Red Pt. 04


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"Lets go get you cleaned up Helen.....well me we don't make a total mess of the bed," said Hope. With that both women hopped out of bed and skipped hand in hand out of the bedroom to the bathroom. I heard then talking and laughing and then the water running in the sink. I could not tell what they were saying, but whatever it was they were happy and having fun. Then there was the sound of one of them peeing and then the other, and more water running in the sink.

Then there was quiet.

Quietly I got off the bed and moved silently towards the door of the bedroom. I could just see into the bathroom and saw my loves standing close together making out. Helen had removed her red lingerie, and both women's naked forms were tight against the other. Their hands roamed over the other. Not wanting to disturb them in their love, I crept to the bed and tidied it up a bit and then sat up against the headboard, waiting happily for their return; happy in the fact that they were both very much in love with each other and that I was lucky to be in love with the two most beautiful women in the world.

I did not have to wait too long for their return. They returned, as they left: hand in hand and smiling. Both had removed all vestiges of their makeup giving them a fresh and clean look. While Helen never over did it with her makeup, Hope barely used much at all, keeping mostly to just eyeliner, mascara, and paler lipsticks. I realized that I was in love with two very different women. On one side a girlie-girl, and on the other side a tomboy. Makeup or no makeup, they were both gorgeous, and I loved them equally and wholly.

Both women took a position on either side of me on the bed, their heads on my shoulders with my arms around them. Helen casually played her fingers over my chest, while Hope did the same with my semi-erect cock.

"So, you two were gone for a while."

"Hmmmm.......yes......" Said Hope happily as both women made eye contact with each other and grinned.

"Just having a bit of a moment," said Helen wickedly. "Did you notice Hope's new tattoo? I think you will love it."

"Tattoo? I knew you had the one on your lower back, which I saw when you guys......"

"I know when you saw it......I wanted you to see it......see me....."

"Show him, Hope."

Hope turned a bit on her side and lifted her tit a bit to reveal three words: Woman, Man, Woman.

"I got it done in London the day before I flew to Kenya," said Hope with a tear in her eye. "Even though I had done a lot to make it not happen, it was really what I wanted, even then."

I wiped the tear away with a gentle finger. "Helen kept telling me not to worry, and now we are a family and that is all that matters."

Stroking my cock again, Hope shifted on the bed a lowered her head and took me in her mouth.

"Hey, you two. Do you think I should get a boob job?" Asked Helen, out of the blue, as she hefted a tit in each hand.

Hope lifted her mouth from my cock and looked at Helen. "No, they are big enough. You are bigger than I am already. Michael?" As she returned to softly sucking me.

"No, they are beautiful."

"Well, will you give me permission to get them pierced?"

"You don't need our permission." Hope took me in her mouth again.

"No Hope. I do. I need you and Michael tell me that this is what you wish for me. It is important.

Hope again stopped working on my cock and looked at me. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Yes Helen. Michael and I agree that it would please us......we will have our pet's nipples pierced."

Helen squealed with glee. "Thank you Hope. I will have my nipples pierced to please the two of you," said Helen smiling.

"Now that we have that settled, will you let me finish getting Michael hard so he can fuck you. That would please me at this moment."

Helen put her head back on my shoulder and tilted her eyes up at me and smiled. I pulled her head back a little and lowered my head to kiss her. Her hand joined Hope's mouth on my cock.

We made love until late into the night, finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

The phone rang at nine-thirty the next morning, rousing us from our sleep. It was a very happy Mr. Cunningham, the realtor.

"Hello," said Hope into the phone.

"Hi, this is John Cunningham. Is Mr. Mitchel there?"

"Hello Mr. Cunningham, this is Hope. How may I help you?"


"I am guessing this is about our house?"

"Yes. Is Mr. Mitchel there?"

"If this is about our house Mr. Cunningham, you can talk to me."

"OK. Well, the seller has accepted your offer and we can continue with the process."

"That is wonderful news Mr. Cunningham. Helen and Michael will be so happy to hear the news. We will contact OUR accountant as soon as I ring off with you and arrange the funds. Of course, we will also need to get an inspection, but other than that there should be no complications. We will want to go to closing as soon as possible. We will have a good faith check for you this afternoon and will require a walk through as well. We just want to see the place all together and make some plans. I am sure that you can arrange that, Mr. Cunningham?"

"Yes. OK, but is Mr. Mitch........"

"Oh, and we will need to arrange for a survey of the property, so we know exactly where the property lines are and exactly how much of the land is protected as either wetlands or watershed. You will set that up for the three of us."


"Good, and of course you can get that done right away. Well, if there is nothing else then, we will see you later this afternoon." Hope hung up the phone. "I really do not like that man. Smarmy as fuck, sexist....."

"Can I give him the check this afternoon?" Asked Helen. "Really fuck with him."

"Yes Helen, you can give him the check. Just remember we do want this man somewhat in our corner. Don't want to shake him up too much," I said.

"We can give him a check....for what.....fourteen thousand dollars.....yes?" asked Helen doing the earnest money math quickly in her head.

"Yeah we have it....I like the way that checking account is pretty healthy in its own right," I responded.

"I can write the check as well. I am pretty fluid right now as well," said Hope

"Would you prefer to do the check?"

"Yeah....I would......helps to make a point."

"OK, that works for me. I will call dad's accountant and then my parents and let them know."

I called the accountant who was expecting my call, though he was surprised that we had found something this fast. He also told me that my mother had told him to send more than we asked for, as we would need to furnish the place, and we would need an additional car. That's my parents for you. I called them next.

My mom answered the phone. They had really enjoyed Christmas and getting to know Helen. She was elated for us that Hope was fully onboard. They could not wait to meet her. It was super that we found a house so quickly: when can they see it? Put Helen on the phone.

"Hi mom......yeah it was great......I am so happy, we are so happy......the house is incredible......we can't thank you guys enough.....when do you want to come down and see it?......that would be wonderful......put Hope on? you too." Helen motioned for Hope to take the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Mitchel......Eve.....OK.......I can't believe you guys bought us a really is beautiful.......I hope you will love it.....thank you for being supportive.....and you haven't met me......would you, I know this is a lot to ask....OK, here goes.........would you be willing to come down after we close, for a weekend or something and help us decorate? Helen says your house is beautifully would?......that would be wonderful.....thank you, thank you!!!.........we should close within two weeks being that it is a cash sale.....yes, we are getting the house inspection this week........yes and a boundary survey as well.....OK, we can do that.....great, about two weeks then........I can't wait to meet you you want me to put Michael back on?........No?.......OK.......I can't wait..........bye."

"So?" I asked.

"So, your mom sounds very nice, and they will come down to see the house, and your mom is happy to help decorate it," replied Hope.

"I can't believe that you invited my mother down to help decorate. You've heard she will know your entire life history after five minutes talking to you and will be able to tell you what color underwear you are wearing."

"Well, Helen told me how lovely the house was and that she had a similar taste in artwork. Also, it was a great way to break the ice and get to know her.....well......both of them."

"Don't listen to Michael. You will love them. They are really wonderful, but he is right. She will be able to tell you what color your underwear is."

"Well, maybe I might want her to know what color underwear I am wearing," Hope said with a wry smile.

"I can tell you what color your underwear is today. Hell, I could tell you what color your underwear was three months, two weeks, and four days ago."

"So. White is practical."

"Yeah, and I guess khakis and a blue shirt are practical too. That combination makes up ninety-five percent of your entire wardrobe."


"Look, I love you. We love you, but seriously we need to get you some new clothes. I love how you don't wear a bra, basically ever, but maybe you could buy some sexy lingerie? For me? For Michael?"

"OK. We can buy some lingerie. Will that suffice for now?"

"Great! Shopping with me will prepare you for shopping with Eve."

"Shopping with Eve?"

"Oh yeah. I can guarantee you that she will insist on taking YOU shopping."

"Mike, OK. I might be regretting inviting you parents."

"Told you so," I laughed.

Helen talked Hope into wearing her black leather pants from the night before along with a white baby-doll top that was not altogether see-thru and a modest set of heels. While they had different size boobs, it was nice they could share shoes. I must say, though I had fallen in love with her in her daily uniform look, Hope really did look fantastic in some of Helen's clothes. My beautiful redhead opted for one of the sexier, though safe for work, ensembles my mother had helped her pick out.

Once they were both dressed, it was almost hard to head out and do the things we needed to do, as just seeing them together, and dressed the way they were, I wanted to fuck them both right then and there. The two of them teased me about the fairly obvious tent in my pants, but we did get out the door and on our way.

We spent the day setting up the inspections for the house and property, as well as bringing some of my clothes from my apartment to Hope's. We had Starbucks, as there was really nothing at Hope's to eat. We really did need to go grocery shopping.

Next, we went to Hope's bank and Hope had a cashier's check drawn up for the earnest money for the realtor. Then it was the studio, as Hope wanted to go over the books with Helen to see how she had been managing the place in her absence.

"How is it that we have more money in the studio account than we normally do?"

"Well, I started doing things a little differently while you were gone. We are spending less for the photopaper, the books, and film as we are now ordering direct, instead of going through a middleman. We have to order a little bit more than before each time, but it is almost half the cost. Also, most of the shoots we do, we are able to upsell them to a bigger package and or a book as well. So, while it is some more work on our end, each client is spending more. A little more schmoozing, and a little more champagne and they feel like a million bucks and are happy to spend a bit more money."

"Wow, that is great. I am glad you are going to keep managing the place. Now the hard question, and this for both of you. Are we going to keep doing porn shoots every now and then?"

"I think we will always be able to find models," I said. "So, that wouldn't be a problem."

"Well, I was thinking more about you two?"

"If you are shooting it Hope, I am up for being Mike's Helena Heavenly any time. I am not so sure about other 'cock talent,' as I don't think Mike would be that comfortable with it. I know that this will sound strange, but if it is me and another woman or me and Mike with another woman, I would be game. With you shooting it, I know once the talent left, the three us would end up fucking like there was no tomorrow. Remember, we know what you are like after a shoot."

"Yeah, I agree with Helen, but the big question is would you be comfortable watching us fuck with another woman?"

"Good question, maybe if we just play that as it goes, but we are all happy if I shoot more scenes of the two of you?"

"That works for me," said Helen happily. "Do you want to be in any of these Hope?"

"I must say, it might be fun, but I really can't afford to have my face out there. Really can't afford to have National Geographic or anyone else in the industry seeing me licking out your very sweet tasting cunny Helen or giving you a blow job Michael."

"Oh, I bet a lot of people at National Geographic would love to see you with your face buried in some beauty's pussy while getting it doggie style. We could call you "Hope Diamond." Don't you think that is a great porn name Helen?"

"We could call the shoot "Helena Heavenly does a Diamond in the Rough" or "Helena Heavenly Drills a Diamond." The cover could be me with a strap-on mounting you from the rear."

"Maybe we could do one for ourselves, kind of like the extra pics you guys took up in Vermont."

"I'm in," laughed Helen.

"This is fun, but we should probably head out to the house to give the realtor the check and look around the house a bit," I thought it important to say.

We made the quick trip out to the house and waited a few minutes for the realtor to arrive. Being the creature of habit that he was, he walked up to me first, pretty much ignoring Helen and Hope. Helen took the lead, stepping up and reaching out her hand. "Mr. Cunningham, we are happy that you were able fit us in at such short notice. Here is our check for the earnest money. We would love it if we can go to closing as soon as possible. We understand that with it being a cash sale, we should be able to do it in under two weeks."

Helen's confident and rapid-fire statements took Cunningham by surprise making him jump.

Hope was next with questions about getting into the house, neighbors, and schools.

"Schools? Children?"

"Not yet, but the three of us are planning on having children, yes." Another direct hit on the realtor.

I was afraid that Hope might have overdone it, but Cunningham took it like a champ and offered to unlock the front door for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Cunningham. We won't be too long," a smiling Helen said as she went in, followed by Hope and then me.

As we walked the house planning our future, it did occur to me that the three of us had not discussed the children issue. My mother and Helen had briefly talked about it, but that was before Hope had come back. It was Helen, who must have been reading my mind, broached the subject aloud when we came to one of the bedrooms.

"This would make a wonderful nursery."

"I thought," started Hope.

"I know, but Michael's mom said that it is possible......with a donor egg.....please tell me you want children Hope?"

"Of course, I want children, I just was afraid to bring it up. I don't want them just this minute, but once we get settled in, and are a couple....well a threesome......for a bit....then just for discussion purposes, how would we do this?"

"If you gave me one of your could be done.......we could even be pregnant at the same time."

"You would be happy doing it that way: my egg and Michael's sperm."

"I think that was what Eve was saying, without coming out and saying it, but yes I would be over the moon happy having one of OUR babies.....and it would be even better if we did it together, if we could make it work. They would be twins.....kind of. Michael? You have been pretty silent."

"A few days ago, I was not even certain there would be an US.... A three of us......and now you both are talking children.......of course, I want to father your children.....and if Helen is happy incubating one of them, all the better.......I just don't know if.....I would only be twenty-two or there abouts when they are born?"

"Are you asking us if you are mature enough?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Well, you do pretty well with things. In some respects, you are more mature than either of us, but I think you would make a great dad," said Helen sincerely.

"I would have to agree," added Hope.

"Thanks, you two. I must say it would be fun having both of you preggers at the same time, sexy as hell."

"You say that now.....but then when you have two women going off on hormone swings, you might reconsider your words," said Hope with a certain amount of seriousness. "Are you sure that is something you are willing to deal with?"

"I think that the three us dealing with being the three of us is going to be something we have to work through, something I have no regrets about, so the two of you having mood swings and craving at all hours will be a bit easier. Plus, it will give you both a bond that would be so incredible; both children would be both of yours together, fully and wholly. They would have two real moms. No one could ever take that away from you two."

"Wow how could either of us say no to that. Helen?"

"I think 'wow' about covers it. I would love to carry one of our children and be a mother to both."

"I guess I will have to go off the pill so we can see if our periods line up."

We did the hugging and kissing thing, having made one of the biggest decisions we would ever face, and continued walking through our house.

When the house was enlarged and remodeled, what had been four bedrooms upstairs was reduced to two by adding a bathroom to each and giving each a its own little sitting room, effectively making two master bedrooms. The downstairs had been completely gutted to create a large formal living room and dining room with a ground floor office and bathroom. The extension included a large kitchen and family room with four decent sized second floor bedrooms each with their own bathrooms. The pool area was completely glassed in and had a large family sized hot tub.

The back of the property sloped down from the pool to a large pond with a jetty out to the middle, with a stand of trees and the creek running through it at the back. On top of a hill on the other side of the woods you just see a large house with outbuildings. Our only visible neighbors. The property on either side of the house was wooded, giving us pretty much total privacy.

"I think we can all agree that this is a great deal," I said.

"Yeah, though it is a little small," joked Hope,

"Yeah, really small," from Helen.

We walked, hand in hand, around the side of the house to meet back up with Mr. Cunningham. As we turned the corner, we could see that there was someone with him standing in the driveway.

"Michael.....Hope......Helen......this is Mr. Finch, his property bounds yours on one side and the back. You can see his house on the hill behind you."

"George Finch. Nice to meet you," as he shook all our hands.

"I'm Hope," in that lovely Welsh lilt of hers, "and you would originally be from Cornwall? Nice to meet you too."

"Born and bred, and you must be Welsh. Mr. Cunningham was just telling me that you will be the new neighbors and that you were somewhat unconventional."

"Well, I wish he would have let us get to know......." From an angry Helen.

"Oh, look don't worry about him. You won't get any judgement from me or my family, as long as you are nice people that is all that is important. Anyway, if you can afford this place, you must be pretty well settled. So, once you get settled in, we'll stop by, and you can meet my wife and daughter. Our son is away at NYU, but you will eventually meet him."