Rosemary for Remembrance


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Rob was almost asleep on the couch when I joined him. "I don't know how you do it, Rose! I had my mother's help and still we had pizza three nights this week and there is a huge pile of laundry I will get done tomorrow."

I kissed my husband. I had already removed my tights and underwear and was still wearing the long skirt I had worn for the day. I straddled my husband on the couch and started kissing him. I undid the fastening on his pants and his cock sprang up. I simply lowered myself onto him. "Rose, what if the kids come out?" Rob started to protest.

"We're fully clothed and as far as they can see we are making out on the couch." I replied.

This sent him into a frenzy and we came together after a minute or so. Rob surprised me by carrying me to the bedroom. I had forgotten how strong he was in his own way. He lay me on the bed and started undressing me.

"That's a very pretty necklace" he observed, taking the silver sprig in his hand, "Rosemary, for remembrance!"

"Something like that," I replied, "It's to remind me that I am a capable woman."

Things at home changed. The following day after sport as we sat down to lunch Rob suggested we look at getting someone in to clean the house once a week. "Kids, your mother does an amazing job, but she is not our slave. She is an amazing teacher, mother, wife and person and we need to be helping more. This is my contribution."

I was shocked. Lizzie said that she had cooked dinner the Saturday before and Robbie also offered to cook once per week. I told them it would only work if they did the dishes. Being twins they had always been close, but it was Robbie who suggested Lizzie cook the following evening and he would watch and do the dishes.

Something kicked my libido into overdrive. I kind of suspected what it was but put it to the back of my brain. My period came and Rob even fucked me one night despite me flowing. When it didn't arrive the following month however I grew suspicious. Peeing on a stick confirmed that indeed I was pregnant at 41 despite 19 or so years of no contraception and countless IVF cycles. Rationally, I knew I had had a proper period since my weekend with Anton and we had been super careful using condoms, but my irrational brain kept telling me it could be his.

I sat Rob down that evening and told him that we needed to go to the doctor together. He looked very concerned and started to cry. I pulled out the pregnancy test and showed him. He continued to cry, but these were tears of happiness. My dating scan showed that yes, I had conceived at least a month after I returned from my conference.

When we first told the twins they were shocked. They knew they came from IVF and all that it had entailed. I remember catching Lizzie at a young age saying that most babies came from a daddy putting a seed in a mummy, but she and her brother came from daddy putting his seed in a cup! Millie was thrilled. I had confided in her that we had been seeing a marriage counsellor after Rob's affair and she was happy that things were looking so good for us. If Millie was thrilled, my parents were ecstatic. My mother told me it must have been the black nightdress she bought me and I laughed.

"Rosie, we were planning on having a big Christmas here this year," my mother explained, "Lily has a new beau and it is already sounding serious- it's only been a few weeks and I think they are basically living together!" Christmas was still four months away, but I said I would lock it in our diaries and tell Millie she was expected to be there with us.

I told Lachlan of my pregnancy earlier than I needed to as I experienced chronic morning sickness. I had never had this with the twins. He had promised me maternity leave and told me he would keep my job open for as long as was required.

Rob was the one who broached putting the baby on the waitlist at childcare.

"Do you want me to stay home with him or her?" I asked.

Rob's response floored me. He told me that I would never expect him to take time off to stay at home with the baby and therefore he could not expect me to. I reminded Rob that breastfeeding was important to me and I felt that I wanted to stay home with the baby for at least six months. When Rob then suggested that he cut back to four days per week and spend Fridays with the baby I was shocked. He told me he had told the office that that was what he was going to do from the following week.

I already did not work Fridays. For a few weeks we spent the day in bed. I tried to broach the subject of Rob eating me out, but I could never figure out a way.

Christmas was fast approaching, and we were all getting excited at the prospect of meeting Lily's new man. On the drive out Lizzie kept saying that he had to be handsome because Lily was the so beautiful and almost as beautiful as her mother! I laughed at that comment. You can imagine my shock when Anton walked in with my kid sister. My face fell, but then again, so did his when he saw my pregnant belly.

There was no chance in the afternoon for me to pull Anton aside and firstly congratulate him, but also confirm that there was no way I was carrying his child. I was so concerned my secret was going to come back to haunt me. Mum would not let me camp and I wanted Rob near me so we took a twin room in the farm house. I'm not sure how, but Lily had convinced mum that she and Anton were not campers and they had the room next door. Anton was a thorough gentleman. He introduced himself to Rob and they really hit it off.

Dinner was a hoot that night. Rob realised that I had stayed at Anton's mother's guesthouse. I think I dropped my fork.

"That doesn't surprise me," said Anton as he cut up his food nonchalantly, "It was probably my brother, Jeremy there that weekend. He lives with his partner, Brian in the city. Although I'm surprised she didn't ask my sister to look after your beautiful wife because she still lives close to Mum."

Anton was a pro and Rob simply sat there with his arm around me and I placed my hand on his leg. After dinner we retired to the verandah. I sat with Lily and we swung together on the Love Seat as we had done as children.

"Anton seems delightful," I said.

"Oh, he is," replied my sister. "He's been married before¬- his first wife died from cancer several years ago. He told me he fucked around for a bit but as soon as he saw me he knew I was special. He's so bloody honest too. I mean, I met him on a Monday at work and we had dinner that Wednesday and he told me outright that he had spent the weekend with a beautiful woman, but she was not right for him and although that made him sad, he was amazed that right around the corner there I was."

"She must have been pretty special," I replied.

"Yeah, I think to her it was a fling, and I worried I might have been a rebound, but we just meshed straight away. You know I've seen photos of Mel, Anton's first wife and she looks a lot like you."

I was trying not to cry. Lily noticed and I blamed the pregnancy hormones. I had not talked to Lily like this in years and it was lovely to be reconnecting with my sister.

"Oh Rose, he is an amazing lover!" Lily continued.

"I can imagine, I mean he is pretty good looking!" I replied.

"I mean, he is like hung, but his cock is like every other cock I've had, it's his mouth that is amazing. He does things with his lips and tongue that I cannot explain."

Lily saw I had pulled within myself. "Oh Rose, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's not that at all Lily," I replied truthfully, "I'm just sad that no one has ever explained to Rob how nice that might be."

Lily gripped my hand and we were soon joined by our partners. It was funny seeing them standing together and me knowing I had slept with both of them over the last year.

"So when are you due?" Anton enquired, "And please don't tell me my gay brother knocked you up or something!"

"Hardly!" I said, roaring with laughter, "I actually conceived the cycle after that trip. I came home and something came over me!"

"I'm not complaining," my husband chimed in, "We had sex almost every night for weeks after she came home. I don't know what was in that library at your mum's, but she placed her arms and legs in different positions and it was lovely!"

I went beet red. My husband had never spoken like this. I looked over to see Anton smiling too as he hugged my sister.

We pushed the twin beds in our room together and that night I rode Rob, trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't think we were quiet enough because over breakfast Lily asked me if we had indeed stopped since I conceived.

I should explain Lily is a little different to me. I have the dark hair that sits straight at my shoulders. Lily is a fiery redhead with curls that cascade down her back. She is much paler than me and you would need to look closely at us to see that we do have a similar facial structure with the same nose and ears.

Before breakfast I had gone to the chook pen to collect eggs and let the chickens out. Anton had come along with me.

"I honestly thought it was mine when I first saw you," Anton whispered.

I told him there was no way, plus we had used protection.

"That last morning I really thought you were Mel," Anton said with a tear in his eye, "You may not have heard, but when I came I sighed her name."

I had noticed, but I reminded him I called my husband's name several times that weekend. We gave each other a hug and I told him I was happy he found my sister.

"Oh no," he replied, "She found me! I had missed a patient had become more and more congested and as a physio she picked it up and her early input of chest physio probably saved that man's life. She came to me to tear me a new one. I was not expecting your sister to be a redhead and her nametag was obscured. The way she tore into me was so sexy and I told her so. I admitted my mistake and asked her to dinner. She told me she would think about it. I saw her the following day and she declined again, however the next day she agreed and it was only then I discovered her name was Lily Harrison."

It was Christmas Eve and after dinner Rob and my brothers Basil and Ash played Santa. I had climbed into bed and was reading when Rob came in.

He sat on the bed and was obviously thinking about something. Eventually he came out with it.

"Rose, I had the strangest conversation with the blokes this evening. Ash was teasing Anton and me about what duds his sisters were in the sack. Anton boasted that he knew exactly how to get Lily to raise the roof. Basil said that he doubted that, and Anton took it as a dare. He told us how he eats Lily out and inserts a finger and how she screams the house down. Basil said it sounded like Sasha except she likes it when he sticks a finger in her bum too. Ash said that Jane hated anything near her bum and then they looked at me. I told them that I had never gone down on you."

I was silent, amazed that Rob was sharing this. I leant over and kissed him and we started making out.

"Rose, I'm sorry it's taken me 20 years, but I want to try."

I was astounded. The boys had obviously given him some good tips. He started kissing me and then tentatively went in with his tongue. It was very pleasurable. My quiet moans obviously spurred my husband on. I felt a finger sweep inside me and start pumping. This was different to how Anton had done it, but it felt great all the same. I could feel my climax building. Rob was focussing on my clitoris, swirling his tongue around it and then removed his finger. I was disappointed until he inserted two fingers inside me, then a third. I could feel myself stretching. Before I knew it, my husband was fisting me whilst licking my clitoris. It was all too much. I gripped the sheets and I screamed.

Mum must have taken her hearing aids out or she pretended not to hear, but I could hear claps and cheers coming from the room next door. I told Rob it was the best Christmas present I had ever received.

Christmas morning there was a knock at the door before Lily came in with a cup of tea for me. "I wasn't sure you could walk and I wanted to check the baby was ok!" she told me.

She also congratulated Rob and asked him to give some pointers to her boyfriend. Well he was the boyfriend at the start of the day and the fiancé at the end of it.

Baby Harriet joined us that March and made our family complete. It was much easier caring for one baby rather than twins. Rob kept his deal of Fridays off and I went back two days a week when Harriet was 6 months old working up to four days when she started school.

Rob and I were content in our marriage. We caught up with Anton and Lily several times a year and I often thank him for explaining the intricacies of cunnilingus to my ignorant husband, although he claims it was all Basil and Ash!

I sometimes think that I should have been more open with my husband as he was when he cheated on me, but that was so many years ago now that it is water under the bridge. My mother told Lily and I that we should marry men we would be happy for our sons to grow into. I knew that both Robbie and my nephews were safe.

I can honestly say my life changed around 40 but looking back I would not have had it any other way.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Interesting story. She was conflicted but also had her reasons. However, not confessing puts a pall on their marriage. His cheating was aome time ago and he confessed. She had provocation but not confessing is a bad sign. And she did a weekend. At least it stopped at one time. That being said the big dick trope is tiresome. Please do some research. Yes it is fiction but every married woman who had been faithful for many years and then steps out, has sex with a well endowed guy. Just tiresome and monotonous. At least the author didn't have her become an addict for Anton's big penis, like so many other immature LW stories. There is more to life than orgasms, and good orgasms (even great ones) have a lot of factors that contribute. While size matters, it isn't normally at the tip of the list of factors that result in great orgasms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She never confessed. Her husband was open about it. She rationalized her way into a weekend with the guy. She did seem conflicted. Hubby has no clue. And why is the weekend lover always hung? And magical in bed? The average dick size is 5.1 to 5.5 across multiples studies across all ethnicities. That is erect. 90% of guys are less than 7 inches. Yet all these women in LW stories step out and the swx is amazing and the guy is always well endowed. Gets tiresome. Don't hate the wife. She had her reasons and her husband fucked up. But feel bad for him being clueless and lied to by her and her lover. In real life would not bode well for their marriage. At least she stopped at one tryst. In so many other LW stories it goes from one time to 3-6 months.

EVLoverEVLoverover 1 year ago

Another excellent story from Sister Jezabel! 5 *****

I’ve been following SJ for a while and am slowly reading her stories in alphabetical order. I’ve enjoyed over 20 of them so far.

Her stories typically feature excellent character development of generally nice and relatable characters…most with a troubled past. She often gets into the emotional background of her main characters and finds/creates opportunities for them to be vulnerable and share those pasts…often resulting in a cathartic healing. Her stories normally have happy endings.

This writing strategy works extremely well in the Romance category and generally well in the Erotic Coupling category. It doesn’t seem to work quite as well in the Loving Wives category based on some of the comments and her score on this story. That said, I honor her efforts to write a LW story…just to see how it would work and be received.

I appreciate SJ sharing her outstanding writing gifts and look forward to reading and enjoying more of her stories.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 2 years ago

Firstly, very well written story. Next to those who write comments so disgusting about the writer you miss the point. Oh, i was so drunk I thought it was you. If a woman used this the story would morph into a forest fire of BTB. Lastly most of the time a writer has the wife say "the experience will improve our sex life” it is just another B.S. excuse. In this case the wife experienced a gem, and her husband was finally exposed to it. My final comment is “Why does every female writer make the affair /cheating with a guy who eats pussy like a pro and is hung? Most guys out there are average or slightly above in length and width, (over 90%) yet most women that are featured by female writers just fall into a situation that they get their tonsils tickled through their pussy? Keep up the good work. BTRH.

notyourcuppateanotyourcuppateaover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this. Sr J explains why she wrote it and it is a fantasy. Through fantasy we get to experience things that could never work in real life, more so in this section of lit than some others.

I love that Rose did this for herself then went home to Rob and they were happy. She doesn't pine for Anton and doesn't cheat again, and when Anton comes back into her life they're able to be friends.

I hope Anton does have a gay brother, or Lily will have figured out something is up :)

Bravo Sr J. Keep them coming!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Disgusting story of a cheating cunt by a very pathetic slut writer! Writer is definately a man hater!

GillotineGillotineover 2 years ago

Husband is honest, wife is not. She has an amazing sex-filled weekend and he has nothing but shame & remorse for his one time. I can't wait for this relationship to totally fail. Fiction or not, once the lying becomes easier, it just happens more often.

TrionyxTrionyxover 2 years ago

SJ, I actually enjoyed reading this story. I agree with you that I’m not sure I liked her at the end of the story, but it is fiction. In fiction, as in real life, there are people we may not like very much but I never thought that should detract from the story. Think of Dorian Gray, Uriah Heep or Dr. Jekyll’s alterego Mr. Hyde.

But what I do object to are personal attacks and name calling by anonymous reviewers. I’m surprised the site moderators let that remark get posted. I encourage you to remove such a remark and report it to Laurel here at Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Rose is a common cunt.. 1*

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Very Entertaining Storytelling****

You took a very common storyline and JEZ -IT-UP to be a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

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