Queen Seilna

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Selina is kind of pathetic.
3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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Selina was leaned back in her computer chair, eyes glued to the pictures and videos and stories across all three monitors. She was wearing her favorite hoodie, a ratty old black number that didn't have any markings on it anymore, the cheap ink having rubbed off years ago. The hood was pulled over her bald head, an occasional thread from the material catching on a scale from time to time. She grumbled and took a hand off one of her dicks to scratch at the spot in irritation, working the thread free before going back to slowly stroking herself.

She had a story about some teenage girls being transformed into big fat herms on her middle monitor, the left monitor cycling through a slideshow of some of her favorite art and pictures. The right monitor was playing some generic porn of a vixen bent over a couch, some big buff wolf pounding her hard. She wasn't really into dudes, but the squealing of the vixen was doing it for her. She flicked her tongue a bit, the forked tip flickering in the dry air.

She turned her head occasionally to look at the picture as it showed up again, grunting a bit as she had to stop stroking her dicks for a moment so she didn't pop. She'd been edging for hours now and one of her favorite pictures had come up; A gothy skunk girl showing her fat ass, one hand tugging her pucker open and the other coated in pre, thick strands of it connected to her cock. She shivered a bit and inhaled for a minute as she composed herself. It was only three in the morning and she wasn't ready to unload just yet.

Once she calmed down she went back to slowly stroking both her shafts. Her slit was gaping and the tapered lengths looked like they wouldn't ever go back inside with how hard and swollen they are. She smiled and went back to her story. The two girls were growing dicks, their asses were getting fat. They were gorgeous and only getting prettier.

"SELINA!!" a voice yelled from downstairs. "You better be in bed! You have class in the morning!" continued her mother. She rolled her eyes and groaned. Mom wouldn't be yelling if she thought Selina was actually asleep so she quickly turned off all her monitors and threw a blanket over herself. She was trying to painfully bend her dicks down to not tent her covering so much just as the door opened. She closed her eyes and hoped she looked like she was sleeping.

She took careful measures to breathe slowly, her flat chest rising and lowering in her hoodie. The light from the hall was streaming in and she could see it through her eyelids but she kept still. As she was pressing down on her slimy snake pricks, she felt a familiar pressure deep in her groin. She was going to cum. She bit her tongue to keep from making any more noise and felt herself erupt, smearing her seed all over the underside of her blanket. She had to hold her breath and hoped the check in wasn't going to last much longer or else the stink of her masturbation would be even more noticeable to her mother.

After a few seconds the door slowly closed again and she threw the blanket free, gripping herself hard and trying to stroke her way through the last of her climax. It was too late though. Absolutely ruined. She wanted to make a mess, but not the kind that would get her blanket all crusty later. She inhaled deeply and, soon enough, fell asleep in her chair, leaving the mess as she slowly softened and withdrew back into her slit.

In the morning, groggy and cranky from her ruined night; So little sleep on top of her ruined orgasm and she was hopping mad. She took a quick shower and dried off, slithering out the door to go downstairs to catch the public bus to classes. There was a note on the door from her mother which she grabbed and tucked in her hoodie pocket before heading to class.

Selina was going to school for comp-sci, the stereotypical nerd. She knew a little about computers growing up so it just ended up being the logical choice. She barely graduated high school so it was community college for now. Her parents had said she had to either get a job or go to school and she was too lazy and shy to get a job. She had anxiety problems that made it hard to deal with stressful situations like retail, which was likely all she could get.

She sat at the back of the bus and curled her long tail in a coil and sat on it, her turquoise scales looking dingy. She didn't have time to polish them. She took out the note her mother left her and unfolded it.

Happy birthday, pumpkin!

I know you don't really like celebrating, but I wanted to at least acknowledge you turning 20 today! Yay! I hope you have a good day at school and please try to maybe make some friends. I know you have...urges...just like any other girl your age but you can't stay up all night. Your father and I worry you'll be alone forever.

P.S. If anything happens today you want to talk about, you can call me at work. Love you!

Selina tilted her head a bit at the note, at first mortified at the contents but then a little confused at the post script. Why would anything happen today? It was just another Thursday. She shrugged a bit and crumpled up the note, shoving it back in her pocket to look around the bus. There were some cute girls around. A couple vixens, a very pretty skunk that caused her to feel a familiar urging in her groin. She even was wearing a skirt and it looked like she had a nice bulge under her yellow panties when she stood up to get off at her stop.

She was fine with pussy or ass or tits or anything at this point. She was still a virgin and the note didn't help her confidence. She watched the skunk bounce her way down the steps of the bus and hurry off to wherever she was going. She sighed and leaned back against the seat and waited for her stop, daydreaming about skunk,

She started awake and looked around, the only one left on the bus except for the bus driver. She looked around and groaned as she realized she missed her bus. Oh well, she thought. Might as well get some food. She slithered off her seat and to the front of the bus, waiting for it to come to a squealing halt at the next stop in front of some sort of strip mall. She got off and looked around. There was a tiny little hole in the wall chinese restaurant, and she headed over.

Opening the door and hearing the chime, she looked around. It was one of those kinds of places where there was basically just one table, mostly just take out. It smelled wonderful in there but the place itself wasn't much to look at. It was clean, at least, and she slithered up to the counter and said, "...hello?" and immediately recoiled and opened her mouth in challenge as a black and white bulk shouldered around the corner. It was a middle aged panda and even for a panda she was dense. She was taller than Selina stood when she wasn't pushing herself up on her tail and wide as a tree trunk. She definitely had some fat on her but with the huge stack of pots she had piled up she had muscle too. "We're closed." She grunted.

"Oh...uh...sorry...the door was open." Selina's stomach grumbled a bit and she looked around, "It's...uh...it's my birthday?" She ventured, trying to guilt the panda into getting her some food. She was middle aged and, once she put down the pots on a counter, Selina saw her face, She was very pretty, even if she was old enough to be her mother. Mostly, though, she saw the massive tits that were barely covered by an apron and a white tanktop underneath.

"So?" She said as she dried off her hands on her apron, "I don't have a liquor license so I can't give you a shot. Plus, who goes to a chinese restaurant for their 21st birthday to drink?"

"Oh...no..uh...it's my 20th...I can't drink yet...." and she hung her head a bit, turning around to head for the door. The panda watched her for a minute and sighed, taking off her apron and tossing it aside.

"Ok, fine. I can't let a growing girl starve. You got money?" Selina turned back around and nodded, "Have a seat." The panda went back around the corner as Selina settled back in. While she waited she looked around and suddenly felt a little dizzy. She rubbed her eyes and the world straightened again. As she sat, though, the pressure she felt earlier in her groin presented itself again, this time far more insistently. To her horror, she felt her cocks slowly sliding free from her slit. Her eyes went wide and she made sure she was suitably hidden under the table as the panda stomped around the corner again, holding a tray with some dumplings on it. She leaned down to set the tray down and looked at Selina oddly.

The naga smiled sheepishly and picked one up, nibbling at it. She made an appreciative sound and ate the rest of it, "These are very good. Thank you...." she said, drawing out the words into a question. The panda extended a big paw and shook Selina's hand.

"Mary. I know, panda, chinese restaurant. Probably expected some chinese name. I bought this place off someone retiring a couple years ago, mostly for the location. I live nearby." The panda settled down into the chair opposite Selina and took up most of the rest of the table space with her forearms folded atop it. "You smell something?" She looked around again, sniffing at the air.

Selina, in absolute horror as Mary sat down opposite her, shook her head, "J...just dumplings!" She smiled sheepishly again, feeling the fabric of the panda's striped chef pants brushing against the slowly swelling lengths she was trying to hide. She inhaled deeply as if in camaraderie and her eyes crossed a bit. She DID smell something different. And she knew the smell. It was her. She reeked of sex. The scent was practically cascading off of her and it was starting to overpower the dumplings.

The panda swayed a bit, placing a hand on her forehead, "Oohh. Sorry, I feel kind of funny all of the sudden. Hot." And she reached behind her and pulled the apron off of her neck to rest it beside her. The panda's heavy breasts stretched the thin white fabric of her tanktop and despite the head, her nipples were protruding through it for Selina to clearly see. Thick and protruding, the panda didn't seem to notice. When Selina could tear her eyes away, the panda was looking at her hungrily.

"What's your name, cutie?" She smiled, her lips turned up at the corner a bit lecherously. Her eyes looked paler than they were and she was breathing heavy. She reached a paw out to rest on the naga's forearm.

"S--s-selina...are you ok?"

"Ha ha ha. Ssssselina." The panda laughed and said with an overly exaggerated sibilance. She looked and sounded drunk. "I'm great. Say, I have an idea since it's your birthday." And before Selina could respond, she stood up and drew the blinds, locking the door behind her. She walked back to the table, standing next to the naga as she pulled her tank top up and over her head, tossing it aside. "What do you say..." She unbuttoned her pants and kicked them off. Her panties following them. "You knock me up." She bent over the table, pushing the food aside and smiling at Selina.

The panda was out of her mind. She looked hypnotized as she writhed on the table, "I bet you got a nice dick. I can smell it." She said, reaching back and slapping her big ass. Selina stared for a minute and slowly stood up. Her twin dicks dragged against the edge of the table before springing up, splattering her slimy pre across the panda's cheek. "Ooo, twins. I heard snakes are like that..."

Selina was a naga of a mostly extinct tribe. They used to be far more prevalent, according to her mother. She had said that her tribe used to have powers. Could 'turn enemies to allies'. Was this what her mother had meant? Could she...seduce people? She thought about the implications of this for a few seconds, but mostly she thought with her throbbing cocks and her open invitation to fuck this panda. She always thought the term MILF was silly, but this was a mother she would like to fuck.

She slithered behind the panda and, placing her hands on those fat cheeks, spread them apart to stare at the pucker buried deep inside. Below that, the black skin of her folds were dripping wet and Selina groaned softly. Seeing the pictures and the movies was one thing but she was in the presence of beauty that she was about to feel. She reached down and, gripping one of her lengths, she pressed the tapered tip of her pink snakecock and pressed it forward. She gasped at how warm it was and the panda cooed in front of her. She held still for a few moments, savoring her first time. She wasn't sure if she could fit both of her dicks into that pussy so she let the other rest between the soft cheeks of that ass.

She wanted to savor that warmth forever, but she found herself pushing forward needily, her length burying deeper inside. She felt like she need not have worried about both her lengths fitting, the older woman was loose but velvety soft, wet, and so hot on her sensitive skin. She hissed loudly as she sunk in further, her other length sliding along, soft nodules along the underside gliding over that pucker. Mary's asshole clenched and twitched against her while moaning. She arched her back, "Come on....it's your birthday..." She huffed.

The coaxing seemed to ignite something in her and Selina pushed harder, sliding deep until she couldn't go anymore. Her flat pelvis pressed against that cushion and she was already pulling back. It took no time before she gripped Mary's and started to thrust. She felt like she was a queen, conquering a servant. She pulled back and slammed forward, the table wobbling along with the panda's ass as she slammed home. She gripped tight and tilted her head back, laughing as she fucked that cunny, her pre coating it and the mixture of both their needs dripping to the floor.

The motions spread that wetness everywhere and after several minutes of her plowing Mary, a particularly full pull back dropped her other cock down to nestle against the pucker she had been teasing. The panda squealed and wriggled as Selina paused in that position for a minute, huffing, "Do it!" And she needed no further invite. That ass was certainly tighter than Mary's pussy and it took more pressure to push forward, but it didn't take long until she was hilted in both holes.

All her edging she did is the only reason the feeling of her cocks rubbing against each other inside the older woman, the slick muscle walls the only thing separating them. She could tell that she wouldn't be much longer though and she leaned forward, scooping her hands under the panda to squeeze her paunch, fingers playing with the bit of fat there as she fucked her first girl, harder and faster, panting heavily.

"Gonna....make...you....mine...you...fucking....slut...get...ready..." She barked with every exhale, her thrusts becoming more sporadic as she pushed over the edge. Her hands gripped tight and she pushed in as deep as she could. She was making up for her wasted climax yesterday, her thick jets of seed plastering the inside of that panda. She didn't stop. She couldn't stop. Her hips were controlling her and despite how sensitive they felt, she just kept fucking. She had nothing left in her soon but she kept going. She started speaking but the words she said were none she knew. It was like someone else was talking through her. She leaned forward and bit down hard on Mary's shoulder even as she kept fucking both those holes. Her cocks were on fire it felt like, still hard as iron despite her climax. Soon she started erupting again, adding to the waterfall of naga seed and panda juices cascading to the floor.

Suddenly there was a bright flash and the power went out. She couldn't see but she just kept going. More and more of her poured into her first conquest and she could hear the panda moaning, feel her writhing madly. She cried out and after a moment, Selina felt her cocks being clamped down on. Tighter and tighter it became until, despite her uncontrollable lust, she couldn't keep them in anymore and she popped free, falling back to collapse on the floor, panting. She couldn't move but she could see and what she saw confused her.

The panda on top of the table was groaning, and her well-fucked holes were one reason but the other was that she seemed to be shifting before her eyes. The panda was changing shape, growing longer, losing mass in all those plump places. Her ass was shrinking, her tits were practically gone. Her legs were pressing together and lengthening. Soon the fur she had was sliding off of her to reveal scaled just like Selina's, the turquoise shiny and new like a fresh shed. After many long minutes of Selina laying panting on the floor, Mary slowly stood on her new tail and looked around. "What did you do to me?!"

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