Rags to Riches Ch. 02

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The fate of stardom.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/02/2022
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My thanks to my darling Pixie for her help with editing this story


June phoned Pixie twice more that afternoon, but to no avail. She had left messages each time, but no answer? Her thoughts were all over the place, now three days and not a word.

Had she had an accident? No, surely someone would have contacted her. June's stomach sank. She recalled that just before she left for Paris, she and Pixie had a huge row, mainly about her past love. Yes it had been a long time ago but June still felt as though it might have left a longing in her little lover.

Although sceptical, June was due to meet Cara in the bar at about seven o'clock.

Just a drink, she thought, what harm could that do?

Relatively new to relationships, June was somewhat naive about Cara's intentions. She knew she was gay but just thought this was a chance to develop a friendship.

"Well if Pix is out enjoying herself," she thought, "so can I."

It was a hot evening so she took a quick shower, and changed into something light. A Maisie Wilen, slim fit mini dress with high neck, deciding a bra was not necessary but just a Chantelle pair of panties to cover any accidental weaknesses.

Already five foot nine in bare feet, the two inch heels made her look stunning. She glanced at herself in the mirror, did a twirl, picked up her phone with room key and walked out the door.

Walking into the bar, Cara was on a stool chatting to the barman. A glass of champagne in front of her.

"Oh my goodness, June. You look absolutely stunning" as she gave her a kiss on the cheek, to which June responded likewise.

"Thank you, that's a great compliment coming from you."

"I must say you look pretty awesome yourself," looking at the Dior dress wrapped round Cara's perfectly framed body.


"Oh yes please!"

The two chatted freely about modelling, fashion and the strain of travelling. All the while Cara was inching closer with her hand now on June's arm and running it up and down.

"I thought we might go clubbing," said Cara, "would you like to? I have special free entry at High Club on Promenade des Anglais."

"That sounds fun, it's been a while since I danced though."

"Great, let's grab a cab then." She picked up her things, grabbed June's hand and took her outside.

"High club on Promenade des Anglais," please she spoke to the cab driver.

Sitting in the back, Cara turned to June and kissed her.

The response at first was both cold and restrictive but with three glasses of champagne in her and a somewhat confused state of mind, June opened her mouth and took Cara's tongue. It felt strange but wonderful. Their hands were all over each other. Cara slowly running her hand up June's leg, as June began to massage Cara's perfect breasts. The tension was electric. Even the cab driver looking through his rear view mirror was excited, desperately trying to keep the cab on the road.

Tongues raced about and forced into mouths, and taste buds began to enjoy new flavours.

Within twenty minutes they were at the club door. Giggling and laughing with excitement. June felt free, she was wild. They got out of the cab, giggling like a couple of schoolgirls. Cara pulled June to her and gave her a long, lingering kiss, her hands cupping June's perfect bum. June pressed against her.

The two enjoyed the dancing. June was, Cara said, a "natural," and it was certainly the case that the two gorgeous models dancing with each other attracted admiring attention.

By eleven o'clock, they were thoroughly giggly, and, fuelled by more champagne, June's defences were down. Cara, an experienced seductress, chose her moment.

"Why don't we go back to my room and relax?"

June thought "why not?" She said so.

In the taxi on the way back, she and Cara were all over each other, so much so that the taxi driver said he didn't need paying, he'd had a great view.

Back at the hotel, as the lift went up to Cara's suite on the top floor, June had a moment of clarity. What the hell was she doing? So Pixie had not responded to her messages? There could be plenty of reasons, she argued. "Like what?" the impatient part of her replied. "Come on girl, have some fun, it isn't as though Pixie would need to know? Would she even mind if she did?"

But June's better self argued back. Pixie was the love of her life, she could not betray her, not and remain June. Above all, she was still just June.

Cara's tongue pressed into her mouth, her hands gripped June's perfect ass when

there came a loud *ping* from June's phone. Suddenly sober, June knew, she just knew that something was wrong and that it was Pixie.

"I have to take this," June said, detaching herself from Cara. The screen lit up. It was a text. She opened the phone and her heart almost stopped as she read the words:

"One million pounds by next week or that slut Pixie dies."

June screamed. She shook. She went into hysterics as she dropped the phone.


Cara grabbed the phone, read the text and sobered up herself.

"We are out of here, come with me," and grabbing June's phone and her hand, she steered them both back to the lobby, where a doorman hailed a cab.

"Back to the hotel Plaza, and fast," Cara said to the driver.

Turning to June she said:

"Right June, we are going straight back to the U.K."

"But, but, but."

"No buts, I've been here before, my sister was kidnapped a couple of years back, and I know someone at Scotland Yard, I'm coming with you," she said, holding her tightly. "Gather your things and meet me at reception in ten minutes."

Tears running down her face and still shaking, as they got back to her hotel, June raced to her room, threw everything in a bag and ran back out.

In the meantime Cara had phoned her friend, Anne, a Detective Inspector at the Yard, explained the situation and asked if they could meet at Heathrow when they landed.

"I'll text you once I know which flight."

"OK see you later," said Anne, "in the meantime, we're going to check on the house and see what we can find."

Cara paid June's bill, and before June had recovered her wits, looked up the next flight to Heathrow from Charles du Gaulle airport and booked the one that left in eighty minutes. She phoned the airport and booked two first class tickets.

In the cab to the airport June began to gather her thoughts. It had been a frantic thirty minutes.

"Oh Cara, thank you, how can I ever repay you? One minute we were about to, well who knows, but it would have been fun, and now there is this disaster. Thanks for helping."

"June darling, yes I wanted you, yes I wanted to make love to you. I'd still love to, but I could see you wavering, and I see now what Pixie means to you. You'd have been a great fuck, and I do love fucking - and if you and Pixie ever...."

June, now sober, smiled.

"Pixie and I will never part, we must get her back. And yes, in the end, I'd have hated myself - though you know you are extremely attractive.'

Cara smiled. Sure, she would love to have fucked June, but she was seeing in June what Pixie saw, that June who had conquered the fashion world and won peoples' hearts by her straightforward personality. She liked that in June, and she would, she decided, never put a friendship at risk for a one-night stand.

They hugged again - firm friends, but no more than that.

On the flight, June tried to still her anxiety by thinking about the first day she and Pixie had made love: the soak in the bath at Pixie"s house, after they met at the, now refurbished, Hoff Centre. Then Pixie trimming and then shaving her pussy. She sighed as she recalled the way she had caught Pixie playing on her bed and sucking her fingers, and at how she had tasted Pixie for the first time kissing her lips and exploring her mouth, before moving down the body to taste what was her life's nectar. And then, oh bliss, she had made love to a woman for the first time, licking and lapping at Pixie's juices, flicking her clit with her tongue and darting inside her as juices flowed from her, swallowing everything.

She thought of how she had finger fucked her until she spasmed at least three times before rubbing her own pussy on Pixie's face until she also shuddered with joy, and of how she had learned of Pixie's love for a spanking, and how it had got her so excited that she almost orgasmed after just a few slaps, until the control gained momentum.

She thought back at how they had fallen in love, how she had become famous and all this time her Lady Pixie had remained in the back ground, while fame and fortune lay at her feet. Pixie was truly an amazing woman. Now the guilt of almost having cheated on her set in and June began to cry. Knowing that whatever happened she would find her true love. Never again would she allow herself to get so vulnerable.

The plane landed on schedule and a police car drove up to the steps as soon as it stopped on station. Cara and June were immediately escorted off by two junior officers leaving the remainder of the passengers wondering what was going on.

Cara hugged Anne at passport control and introduced June. They set off as June explained the situation.

"I've heard nothing more than the text" she said in total panic. "Please find her, please!"

Anne explained what was going to happen, they would go to June and Pixie's home and wait further instructions, in the meantime officers of Anne's squad would start an investigation.

"Do you know of anyone who could do this?"

"No, Pixie is the sweetest, kindest person in this world. You must find her, I'll pay anything they want."

At the house there was no sign, but the door was unlocked and the kitchen looked as if it had been left in a hurry, stale milk on the table, dirty dishes and the radio still on.

Another text arrived.

"Get the money by midnight tomorrow and await further instructions."

June phoned her bank and arranged the cash, that was one thing easily solved. June's account was bursting with cash.

By now the Police were in full flow. They had interviewed everyone Pixie knew as well as all June's contacts, little emerged however.

There was a glimmer of hope. Apparently Mary and Billy, who ran the Hoff centres told the police that a young couple, Joe and Rose, from the streets had been asking about June and Pixie, wanting to know what they were up to and where they lived. they knew them, as in fact did June, many days and nights were spent together huddled under a bridge trying to keep warm.

"But where were they now" asked June, "they can't be far away."

A full police search began, it was a waiting game. It wasn't long before Ella arrived, worried sick about her sister.

June introduced Cara, explaining how helpful she had been, but made no reference to their time in Nice, for obvious reasons.

Cara looked at Ella, Ella looked at Cara. Had they met before June wondered.

Despite just shaking hands, there seemed to be a familiarity between each of them and Cara had that look of satisfaction.

It was about midnight when the police radios started to buzz, with lots of activity between the officers at the house.

Anne came to June who was sitting in the kitchen with Ella having a cup of tea.

"We've found Joe and Rose with another person called Scratch, they are in a disused factory on the outskirts of town. We are pretty sure that is where they have Pixie. Hold your nerve, we will get her back."

"I am coming," said June.

"We don't know what has happened, it might be best to leave it to us."

"NO!" June said in a voice which brooked no argument. Anne gave in. As they rode to the factory, June's heart was in her mouth.

Pixie woke, feeling groggy. She could not move her hands or feet, she was cold. She realised she was naked, and she cold feel a scratchy blanket against her skin. She heard the door open.

"Awake are you, slut?"

It was a man. Pixie's worst nightmare was, she feared, about to come true.

"Don't worry, you'll be released when that other slut, June pays up. I always fucking wanted her when she was on the streets with us, but you, you fucking pervert, took her from me, now you're going to pay. It isn't natural, two pussies - you need cock, you bitch!"

With a shiver, Pixie realised it was one of the men who had hung out with June back then, one of those who, despite their attempts to help him, had slipped back into crime and bad ways.

"We have the night before we do the exchange, plenty of time to convert you to the joys of natural sex."

With a huge effort of self control Pixie asked:

"So, Joe, it is Joe isn't it? Natural sex is taking a woman lying on her tummy by force?"

"No, of course not."

"Look, Joe," Pixie said, "we both know you are going to take me, so you can have me by force, or you can show me the joys of a man. Or are you scared of a small woman?"

"Course I'm fucking not, shut it!"

With that he smacked Pixie's bum, hard.

"Oh, Joe, how did you know?"

"Know what?" Joe asked, puzzled.

"That I like a good spanking. I already feel something."

Joe smirked, all the same these tarts, he thought, treat 'em mean and keep 'em keen.

"Okay darlin', just wait a sec and I will release you so you can be a good girl. You want to be a good girl don't you?"

"Oh yes, Sir," Pixie gushed.

She felt his hands on her arse, but could not work out what he was doing to her, but as it did not involve her pussy or asshole, she lay still.

"There!" He said. "Now, let me untie you."

He unlocked the handcuffs.

Pixie moved her sore muscles.

"Not much in the tit department, luv. You ever sucked cock?"

"No, Sir," Pixie said breathlessly, "you will be my first."

"Good girl," Joe smiled, before he screamed as Pixie's fist was driven into his groin hard, once, twice, and a third time. Pixie fastened the cuffs to his hand and the bedstead and looked for the exit - then the world exploded.

The door opened, and to Pixie's amazement, there was her June.

"June!" Pixie, ignoring her nakedness, ran to her life's love.

"Pixie!" said June, doing the same.

As they hugged, one of the police women wrapped a warm blanket around Pixie.

"Oh my love!" They said in unison - one, once more and forever.

Thirty minutes later Pixie still wrapped in a huge rug, was sipping sweet tea in her kitchen. She was delighted to see Ella, who hugged her tightly, and wondered who the gorgeous creature who seemed to be with her was.

Pixie explained her ordeal.

She had answered to door to a text saying there was a parcel for June. As there were always parcels coming for June, Pixie had answered the door. The man had asked her to "sign here," and as she had turned to get a pen, he had grabbed her, put something to her face, and the next things she knew, she had woken up naked on a bed. They had stripped her so she wouldn't escape so easily, and, well, she just said the man had slapped her around, telling her she was a lesbian whore.

Her voice quavered as she told them the outlines of what Joe had threatened, and then how she had punched him. She had, she said, no idea of how she was going to escape, but then, she said, looking with deep love at June,

"You arrived, my Saviour!"

Cara and Ella both smiled as the evident love between the two woman shone like a beacon. Cara was glad she had not gone as far as she had wanted.

June had a quiet word with Anne.

"I think we need to rest, can you come back in the morning? How is she, you spoke to her on the way back."

"She is a tough one. Almost passing off her ordeal as if it was nothing too horrific. She even cares about what will happen to Joe and Rose."

"That's my Pixie. Will she be okay?"

"She's been through a nasty shock, and however okay she seems, keep an eye on her. I recommended she see a shrink, but she said she is going to see a vicar. Each to her own I guess."

"Well, Anne, thank you," June said.

As the police went, leaving the four women, June hugged Pixie and said said she was never leaving her again.

"Rubbish," said Pixie "I'm fine, this is perhaps just a learning check for us all. You have a career ahead of you, and the Centres need you to carry on."

"Right off to bed said Ella," somewhat to June's surprise. But she was glad to have the time to be alone with her love. Ella went to her room opposite Pixie and June's and Cara, who had finally been introduced to Pixie, went down the corridor to the other room.

Very quickly Pixie fell asleep in June's arms and again June thought back over the last forty eight hours. Silence fell on the house.

Suddenly there was shuffling on the landing, a door opening, then closing.

June thought nothing of it, perhaps Ella had forgotten something from the kitchen, she soon fell asleep too.

Pixie woke first, looking at June and smiling. She kissed her nose.

Slowly June woke too as Pixie's lips joined hers and their embrace felt magical as if the room was full of butterflies she felt as if she was floating.

She kissed eyes and licked away any sleep from them.

Gradually working her way down this beautiful creature she had fallen in love with those years ago.

As she kissed June's neck, she heard her moan, placing a hand on June's breasts felling the nipples swell. Licking lower until her mouth was covering Junes areola, sucking on the nipple until it felt hard, then giving it a slight nip with her teeth. She moved to the other, repeating the process.

June moaned again, "Ohhhh Pix that's so good!"

All the time her hand was pressing between June's legs. Feeling the dampness increase.

Pixie's own arousal evident as she too pressed her pussy onto June's knee rubbing and grinding her wetness over the kneecap.

"I want you, I need you, I'm yours," she said

June's legs began to part, her knees bending to press deeper between Pixie's.

Working together as one their breathing increasing as their arousal increased.

Pixie moved, lifting June's leg, she positioned herself between them. With her own legs one over and one under June. Their pussies could join.

Pushing hard into each other the motions began.

Moving her body in small upward jolts, clits joining and and juices mixing, June grabbed Pixie's hands, pulling them tighter together. They rocked, they groaned they both smiled and they moved faster and faster in time with one another, before grinding their love for one another into one huge orgasm.



Both shook and spasmed as they exploded squirting juices over one another.



They had missed one another but now united once more the love had never faltered

Calming and cuddling, there were sounds from across the corridor.

"Yes Cara, yes, oh don't stop please don't stop."

"Ahhh ahhha ahhha, I'm your slut."

June sat up, looked at Pixie with such an inquisitive look.

"Oh darling I know Ella is straight and happily married, but she always had that bisexual urge, and the way Cara looked at her last night, I'm not the least bit surprised. She seems a randy little bitch that Cara, and I could understand if you were tempted."

"What? Me and Cara? No I have all I need right here," said June, her face going bright red.

Both laughed and cuddled back down listening to the sexual pleasures coming from across the corridor.

Pixie got up and walked towards the shower.

"Pixie, what's that on your bum" "bend over."

As she did June could see one word written on each cheek


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JPintrainingJPintraining9 months agoAuthor

Franz, So pleased you are enjoying the story

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy10 months ago

Is it a mens world ….. the simple minds think so, thinking that power, not brain power just body power is the driving energy on this planet ….. unfortunately such emergency is still happen to women all over this planet and this is just perverted horror ….. pixie is back and well, that’s all it needs ….. cara was worth the while and payed dearly in a huge positive way, for her tryout bedding the cute june

💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💋 ten hearts again for this chapter

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Dear Chloe, you are so generous with your words of praise. Thank you

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Glad you are enjoying it Anon

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Monica for endorsing my story.

chloe_switchchloe_switchover 1 year ago

I absolutely loved the way you handled the mood of this chapter, going from illicit tryst to tense trepidation. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yes, defo a love story - like it a lot - Anonx

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OMG - that ending - Mistress Ann did that to me after reading - so I owe you a big O - SlutMonica x

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Ann, I so grateful, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoy your work, this series is, like you, new to me - but congrats - Ann 🌟

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Chapter 3 is out Olwen…enjoy it

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenover 1 year ago

Just another fabulous piece of writing. How long till chapter 3?

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Hi anonymous, you comments are noted thank you…chapter 3 should be published very soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

love the continuation - nice touches and you keep us guessing - still think Pixie is so submissive she would accept June being with Cara - another 5 * - more coming?

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Paul. Thank you so much for your kind review.

Paul4playPaul4playover 1 year ago

Excellent chapter!

I love the rapid pace and feverish lust.

Your ongoing improved writing is a pleasure to read and I look forward to more chapters!a

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Dear Pix

No one is more proud, than I am of you 💋

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Maonaigh, thank you. I will endeavour to live up to expectations ! Giggles

JPintrainingJPintrainingover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Anonymous, I don’t know anything about ‘forth walls’ breaking but with Pix at my side anything can happen… giggles

MaonaighMaonaighover 1 year ago

You found a nicely-plotted way to step June back from the brink although she was in doubt about Cara's temptation. You are coming along well, June, so keep up the good work.

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