... I think about what I'm saying. It's like a bad joke. A man walks into a hospital and says 'Doctor! Doctor! A girl made it so I can't cum.' 'OK sir, can you strip off for me? - What are you wearing sir?...

And if there are shady government secrets involved in this M&R project there's no way the authorities aren't going to be in on it. (edited)

So it really does come down to this. Sign this contract, get on the bus and tour this facility and aid their research, whatever that means, earn the antidote and finally lose this hot and heavy load.

Or decline, drag my heavy nuts home to live a life completely denied of any orgasm. For the rest of my life. Every erection an edge only, every stimulus futile and frustrating. Not even with a partner. Fuck, that would mean no children, should it ever come to that. I'd be effectively sterilised too. And in return? A set of lingerie as eternally blue as my balls. It's almost laughable, but I'm not smiling.

I mean they do feel pretty nice to wea- NO. They don't! Stop it!

My body feels hot and tingly and I feel very thirsty. I know I'm craving Pink Juice and the shimmering enticing lightness it gives, but now I know for certain what it takes too.. I must kick this habit. This four day habit. Oh god I'm in trouble. Oh god I want another sip... My mind is clouding over again. My thoughts are becoming pink and fluffy.

'V-Violet, can I see the contract please?' I take it from her, but I absent-mindedly take the pen too, even clicking it ready for use.

'W-what will happen to my current job? What about rent and bills? And what's this special treat you mentioned?' I know what I hope it is... It's absolutely filthy but I know what I want. I'm too befuddled to notice I'm thinking out loud... 'Will you help me cum, Violet?'

You won't have any problems if you come with us. We will take good care if you. And yes this will allow you to cum. It's quite a simplistic fix actually. Now be quick, the bus is leaving soon. Sign it. Or don't.

OK. OK. OK. I look over the contract. Lots of legalese and I'm shit at scan-reading. Blah blah... sign away... legally binding... blah blah... forfeit all rights... blah blah... continuous submission... perpetual servitude... blah blah... personality reshaping... sexual remaking... subjugation... bondage... irreversible transformation... objectification... blah blah... dental plan - ooh that sounds good.

As I look at the page the words swim, rising out of the turbulent surface of the page. Everything has a vaguely pink hue. God I'm thirsty... And horny...

I mean how bad can it be?

I sign.



Print full name.

And a kiss at the bottom: xxx

'I-I've done it, Violet...'

Violet rolls up the contract and hands it to a very strong looking man I'd had not noticed. She plants a hot kiss on my lips and pulls something from behind her back. 'There is one more thing, sweetheart. The location of our facility is a secret. We used to use blindfolds but a few people sneaked a look and, well, it ruined that for everyone. Now we have a much more efficient transit system.' She holds out an intimidating black can, its packaging is in the style of the pink juice. 'We call it Blackout. Drink this and you will fall into a blissful sleep for a few hours. It's completely safe, don't worry. I'll be drinking one too.

She gently takes my hand and we sit together on the bus. The cans are passed out, and it seems soon we will be too. Her beautiful face is inches away, doe eyes looking imploringly into mine as she cracks open her can. Though my mind is focussed on her a second crack tells me my hands have done just as she asked. Did she ask? She didn't have to.

She raises her can in a playful 'cheers', though the only sound is a giggle only I'm close enough to hear. Just for me. We drink.

Violet gets tired first. She rests her head on my shoulder, cuddling close. Her hand rests on my chest, right on top of my bra. I start to drift off. My vision goes pink, then black.


I awake after one of the most blissful and relaxed night's sleep I've ever had, assuming I was only out for that long. I feel so well rested, it's like I've slept for a week. I'm not groggy at all, I feel free of heaviness, aches and pains and all my confusion and anxiety feel like they've been washed away in the morning tide. Even the desperation in my loins merely feels like a low thrum, something I can handle at least, for the time being. I've been promised an antidote and an orgasm. I've not forgotten that overnight. I remember the clerk in the lingerie store was at the warehouse district yesterday too... Actually was it even yesterday? How long have I been out? I remember there were a bunch of guys, and then Violet kissed me.

Yeah, I remember her kissing me

My heart flutters a little and I feel myself blushing. I recall her warm lips against mine, the sweet lavender aroma of her perfume and the soft aura of her closeness...

Oh Violet...

My dick twitches, making motions towards hardness. I shut out thoughts of my dream girl. I have to. That way horniness lies, and right now that's a fool's errand, but when I'm cured of my Pink Juice problem... I wonder how much of that pink hair will be visible under all the white...

I'm on a cot in an all white room, wearing only my underwear and covered with a simple silk sheet. It feels amazing. My skin feels radiant and softer to the touch than normal, and I'm more aware of the silken caress of my panties and bra against my sensitive parts. It feels exciting, and also a little more... acceptable?

The silk on my body tingles and I wake feeling incredibly refreshed. Whatever's in that black drink is worth another sip. I'm not even worried that I have no idea where I am. I get out of bed, standing, stretching and yawning. Reality starts to come back into focus.

Finding very little in the room - least of all any clothing - I sit down on the cot, enjoying the lack of tension in my body and how the silken underwear and sheets feel against me.

No sooner have I relaxed there's a knock and the door opens - it's her! It's Violet!

She's changed clothing since she fell asleep on me on the bus - my heart melts at the memory. I have a tender feeling of calmness; she and I are going to be together, I just know it.

'Welcome to the production facility. You're looking awfully cute this morning! I am sure you are filled with questions. I am here to answer a few of them.'

Now dressed in a medical lab coat - and looking gorgeous in it - she eyes me up and down in my lingerie. I feel objectified and embarrassed but I don't rush to cover myself; I merely blush again. I'm happy to see her and am happy to be seen by her, though as she passes me a pink jumpsuit I quickly begin to put it on, grateful for some semblance of dignity.

'This is a standard issue worker uniform. Put it on. Panties are also required but you're already set there. See I saved you a step!' She flashes a wicked smile. 'Now, we've already checked you in and processed you. The facility is all about fair pay for fair work. Now follow me please, I'll be leading your orientation. Besides, I've got a special interest in seeing your first day here.

H-hi Violet. Where are we? The Production Facility? A sudden wave of lust washes over me and battle the urge to take her in my arms and kiss her. 'What's going on here? What do they do? Is this where they make the Pink Juice?'

The dam bursts and questions pour out of me now.

'Do you work here? Are the other people from the bus here? Why was the lingerie shop girl with you yesterday? What is it I'm going to be doing here?' And most importantly, 'when can I have the antidote?' My desire has been building now, and it surfaces now as a mumbled whisper. 'I really want to cum, Violet...'

Violet patiently waits for my barrage of questions, her answers are brisk;

'Yes this is the production facility, you're here to be a worker. Let's talk about the antidote later. Follow me I have something very exciting to show you.'

'Yes, yes ok Violet.' The jumpsuit feels light and airy against my limbs and I notice the swishing sound it makes as I walk.

Violet leads me out of the room and down several anonymous corridors. The sound of machinery and activity is coming from up ahead. I feel a little more nervous with each step, but curiosity keeps me going; that and watching Violet's hips sway back and forth as she leads me onward.

We stop in front of a heavy door, but Violet opens it deftly with some kind of code and it slides open to reveal an enormous factory floor. We step onto a metal gantry overlooking hundreds of girls diligently working the line of this canning facility.

Yes, remarkably all the workers are women. They're all wearing the same pink jumpsuit as I am, and if Violet's offhanded mention of my panties was anything to go by I bet they're all wearing something sexy underneath it too.

Many of them are lithe and beautiful, overalls somehow betraying all manner of luscious curves, but, just as in the real world, many aren't so lucky. I must be even hornier than I thought to be ogling them like this but lots of the girls are flat chested or sadly sans booty. An unfortunate few - actually more than a few - even look quite masculine; hulking frames with broad shoulders threatening to rip apart the pink jumpsuit at the seams.

I've fallen behind Violet in all the distraction and now she looks over her shoulder to me, grinning. Everything she does looks seductive to me now. God I hope she helps me to cum soon...

I catch up to her as we make a left at the end of the gantry, finding a larger terrace and an office overlooking the activity below. Violet is already opening the door and stepping through like she owns the place; and a label on the door suggests she does:

Mistress Violet.

'Have a seat,' she says, and I do as instructed. The office is big and pink and she settles herself comfortably behind a wide, intimidating desk.

'Now before we begin I want you to meet someone. One of your new colleagues.' She taps a button on her desk. A buzzing noise emanates across the facility, and is followed by the clicking of heels trotting desperately down the hall, and getting closer.

A woman enters. Well, woman might not be the best word; a barbie bimbo might be a more apt description. She's a living caricature of sexualised femininity. She enters and immediately curtsies to Violet, who by merely lifting a finger instructs her stand passively in the corner. I stare open mouthed at her, and she stares at nothing, her mouth doing much the same. I can't believe she's real, but her breasts heave in her corset enough to show she is breathing. Her hair is ludicrously blonde and her painted eyes suggest she hasn't had a thought for about four days. She's a human sex doll. My cock strains hard in my panties and I feel a futile little dribble of precum leak into them.

'This is Bimbo. She used to have another name but we don't care to remember it. She's one of the longest serving workers here, though she's something of a troublemaker. So many product rejections, so many complaints. She gets really poor reviews.


'Yes. You see, each day you'll be given a review. High marks get you closer to your reward; that of course being the antidote to your libido problem and a cure for your... blockage.

But for every day you perform unsatisfactorily you will be given more Pink Juice, factory strength of course. It contains quite a bit of estrogen, among other things. It will slowly change your mind and body until you resemble something similar to this fine specimen you see before you. Bimbo, tell us what you think about that? Speak.'

A look of confusion troubles the Bimbo's plucked eyebrows for a moment, but she opens her thick painted lips a little too wide and says 'I don't think I only obey.'

'Good girl,' coos Violet, and Bimbo smiles vacantly at the compliment. Now Violet turn to me, holding me in a gaze that would melt rock. "Now I bet you want to know what the antidote is, don't you?"

I'm aghast. 'The Pink Juice will turn me into THIS?!' The bimbo looks over to me, registering me for the first time. She doesn't seem to be offended that I just referred to her as a 'this' . I know instantly that I have to get the antidote at all costs, whatever it is.

'What's the antidote Violet?' I whisper feebly, 'I don't want to become like her... 'No offence!' I say in an even small voice to the bimbo. She smiles vacantly at being spoken to.

Violet taps a few times on the keypad on a cupboard behind her; a hiss and a cloud of cool air reveal it to be a fridge and a new can emerges from it, glistening with condensation and glinting with promise.

'This is Gold. It will cure your pervy problem and cease any negative effects from Pink Juice.' I instinctively start for it, but she clamps a decisive hand on the can.

'You have to earn it. It doesn't come cheap. And if you get to Bimbo's level over there... I mean yeah, you will be able to cum, but your body doesn't change back. Ever. So those are the stakes. Work hard and earn the Gold. Understand?'

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

'Tell me can your horny little brain can process this.'

So it's work to earn the Gold, or fail and be force fed the Pink...

Fail too many times and I become... bimbofied...

'Oh fuck.'

'Language, Charlie.'

And.... oh god... I'm so terrified to ask this that when I ask it's barely a breath, but I know the answer already. '...was this on the contract?'

'Multiple times.' She slides a small silver tube across the table. 'Put on this lipstick.'

I look over at the bimbo. How much Pink Juice has she had? A hundred cans? A thousand? Five?

Your previous job and rental lease have been terminated and your apartment cleaned out. We even sold your car. You live here now. We own you. Do as you're told and it will all go well.

I'm speechless. I'm as speechless as the bimbo is thoughtless. I've signed my life away for merely a chance at an orgasm. My life is over. All I can hope for is not to become her.

They own me. THEY OWN ME.

It feels as though there's no floor. All the colour in the world fades to black. I scramble for a way out but I know the contract is watertight and my fate is sealed. I sealed it.

'You've been a bad boy, Charlie. Very bad. This little stunt has already earned you today's demerit, and tomorrow's too, in fact.' She slides something across the table. It's the note I left in my apartment.

I heave. If that note is here it means nobody's coming to help me, and that these M&R people are capable of anything.

'Lipstick, sissy. Now.'

The words 'do as you're told' ring in my ear. My trembling hand reaches for the lipstick but I look up, not recognising that word.

'Sissy? What's a sissy?'

"A femboy who does as he's told. A man made a woman but with little left but a few useful holes and a nice pair of panties. You are well on your way there."

Violet reaches behind the desk and brings out two cans of pink juice. " One for each of you" she smiles and laughs as bimbo wastes no time cracking it open and drinking it greedily. "You best drink up sissy, it's a long first shift and I would love to see you eventually earn your release!"

I'm beside myself in anguish. 'You're going to make me into a woman?!' I instinctively point at Bimbo standing meekly in the corner.

'Bimbo was a man when she started, silly sissy. Now drink or I will let her have your juice."

I feel faint. I shift forward in my chair feeling the nausea rise in shock. Violet's words echo around my murky pink skull; "Nothing left but a few useful holes and a nice set of panties..." As I move I feel the underwear move against my ass and my chest constricted by the bra. Oh god, it's already begun...

I feel tears on my cheeks. 'Drink the Pink Juice and report to your first shift. Or do you want a double demerit on your first report?'

I'm still struggling to comprehend. I look at Bimbo. Bimbo looks through me. I reach for the can.

Click goes the ring pull.

Fizz go the bubbles.

I need to drink something, anything...

Even this.

Violet smiles at me with intense, burning eyes.

I sob as I feel the sparkling fruity flavour on my tongue again. I sob as it fills my mouth again. I sob as I swallow.

I shut my eyes. The world is dark and hopeless. I feel it grow pink and hopeless.

I place the empty can on Violet's desk.

Bimbo totters over, helping me, her new colleague stand. She takes my hand and drags towards the door. I don't resist. Violet waves after me cutely; 'Charlie I do hope to see you succeed. Behave and enjoy and perhaps I will see you at your mid year review?' The door shuts. There is nothing but silence.


Two weeks later. A dreary day in a dull city. A man is walking to his boring job. A bright pink truck. Sexy girls, drinks cans and, of course, Violet.

"Want to try a free sample cutie? You look a little tired. This energy drink will change your life!"


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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

What a great story. Please continue to write some. Now we can only imagine what she has to do to earn the money. I would love to have a Pink Juice right now.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

I absolutely adored this story!! It turned me on no end and now all I can think about is working at the factory!

I needs me some Pink Juice

SomaSlaveSomaSlave3 months ago

You are a talented writer with a wonderfully twisted point of view. This is as nice a bit of erotic horror as I've read in a while: no tentacles going in NSFW places, no succubi attacking our hero, only a poor schlub who may or may not deserve his fate. The writing pace perfectly matches his unravelling situation. Well done!

yllib24yllib246 months ago

damn i wish there was more

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

An excellent story which scratches my chemically-induced, matriarchal authoritarian erotica itch. Please continue.

gcharisgcharis7 months ago

Damn diabolical, powerful story! I would love to see Charlie "progress" to Bimbo's level! Thanks for a great read!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

amazing story a must read and get me 6 cans of pink juice asap im ready

LucySmutteringsLucySmutterings8 months ago

Loved it! Charlie's little miss-adventure is hot and maybe even a bit familiar..? Great work LK!

bat_08bat_088 months ago

Unbelievable story. AMAZING. Truly...thank you!

EmmaThorneEmmaThorne9 months ago

What a FABULOUS story! Violet is the evil manipulative seductress I DREAM and ASPIRE to be! A true Goddess, in Her highest form! Well done, Kitten!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So intense! The hottest story I've read in a long while. It builds slowly, spiraling down down down into the pink. It's a tale of seduction, corruption, addiction. My only critique is I want more. Just like charlie, I want more Pink Juice..

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

great one, loved it

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I enjoyed this very much. Very inventive.

There are several inconsistencies and other errors in the writing. You should consider making use of Literotica's free editing program.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Super good, but they didn't need to trick me. In today economy accomodation, food and dental would of been enough.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Im adicted! I need more!!

walt555walt5559 months ago

Excited and pissed for Charlie lol , I sure there's more coming soon!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very Unique! I felt sorry and thrilled for Charlie!

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