Queendom 04: Retirement Party


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But she didn't tell Elanor the only thing she needed to know now. And it wasn't clear if she knew it even. His pubes were the least manageable part of the whole thing. And worse than a gag reflex cough, an impending sense of sneeze tormented her more. Davieth announced then.

"Okay, that's enough practice, Princess. Now take it right. The whole ten inches inside. Okay.? I demand a proper deep throat."

He looked down at her teary eyes, and smiled. And spat down a big gob of saliva, his thoughtful contribution, to aid in lubrication. It splashes on his cock, and Elanor's fingers slathers it along the length, almost like muscle memory. Was she so used to this procedure by now? Without waiting for her to adjust, he proceeds to straight up take it. The full deep throat.

Her throat never felt so stretched. And with all the hair forced upon her nostrils, she wished Wilsom had shaved him instead. And then it kicks in, what she desperately tried to avoid for a while.

A much suppressed sneeze with all its force.

She felt it build up, and could explode at any moment. She tried to push away his hips, but his fingers dug into her skull, making it impossible to tilt back. She tapped out on his buttocks, but it seemed to add to his enjoyment. The way Volgen's fingers expertly guided most of her blood flow towards her loins, it wasn't like Elanor's fingers had much strength left. If anything, it felt cold.

Volgen whispered in her ear, as her mascara ran down in streaks, tear soaked.

"It's okay, you will love it."

Volgen knew how fun breath control could get, especially with a dick down your wind pipe. Only this wasn't a breath issue. It was a sneeze, and it was anything but voluntary.

Needing to breathe desperately, the Queen felt her nostrils flare up involuntarily. The air rushed in, followed by his wild pubic growth. And a twisted hair strand managed to run all the way into her nose hole, to its deepest sensitive spot. And that did it.

Elanor sneezed.

A sneeze that shook her entire being.

A sneeze that seemed to originate from the depths of her underbelly.

She expected her skull to break out of his grip, to recoil back, letting the sneeze do its thing. But all her physicality amounted to a rag doll in the grip of Dave's experienced hands. Her head couldn't pop back, not by an inch. So as the sneeze hit, it popped the only alternative way in front.

In that single jolt of sneeze, her face plunged even deeper into Davieth's hairy belly. The remaining inches grazed past her wet lips finally. So did his both balls. The entire ball sack slid past her saliva coated sloppy lips, and got sucked into her mouth cavity. Her cheeks looked hilariously bulged out, like a greedy chipmunk. But most striking of all, she felt the entire mushroom head of his erection pushed down her throat, by an extra inch.

She had done it. A full deep throat.

Davieth shouted out in ecstasy, "God! That's the deepest I've ever felt within a body. And that's counting all holes. This your doing, Volgen?"

"No Dave, that's all her. The little slut." Volgen responded. Her eyes were wide open as well. This wasn't something you saw every day. An extreme, even for Volgen.

Elanor looked up, her gaze fixed on his smile, barely visible through the thick pubic growth blocking her vision. Her face was comically distorted, her lips pouting up, sucking in the cock base. Her cheeks filled with his pulsing balls, looking like a chipmunk almost. Her eyes tired yet blissful, nose running with slime, and heart filled with joy listening to her Master moan. Jaw stretched so wide, with her tongue pushed out and extended, Davieth could feel it painting spit against his perineum. The tip of her tongue reached his asshole even. 'This is heaven', he thought.

For Elanor, this wasn't all. Because her mind and throat weren't the only ones that got opened up that moment. Like any sneeze, the air in her desperately needed to escape. And what couldn't escape through her newly clamped throat had found a new exit in an instant. Elanor felt her asshole open up involuntarily, and the air escape her in silence. She felt thankful for the silence, as she had been embarrassed enough by then, but her hole stayed open for a moment. And it did not go unnoticed.

Volgen had felt the warmth of her anal exhale hit her knees. The Queen soon felt Volgen's conniving fingers crawl up to her anus. In an instant, she clinched her asshole shut. That being the only independent decision she took all night.

"Okay princess... Next time, maybe." Volgen smiled through her whisper.

Elanor felt his cock pulse, in a distinct way, followed by a warmth coating on her throat, dripping down the inner walls of her esophagus.

Oh no! It pained her. He just came. Copiously.! And yet, after all this humiliation, she didn't get to taste him. It was long-lost down her throat now. And she didn't have it in her, to endure a replay. The Queen was all too spent. From the state of it, so was he.

As he collapsed back into his seat, and to his post ejaculation bliss, Elanor felt her knees give out.

She eased back to the lulling embrace, of the waiting Volgen.

And as the elder woman devoured her lips, she didn't have the strength nor will to protest. Nor did it feel as bad it did earlier.

And that disturbed her, in so many levels.



The men were all drunk, spend and asleep. Even Davieth. Curled up on the floor, he slept like a baby now. A smiling, sleepy Volgen watched as the Queen cleaned herself and changed into a single remaining stola. She put on her face veil, hoping that they were truthful about the laced drinks. That the whole night will be a big black-out for them the next morning. And she suspected it to be the case. After a few drinks, right from Volgen's lips, Elanor herself had a hard time piecing together the events, or remembering the faces of most. Volgen was still awake by the time she fixed herself. She kissed her to sleep and walked out, debating if the kiss was really necessary. 'Let her have it. Volgen was the most supportive tonight, after all.' The Queen rationalized, opening the door.

Tabitha was waiting there, leaning against the railing. She said.

"So now you know, Demura. What a Main Event is. And it seems you have excelled.! You may use one of the guest quarters to rest for the night. I believe Lady Agrafena will meet you there. Please follow me."

Wait. How long had she been standing here? And Elanor just noticed that the Private Hall entrance was, obviously, guarded. She didn't see them before, since they had entered through the back door. It was one thing to dance in front of all. It was of some consolation knowing at least they were alone within the walls of the hall. But it seems the guards might have witnessed it all even. This is.. Not good. She closed the door shut, feeling the faint smell of cum emanating from the room behind.

"Were you, hmm.. Watching?!" With all her shame in her face, Elanor asked.

"No, I was told to wait outside. And to not interfere." Tabitha informed Elanor, putting her at ease.

Then she added with a wicked grin.

"But you weren't exactly quiet, either."

The guards couldn't help but smirk, as the maid simply turned and walked.

Elanor felt her skin melt off. As she followed down the corridor, taking much longer strides to catch up with the buxom maid's pace, the Queen could only wonder, 'Where did Mistress disappear to anyway?'

And she felt something slip out from her loins. Something metallic fell down between her legs, making a sharp 'clink' sound hitting the floor, cutting through the quiet of the night. As it kept rolling, Elanor realized what it was. Only she couldn't retrieve it, look back, or face those guards again even.

She walked with an increased pace, as the guards looked at the ground. It kept rolling until it stopped, hitting against the guard's shoe. He took it for a closer examination, the other guard leaned over to see.

It was a thick imperial gold coin. The one Volgen had inserted into Elanor's pussy earlier.

A gift for her services to the sewer cleaner..!

It still had her slimy juices, just dripping. And the guard couldn't help but smile.

Never had he loved the smell of gold more.

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gumby42gumby42about 1 year ago

wow. This is the most erotic story I have read.

TATMoneyTATMoneyover 1 year ago

Incredible story

ladieslovecocoladieslovecocoover 1 year ago

Sorry... I wrote the 2nd comment, because I thought my first one didnʻt make it! I didnʻt realize it needed approval before showing up!

ladieslovecocoladieslovecocoover 1 year ago

Amazing story!

First let me say, Iʻve been on this site since the 90s (almost from the beginning) and I can say without a doubt that this is one of my favorite stories ever. It was a masterpiece of building tension and not letting it go.

Specifically what I enjoyed the most was the internal tension that the Eleanor faces: her submissiveness vs her queendom. Her need to let go versus her desire to maintain her throne. Please whatever you do, donʻt let that die. That is the central tension and the thing that makes this one of the hottest things Iʻve ever read.

Also a couple other things I like: both the dom (Bella/Lady Agrafena) and the sub (the queen). Not just from a character stand point (in terms of how it serves the story) but I like those characters as people. I am rooting for them. Too often erotic writers tend to forget that we the reads WANT to cheer for the main characters. If you make them horrible or line steppers (often with Doms) or stupid and defeated (often subs) it may make for a brief temp rise in hotness... but that act with inevitably eliminate the tension from there on.

If Eleanor loses her status, her central tension (i.e. staying Queen vs being a sub) will entire be gone. I urge you not to let those reigns go (no pun intended... but welcome).

But also, I like that you havenʻt fallen victim to the trope consequences (so far at least). What I mean by that is that often women are categorized into 1 of 3 tropes/categories: the mother, the whore or the virgin. And when a woman crosses those boundaries in certain directions, she usually gets "punished". Some are celebrated (e.g. virgin to mother, and occasionally whore to mother). But others are punished: A mother becomes a whore? Burn her life down. A virgin becomes a "whore" ... her left becomes destitute.

Obviously this isnʻt always the case, but itʻs a trope for a reason. So please donʻt do the trope-y thing. Keep the tension of her both being the virgin Queen in power, being the most powerful woman... and her being a submissive (chaste) slut beholden to her mistress who is at the whims of her desire and her mistress.

Anyway, thanks for writing this. I hope you keep it up!

ladieslovecocoladieslovecocoover 1 year ago

I've been on this site for about 2 decades (before this millenium i.e. when the site first started). I've read a LOT of stories on this site. This series is easily my favorite story I've ever read. Definitely in my top 5, and easily the one that I found the hottest. Fantastic job!

What I enjoy most is the struggle within herself to both release her inner slut, but also maintain her status/stature. And it is THAT tension that I find incredibly hot! But what I also enjoy is that despite Bella constantly pushing Eleanor's limits. She also ensures that she doesn't push her so far that she breaks the Queen Eleanor's trust. It's that tension of slutty virgin, powerful yet submissive queen that is the best part of the story in my opinion.

So with that I really really hope you don't break that tension by making her lose her Reign/queendom. Which is why I am worried about the "permanent" loss of her public hair. It's the secrecy and tension that make this my favorite story. A lot of writers on this site tend to ruin the lives of the main characters. Often it's cause they're trying to amp up the humiliation. But almost always that ruins the fantasy. You root for these characters after all.

Also, I often times find in many stories I start to dislike the dom of the stories. In this case, even when Bella is pushing Eleanor's limits it's not done for selfish reasons. She's not being malicious. I like that Bella is a good, caring dom. Too many writers think a dom has to be "horrible" to be interesting or attractive or constantly crossing lines.

I look forward to the rest of series! Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is there any date for next release. I'm tired of waiting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So Bellatrix is planning to push Eleanor so far she won't be de facto able to rule anymore, since the realms are actually barely in the queen's hands but more in other people maybe more competent? That will have even public consequences? Idk where this will go, but I'm interested.

Nice work btw

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story!

I've just a doubt: when Bella thinks "The reigns were barely in her hands anyway.", does it mean she believes Eleanor doesn't exercise a lot of direct power but it's de facto in the hands of several nobles/functionaries and, so, that even if she pushes, breaks or shocks the Queen more, it won't damage too much the kingdoms or have strong repercussions on the power dynamic? In case it doesn't, just please let me know I misunderstood.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Best chapter so far.

Do you have a schedule for upcoming chapters?

Lady_AgrafenaLady_Agrafenaover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you OrcDominion & Anon for your feedback.

Queendom initially had six episodes, but while expanding 3 and 4, an additional episode got developed. So I'm currently working on it. In total it'll have seven episodes. The main events and story-line are fleshed out for episodes 6 & 7.

Again, thank you for the observations and appreciation. Coming from a fellow writer, it means a lot.

OrcDominionOrcDominionover 1 year ago

This is probably my favorite chapter yet. I loved the bit with her pubic hair being shaved into the Royal seal. I was a little less enthusiastic about it being permanent, mostly because a permenent ointment came a little out of left field for an otherwise realistic setting, but also because I would lime if she had to work to maintain it.

I am enjoying the increasing escalations. How many chapters out have you written? I am looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story keep it up. Best part for me was her walking naked down the hallway

Lady_AgrafenaLady_Agrafenaover 1 year agoAuthor

Hi.! If you enjoyed the story so far, please leave a comment. I'd appreciate if you could mention what you liked about it and what you skipped over. Thank you!

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