Replaced Ch. 01

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Accidental revelation of a wife's secret desires.
27.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/17/2021
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I want to offer another product of my perverted mind. This is pure fiction. Anybody engaging in a sexual act is over eighteen.

This story has turned out far longer than I had originally intended so I will break it up into chapters. I wanted to tell a story. To me, a story is like a long road trip. The journey is as important as the destination.

Be forewarned. I incorporate aspects in this story that push the boundaries. There are elements of domination/submission. Maybe even a little non-consensual activity. I am sure many will NOT like certain elements. Oh well.

Even though I know I will face many derogatory comments, I generally do not moderate them. That being said, dumbass, abusing comments might be deleted ESPECIALLY from those who lack the cojones to set up a profile.


"Boss, your wife is on line 3." announced my secretary, Caroline over the intercom. Before I could say a word, she snapped, "I know you said to tell her to fuck off if she called. Well, actually you said for her to call your lawyer. But she has called so many times this morning I can't get any work done. I could put her on hold indefinitely and see how long it takes for the bitch to hang up." She laughed and said, "But do you want me to tie up the phone for a while?"

"Son of a bitch!" I muttered. "No, I might as well talk to her. What did you tell her so far?"

"That you were with a client and I would tell you she called." Caroline answered. "I was tempted to start breathing hard and tell her you were too busy to talk. You were screwing me while I was bent over my desk. But I don't need her getting ideas. Robbie already knows the story so he wouldn't get too pissed. Unless he had pics of you actually doing me over my desk like that or something." She giggled loudly.

I laughed in return."I don't want Robbie to get even a tiny bit pissed at me." I said. Robbie was every bit of two hundred pounds of solid muscle. He was no taller than me at five foot eight but the weight difference of forty pounds was pure muscle. He recreation was doing MMA at his gym. He loved the sport and while he knew he could never really compete professionally, he did well on the amateur circuit. He would be head and shoulders above any fight I might offer on my best day. Privately, Robbie was a great guy, a softie who would seemingly not hurt a fly. In the ring, he was a wolverine.

"I might as well talk to the bitch." I sighed. Caroline snorted and hung up her end of the conversation.

"Frank." I said, as I picked up my phone. "What can I do for you?"

"Don't give me that!" Sheila snapped. "You know full well it is me on the line. And what you can do is fucking TALK to me!"

"About what?" I asked in as low key, controlled voice as I could muster. I felt my blood pressure rising. This was exactly the reason I had deflected her phone calls so far.

"You know what!" she declared. "Then she softened a bit and said. "It's NOT what you think,"

I started to laugh, "Oh yeah? Looked pretty easy to tell what it was from my angle. Did you ask Darren if he had any doubt about what he was seeing?" I asked quietly. I was impressed at my ability to keep my voice on an even keel. If I could have reached through the phone to throttle the bitch I would have.

"He won't talk to me." Sheila said in a quieter voice. 'Neither will Sharon."

"I wonder why." I said sardonically. I was really trying to keep my voice and words controlled. I suspected Sheila might be recording the conversation and I wanted nothing I said to come back and bite me on the ass. That was what my lawyer warned anyway when he told me it was better to not talk with her at all. At least that was his position for the first week. Today, he told me if I talked to her to be VERY careful.

"Please come home and we can work this out." Sheila begged. "It was only...."

I did not let her get any further before I yelled, "Oh fuck no! Don't you tell me it was only sex. You whore!! You spread your legs for another man. You violated our vows. You destroyed our marriage. Don't EVEN begin to try to say it was only sex. Or that you were scratching an itch. Or any other nonsensical cliche you might have come up with."

I heard labored breathing on the other end of the call. I could tell she was majorly distressed. She was probably crying now and likely had been well before making this call even if I could not hear her sobs. "I need to explain in person." she said pitifully. She disconnected.

Did I care? NO!!! At least that was what I told myself. Actually I DID care. Deeply. It hurt. I had been with this woman most of my adult life. She had been my go to person. The one in whom I could always confide. Son of a bitch!! I missed her. Part of me really did want to hear her explanation. I wanted answers.

I knew the what, the where, the who, some of the whens but I really had no idea of the WHY. Oh I guessed reasons but right now I had business to conduct, a client to meet. I did not have time to reflect on the why especially when it would mean little in the long run. The why simply does not matter.

The how of finding my wife was having an affair was the weirdest part. A total accident. I caught her in the act even though I was supposed to be almost fifty miles away with my son.

When my client left, I thought back to what had happened as I had most of my waking hours for the past two weeks.....

It was Spring break. The first Saturday morning of the vacation my son and I were going to our family cabin near Lake Fausse Pointe. We had not planned on going alone. My brother, Robert and his son, were going to meet us at the fish camp. He had invited one of his employees as well. We figured we'd spend four or five days playing and fishing. Drinking beer and just generally decompressing and getting away fro regular life for a while. Robert's wife and mine had been invited of course. Both refused. My sister in law claimed she would have an easier time corralling her younger kids at home than out in the swamp. To go she would have had to take their youngest child out of school for the week anyway as the school breaks did not line up.

My wife Sheila claimed she had too many requirements at work to go sit in a cabin or as we call it a 'fish camp" for a whole week. She used the same excuse for not going with my daughter for her excursion. Of anybody begging off going to the camp, my daughter Sharon had the best excuse. She was going to be treated to a spa retreat with her best friend, Rachael and her mother. Rachael also happened to be my son's girlfriend. I should mention my son and daughter are fraternal twins.

Unlike many fraternal twins, particularly those of different sex, Darren and Sharon not only got along, they were close. For the most part anyway. There was some occasional contention but I tried to stay out of it as long as family harmony prevailed. They always looked out for each other though. When they were little there were instances when Darren would beat some kid up because of a slight against his sister. Even unwelcome teasing got his anger to flare. That lead to regular family discussions about appropriate behavior. I had similar anger issues when I was young. I'd like to think I outgrew them.

Conflicts between the two also required some family discussion. At an early age Sharon learned that a boy's testicles are very sensitive. She had punched her brother in the groin a few times when they'd got into an argument. Darren was not innocent or undeserving of some retribution most of the time but getting his balls nailed was taken off the table. It was a running joke between the two that if Darren ever really pissed her off she would go after his balls again.

Sex and sexual development was an open topic in the family. Mostly in theory. I remember one instance when I picked them up from school before they could drive. Three different girls waved goodbye to Darren with big smiles. I was puzzled. Sharon began to laugh. "I told them Darren was packing. I told them I'd seen him naked and how big his stuff is."

Darren of course was both embarrassed and proud of his sister's claims. My own angst elevated as they got to their late teens. I worried more about their sexual development than my wife did. We'd never had the 'talk'. Whenever I brought up the subject, both would roll their eyes, look at each other and giggle. It was almost like they were saying, "What a clueless bastard! We already know all this shit." As it evolved, I 'knew" without being told that both my kids were sexually active. Neither were promiscuous. Sharon was on the pill, 'in case she decided to have sex.' I knew the parents or made it a point to know the parents of whoever either of my kids dated, and talked to them out of hearing of my kids. I'm sure both kids knew I checked up on them but neither let on it upset them. Between them they regularly shared information I was not privy to.

I digress a bit, On that critical morning, I discovered my wife's infidelity totally by accident. My son and I were almost to our destination when he said, "Uh oh! I forgot the new inhaler you put on the table for me."

"You're kidding!" I said. "You don't have an inhaler?" He told me he had an old one in his pocket but had forgot to pick up a fresh device. Darren had been a bad asthmatic when he was young. We had many intense and trying moments when he was little and had some major attacks. Trips to the emergency room are never fun, particularly when your son cannot breathe.

Some kids never outgrow their asthma. Darren had gotten better as he got older, but he still kept an inhaler in his pocket at all times. It became a security blanket of sorts. Even if he did not need it, just having an inhaler handy was a great peace of mind for him and especially for his mother and I. In preparation for our trip, I had put a fresh inhaler on the kitchen table for him. He might never need to use it at the lake during our time away, but neither of us wanted to risk a problem.

"I'm sorry, Dad." he said. "I meant to grab it and totally forgot." I was a little miffed but not actually pissed. He needed a fresh inhaler just in case. I turned around. We called Robert to tell him we had to go home and get an inhaler. Robert and his son lived down in Morgan City and were going to meet us at the camp.

"Well, we will be a little late getting to the lake. Big deal." I said to Darren, shrugging, blowing off the inconvenience. "I'd rather be late than you get into trouble and need that inhaler. It IS gonna cost you though." I glanced sideways to see Darren tense. "I'm gonna drink beer while YOU clean the fish, the ones you catch AND mine.. You messed up buddy. You pay!" Darren laughed and nodded. He knew I was not really pissed. I rarely got pissed at either of my kids. Even when I did, it passed quickly. All was forgiven.

That was a point I had made early on. You forgive family when somebody messes up. Family is everything. You stand by each other through thick and thin. It is us against the world if it comes to it.

Needless to say, that whole philosophy went to shit when we got back home. There was a strange car in our driveway. "Whose car is that?" Darren asked. I had a bad feeling. I had seen the silver Audi in the parking lot where my wife worked.

"Be careful." I said as I pulled into my driveway. "Don't slam the truck door. Barely close it. Be as quiet as you can." The "Huhh?" I got in reply told me my son had not caught on yet. But he complied.

We walked to the front door and I unlocked it. Once inside, I knew Darren caught on. The sounds coming from the direction of my bedroom left no doubt of what was happening. I made my way back. I froze. The door to my bedroom, the one I shared with my wife of some twenty years was half open. The sounds emanating left little to the imagination. Masculine grunts and a feminine voice squealing made it clear the two involved where in the throws of having sex. I looked inside.

My wife Sheila was on her knees and elbows in the doggie position sideways on the bed. A man I recognized as one of her coworkers stood behind pounding away, holding my wife by the hips. Her hanging C cup breasts flopped wildly proving just how vigorously the man was thrusting. They were

oblivious my son and I were off to one side and behind taking in the action. I barely restrained myself from stepping inside. I envisioned myself stepping up and punching him in his flank just under the rib cage to nail his kidney. Then grab him by whatever I could, hair, ear, or whatever I could and dragging him off my wife only to drop him onto the floor and stomping his ass into the carpet. How I held back is still a mystery. Maybe because he was a few inches taller than me and outweighed me but at least thirty pounds. Plus he was probably five years younger than my forty one and obviously very fit.

I knew the element of surprise was in my favor and my son would keep him from turning the tables on me and hurting me too bad. But I had heard a few stories of men finding themselves in similar circumstances and their violent response never worked out for them. My partner's brother had learned exactly that when he caught his first wife screwing her lover. Even with a good lawyer he served a year at the parish penal farm and got a ten year probation. He might have got away with just a slap on the wrist like probation had he not changed his target from the man's balls to his face. Sometimes juries around here feel a sense of justice but the damage he did was too much to overlook.

I think perhaps the real reason I held back was because my son was standing by my side. My restraint was certainly NOT conscious. I froze a half second. That was enough to understand Darren already had his cell phone out and was recording the activity. His reaction was automatic. See something and record it. The second or two it took me to realize what he was doing was enough to give me pause. After several more seconds, I turned and pushed him down the hall. On our way to the front door, I grabbed the inhaler we had left on the kitchen table.

"Dad?" Darren asked tentatively as we got to the truck. "Are you okay?" I had stopped and leaned on the hood. I felt sick to my stomach. I was shaking. I nodded.

"Give me a sec."I gasped. I took a few deep breaths to settle myself. "Don't slam the door when you get in, just the first click. I hope they don't hear me cranking the engine." I started the engine and quickly pulled out of my driveway. As we drove down the street we opened and pulled the doors shut. It is hard to fully close a truck door without making a fair bit of noise.

"Sharon needs to be told." Darren said. "We need to bring her into the loop. She'd be mad as Hell if we kept this from her for even a few days." Later I would remember his first instinct was to confide in his sister, not say the obvious about what he had just seen.

Once again I nodded. Then, for some reason I saw some humor in his statement. "Yeah. If you kept this to yourself and did not tell her, she'd probably nail you in the balls." I laughed. I could see Darren wince and and nod as he pulled out his phone.

"Hey! We need to talk." he began when she answered. "It's important."

"No shit, numbnuts!" Sharon yelled loudly enough I could hear her plainly. "Did you finally read the text I sent you yesterday afternoon telling you exactly that? And you brushed me off! I'm mad enough at you right now your nuts are in danger! And I'm not discussing this over the phone."

"Where are you?" Darren asked.

"Where do you think I am?" Sharon asked. "I'm at Rachael's, where I've been since last night." I turned at the next corner. When Darren told his sister we'd be there in a few minutes, Sharon stopped and breathed, "You aren't at the camp already? You are in town? With Dad?"

"Had to come home to get an inhaler." Darren said. "We saw something. And need to have a talk."

Sharon said, "Oh! So it's Mom." as we pulled up in front of Rachael's house. Darren and I shot each other a glance as the call disconnected. We parked behind Sharon's car. Rachael's mother, Karen was already opening the front door as we got out of the truck.

"We've had a few discussions last night." Karen offered softly and stepped aside to let us pass.

"I'm sorry, Daddy!" Sharon cried when we stepped into the living room. "I just needed to talk to Darren first." She grabbed me in a tight embrace. She shook as she hugged me.

"How long have you known your mother was cheating?" I asked. Her answer floored me.

"I didn't. I knew one of you was messing around but did not know until Darren just called who it was." Karen suggested we go into the kitchen and sit at the table. She offered Darren and I something drink and poured us cups of coffee.

Sharon continued. "I left school and went by the house yesterday at lunch. There was a strange car in the driveway. It was parked way over where Darren usually parks." I asked her what made her think something was going on. "Duhh. Nobody is supposed to be home in the middle of the day. Especially a strange car. The front door was locked and I peeked around back and did not see any door broken. I'd heard about that kind of thing. I just knew either you or Mom was inside with somebody."

I thought that was a stretch and said so. She explained. "Neither of your cars was visible and why would anybody park way over to the side, next to the fence if it was a visitor? They'd park right there in the driveway close to the front door." Her rationale made sense. Smart girl.

I looked at both Karen and Rachael. They did not seem to be surprised by any of this. Obviously, the three of them had discussed all this already. "Yeah, Mom had a guy in there." Darren said. "Wait til you see the video I took." He pulled out his phone.

"Wait a minute." I interrupted immediately. "I want you to send that video to me and then delete it. Your sister does not see it and you don't need to see it again."

"Dad, I'll send you a copy but you need to have backups. You might delete it by accident. Besides it is already in the cloud. And you know Sharon is not going to let this go. If I've seen it, she is going to insist she does also." Darren said. I knew he was right. No matter what I said, he was going to eventually show his sister the whole thing. I capitulated. Before he could pull up the video his phone rang. "It's Mom!" he said. I knew she suspected she had been caught. I shrugged. This was going south faster than I intended.

"Hey, Mom." he answered. "What's up?"

'Where are you?" Sheila asked. "Are you at the camp yet?"

"We're close." Darren answered. "But not at the camp yet." I almost laughed. Technically we were close and not at the camp.

""Why not? You left early this morning." my wife asked. I knew she was fishing. Maybe she did not know for sure we had been back to the house.

"Well, with all the back roads we can't drive that fast." Darren said. "Plus Dad decided we needed more beer so we made a little detour to buy some." I was trying to keep a straight face. Darren was quick on his feet.

Suddenly Sharon mouthed at me. "Your phone" and gestured urgently. I handed it over. She began to swipe and touch icons. She held it up to show Darren something. He put his phone on speaker and began to hit icons.

"He already had a couple cases! How much beer do you guys need? I know Robert is gonna bring some and probably a bottle of whisky. You guys be careful out there with all that alcohol!" she admonished. "Uhh, did you get that inhaler? The one on the kitchen table?" Sheila asked. Damn!!!, she noticed it missing.

"Yeah, I got it just before we left this morning." Darren said, innocently. "I ran back inside after I pulled the truck out and Dad put his car in the garage. I think you had already gone back upstairs."

"Oh, I thought I saw it later." Sheila offered. The doubt in her voice was evident. She was doubting her memory, wondering if she saw the inhaler before or after she went back upstairs after wishing us a fun trip. Her anticipation of her lover's arrival might have distracted her. She told us to have fun again and hung up.