Reina in a Strange Land Ch. 04


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Laying face down on the platform, her breasts dangled freely in the open section of it, while her hands were awkwardly holding on to the sides of it to keep her balance. Mr. Jamison was kneeling next to her, and he placed her right wrist into a leather manacle near the floor, then he reached to his left, and placed another manacle on her right ankle. Then he got up and walked around to place her left wrist and ankle in the corresponding bindings. The platform her belly rested on was too short, such that her ass and her pussy were hanging out a bit from behind the platform. With her ankles bound to either side of the wooden platform, her thighs were spread wide, and she felt incredibly exposed in this position. Reina's second thoughts suddenly kicked into high gear.

"Mr. Jamison, I--I don't like this!" she blurted, squirming suddenly on the platform. She pulled on her wrists and ankles, and tried to pull her head from the stocks, but everything held her easily and completely. Mr. Jamison suddenly knelt down next to her face, and reached up his hand to her, caressing her softly.

"Reina, it's ok, don't panic, just relax!" he said, trying to reassure her.

"I can't!" wailed Reina, still struggling. "I... look ridiculous! I don't want you to see me like this!"

"No, Reina, you look sexy and magnificent," he said, still rubbing her face from her forehead down to her ear. "I love to see you like this."

Reina stopped struggling, looking at him. With her head in the stocks, she had to crane her neck to look at him. "But my butt is so big, and you can see my... my..." She couldn't say the word butthole.

Mr. Jamison smiled warmly. "Reina, you have your mother's incredible ass, it's not big, it's just very shapely for someone who otherwise looks very Asian. And as for your other hole, well, I love every part of you."

"Oh god," moaned Reina, her face turning bright red. "Please don't look at it!"

Mr. Jamison got to his feet and moved around behind her, so Reina turned her head, worried about what he was looking at. Her ass squirmed as she tried to close her butt cheeks, to try to hide from him. "I love looking at it, and I want to touch it," said Mr. Jamison. Then Reina arched her back with a gasp, as she felt a finger pressing against her anus.

"No, no, please don't touch it!" she wailed, squirming on the platform as she tried to escape his prodding finger. Each time he pushed his finger, her thighs clenched in shock, and all the squirming and clenching was making her feel terribly warm and moist between her thighs. "Oh god, please stop!" she begged, twitching and squirming in her bindings. Finally Mr. Jamison's finger left her, and she collapsed, panting where she lay. She turned to him suddenly. "Mr. Jamison, isn't... isn't there supposed to be a safe word or something? Something I say and you let me go?"

Mr. Jamison turned serious all of a sudden, and he nodded. "A safe word, yes." Then he shook his head. "That's not the kind of slave I want, my dear. If you're my slave, there will be no safe words. I will own you, completely." He sighed finally. "I know it sounds terrible, here, I will let you go," he said, moving to open the stock.

"No!" exclaimed Reina, still craning her head to look at him. "I... don't need a safe word. I... want to be your slave!"

Mr. Jamison stopped, going back to kneel next to her. He slowly shook his head. "You don't know what you're saying, Reina dear. I know you have your little crush on your coach, and for a person your age, that can make you say and do stupid things. Things you will regret later. Trust me, I've been there."

Then he suddenly stood up and walked over to the cabinet, and then he reappeared in front of her, kneeling down in front of her face. He held up two little clamps, linked by a fine metal chain. "You don't know what you're offering, Reina. You see, if you were my slave, I'd use this platform to train you in all kinds of ways. Like nipple training for example."

Reina sucked in a sharp breath as she watched the two little clamps in his fingers opening and closing as he squeezed them. They looked like little dragon jaws, and she shivered. "Are you ready for that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because as my slave, you won't be given the option of refusing."

Reina looked between him and the evil looking clamps, and she quickly nodded. Whatever it took, she had to convince him of her resolve. To go back to just being one of his players, and her friend's dad... it would break her heart.

Nodding at her, Mr. Jamison put the clamps on the floor, and he reached up to where her breasts were dangling freely in the air. Reina couldn't see his hands or her breasts with her neck in the stocks, so she jumped when she felt two warm sets of fingers on her nipples.

"Naughty girl, your little nipples are hard already," observed Mr. Jamison, softly squeezing and pulling on her dangling pink nubs. Reina moaned softly, her eyes closing at the intensely pleasurable sensations. His fingers continued softly caressing and pinching her sensitive flesh, the feelings so intense that Reina tried to pull her chest away, but the locked position of her neck made that impossible. She moaned helplessly as he continued to tease her breasts.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you like being a slave?" said Mr. Jamison with a grin. Reina could only whimper softly and shake her head. It was all so overwhelming, and none of her experience with boys had prepared her for the intensity of the pleasure Mr. Jamison was giving her. "Well, your little nipples have grown quite big, and I think they're ready for their training."

"What?" gasped Reina, her eyes growing wide. She looked down and saw Mr. Jamison picking up the evil-looking clamps off the floor. "No, no, please!" she whimpered, her breasts swinging as she tried in vain to escape the restraints. She hadn't conceived the training would involve something like that. She tore her eyes away from the clamps and craned her head to look at him. "Please, Mr. Jamison, I'll do anything! Please don't put those on me!"

"Oh, but think of how obedient you'll be when you're wearing these," said Mr. Jamison, opening and closing the little clamps in front of her wide-open eyes. "These... and other things I have in my cabinet, will make you such a good little slave girl."

"No, no!" whimpered Reina, unable to take her eyes from the tiny teeth and jaws of the terrible clamps. She thought of them biting into the soft, sensitive flesh of her pink nipples. "I--I'll be obedient, I promise, you don't have to do that!"

Mr. Jamison's free hand returned to her dangling breasts, softly caressing one of her nipples, which was still stiff and sensitive. "Oh, but think of how more eager to please you'll be when I clamp these on your nipples?" He chuckled when Reina whimpered softly. "I thought you were curious? You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat?" Then suddenly he got to his feet, to the relief of Reina, who saw the chained clamps still lying unused on the floor. Mr. Jamison moved around behind her, his hands coming to caress the soft but firm rounded cheeks of her bare ass. Reina tensed, for his hands felt wonderful, but she didn't like him being so closed to her exposed anus. Suddenly Mr. Jamison spanked her right cheek, and Reina cried out in shock.

"How about when you miss a shot, I bring you here for a good spanking?" he said, his hand gently rubbing the reddening spot on her ass. Reina's thighs twitched suddenly, and Mr. Jamison couldn't help but noticing. "Oh, you like that idea?" he added, spanking her again.

"No!" choked Reina, her face feeling flushed, and she was grateful her red face was hidden from his view by the stocks. His spanking her bare bottom made her feel so helpless, so ashamed, and the sting lingered, making her body feel tingly and sensitive. "I won't miss a shot!" she blurted out.

"Oh, but maybe you will miss... on purpose?" teased Mr. Jamison, spanking her toned ass cheek again.

"Oh god, no!" wailed Reina, her ass tensed up and her body trembling. "I... I'm not like that!"

Slap! Another spank, and Reina moaned, for his spankings and teasing were making her feel strange in her belly.

"Do you love being tied up and spanked, like a naughty little slave?" said Mr. Jamison softly, his hands gently rubbing her bottom now where he'd spanked her moments before.

"No!" cried Reina, "I... I don't like it, please stop!" She couldn't bear the thought of him thinking she was some kind of slut who liked being spanked.

"Ok," said Mr. Jamison, finally. "I believe you, you're a good girl who'd never be turned on by a spanking, right?"

"R-right!" said Reina, nodding her head and trying to see him past the stocks blocking her view. Then she sucked in a sharp breath, for his hands on her ass were shifting, downward.

"But let's just make sure," Mr. Jamison was saying. "Sometimes naughty slave girls can be a little... untruthful."

"Wha-what are you doing?" gasped Reina, trying to crane her head as she felt his hands slowly sliding down between her open thighs. Then she jerked in her bonds and cried out softly, as his fingers moved to explore the warm, surprisingly wet juncture between her thighs.

"Oh my," said Mr. Jamison, his fingers slowly delving a bit into the slippery warm crevice they were exploring. "You're soaking wet, you little minx!"

"Ahh! N-no!" moaned Reina, her thighs clenching at the intense shivers his fingers sent through her body.

"Mmm-hmm," continued Mr. Jamison. "Your body doesn't lie, you love it, don't you, my little Reina?"

Reina barely heard the words, for she was completely caught up in the delicious sensations of his fingers on her most sensitive place. When she realized what he'd said, she shook her head. "No! I--I'm a good girl!"

"Should we take you to Japan, so you can self enslave, like your mother?" said Mr. Jamison, his fingers still gently teasing the slippery folds of her tender opening. "You'd fetch a high price on the slave auction block. I don't know if I could afford you. You might end up the pleasure slave of some rich Japanese businessman." Then Reina yelped in surprise when he spanked her ass again.

"No, no!" moaned Reina, the spank heightening the desire his teasing, delving fingers were eliciting inside her. She struggled helplessly in the wooden stocks, confusion in her heart. Her body's desire rose at the thought of Mr. Jamison buying her at auction. "I... I want to be your slave, only yours! You c-can spank me, and... tie me up, and... do what you did with my mother. I will do it all for you! Please... make me your slave!"

Mr. Jamison stopped suddenly, his fingers leaving her, though his other hand still cupped her mildly burning ass cheek. "Do you mean that?" he asked, his voice quiet.

Neither of them had heard the knock on the front door, nor did they hear the sound of the front door opening, and in this neighborhood the Jamisons didn't always lock the door. Neither had they heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs, for Reina's muffled cries had filled their ears. Now, in that quiet moment, they sensed they were not alone. Reina turned her head toward the door and screamed.


Reina sat up suddenly, looking around in confusion.

"That was quite a scream," said the lilting female voice. "Bad dreams?" Reina blinked her eyes at the beautiful woman in the flowing yellow and orange dress. It was dark in the cell, the only source of light being some moonlight coming in through a window. Her chest was heaving, her mind and body still caught up in the intense memory. Finally she felt her heart rate slowing, as she realized she was back in her cell. She'd been dreaming, or better said, she'd relived a critical event in her past. It had felt so real...

"Felt very real, didn't it?" said the woman, sitting neatly on the end of the bed with her legs crossed.

"What?" said Reina, looking at her quizzically. "You made me dream that?"

"Oh no," chuckled the woman. "What do you think I am, some kind of sorceress?" she added, tilting her head as if thinking. She saw Reina looking at her in confusion. "There's this local flower they have here, pretty little purple and yellow thing. Grind it up and sprinkle it in food or drink, and it makes you relive memories in the most vivid, lifelike fashion!" She leaned in and whispered as if sharing a secret. "I always bring some back home with me."

"That wasn't a dream, I was there!" exclaimed Reina, shuddering slightly. The flashback had been incredibly pleasurable and yet, had ended with a terrible memory, and her mind was still reeling from reliving it.

"Yes," said the woman, thoughtfully. "Things were going so well between you and poor Mr. Jamison. He was kind enough to show you your true nature. What happened, did you abandon him, too afraid of the truth?" She looked curiously at Reina.

Reina had a pained look on her face. "My father showed up at the house. He attacked Mr. Jamison, so... he defended himself, and broke my father's nose. I... my father forbid me from seeing him, or Debbie, or even playing soccer. He took away my phone, my laptop, everything. He called me a stupid bitch, and worse names," added Reina quietly, remembering what had happened. She was grateful the dream had ended where it did, for reliving that part of the memory would have been terrible.

Then she smiled to herself, remembering. "I knew how much the playoffs meant to Coach and the team, so I snuck out of the house and went to join my team. I scored two goals and we made the final!"

The woman nodded. "Not too difficult since your father was never around, eh? How was Mr. Jamison at the game?"

Reina sighed, a tear forming in her eye, thinking about her coach. "I could tell he was dying to talk to me, and he was unusually protective, so much that I had to tell him I was ok. But he was very... professional. He treated me like he always did, although... he hugged me extra tight after we won."

"What happened next?" added the woman, quietly.

"Well, my father didn't find out, and I couldn't abandon them for the final the next day, so I snuck out again. We won that game too... and then my dad read about it in the papers. There was even a picture of me scoring the winning goal..." Reina sighed, remembering her father's reaction. He'd torn up the newspaper in a rage.

"Your father whipped you, didn't he?" said the woman, her voice filled with sympathy.

Reina nodded, looking down at her hands. "Yes, he was so angry, he tied my hands to a chair and whipped my bare bottom with his belt until I started bleeding. He did it in front of Mai too. He called me all kinds of terrible names... told me I was just a slave slut... that if America legalized slavery, he was going to sell me."

The woman came to sat next to Reina, putting her arm around the girl's hunched shoulders. "Now, now, dear, it all makes sense to me now. Why you never spoke to Mr. Jamison again, poor man. Why you went to that fancy Ivy League school, then on to your precious FBI... to begin a crusade to fight legalized slavery. You did all that to hide your true self behind a mask of righteousness."

"W-what? No!" cried Reina, tears coming down her cheeks. "That's not why... I... slavery is wrong!"

"Oh, but tied up in Mr. Jamison's basement, you wanted nothing more than to be his little pleasure slave, didn't you?" said the woman. "That's why all your relationships were a disaster. Deep down, you still wanted to wear the collar. To kneel before your beloved Mr. Jamison."

"No! I... I was young... confused... I loved him, I didn't want to be his slave!" protested Reina, turning to look at the beautiful woman, her calm all-knowing expression all the more irritating.

"So you sought out all those wonderful boyfriends... James, the Asian stock broker, so exciting, all his talk about money... Ryan... he was a garbage man or something..." said the woman.

"Sanitation engineer," said Reina, sniffling. "He was... a gentleman... "

"Hmm, gentleman is translation for boring in bed. Oh and can't forget Adam, what was he, an actu, achu," the woman stumbled on the words.

"Actuarial," said Reina with annoyance.

"Oh, right," said the woman, her tone dripping sarcasm. "A real bundle of fun, that one. Not sure he counts, you didn't even sleep with him. So that was... just three boyfriends in 8 years?"

Reina's jaw fell open. "I... I had a few dates too. That's not fair! It's... it's hard to find a boyfriend when you're so busy with work."

"None of them held a candle to Mr. Jamison, did they?" said the woman quietly.

"No, that's not true!" exclaimed Reina. She suddenly fell down on the bed and buried her head in the pillow. "Yes, you're right, damn you." None of the men she'd dated had excited her the way he had that night. And she could never stop thinking about him. Every man she'd dated, she'd mentally compared to her coach, and crush. And no one had come close. Yet she'd never had the courage to call him, to tell him how she'd felt. She didn't even know if he still desired her. She'd talked to Debbie, but of course she could never bring herself to ask Debbie about her father.

"Once you were in college and on your own, you could have visited him. Why didn't you?" said the woman.

Reina shuddered. She'd thought about that a thousand times, but she'd been too afraid of rejection. How do you explain to a man you love, a good man, why you avoided him for years? She'd carefully avoided visiting Debbie's house, for fear she'd confess the truth if she saw him. If she'd done that, and he'd rejected her... Reina pushed her face into the pillow.

"You were a coward, that's why. You walked away from your chance at happiness, because you were too proud to be a slave, too scared of your own true self," said the woman softly. Her tone wasn't accusing or critical, but rather sympathetic. "And now you're here. About to be sold into slavery, just like your mother. Only this time it won't be to kind Mr. Jamison will it? You had a chance to choose your master, and now... your master will choose you."

Reina suddenly lifted her head. "Wait, he's here, that's what Huntly said!"

The woman smiled at her. "Oh yes, Mr. Jamison is here, he's the reason your auction was delayed."

"Then he... he must want to buy me!" gasped Reina. "He still wants me! Oh my god," she murmured. "I'd given up hope..."

The woman was still smiling. "Before you get too excited, dear, I should remind you that the man coming to the auction tomorrow is not your Mr. Jamison. He is mine."

Reina stared at her in horror. "W-what do you mean? What does that mean???"

The woman just shrugged. "He's not your beloved soccer coach in my world. Well, there's no soccer for one thing. So let's just say... the reason he wants to purchase you... may not be as romantic as you are hoping for."

Reina stiffened in terror. "Why does he want to buy me?" she whispered, her throat tightening up in fear.

"Well," said the woman, holding her chin in thought. "You are a very desirable young lady... but you're also a tax collector, and he's a wealthy business man. Do you know what business he is in?" she added, a glint in her eye.

Reina stared at her in confusion. "How would I know that? I'm not from your world!"

"Oh, but you do know, my dear," she said, smiling. She reached up to tap Reina on the forehead. "The answer is in that little head of yours. Why don't you see for yourself?"

"What are you talking about?" said Reina.

"It's only midnight. Go back to sleep, and this time, you will remember your life here, in my world." The woman looked pleased with herself.

Reina shrank back against the wooden back of the bed. Her stomach dropped. "I will dream of Mr. Jamison... here. Your Mr. Jamison..."
