Poly at the Poly Pt. 06

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For the three couples, switching partners changes everything.
  • November 2022 monthly contest
14.7k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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I stood frozen in the doorway, mouth agape. An actual, honest-to-God, Disney princess was standing in the middle of our hotel room.

I'd seen so much crazy stuff the past few days at Disney. So many unexpected, incredible moments -- I was never going to be able to process them all. Watching my innocent wife transform into a sex-crazed slut for an older man. Screwing my wife's best friend in the same room. All while a third couple, that friend's husband and the woman he'd lusted after for decades, fucked nearby.

And that was just one encounter only a few hours before.

Our perfectly normal, completely chaste, couples' vacation had gone absolutely crazy. So much so, that seeing an actual Disney character at Disney World was the most unexpected thing I'd witnessed so far.

Except she wasn't a princess. Not really.

Conscious thought reentered my brain, and I realized that the picture-perfect Princess Belle slowly twirling in the middle of our hotel room had golden blonde hair. And suddenly it all made sense.

Cassie fucking Summers. She'd truly gone all out with her outfit for the evening. The stunning, striking blonde woman was wearing the iconic amber dress, shoulders bare, with tiers of ruffles running down to the floor. She had the matching gloves, as well, running from her elbows to her fingertips. She'd even done her hair up in the same way as the character.

The only thing that broke the illusion (beyond the hair color of course), was that Cassie looked too good. Her full breasts pushed through that dress in a way that no Disney character's ever would. Her butt, similarly, stood out beyond what was family friendly. The curves of Cassie's body, alone, would give any movie an R-rating. She looked stunning. Literally breathtaking.

"I don't think 'sexy nude guy' is a Disney-appropriate costume," Cassie said to me, pursing her lips.

I hadn't realized she'd noticed me. My outfit was the inverse of her own: I was wearing only a towel around my waist and standing in the doorway to the bathroom with my jaw on the ground.

Cassie's comment should have startled me into action. Instead, all I heard was the word 'sexy.' Cassie was one of those women -- she could call me a piece of crap and it would feel like a compliment. Getting actual praise felt like being elevated to the kingdom of heaven.

"I have your costume over here, honey," Emily said.

I'd been so entranced, I'd hardly noticed there were other people in the room. My petite, brunette wife was standing over by the bed, also wrapped in only a towel. The combination of wet hair and pink cheeks (freshly showered and freshly fucked) looked incredible on her. She noticed my attention and gave me a shy smile.

"You're going to love this," Allison said, "The Halloween Party is so much fun." The tall athletic blonde, the woman who I'd been coupling with the whole trip, was busy getting dressed behind Emily. Shared nudity wasn't a big deal for any of us at this point. We'd all seen it all. If anything, it was more confusing when one of us stayed clothed.

Something about putting on my costume while everyone watched made me uncomfortable. So, I grabbed my bundled clothes from my wife and carried them back into the bathroom to get dressed by myself.

In all the excitement, I'd forgotten what I packed. When I saw what I had in my hands, I had to chuckle. Weeks before the trip had started, Allison had told us that we'd be going to a Disney-hosted Halloween party. So, I'd assumed that I should be on-brand.

I had considered a bunch of options. I figured Emily would have loved me as Han Solo, but I didn't think I could pull it off. I thought about going as a Marvel character, but it was hard to make those costumes look good without spending a ton of money. And Allison had said we couldn't wear masks. So that was out.

Then I'd looked down at my own, overly-hairy body, and realized exactly who I should be. The more I thought about it, the more it had seemed like the right choice -- for my personality, for the way I was perceived. Almost like a kindred spirit, honestly.

Now, looking at what I'd chosen, I realized that some past version of me had been a genius. Or fucking clairvoyant.

I put on a white dress shirt followed by a blue coat with golden lining on the lapels. I stepped into the matching pants before tying on my black shoes. Finally, I slipped on two oversized furry, clawed gloves. I used my new paws to scruff up my dark hair.

I evaluated myself in the mirror. I didn't look half bad. The jacket was too tight around the shoulders and the whole costume was itchy as heck, but it would be fine for one evening. I took a deep breath, steeled myself, then stepped back outside of the bathroom.

Cassie was standing closest to the door. She took one look at my costume and gasped, her blue eyes practically bursting with excited energy.

"My Prince!" she exclaimed.

The whole room turned my way. By some strange luck, on the day that Cassie had chosen to dress as Belle, I'd managed to show up as Beast.

It was odd enough to make me believe in a higher power. So strange I had to consider the existence of Fate. I don't know why the universe decided to meddle in a random Halloween party held nearly three months before the actual event, but it was very clear that something powerful had intervened.

I didn't think my costume was anything close to what Cassie had on, but the beautiful blonde woman gushed over me like I'd achieved something truly amazing. She ran her hands over my shoulders and sides, like trying to convince herself I was real. Finally, Cassie grabbed my arm, possessively -- so tight it actually hurt -- and held me close.

"Well, I've got my date for the night," she said.

I became very aware of the fact that, again, Cassie and I weren't the only ones in the room. In fact, a whole cast of characters was now eyeing the two of us. I couldn't read their faces. But then I saw how things had worked out and I almost laughed. I wasn't the only one the gods had messed with that night. Not by far.

Mike, the tall blond man whose crush on Cassie had created all of this canoodling in the first place, was dressed as a Return of the Jedi-era Luke Skywalker. It was a fairly simple costume: he had on a black shirt and pants with one dark glove on his right hand.

Standing next to him, in full Princess Leia regalia, was my own wife, Emily. The petite brunette had on the long, white dress from the first movie (sadly, the bronze bikini that complimented Mike's look would not have been anything close to Disney appropriate). She'd also done up her hair in little side buns to help complete the look.

Meanwhile, Mike's wife Allison, my usual partner from the last few days, had gone in a very different direction. She was dressed as Jessie from the Toy Story series. She had on a white and yellow flannel shirt and a pair of cow-print pants and brown boots. She was wearing the trademark red hat and had done her blonde hair up in braids, though they were far shorter than the actual character's.

Jack, however -- Cassie's silver haired husband who'd been responsible for ravishing my wife regularly -- hadn't gone as a Disney character at all. Instead, he'd dressed up (appropriately, I might add) as a simple cowboy. He had on a checkered shirt and jeans with a pair of cowboy boots and a matching hat.

"Well shit," Jack said, looking over at Allison and affecting his best cowboy drawl. "Looks like it's gonna be you and me tonight, pardner."

Allison shook her head at his silliness, but she didn't disagree. I had the feeling that the athletic blonde didn't like Jack all that much -- she found him too pushy and condescending -- but it was hard to argue with the way things had worked out.

"I guess that leaves you and me to go blow up the Death Star," Mike said looking down at Emily. He couldn't hide the smirk creeping across his face.

I thought Emily would be upset about being separated from Jack, but instead she seemed perfectly happy with this setup. In fact, Emily seemed quite excited as she hooked arms with her date for the evening.

"Use the force together, we must," Emily said in her best Yoda voice. I'd never hear anything that sounded so extremely geeky and yet also exceptionally dirty at the same time.

"Ew, aren't they brother and sister?!" Allison said.

"You know what they say," Mike said, "If you can't keep your lightsaber in your pants, at least keep it in the family."

Allison shook her head at her husband disdainfully, while Emily giggled dutifully. She and Mike suddenly seemed very well-matched.

Now in our new groupings, the six of us all left our hotel room and headed over to the main lobby building. The night was hot, especially with my heavy costume, but it seemed to be getting cooler as the sun sank down. We saw a few other people on the way, also in costume, clearly heading to the same place we were.

Cassie held me close the entire walk over. I'd thought the beautiful blonde woman had been kidding before in the room. After all, we'd already figured out our assigned partners for the trip. They weren't our spouses, of course, that would be silly.

To this point, I was able to rationalize how we'd recombined. Mike had a crush on Cassie since high school. Emily was enamored with Jack. I'd always been attracted to Allison. Our pairings seemed almost predestined in that context.

That night, however, we'd matched in much less expected ways. It made everything feel novel all over again. Like we were starting over from scratch. It was strange to see each of these new couples.

Mike practically towered over Emily. By size, the both of them looked more like Chewbacca and R2D2 than Luke and Leia. Personality-wise, they were equally mismatched. Mike liked to joke around and was easily outgoing, while Emily was quiet and shy.

To be fair, I'd noticed moments before where Emily and Mike seemed to be noticing each other. But they were both so into other people (Jack and Cassie, respectively), I couldn't imagine them doing more.

Jack and Allison were equally as odd, but only because they were so similar. They both were strong willed; they seemed destined to butt heads against each other all night. Though, the two of them seemed to be enjoying taking little verbal jabs at each other.

I suppose some part of me expected to feel possessive of Allison. Once again, the woman I was having sex with had gone over to Jack. But I felt strangely cool about it all. That afternoon had made things clear to me: Allison was just a friend. A hot friend that I was happy to fuck, but still.

As for Cassie and I, well, we literally were beauty and the beast. Cassie was so gorgeous, everyone stared at us as we walked down the paths. In comparison I felt like a stain on her dress, an accidental blemish that was destined to be photoshopped out of pictures later.

In other words, as much as I thought it was fun for us to mix things up once again, I didn't think anything would come of it. I assumed we'd play around a bit before going back to our usual (non-spouse) partners. Nothing more.

Rather than ride the monorail -- again, it was an evening of changing things up -- we decided to take a boat across the lake to the Magic Kingdom. So, we walked past Cassie's fated bungalow and went down the nearby dock to wait for our ride. The wooden planks rolled lightly with the little waves of the lake.

Mike and Emily were locked in conversation, clearly enjoying being with someone who could speak their geeky language.

"I think you'll find my stick is better than bacon," Mike said with a wink.

We all looked at him, confused by a sentence that was clearly nonsense. But Emily picked it right up.

"That's good," she said, "Since we all have a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us."

"As long as we can both agree that seagulls are the worst," Mike replied.

The two of them broke into peals of laughter. The rest of us all shared worried glances; had our partners actually gone insane?

"It's a Bad Lip-Reading Star Wars thing," Mike said, as if that wasn't more nonsense. Nerdy flirting -- who knew?

Allison and Jack ignored them and went back to arguing, playfully, about anything and everything.

"I'd kick your ass in hoops," Allison said.

"I don't think so, beanpole," Jack said, "Wisdom will beat youth, every time."

"Just because you were there when they invented basketball doesn't make you good at it," Allison said.

"Well, you better watch your backdoor if we ever go one-on-one," Jack said.

"Please, you don't have the length to penetrate on me," Allison replied, coolly.

Cassie, locked at my elbow, saw me staring at both couples and pulled me off to the side.

"You spend so much time paying attention to everyone else," she said, "Do you ever think of yourself?"

I shrugged, dismissively. Cassie raised an eyebrow. She put her hands on my shoulders, giving me a probing look.

"You don't think you're handsome, do you?" she asked.

I stared back at her, dubious. I didn't know how she'd reached that conclusion, but it's not like I could argue she was wrong.

"You're so down on yourself, Paul," Cassie said, "But you shouldn't be. You've got this whole dark, mysterious stranger vibe that makes women wet themselves. And you're a good guy. Like, not the creepy Internet 'good guy' but the actual kind who cares about other people and wants them to be happy."

Again, I didn't know how to respond to that. So, I let Cassie continue.

"Maybe some other people..." and here Cassie looked pointedly over at my wife "...don't appreciate what they have. But you should know, I'm not spending tonight with you because our costumes match. That's only a side benefit."

I gave Cassie a confused look. That whole paragraph was loaded with so many twists and turns, I couldn't find my way out of it.

The beautiful blonde woman kissed my cheek. Then she whispered in my ear, "Just remember, you're with Cassie fucking Summers. I could be out with anyone. But I chose you."

I stepped back and stared at her, shocked. Cassie gave me a big grin, then pulled me close to her again. Her lovely red lips tickled at my earlobes. "And someday? Soon? My prince is going to cum. Hard."

Remember what I said about nothing happening? I may have been wrong about that.


Our little pontoon boat churned noisily across the lake. We sat in rows on the hard metal benches of the fairly full boat. I was next to Cassie with Allison and Jack behind us and Emily and Mike in front. The other passengers were mostly families, all clearly headed out for an August Halloween. The slightly acrid smell of the lake filled my nose. The low drone of the boat's engine rumbled in my ears.

As I thought about where we were headed, I was struck by the strangeness of it all. We'd been at Disney for four whole days. We'd visited three parks, consumed a ton of alcohol, and had wild, polyamorous encounters whenever we could.

And yet, somehow, this was the first time we were going to visit the Magic Kingdom. That's like going to Vegas and skipping the casinos. Sure, you can have a ton of fun that way, but you're kind of missing the point, you know?

At first, we saw nothing but forest and lake. The platformed tan track of the monorail cut through the greenery on the shore. Gradually, our destination rose before us. In some ways, it had felt like the Cinderella Castle had been watching us this whole time. Distant and aloof. The idea of a place not fully conceived in my mind.

Now, the building grew ever closer. All the more real. The low sun gave the world a golden tint. The castle, itself, was lit bright white and shining blue. Allison must have seen me staring because she reached over and squeezed my bicep.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

I nodded my agreement.

"I can't believe we didn't make it to the Magic Kingdom till now," Cassie said.

"In some ways, I think that makes it even better," Mike said, "Like we've been building to this."

Ironically, as we got closer, the magical castle became less visible, obscured by the entrance to the park itself. Our boat puttered to a stop at the dock, and we gingerly stepped off.

The six of us walked up a brick path to what looked like an old-time train station. In front of that was a field of bright, multicolored flowers. Even the glow of the security areas seemed to add to the atmosphere. We went through the gates, under a tunnel. And then, like stepping through a portal, we were there.

It looked like a small, old-time, midwestern town. Scarecrows in costumes ringed a large flagpole in the middle of the square. Mickey-shaped pumpkin heads hung from the streetlamps. Energetic, poppy music blared. I felt myself getting giddy, like a little boy.

People flowed past us as they entered the park. There were a lot of the expected superheroes, princesses, and Star Wars heroes. It says a lot that it was the guests who weren't in costume that now stood out.

"What should we do first?" Emily asked.

Allison showed her wicked smile. "What we always do," she said, "Have fun."


On an evening of changes, we made one more crucial alteration: we broke the 'Emily Rule.' To this point, my wife had insisted that, even if the couples were coupling with other people, we should all stay together. This was part of her admission from the first night that while she enjoyed playing with another partner, she liked seeing me with someone else just as much.

Sure, we were apart on occasion, but, to this point, we mostly stayed grouped. That evening, though, we separated almost immediately. After all that this time, you'd think this would have been momentous. Maybe even requiring a large argument, followed by an eventual compromise. Instead, it happened naturally, without a second thought. Again, we broke a massive barrier without even giving it the proper due.

The six of us stayed connected as we walked down Main Street, past the souvenir stores and the inevitable Starbucks. In the middle of the street, photographers lined up shots of people standing in front of the castle. On the sidewalks, cast members held up massive bundles of Mickey balloons, looking like a strong wind might carry them away.

The majority of the traffic was headed in the other direction towards the exit. Halloween was a ticketed event, and most people wouldn't attend. So the park was clearing for the party. It made for an odd chaotic flow, both upstream and down all at the same time.

It was when we got to the top of the street, with the iconic castle looming over us, that we broke.

Emily wanted to meet characters. The familiar Mickey cast would appear in different costumes (Winnie the Pooh as a bumblebee, etc.). She felt like it was part of the Disney experience she'd skipped to that point.

Allison, on the other hand, wanted to try all the special treats that were for sale only during the party.

"We can go on rides tomorrow," the athletic blonde explained, "Tonight should be about doing the stuff that only happens at the Halloween parties: treats, parades, and fireworks shows."

Cassie, however, didn't care for characters, and she wasn't interested in Allison's logic.

"If I don't go on Space Mountain on this trip, I'm going to rip someone's lungs out," she declared in her most bubbly voice.

Not wanting to be lungless, I took the hint and grabbed Cassie's hand. Emily and Mike headed straight for the castle and Fantasyland, where most of the special character events were happening. Allison pulled Jack to the left, heading to Adventureland to start her snacking escapade. Cassie and I went the other way, past the statue of Mickey and Walt, towards Tomorrowland.

For a moment, as we headed towards the gear-shaped gateway, I let my thoughts wander to what might be happening that night. Were Allison and Jack going to make out over cupcakes and ice cream? Would Mike take a liberty or two with Emily -- perhaps an 'accidental' grab during a picture or something like that?