Proclivities - Pt. 10


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A couple of gulps later, I got my phone out of my purse. Maybe talking to my mom would help...I can't give her the details. She'd freak...what's this? She already called an hour ago. No message. Now I really have to ring her back."

"Hi, mom. It's Linda."

"Of course I know it's you. But hi anyway. I called earlier..."

"Yeah. I saw that. We just got back from sailing."

"How did that go?"

"It was lovely, like nothing I'd ever experienced before," I said, and that's as much as I was going to divulge.

"I'm so happy for you darling."

Time to change the subject.

"Thanks," I said, "but I really wanted say how sorry I was about our call this morning. I said some things that were hurtful..."

"So did I, so why don't we put it behind us. I'm sorry too."

"That's such a relief, I wasn't sure if would want to talk to me."

"I am your mother. Holding a grudge would do no good. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that George might be the best thing that ever happened to you."

"Wow! I'm not sure where that came from, but I really, really appreciate it."

"You're a grown woman dear and I should trust your judgement. My instincts tell me he's something special."

"That he is," I said, stifling a laugh - where did that come from?

"And I am truly looking forward to meeting him tomorrow, so I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you have things to do," she said - I could swear there was mischief in her voice!

"Thanks mom, bye."

"Bye, dear."

After disconnecting, I stared at my phone in disbelief. That was a hell of a lot easier than I expected, and it was no time to look a gift horse in the teeth. And, I'll be damned, George was right - my mom finally knows I'm a woman and not her little girl anymore. That should make things easier tomorrow. I don't know if it was the alcohol or talking to my mom, but I was finally able to breathe again.

At least until George walked in the door carrying the duffle. He'd also put on his cargo shorts as well as a deeply serious expression.

"What is it?" I asked. "And don't sugar coat it this time."

"I won't and you'll get the full story, but first I need a drink too," he said as he looked at mine.

Wordless, he went to the kitchen, tossed his hat and sunglasses on the counter, grabbing a rocks class, filling it with ice and then gin.

Taking a gulp, he said, "Ahh, that's better. Let's have a seat," motioning at the chairs facing the fireplace.

I joined him, taking a healthy swallow of my drink, nervously wondering what was coming.

"It's complicated..." he began.

"No shit," I said, more coldly than I intended, but so be it.

"I guess I deserved that, but please hear me out. I love you and you mean more to me than anything in the world. I knew that one day, and soon, I'd have to tell you. Today just forced the issue."

"Okay. You know I love you too, but this whole thing has left my head spinning."

"No doubt. Unfortunately, I have to ask you to be patient."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Thanks. First, instead of calling the police, I called Chuck."

"Chuck? Why?"

"Because it's work related and we want to explain it together. I gave him a quick rundown of what happened. He should be here in five minutes or so."

I stared at him, dumbstruck.

Realizing I couldn't formulate a reply, George continued, "The Rizzo brothers have nothing to do with work. They're just some stupid bastards who thought they could get away with something."

"Wait, Chuck's going to be here in five minutes?" I exclaimed, doing my best to process the revelation.


I looked down and the only thought I had was my attire - just a tee shirt and my bikini bottom.

"Then at least let me put my top and shorts back on!"

"Right. You should. Everything is in the duffle bag. And sorry, my mind is working overtime."

"I'm sure. So is mine." I replied, hopping up, frantically retrieving my clothes. Without much thought, I whipped off the shirt and made myself 'presentable.'

"There, I'm ready to receive company," I said sarcastically as I plopped back into the chair, taking another sip of my drink.

"Yeah, this isn't exactly how I'd planned to tell you, but everything is going to be alright. I promise."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you before. I'm just trying to figure out how it will be alright."

"You'll see," he reassured, then looking up, "Oh good, Chuck's here."

Following his gaze, I saw a black Mercedes sedan parked in the driveway. Chuck, dressed in a navy polo and khaki pants, exited the car and mounted up the steps. George opened the door for him.

"Okay if I come in?" asked Chuck.

"Of course, of course. Please come in. Thanks for coming so quickly," said George.

As I stood, Chuck said, "No need to get up on my account. You've had a terrible fright. So first of all, how are you?"

"I think I'll survive, but you're right, I'm still scared of those fucking Rizzo brothers."

"Don't worry about them," Chuck said calmly. "Now, as I understand things, the whole incident was recorded."

"Yes," confirmed George.

"Can I have a look?"

"Sure, just let me get my tablet," replied George as he hustled upstairs.

Standing next to me, Chuck gently placed his hand on my shoulder. His eyes were soft and caring.

"You are lucky to have a man like George. He's sensitive and kind, but there's more to him than meets the eye. And if I'm any judge of character, he's totally dedicated to you."

"I knew he loved me, but until today, I had no idea..."

"Okay, got it," George pronounced as he reappeared.

He laid the tablet on the counter and we all gathered around to watch. Even though in my mind it was an eternity, the encounter with the Rizzo brothers lasted less than five minutes. There was no audio, but video was very good quality - I shouldn't have expected less from George - it was clear they were the aggressors. My first thought was, is that really me? My second thought was, Jesus, I didn't have much on, did I?

"Wow," said Chuck, then looking at me, added, "There's more to you than meets the eye too."

"What?" asked George.

"Quick thinking on Linda's part. But now's not the time to worry about that. Let's have a seat and I'll tell you what's going to happen. But first, I could use a drink too, if it's not too much trouble."

"Sure. What do you want?" asked George.

"Bourbon if you've got it. One cube."

Drink in hand, Chuck sat in the chair to the left of the hearth and took a healthy swallow. George and I resumed our seats opposite him.

Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and looking directly at me, Chuck began, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, Linda. I'll explain the situation as best as I can. Then you can ask me anything you want. All I ask is that you never divulge what I'm about to tell you."

"Okay, just take it slow. My mind's still a jumble, but you have my word.

"Totally understandable. On the surface, OTP specializes in systems and communications security. But we have another business that works on asset recovery for compromised systems. That is, getting money back for people who've been hacked, spoofed, embezzled - whatever you want to call it. We locate the funds and then turn that information over to the customer, the Treasury Department or FBI. OTP receives a percentage of the recovery. It's a much more lucrative business than the security stuff."

Chuck ingested more bourbon and continued, nodding towards George, "And that's where your boyfriend, for lack of a better term..."

"He's much more than that, but it will do." I interrupted, unable to remain silent.

"I'll grant you that," agreed Chuck, smiling. "But he's also my fucking genius. Best I've ever seen at following internet breadcrumbs and ghosts to locate the perpetrators. Once he's got that, we turn over the info. That's why he works from home so much. Not as a personal convenience, but as a necessary security precaution. We've set up an ultra-fast and very secure internet connection here so the work is performed secretly."

Another slug of bourbon.

"Now, I wouldn't say it was required, but as an old dog from the intelligence business, I felt George should have some training in self-defense. Not the stuff they teach at the local YMCA, but the nasty incapacitate-your-attacker stuff. Honestly, I never expected him to need it and certainly not for those village idiot Rizzo brothers. But sometimes things have a way of working out. Any questions so far?"

I looked at George for guidance, but he just smiled and said, "Things did work out pretty well."

"," I stammered, "It's so much to process, but is George in any kind of danger?"

"As far as work is concerned, not really," said Chuck calmly. "He's very much behind the scenes and well hidden."

"That's a relief, but what about the village idiots?" I asked. "They live just down the street, you know."

"Don't worry. Mutt and Jeff are paying them a visit as we speak," Chuck said with a grin.

"Mutt and Jeff?" asked George. At least it was his turn to be baffled.

"Charlie Mutton and John Jefferson," replied Chuck. "Two government agents. Sweetest guys but both built like brick shithouses and once they get on their game faces, they can be...intimidating. They'll roll up to the Rizzo residence in a black Escalade with darkened windows, hop out in their black suits and sunglasses. A quick chat and the Rizzo's will realize it's in their best interests to never contact you again and that your wellbeing is something we take personally. Turns out they've got some shady business practices that could turn into tax problems. Mutt and Jeff will make it clear that if they must return, it won't go well for them."

"Thank you so much!" I leapt up and gave Chuck the best hug I could, given he was seated.

"You're welcome," he said as I released him, surprised by my sudden display of gratitude, but he quickly regained his composure. "We've got to look out for our own. So unless there's anything else, I'll be on my way. I'm sure you two have a lot to discuss."

"I'm good," said George, "Linda?"

"More than good," I confirmed, my relief palpable.

"Okay, I'm off," said Chuck as he headed to the door with us in tow. Pausing at the threshold, "Just one more thing. Linda you might consider getting some self-defense training yourself. An attractive woman like you in an ever more dangerous world...but we can talk about that another time."

"Maybe...I'll think about it. For now, you have my eternal thanks."

"You're welcome. And take care of my fucking genius," said Chuck with a warm smile as he closed the door.

George circled his arms around me from behind. "I hope you feel better now."

"I do," I said, turning to face him. "But holy fuck!"

"I know it's a lot to take in."

"To put it mildly. So, when were you going to tell me?"

"Honestly, I don't know. We've only known each other a week. I've always known I would, but at the same time, I didn't want to mess things up between us. Besides, I would have to clear it with Chuck. I never asked him, but I'm sure he also knew the day would come."

"I suppose I can forgive you," I teased with a smile.

"Thanks. Love you."

"And I still love you, but you know what I'm thinking?"

"I haven't a clue."

"I think we should fill up that big ass bathtub I've been eyeing for way too long and soak our troubles away."

"Capital idea!" George rejoiced, taking me by the hand and leading me upstairs.

George turned on the taps. As the tub slowly filled, he checked the temperature to be as hot as we could stand.

"Bubbles?" he asked.

"I wouldn't settle for anything less. Gotta get rid of the sunscreen and sweat."

"I never saw you sweat," he replied, retrieving some bubble bath from the windowsill and adding a capful.

"What? How about when I was trembling and holding that flare gun."

"Shit, I just thought what a badass you are."

"Me? What about you?"

"Yeah, I suppose," he replied with a self-deprecating smile. "Truth is, it all happened so fast, I didn't have time to think about it."

"Well then," I said as I stripped off my clothes, "why don't we get our bad asses in the tub?"

"You'll get no argument from me."

Oh's and ahh's filled the room as we haltingly slid into the steaming water, bubbles clinging at the surface, facing each other, arms resting on the top of the sides. My boobs bobbed on the surface, responding to the waves we created. For a while, and I don't know how long, we just let the water sooth our souls.

Glancing out the window at the source of the day's revelation, rocking slightly under the early evening sun, I turned back to George with a goofy smile and said, "I've dreamt of this ever since I first saw it a week ago, but now it's extra special."

"Yeah, it is nice, but you look like the cat that ate the canary. What's on your mind?"

"It's kind of silly at a time like this."

"I've got the time. Give it a try."

"As I said, I've dreamt of this. Us. In the tub. Facing each other. Gazing out the window. But now, the man opposite me is more than I could have ever imagined. Still handsome and sexy, but brave, strong and protective. It's got all the trappings of a romance novel."

"Thanks," he replied, "but you're exaggerating."

Modesty aside, I definitely saw him blush - now that's a first - I was right in my assessment, but he would never boast of it.

"If I'm not mistaken," he continued, "you were one hot pistol packing momma."

"It was all I could think of. I could hardly challenge them directly. But there is one other thing. When we looked at the tape, I realized how little I was wearing. It was only for a moment, but you could see that my bikini bottom doesn't cover much. Later, it was obvious there was nothing under my tee shirt. Do you think Chuck noticed?"

"Well, he's not dead, you know, but he's too much of a gentleman to speak of it. Though he did mention something about an attractive woman as he departed. Regardless, I could tell he was impressed with your bravery, as was I."

"Yeah, more like I didn't go full panic mode," I replied. Now it was my turn to blush. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"

"Allstars," he said, and then, with the delight of a kid at Christmas, "Oh, oh! I've got the perfect film for our next movie night."


"Sorry, tangential thought. But we need to watch African Queen. Humphrey Bogart and Catherine Hepburn. There are obvious differences, but also some similarities to today. It'll be great."

"Count me in, but I think you've got a thing for Bogart."

"I could do worse," he replied as his hand found my foot beneath the water, massaging it gently.

"Mmm. That's divine," I sighed. My head lolled back and I closed my eyes, savoring his touch as it spread up my calf, then switched to my other leg. "You're going to spoil me."

"I thought I already promised that."

"And I'm going to hold you to it."

"In that case, the water's getting cool so why don't we finish washing up in the shower and I'll give you a full body massage."

"Do you think you can control yourself?"

"Of course, but I'll be massaging you with my tongue," he quipped.

"I'd accept nothing less."

The shower was quick. I really wanted George's touch and was presently lying on my stomach on soft sheets as he kneaded away the last vestiges of tension from my head to my toes. Outside of my occasional moans and sighs, there was silence. Gloriously languid silence in the safety of our home. Soft kisses dotted my neck as I sensed him kneeling at my waist.

"Feeling better, my love?" he whispered in my ear.

"Much," I replied as I turned onto my back and his kisses continued from my throat down to my chest, his tongue tracing my breasts, my nipples stiffening as he encircled each one in turn. My hands gently enveloped his head, pressing it to me, and with handfuls of his hair, inviting aggression. The synergy of his sucking and biting drove me onwards, pushing him down my tummy until...

"Oh god, yes," I hissed - wasting no time his mouth enveloped my smooth pussy lips, sucking them in as his tongue snaked between them.

He was delightfully relentless. Spreading my thighs and practically hopping between them, before I could adjust, he pushed them upwards, exposing me to his lustful gaze.

"Such a lovely cunt," he growled as his mouth pounced, spreading and stretching my lips aside with his fingers, sucking rhythmically on my clit.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" I wailed, my hands pressing his head into me, my hips pushing upwards. Damn, I needed this.

Sensing my desperation, his hands slid lower, opening not only my pussy, but my ass cheeks as well, his tongue working in my rosebud, sending a wave of pleasure up my spine. But I needed more and my hands found my breasts, fingers frantically pulling on my nipples.

"Eat me," I commanded as his lips and tongue spread my juices, working his mouth from my clit to my ass. Licking. Sucking. Biting. My hips writhed, desperately trying to match his journeys, my core coiling in anticipation.

I squealed in delight as his thumb easily pierced my rosebud, tripping the spring, my arms flying to my side, seizing handfuls of the sheet, my abdomen spasming as the climax wracked my body under his relentless onslaught.

The intensity left me a quivering bundle, muscles twitching randomly, my lungs gasping, as George tenderly withdrew his thumb, my legs unceremoniously flopped to the bed.

Through heavily lidded eyes I spied him kneeling between my thighs, smiling sweetly, contrasting the fiercely hard cock below.

"Oh, fuck, I really, really needed that," I sighed as he moved to lie beside me, his face, glistening about the nose, lips and chin, hovering above mine.

"Ya think?" he teased, eyes twinkling with prideful satisfaction. I pulled him to me, kissing him softly, tasting my essence.

"My turn," I replied, rolling him onto his back.

Certain his need must be as urgent as mine, I dispensed with any formalities. Forcing myself between his legs and taking the head of his cock in my mouth. That big, hard, demanding cock slipping deeper into my mouth, passing my tongue and invading my throat. Transmitting his fortitude, wanting nothing more than to own it, just crudely fucking it, sliding up to the tip and all the way back down again. No hands, my mouth and throat would conjure the elixir I craved.

"That's it," he moaned, "take my cock, you bitch."

His demanding words reverberated in my heart, a command I could not ignore; my head reciprocated faster. Spit running freely down his cock and balls, hollow slurping echoing about us.

As his cum erupted in my mouth, a mighty roar filled my ears, demanding my dedication...Yes, feed me. Consume the energy. Swallow the power. The fuel prolific.

Ensuring no waste, I sucked and squeezed the last droplets from him. Only then could I release his softening cock to gaze up at his heavy breathing and soft, unfocused and distanced expression.

"Whew!" he exhaled, shifting his affectionate focus to me. "That was incredible...I really needed it too."

"Yeah, we both did," I agreed, snuggling up beside him, my head on his shoulder, one leg draped across his thighs. His arm wrapped across my back.


"Absolutely. I needed your cum."

"You can have it whenever you want. I'm generous like that."

"That you are. But I'm serious. It's like...I don't it nurtured my soul."

"I've never considered the philosophical implications, but after a day like today, I totally get it."

"I'm glad you do, my love...of a lifetime."

"Mmm," he purred and pulled me closer.

As the last remnants of daylight retreated, we drifted. Exhausted. Contented.

Boat name

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