Porn Star Family Pt. 15


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"He and I have things to discuss," Zophiel said plainly, her eyes never leaving Ira's body. "You might have Hell backing you dear sister, but I am, Zophiel, the angel of Fate!" she roared as her wings were fully extended, her angelic light burned brightly in her eyes. Her once holy halo burned in intensity causing the demons that were gathered to flee for the shadows, even Alyda. "Give me the boy or I'll take him from you," Zophiel said, darkly.

"Did you just wake up Zophiel?" Lucifer asked, with a cocky grin knowing Zophiel's threat was hollow as she nodded. Even if she was a Seraphim even a fallen one, this was Hell, this was where she ruled over all, even her sisters. "Then you don't know that our sisters are trying to release Onoskelis from her prison, do you?"

"What?! Are they mad!" Zophiel gasped. Lowering her weapons at this news.

"It seems so dear sister," Lucifer sighed.

"I see," chewing on her lower lip, she had wanted to see if Ira could please her like he did with Metatron yet this news put her desires on the back burner, "has Father been told of his, and what of the Herald?"

"If you would care to come down, I'll fill you in on everything you have missed out on," Lucifer said sweetly, her blonde hair brushed along the middle of her back as she peered up at Zophiel.

"On one condition."

"And what's that sister?" Lucifer asked, with a cocked eyebrow.

"Is it true, about him," Zophiel stated pointing at Ira.

"Is what true?" Lucifer enquired, with a knowing smile.

"That he can make you, our sisters..." As her cheeks heated to a dark hue, Ira found it rather cute the way she blushed.

"Oh, very much so," Lucifer nodded.

"Even with his small size?"

"Hey!" Ira took offense to that.

"Hush Ira, she didn't mean it in a negative light," Lucifer whispered to him. "Was that why you were trying to take my Ira away from me?" she asked, Zophiel didn't need to answer, she already knew it. "If you help us, fight with me once again, I'll see that Ira here gladly..." Lucifer trailed off as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"You just can't pimp me out Luci," Ira grumbled as he crossed his arms as he floated in the air.

"Come now Ira, surely a fallen angel is far more tasty then those still in Heaven," Lucifer teased. "Don't you want to know if the carpet matches the drapes?"

"I'm not answering that," Ira huffed turning his head.

"What is a carpet and drapes?" Zophiel asked, as her feet touched the floor. A few inches taller than Lucifer was as she stood beside her sister. Lucifer could hear Ira chuckling as she whispered into her sister's right ear. "What?! Oh! Yes, they do match," she said, with a sinful smile as Ira turned his head to look at her. "I'd be happy to show you, in private that is," Zophiel said, in a sensuous purr.

Ira sneaked underneath the table, given that it was a ten foot tall table made it quite easy to do, while his grandmother and Zophiel spoke. Listening to Luci's voice as she detailed the events that led up to this moment. "Okay Ira, here's what you're going to do, you're going to dart out there and peer up that angel's robe. If she wants to fuck you why not get a look at the goods beforehand," Ira said to himself as he hid in the shadows. "Oh my..." Ira was awestruck as those pretty pink lips greeted his eyes as he gazed upwards. "Why is it every angel I meet has the most perfect pussy I've ever seen?" he asked himself.

"You naughty boy," Lucifer said, in a disapproving grandmotherly tone.

"Hey, hey!" Ira yelp as Lucifer took him into her hand and roughly set him on the table.

"Don't you 'Hey me' young man," Lucifer said, staring down her grandson, wagging her finger at him. "You didn't even bother to stare up my robe! Hmpf!" she huffed as she turned her nose up at him, the crossing of her arms below her MMM breasts causing them to bounce and sway.

"Well, I was! But someone just had to blow my cover now didn't she," Ira said, turning up his own nose at his grandmother. Ira tried to steady his body as Lucifer's hands struck the surface.

"You aren't lying are you?!"

"When have I ever turned down an opportunity to look at that pretty little thing you have?" Ira asked, with a pointed look.

"True, you haven't," Lucifer mused rising back to her normal height. Her index finger tapped her chin as her hips swayed. Feeling her mound growing moist at the thought of Ira gazing up at it.

"So Ira," her massive, mountainous O size breasts swayed as she bent over, "tell me was fucking my sister, Metatron I mean, good? Have you gotten a taste of Seraphim pussy? Is this cock long, hard, and thick like father's is?" Zophiel asked, as her car door size nail brushed lightly along Ira's groin.

"Yes, yes, and I don't know, not like I got around peeking under God's robes or having a sword fight with our cocks," Ira stammered as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It is sister," Lucifer nodded.

"How can that be?!" Zophiel asked in shock, as she leaned over the table to engulf Ira in the valley of her hanging breasts. Smirking at Lucifer as she felt Ira rubbing his face against the side of her left breast.

"He's partly an incubus, you know how they are," Lucifer said, trying to keep the tick in her right cheek from showing. "Ira! If breasts were what you wanted," pulling her robe to the side exposing her breasts to him, "all you had to do was ask," she said, her orbs were like wrecking balls as they swung as she leaned on the table.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time," Ira stated as he took hold of her tire sized pink nipple. Feeling his grandmother shuddering as he licked along it.

"Yes Ira, take pleasure in my body," Lucifer cooed softly. Biting her lip to keep herself from moaning as he teased her nipple.

"Mine are the finest breasts in all creation, Ira why don't you come play with mine," Zophiel purred, her hands cradled and fondled those heavy hanging orbs.

"Later, after this crisis is over," Lucifer said, scooping Ira up in her hands.

"Very well, but I'll hold you to that sister," Zophiel said, sternly. "Once Onoskelis is put back into her slumber, Ira is mine."

"You know I'm right here!" His yell was muffled by his grandmother's cupped hands.

"Hush you!" Lucifer hissed. "Very well, we have an agreement," she nodded to her sister.

"You hear that little Nephilim once this is over your mine," Zophiel said, poking at the back of her sister's hand.

"I'm not a sex machine, you know," Ira grumbled as he sat on the palm of his grandmother's hand.

"It should be getting close to night time on Earth, we must go, the Herald should have returned by now. Stay, enjoy the palace, watch the battle if you want," Lucifer said, holding Ira close to her heart as she sauntered away.


"You're just as bad as God is," Ira growled stumping up the stairs.

"Ira! You know I was only kidding," Lucifer said, calling up to him.

"You just can't pimp me out like that Luci! I do have fucking feelings you know! You know the only reason I agreed to God's terms was to keep my damn head on my shoulders. I didn't expect you, my own grandmother, the woman I've looked up to before I found out the truth, to pimp me out without a damn word to me," Ira said, throwing up his arms in frustration.

"But Ira we need Zophiel!" Lucifer said, racing up the stairs. Nearly stumbling over her feet as Ira leaned against the wall wearing a smile on his lips. "You bastard! You had me believing you were really upset!" she huffed as Ira burst out into laughter.

"That will teach you, ask next time," Ira said, getting a quick kiss in, swatting her ass causing her cheeks to heat.

"Come, we must gather the Herald and his companions and prepare for our attack," Lucifer said, reaching out, her fingers interweaving with his as she stared into her grandson's eyes. "You too Anael," she said, turning her head as she saw her daughter peering around the door of Ira's room.

"Hello Daddy," Anael said, shyly. Taking Kelly's advice and trying not to come on too strong like the few times they've been together in the same room. Feeling her cheeks heating recounting how Kelly taught her to touch herself to get the quickest orgasm, and how to slowly tease herself if she wanted the long build up that lead to more explosive ones.

"Hello," Ira said, politely. Wondering why she wasn't throwing herself at him, not that he was complaining.

"Don't be too hard on her Ira, she is after all still learning what it's like to be an angel, demon, and an adult woman," Lucifer whispered into his ear.

Holding out his hand to Anael, Ira could see the luster of her eyes yet she said nothing as her hand grasped his hand. Watching how Anael pressed her forehead against his shoulder as his arm rested between her breasts.

"Forgive me Father, I'll try to be better for you," Anael whispered as she basked in her father's presence.

"It's okay, you were like born only ten days ago, so a huge learning curve is in order for you," Ira said, bringing Anael and his grandmother in for a hug. Not knowing if this would be the last chance he would have to do such a thing given whom they were about to go face.

"Thank you, Daddy," Anael sighed happily as she rested her head against Ira's chest. Wondering if she could be like Kelly and give her father her innocence like Kelly did so long ago.

"I'll gather the others, you two have a chat," Lucifer said, departing for the basement. Mor had informed her where their hideout was before she and her daughters returned to Hell. So, she knew breaking into that place was going to be a major hurdle to them. Hopefully, the Herald would know how to break through the angel and demon wards that protected the place from either side.

Knocking on the basement door so she wouldn't startle the Herald and his companions. She did hope he had finally returned from wherever he was taken to. She knew without his magic then this all was for naught. Yet as she stood at the base of the steps she was only met with the five women that had come to Samuel's aid.

"Where is he?!" Lucifer asked, heatedly.

"We aren't sure," Nimue said, speaking up. She was not about to be looked down on by the Devil she was priestess of Seipowe she was not going to allow anyone to look down on her, angel or not.

"What do you mean?!"

"None of our scrying can locate him on Earth or in the Earth," Charlotte said, locking hands with Kelly and Aurore pooling their magic together should the need arise.

"I see," Lucifer muttered under her breath. "Well, come, we know where their hideout is. It's time we put an end to this."


In the most northern part of the city of Portland sat a brick building, rising five stories into the air. Built during the 20s, it had seen better days, yet its dark history, along with the city's, were storied within the wooden timbers of that place. Those that serve the Cult of Onoskelis found it a fitting place to run their operation from while they were within the city. Once a thousand strong called that place home, now only a few hundred remained of that west coast branch. While they may fall their work will go on even if their bodies were ground to dust. Nevertheless, they knew not that their quest to release Onoskelis, having been told she was just a simple demon and could grant them untold power and not the all-consuming deity that she was, was doomed from the start.

Out on that littered, wind sweep, weed filled, crumbling parking lot in front of that building stood the very people, angels, Nagdaium's, and demons that stood in their way. Lucifer's white robe rustled in the wind as her golden eyes studied the wards that prevented her, Ira, and Anael from slipping inside and rendering those within and the building itself to ash. Then there were the demon wards that kept Mor and her children from having their fun.

"Seems they were expecting us," Lucifer said, grimly.

"Seems so, even our magic can't penetrate the barrier they set up," Charlotte said, her brown eyes gazed at the building silently pleading for Samuel to show up.

"Do you think you can break through?" Lucifer asked, looking over at Ira.

"I can try, you all might want to step back... like on the other side of the road," Ira said, with grim determination. He wanted to finish this tonight, so that he and everyone else could go back to their normal lives, or as normal as they were before all this. He just wanted a return to the way things were before he had so much blood on his hands. His clothes shredded as his body grew and grew until he reached his twelve-foot tall height. His reverse C-shaped horns gleamed in the light of his halo and the few street lamps that managed to illuminate the old parking lot. His white hair floated in the wind as the wards burned brightly in his gold-ruby eyes. Lightning sparked and crawled along the feathers of his four wings. Calling forth his sword, its blue flames flickering along the edges of the blade of his sword. His tail swayed behind him as he prepared himself to call forth the souls that heeded his command.

"Daddy is so cool," Anael sighed dreamily as she danced in place. Aswang and Ardat Lili nodded in agreement as they gazed upon their father's true Nagdaium' form.

Spinning his sword in hand so the tip pointed at the ground. His four wings extended, his gold-ruby eyes flashed as his angelic and demonic power flared out as his left hand rested on the pommel of his sword. "Hear me! I, Suriel Zol, command thee!" Ira's voice thundered in a commanding tone as his wings began to fully extend. "It's now or never Ira. You can do this. No more being afraid, too many count on you not to screw this up!" he berated himself in his mind. "Come forth! Hear my call! Hear my command!" His horns grew dark as the moonless night, his halo burned brightly like the embers of the Sun. The red haze of his demonic taint drifted along the surface of his eyes as he pulled all five souls from the pocket dimension he placed them in. A red light and a blue one appeared in the space of his wings. A white light appeared over his head, a purple and orange over the crest of his upper set of wings. His muscles bulged; his sinews strained to control the rush of strength that flooded his body.

However, unlike before when he tried this in his humanoid form it nearly blew his body to bits with the amount of power that surged through his body. Now though, it seemed to him his giant form had the wherewithal to withstand it all. Closing his eyes, feeling the tip of his sword sinking into that crumbling pavement as he poured his strength into his sword. In doing so Ira felt something within his mind opening to new heights. Heights that were within reach if only he pushed himself a little harder. He could almost feel another set of wings that weren't even there!

"Kelly?" Ira called to her as he peered over his shoulder.

"Yeah," Kelly answered staring up at his towering height. She was not expecting him to go all Antman on her.

"Protect my family if something happens to me," Ira said, hoping that wouldn't come to pass.

"Leave it to me," Kelly nodded.

"Thank you," Ira said, before pushing off the ground. The mighty beats of his wings propelling him forward, the point of his sword leading the way. He didn't know how long he could maintain this. It was taking every ounce of concentration he had to keep a hold on the power that the five souls gave him. Ira was almost impaled by the hilt of his own weapon as his blade struck the barrier they had formed to keep them out. Planting his feet on the ground, grunting as he tried to use brute force to pierce the wards that held them at bay. The pavement buckled and furrowed as his muscles bulged and strained and yet the barrier still held against his might.

"Luci!" Ira said worryingly, as all light simply vanished leaving them in complete and total darkness.

"This isn't me or any of my sisters doing Ira! Watch yourself, there's no telling what is lurking within this... darkness," Lucifer called out to her grandson when even her angelic eyes couldn't peer through it. "What the..." Tilting her head up as Marilyn Manson's 'In the Shadow of the Valley of Death' played from where she didn't know, it seemed to her to be coming all around them.

"Veni, veni. Surgere et cadere." A voice chanted within the darkness as small balls of blue light began to form in the air the only illumination within the blackness that had engulfed them. "Vide nexus et vincula discernit!"

"Sammy!" Kelly, Charlotte, and Aurore called out in unison.

To Be Continued...

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RanDog025RanDog02529 days ago

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'s.

sweetnapoleonsweetnapoleonover 1 year ago

I am in serious love with this story, my god this is as good as anything that is written that is considered mainstream. I wish Ira realized that it is extremely important for him to learn about his new self and understand that he can control his powers, he just has to learn how to do that. I do hope that in the end him and Samuel are of equal strength.

My only issue is that there are too many characters, sometimes I read a name and I have a hard time remembering who that person was.

This story is a great educational experience, since I look up the names of the angels and terms that Soul71 uses, better than going to school.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Too short. Too exciting. Got to move on.

Quarterback11Quarterback11over 3 years ago

Please continue this story. It is one of the best I have ever read here on literotica. Pleas and thank you

kaidmankaidmanover 3 years ago
my fave of the bunch

hey guy if you are wanting to see more of his work check out the links he left in his bio area I personally use the lotscave one as it has a good amount of his work and stuff that you wont find here but are just as good if not better he also has a ton of work in his patreon that you should see

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

are you going to put out a new chapter for this amazing story i have anxiously been waiting since i first read it and have actually gone through it a couple of more times since then.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This and the Pharoahs Curse are your best story's please don't abandon them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I can’t wait for you to write more to all of your stories

Please hurry with more chapters to all your stories I love them just wish they were longer lol keep up the great work

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearalmost 4 years ago

I have to say. I am SO IMPRESSED! The time and energy you put forth in research and story line. Is truly awe inspiring. I'm doing research for a story involving greek mythology myself so I know what an under taking this must have been for you. I hope you continue this soon I've spent the last few days reading ALL 3 story lines (FS, FS-NO, & PSF) I want to know where you go with this. Please give us the next chapter soon! Thank You.

randysbrandysbalmost 4 years ago

There is scope for another 10 chapters at least.

This battle has to be won.

He has to assimilate himself with his new family, i.e, his daughters from Lucifer and Mor. Maybe give Alyda children too.

Maybe also impregnate his sister, Vikki and Cora

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