Sabel Ch. 07-10


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"We will go now. You have some miles of running still left. Wait here while I get dressed."

Shaka had disappeared and Sabel was left alone for some moments, wondering what it would be like to live for the rest of her life in the Magnusson farm. What was in store for her? Would she ever be downstationed like her mother? Her mind raced to Robin and Charra: where would they go once the instruction was over? Would they be as lucky as she had been, and find owners who would like them like Miss Cathy liked her? She shuddered at the idea that the Lady could transfer her to someone else, as she had surely done that with her former fillies -- Shaka had said, "you always choose good animals". What had become of them?

"There were many things that I still don't know", Sabel muttered to herself, touching the padlock on her belt. "But some day I will."


When the Lady reappeared, she was donning her black outfit. She led Sabel though the bramble path into the bright hot sun. When they reached the barn; the ebony stood still while Cathy buckled the straps of her harness and fitted the little bells on her nipples and forehead. She had brought a long soft whip and surprised Sabel with a fuzzy slap on her bottom:

"Giddy up!

This time Cathy directed her to the road going left from the barn, which stretched for miles without any elevation. Sabel trotted with ease, listening to the clapping of her hooves and to the merry jingle of the little bells. After some five hundred yards, the whip landed on her butt and she sped up into a light run.

Cathy loved to run in her surrey. The breeze on her face, the fragrant trees charged with fruit, the sheer sense of power in controlling a human mare, were among the things she most prized in life. Two carts pulled by ponyboys with blinders on their bridles passed slowly along them; Cathy smiled when they tried to turn their heads to watch the fine new female. But they drivers wouldn't allow that, and the crops sounded almost in unison as they hit their bare butts.

The lady laid her head back and felt her hair flowing in the wind. Sabel was doing well, still unaware of how her muscles would feel sore after being worked that much. Cathy sighed: that was part of her training. In a few weeks she would not feel them anymore, even after a day of hard work.

Sabel's round bottom was beginning to shine with sweat, but she was happy beyond description: the scenery was superb, the day perfect, and she was carrying Miss Cathy along the road! She didn't mind the wetness forming on her forehead and between her thighs under the metal belt. After the first mile, however, she started to feel the heat. She had used her legs a lot that morning and they were beginning to ache. She slowed down to catch her breathe and received a mild kiss from the whip:

"Don't show down, honey! You cannot do that in real traffic!"

Sabel pulled herself together and sped up. Cathy knew that in real traffic her pony would never attain that speed, but she wanted to push her a bit -- she needed to improve her stamina to have a chance at the competitions. They were in the middle of the month of Rose; then Tulip would come, and Violet, and the end of the year. The first of Anthurium was the anniversary of the New State, and on the fifth all Auronians commemorated Charissa Magnusson's birthday. The country's most important festival was held between those days, with spectacles, contests and pony races -- and Sabel had to be in good shape to take part in them.

A cart was coming from the opposite direction. Cathy narrowed her eyes: her sister Charmagne was sitting on it. Sabel recognized Shig and gulped: between his legs, the metal tube still encased his upright cock. She felt the reins tightening and slowed down until she stopped at the side of the other cart.

"Char! How lovely a surprise! I see Shig is panting -- are you coming from the pier?"

"Yes, dear! And is this the girl you are training? She seems even taller now!"

Sabel lifted her chin and straightened her body up as Cathy's sister examined her from head to toe. Shig turned his head to watch that superb female; he thumped his feet and licked his lips -- he hadn't mated for three entire weeks, and felt his balls twitching as the ponygirl's smell hit his nostrils.

"Yes, she is my Sabel, Char." An idea flashed through Cathy's mind: "Would you like to make a wager of shells that she can beat your Shig boy?"

"Hmm... we could try that! Are you sure she is fast enough?"

"Look at her! She has the strongest legs you can imagine, and has done very well this morning on Lark Hill. And look at her rump, so full and powerful! A prize animal she is, Char."

Char ran her crop down the ponyboy's back, making him stick out his chest. Sabel shivered: Miss Cathy wanted her to race against that big male! From where she was she could not see his body; his image formed in her mind -- he was powerful, okay, but also heavier than she was. If she ran well, she had a chance...

Cathy went on:

"So, how much? Ten?" She reached her whip out and teased the ebony's rump, making her push back and look even prettier. Char grinned:

"O.K. Ten shells on Shig."

"Let's race to the water wheel. It is a half mile distance on the flat, so one cannot say that our weight counts much."

Char nodded and made her pony turn the cart to face the right direction. Shig smelled of virility and force, and Sabel made an effort not to look at the erect member between his thick thighs. He just moved his nostrils, immobile as a statue, all his muscles tense as he waited for the sign to start.

"On the count of three!" Cathy said. "One ... two ... THREE!"

The whip popped on Sabel's rump and she started off at a fast pace, but not giving all she was capable of. She had to run half a mile and would have to sprint near the end, so she saved her forces: Shig's legs were not as long as hers, but he was a man and thus stronger. She kept that in mind and trotted away; soon she had opened half-cart advantage.

Char smacked the brown butt in front of her and the ponyboy sped up, passing Sabel by a whole cart. Cathy flipped the long whip:

"Hurry, Sabel! Hurry on, honey!"

They had already covered half the distance; the girl mustered her forces and accelerated to almost full speed, her feet barely touching ground, and surpassed Shig again. She could hear his breath -- it was heavy and beginning to become irregular. She had run races before and knew that this was a good sign -- good for her, of course. She kept running, now at the fastest she could, her mind concentrated on a single aim -- she had to win! Cathy looked back and heard Charmagne yelling:

"Giddy up, Shig! Don't make me lose this race! What is wrong with you, boy? RUN!"

The waterfall was already on sight. Sabel felt her lungs burning and her thighs aching -- she breathed deeply and leaned forward -- Miss Cathy had loosened the reins and was giving her a golden chance to show what she could do! She didn't feel the surrey anymore; pulling her tummy inside and lowering her head so that the wind would be a lesser obstacle, she sprinted as she had never done before. Only a hundred yards to go! Her hooves clapped loudly against the pavement -- she was really lighter than that heap of muscles behind her!

Shig showed a final spring of speed and reached Sabel, but he was not used to run that fast. He was exhausted, while the girl had trained hard to pass her interview and was in excellent shape. She opened again a small advantage -- and reached the waterwheel five seconds before he did.

Cathy slowed her down and allowed her to walk for a short distance to cool off. Looking back, she saw her sister glaring at her, not believing that a filly had defeated her splendid stallion. Shig was panting and puffing, trying to recover his breath.

"We did it! Sabel, I am proud of you!"

"My compliments, Cathy", Charmagne said. "Your filly is fantastic. Where did you find her?"

"Oh, Char, you won't believe it! Later I will tell you the entire story."

She made Sabel turn the cart around and bring her to where her sister was. The girl's eyes rested on the upright cock, and Miss Cathy's words came back to her mind: "I might allow you to go with him..." She never discovered how the teacher discovered what was in her mind, but somehow she did.

"Char... how long are you keeping Shig locked?"

"He still has a month to go, dear. Why?"

"He tried hard, you know. And I know of someone needing to be laid, if you ever decide to take him off his punishment."

"And who is that?"

Sabel thought that she was going to tell Charmagne about their acquaintances' ponygirl who needed to be bred. Completely unaware of what she was doing, she pushed back her tushie, and the teacher smiled.

"See how he is thumping his feet? What is it, Shig, are you smelling something?" she snapped, and made a movement with her chin, indicating the ebony -- it was obvious what she had in mind.

"What do you say, Char? It could be interesting to watch them..."

Suddenly Sabel understood that they were talking about her. Her face went hot -- was it shame, or desire? The vision she had had on the barge came back to her mind -- Shig sliding into her -- but THERE? Under the gaze of the two Ladies?

Char nodded. Cathy climbed down and unfastened Sabel's hips from the cart.

"Turn around, dear. It is not your time of month to be fertile, is it?"

Sabel shook her head and grabbed the shafts, facing the seat, as the Lady hitched her hip belt to the small chains. She took the belt's key from the pocket on her vest and with a deft movement removed it; Char freed the stallion's cock and hands and led him by his collar behind the girl.

"I am sure you will like this, Sabel", Cathy said, running her hand down the ebony's rump and between her petals, and turned to her sister:

"She is drenched, Char, squirming like a mare in heat!"

Sabel felt her face hot again -- she was going to be fucked attached to a cart -- what a shameful thing! Or was it? She was a ponygirl now, and perhaps it was like that that ponies got laid -- Shig was quite good-looking -- her instincts surfaced, and she parted her thighs to offer her cunt to the male.

Char took her sister's arm and they stepped aside.

"Go ahead, Shig! Take her!"

The stallion grabbed the filly's waist and Sabel felt the tip of his cock brushing her buttocks, looking for her hole. As he found it, he penetrated her with a single thrust -- she had not seen his member, but it was surely the biggest she had ever received! It filled her tunnel all the way down to her cervix as he leaned over her and began to pump. She grabbed the handles of the cart with all her strength, feeling the male's breath on the nape of her neck, and rocked her body on the tight rod, giving in to the wonderful sensations she was feeling.

"Look at her, Cathy, how she raises her bottom! Is it true what they say about... er... this kind of girls?"

"Char, my first touches... she seemed to be already on the pill. Clara told me about them, I thought she was exaggerating, but..."

The teacher's words disappeared suddenly from Sabel's ears. Of course she had had sex before, but that was absolutely new -- the stallion's energy, his balls hitting her thighs, his powerful embrace! He caught her chin in his enormous palm and pressed his body against her hips. He had not mated for two weeks -- that had never happened since he had become a stallion -- and that tight pussy was so warm and humid! He licked the female's ear and felt a twitch on his cock as she shuddered -- he had pulled her body toward him, his cock was throbbing inside her, and she moved frantically back and forth, trying to reach her climax before he spurted into her.

Wet noises filled the air; Sabel found a way to rub her clit on that marvelous mast, waves of heat irradiated from her crotch and filled her loins -- Shig growled and sped up, his breath heavy on the female's neck. Sabel's belly began to quiver and she contracted her muscles -- and then it came, a powerful blast that sent her whole body shaking. Shig moved swiftly now, his toes supporting his entire weight, his butt pushed in as his cock slid in and out the juicy cunt -- and a gush of semen filled Sabel, then another, and a third -- she gnawed on the bit, wishing that he would stay more inside her -- a second orgasm was building inside her loins -- he grabbed her as if he was going to unload again --

"Back, Shig!" Charmagne's voice was quite firm.

The stallion obediently drew his member out and stepped back, licking his lips. His seed tickled along the ebony's thighs and she felt Miss Cathy wiping it with a tuft of grass. When she unhitched Sabel from the shafts, she turned and saw the male already attached to his cart, his exposed cock upright again and shining under the sun.

Cathy took her by her collar and took her bit out. She led her to her sister's cart:

"It is wrong to waste the energy of sexual juices, Sabel. Lick him."

The ebony was completely surprised by that order -- but how could she refuse? She lapped the brown cock on all its sides, tasting Shig's seed mixed with her own nectar -- and then wrapped her lips on the tip and sucked it as far as she could into her mouth. Cathy smiled at Char and let her have her way -- she fully deserved it after her performance, she thought. Sabel sucked the cock for some minutes, and felt a tug on her collar: as she rose up, she felt her face going hot again, but raised her chin and looked proudly ahead.

"Back to the surrey!"

She walked with high steps and stood between the shafts as the teacher fitted her belt and carefully locked it. She opened her mouth to let the bit in, and when she looked again at Shig, his cock was already under the restrain. She sighed: it had been such a quick act, and yet so delightful!

"She will do fine on a mating block, Cathy", Char said as she flicked the reins and the stallion began to move. "Are you planning to keep her?"

"Yes, if she passes her midterm."

She took her place on the seat and touched Sabel's rump with her crop.

"Be a good pony for me, dear, and you will have more of Shig. Now walk to the barn -- you must be tired, I suppose!"

There was a tinge of irony in her voice, but Sabel was too happy to notice it.

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stroudlestroudleabout 6 years ago
Spoiled it

Enjoyable until the last part when you had Shig mate Sabel , that was akin to rape in my mind . I thought Cathy showed signs of caring for Sabel before that. Totaly spoiled it for me. Mention of the mating block turned my stomach.

It was however well written. The first 2 chapters were much better.

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 8 years ago

I read the first page of this story, but could not read anymore of it,you make those girls act like animals instead of people

gr3ywindgr3ywindalmost 8 years ago

What most authors fail to relay in these types of stories is that trust is a two way street. Any emotional connection between the two that you've tried to establish in previous chapters as well as this one is completely shat on when she simply is whored out without a second thought. It breaks earlier established character traits and creates a disconnect and for that simple reason I'm out as of this installment. 1/5..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I find this story that glorifies slavery (no matter how it is disguised as an alternate social commentary) to be disgusting. And the fact that it reduces humans to the status of beasts certainly doesn't add to the story. It should not be posted on a site that celebrates sex and particularly lesbianism. I don't see it as even qualified for the BDSM section... maybe if you can find a site that has John Norman "Gor" stories you can post it there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I realy hope you continue this story its brilliant. Inviting and descriptve. Loved it.

purrfectppurrfectpabout 16 years ago
Very Sexy

Great story, blackbel - and very sexy. But then you always are!!

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