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With her back to him, she smiled. She released the hold on her cheeks and moved to her knees. She crawled not towards him, but away. Before he could question it, she said, "I'd rather our first time having sex be on my bed, if that's okay Sir?"

She thought she'd won but as he followed behind her, he reminded her of what had started it all. "You haven't told me how grateful you are that you got to serve me tonight. So I'm going to spank you at some point this weekend and not stop until I'm convinced you're grateful."

He saw her shiver with excitement.


She smiled at the memory of the spanking that weekend. He was hard with her. It wasn't the gentle swats of a lover during sex. He had her on her own bed, stretched out on her front and on display. Then he struck her cheeks. First with his hand and then some with his belt. She took her punishment with commitment, and it finished with her feeling weak, needy and disciplined. Feelings she had always craved from a man.

Before that though, they had sex for the first time. The memory caused her to lose her flow on the bike slightly.

He'd warned that he hadn't had sex in a while. She'd made it even harder for him by telling him to take control. She was ready.

She had still been feeling the pressure around her neck as he lay asleep beside her hours later. Her pussy still ached as she rode the Peloton too.

He had fucked her gently at first. He was bigger than she'd ever had, and he could feel that. Elena was breathing heavy for it. She kept her legs wrapped around him at first until her natural wetness and the lube she had bought (her research continued to come in use) helped to ease into it.

Before long, he was fucking her with a level of ease - still holding her, but with less friction and a lot more pleasure. Elena knew her lips would be sore, as would the rest of her hole. There was no stopping until they had properly enjoyed each other.

When she released her legs from around his waist, he took that as a sign to take charge. He started to fuck her, thrusting almost all the way in, drawing to the edge, and repeating. His hands held her hip and her breast, squeezing them for grip. Elena could hear that she was whimpering but it was irrelevant. Whenever she whimpered, she just wanted more.

With her encouragement, he became rougher with his use of her. He'd squeeze her neck, squeeze her breasts and pound her hard. Every bit of her was available to him. She knew that the way she was giving herself to him wasn't going to lend itself to a long, hard fuck. That would come.

What mattered most was giving him pleasure and how good that felt. But it was his words that had done it for her.

"This tight hole is mine to enjoy now, whenever I want it!"

"Your body is made to be fucked. It's no longer going to be hidden away from me."

"You deserve to be fucked like this, you're so fucking sexy."

She was starting to believe it.

He fucked her hard, making her moan like some kind of wanton slut she'd seen in porn. Those staged scenes she'd taken the piss out of because they were so deliberately excessive. But there she was, moaning in the same way, as he took her.

He came hard after the dirty talk and over the sounds of her shameless moaning. He gripped her neck as he came inside her, squeezing it. She held his hands down on her neck until she felt the last of his spurts inside her, before she let go. When he released her of his grip, she was breathless and a mess. She had finally, finally been fucked the way she always craved.

She cleaned him with her mouth and then hours later after using the bathroom, awoke him the same way. Her pussy was sore but needy, so he had her again.

"You're not to clean yourself, you're to leak my cum into your underwear all day until you shower later," he'd told her after finishing in her.

His cock was in her mouth before she answered, because that was the service she would give him. "Yes Sir," she replied when she was done.

He left after breakfast to see his niece. True to her word, she didn't clean herself up until after she had worked out on her Peloton.


Having regular sex brought problems.

It wasn't the marks or the general aches - easily coverable under clothes and besides, the feelings were bringing such joy they were not even a burden - it was the fact that she was constantly happy.

She'd had to tell Sophie she was seeing someone. Walking into work every day with a bright smile was too obvious a change for her personal assistant to miss. She knew that soon there would be toys in her and she had to learn to work in that predicament too.

She told her parents, and that made it serious. They reacted better than she thought and besides, playing it cool was all they could do, now they'd moved back to Greece.

Weekly catch ups with Amy were similarly problematic. She hadn't met him, though they'd said hello on the phone when she called Elena with a random question. There was something about hearing his voice that made him real and for Amy, who had spent so much time trying to get Elena to meet someone, it changed the nature of their conversations.

"What's he like in bed?" The blonde quizzed brazenly over food.

"Fuck off Amy," Elena laughed, caught off-guard.

"So he's good then?"

Elena took another swig of wine. "I can neither confirm nor deny that he's the best I've ever had," she winked.

Amy loved it, this was gold for her after so many barren years for Elena. "Does that mean he's big too?"

Elena had to laugh at the look of excitement on Amy's face. "I can neither confirm nor deny that he's pretty fucking big."

They laughed a lot and perhaps it was Elena's more forthcoming behaviour, but they got through wine at dinner and then went for cocktails too. Elena had often insisted she was too tired but put up no fight at Amy's suggestion of staying on, which didn't go unnoticed. Nor did the fact that Elena was in a flattering black dress, heels and tights. Her makeup was done well, her hair was down. She looked like a woman barely over 30. Eyes were on her, not Amy, the blonde noticed. Even if the brunette didn't.

They'd changed topics but it was inevitable they'd circle back to it when they ordered their next cocktail.

"Question," Amy started.

"Go on," replied the suspicious brunette.

Amy hesitated and that made her friend lean in. "What's it like, you know, doing stuff with someone that big?"

Elena sighed. "I can't believe I'm going to ask this: you've not been with anyone big before?" She didn't like to think of Jack that way. He was a handsome man, but not in a necessarily masculine way. Amy almost fetishised his looks but Elena couldn't see it. Together, with Amy's blonde bombshell looks, they were suited in a Hollywood kind of way.

She shook her head. "The whole 'blondes get more fun' is a myth babe. Or at least, people assume this blonde has had fun, when she hasn't."

More laughter. It took Elena a few seconds to settle. "It's different," she replied eventually. Looking over at her friend she added, "I won't pretend it's not amazing if it's used right. We've not had that much sex yet, but Henry is seriously good in bed from what I can tell. Fit and attentive. Plus, we use lube too, which helps." She could see her friend was aroused and that turned her on some too. There was something arousing about her man being desirable to others, especially in that way.

"And sucking it?" Amy shamelessly asked. There was no doubting she was aroused.

Elena blushed. Amy didn't know what she was like and if she had it her way, she never would, but a poorly thought answer would bring the risk too close. "I like it a lot," she replied simply.

"How often?" Her friend pressed. "Come on, how often?"

"A lot. Just trust me, a lot." Elena whispered. "Happy?"

"Very," her friend teased.

"You'd better not let on when we meet up this Saturday, I swear to God Amy."


The four of them: Elena, Henry, Amy & Jack, went on a double date that weekend. Henry, being the intensely weird man that Elena loved, thought it best they go out for dinner, so that Amy could put him under pressure accordingly. They'd decided on a steak restaurant, a fancy one.

Elena herself was more anxious about it than she let on. They were all there for her, whichever way you looked at it. She hated being the centre of attention and the only time she ever was, was at work. It shouldn't have been a surprise then the more she thought about it, that she started viewing the dinner as a meeting she would need to facilitate. She was more directive to Henry than she ordinarily would have been while they got ready. He gave her a look a couple of times but let it go without comment.

Unsurprisingly, her boyfriend was appropriately charming, treated her like a big deal around her best friend, and got on well with Jack. He knew there had to be a contrast for her when she was around Amy, Elena hadn't even needed to tell him that. He spent an appropriate amount of the evening talking about how amazing Elena was, bringing up examples that he hadn't referenced before nor that she had even noticed.

"She does this little thing when she's really tired where she kind of nuzzles herself into my armpit, it's cute," Amy choked with laughter at Henry's observation.

When it came time to order, the waitress had to come by twice as they weren't ready. With Henry and Amy talking animatedly about Elena at work when the waitress came over the second time, Elena let out an audibly frustrated sigh.

They took the hint and ordered without delay. Henry turned to her when Jack & Amy were bickering about the former not wanting to share his starter. Elena read the look and was surprised at how easily she translated it. She could read him well now and knew that was the nature of their dynamic, in part. That she could pick up his cues so easily.

Don't disrespect me like that again. You need to relax.

She looked into his eyes and without moving her head, looked downwards through her eyelashes as a sign of submission and obedience. He read her just as well.

He held out his hand and she took it, feeling him squeeze her palm affectionately, before bringing her hand to his lips. She saw Amy look at his act of love and blushed.

She could see the difference in the couples. Jack & Amy had been together for a while and the familiarity showed. As was often the case, that translated to a lack of physical closeness and intimacy, such that Elena had moments where she felt guilty when she pressed too close to Henry or touched him too often.

She couldn't help it though. She felt extremely close to him in the way he had managed her, without making it obvious. She felt controlled and kept in line, without it needing to be advertised around her friends.

Amy had called the next day to wax lyrical about Henry. Elena knew she was onto something good but the vindication from her best friend was important. She blushed as Amy spoke of the man that she was rapidly developing feelings for.

"I've gotta admit babes, he isn't necessarily my type but damn, he's better in person, isn't he? And the way he looks after you, I just could not stop watching it. Guy's got your back."

It felt good. "I'm so pleased you think so Amy. I know he's a bit intense but seriously, he's so attentive. And he already gets me and how difficult I am to understand."

They both laughed at that. Amy loved her, but often never understood her. "I can see that, seriously," she repeated.

Amy gave Elena the space to gush, which she so rarely did.

"It has just been hard, you know? To fight, and fight, and work hard and work for everything you have," Elena felt herself getting emotional. "It's been tiring. It does feel like I'm going to get looked after for once. I can't tell you how much that means."

She thought perhaps she'd said too much, been too obvious. But then nobody who knew her and how assertive she was would expect how deep her submissive desires were.

Amy had simply agreed and told her she was glad she was getting what she needed.


"We've spent a lot of time experiencing how your service relaxes you, but we haven't spent nearly enough time looking at how you get to release."

Elena was bent over the bed, restrained by cuffs and straps that disappeared under his mattress. She was naked, because that was just how she was in private now. She had entered his house to see the straps waiting on the bed. Excitement and fear had filled her in an intoxicating way, and she couldn't hide her arousal as he had pointed to lay down soon after.

The paddle was in Henry's hand, the sting of the testing strikes before she was restrained still pleasurably felt on her ass.

"I agree," she whispered, breathless. She could feel how turned on she was. In truth, this was never something she'd considered before. Restrained and spanked? It hadn't even come to mind. "I'm really wet."

"You're surprised?" He caught her tone.

"Yeah," she whispered still. "I didn't expect being this helpless would do this to me."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she said with a lot more voice. With everything he'd done, with how he could have exposed her ten-times over, the way he'd looked after her, he'd earned it.

"You have your safe word; you can do this." He struck her without waiting for a response.

She cried out, her toes curling into the floor, her shoulders pulling at the restraints. As quick as the instinct was, her mind quietened her. He repeated the strikes four more times on different parts of her cheeks.

"More," she begged. It felt better than she could begin to describe.

He went again. Again and again, in sets of 5. Each blow was pleasure. The release of years of stress. Better than a massage or a chiropractor. Pure release.

She was so sore that he had to move down from her cheeks to her thighs, when he went to stop, and she started pleading for more. He was meticulous and accurate. He somehow managed to ruin the nerves on her ass without breaking much skin. Then he kept himself contained to the top of her thighs so she felt confident she could wear the type of dress he liked her in the next day.

He varied the power and placement of the strikes, so she never quite knew where it was going to be. She craved the sharp pain and the sting that came in the seconds after the blow. He checked on her periodically but otherwise worked in sets. It was meticulous sadism that left her weak, open and somehow soothed. It was a mental release, not necessarily a sexual one. Different to being on her knees which seemed to take the stress out of her mind. The spanking took it out of her body.

When he was done, she was broken, in the best way she'd ever been. No longer as a result of stress, anxiety or loneliness. But of care and dominance.

She would beg him for this again, she already knew that. She would ask for different instruments to be disciplined with.

In the end, she had nothing left to give him, only what he'd want to take. She couldn't even spread her legs for him and give him her needy hole.

He did that for her, pounding his hard-on into her without delay. She whimpered and took it, feeling thoroughly fucked and used as he started to fuck her. He squeezed on her hips, bruising the flesh. She moaned incoherently when she wasn't biting her lip or screaming into the sheets.

Every thrust felt like he was claiming her afresh. He went deep inside her, stretching and filling her all up. She'd probably never be able to describe how powerful that felt.

"I'm yours," she cried out unplanned. "Henry, I belong to you."

By the time he was close, every single part of her was desperate to declare her love for him. No man had the understanding of her to do this to her. She didn't even know she needed it like this, but yet he did know. He had her complete commitment, her deepest trust.

When he unloaded in her, she groaned. It was a pleading groan - but she didn't know what for. She just didn't want it to end. She wasn't going to cum and in a way, that felt right. He'd taken her and used her. It wasn't her place to cum.

He pulled out, leaving her sore and gaping. Fucking her like that made her realise how big her man was. She'd never felt so used. Battered almost.

He walked off to clean up and left her there. Left her to leak his cum and feel the effects of his dominance. She was so deeply into him, there were very few things she wouldn't be open to. She breathed through the shock of the fucking and waited for him to come back, completely at his mercy.

When he did return after a wash, he untied her. Elena fell to her knees without delay, visibly surprising him. Her mouth went to his feet, and she kissed them with fervour as she leaked his cum onto the floor. She broke down and cried for him. Cried in relief that he could do this to her.

He spent the rest of the evening soothing her. At first on the bed, then in the living room as they watched tv, her on the floor with her arms around his leg as he played with her hair.


"Okay everyone, great class! Enjoy your day."

Another weekend Peloton session, a different instructor; one that Elena could zone out and ride to.

"Oh, I will," Elena replied to herself.

She packed the rest of her overnight bag, spent some time with Freddy and waited for the sitter.

She was going to meet his friends later that day and then she was going to stay at his for the rest of the week. He wanted her service without disruption.

It was a test, she knew that. For both of them. Could they sustain what they had over a period of time? Would they want to? Elena knew it was her that was being judged more than him. She was the one for which it might seem tougher. But despite how it looked, it was easy for her to be in that space. The hardest part now was being out of it.

She showered and got herself some breakfast while in her joggers and a vest top. She'd already discussed what she was wearing that day with Henry and the removal of overwhelming choices from her life was one of the things making her happiest. She went to him when she wanted him to make decisions. Clothes was something she liked him having oversight of. Her overall look too. It was for him so why not let him have oversight of it?

He had picked jeans and a jumper for her in the open-air stadium, with a thin coat on account of the improving weather. Henry had expressed interest in having oversight of her hair, nails and makeup use too, which she was ridiculously excited by. It was that that was causing her to reflect on how strange she was.

She met up with Henry first, dressed too in jeans and a jumper, and received his customary greeting. "Wow, you look amazing."

She still blushed, pleased he liked the way she had tidied her hair. "Thank you." They kissed which allowed her to be close enough to whisper, "I'm wearing the underwear you chose, Sir."

They broke apart and Henry smiled, taking her hand. He'd bought her some new sets, including the one he had picked out for her to wear. It was a thin, skimpy thong that was already caught between her constantly wet lips, and a balconette bra with clear panels over her nipples. He was doing what he'd outlined from the start: making her comfortable with her body being seen in a sexual way.

"What's your body for?" He asked, almost a mantra at this point.

"Your pleasure," she replied without delay, already wanting him back inside her.

He looked around to make sure they weren't being overheard, before continuing. "Which part?"

"All of it." She didn't look around and part of her didn't care to when he was asserting himself on her. "Every single part and every single hole are yours." She had added that last bit recently, without prompting.

They travelled to the stadium together and walked towards the pre-agreed meeting. She'd met Henry's friends already, when she joined them casually for drinks. A few hours of an evening when the drinks were flowing was a different proposition to an afternoon of sport. Or so she thought.
