Sausages Backstory Ch. 19


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'Cm'on, shake it, baby. Shake it,' laughed the disembodied voice of Mary, teasing him. She could see that he was struggling to stay in the moment.

'Yes, Madam,' said Dan, a little sullenly. It was all becoming an effort now. The edge long lost. He felt stupid as he mechanically slid his hand up and down his erect penis, feeling, even as he did so, it soften under his grip. This could end badly, he thought, a long session in the T-Bar beckoned. Suddenly he felt a dull throbbing in his ass. Mary has switched on his butt plug. As it increased in intensity, its deep pulses interspersed with rapid bursts of vibration, Dan hardened again and came quickly.

'Pathetic', commented Mary as the spurts of cum from Dan's cock eased to a dribble. 'No marks for that sad effort. Two hours in the T-Bar starting now. I'll be home to let you out, unless I have a late meeting. Then you can go back to your dishwashing or whatever.'

'Thank you Madam. Yes, Madam,' said the ever obsequious Dan, bending down to lick the floor clean. This was the final, formal, humiliating requirement of the performance. Mary kept the butt plug vibrating at full blast, just to punish him for his poor performance, he supposed, as he backed himself into the T-Bar, waddling in an effort to ease the vibrating discomfort in his post coital ass, hoping she would switch it off soon. He wondered if his humiliation was still being broadcast to the world. Probably was, since she made him come. Didn't want to disappoint the paying punters.

Aside from the occasional failure to perform to Mary's satisfaction, whether it was for a slave Dan podcast, or some domestic chore, Dan had developed into a reliable, obedient slave. Obeying Mary's every command and wish, although there was always the occasional lapse, Dan being Dan. For these occasions, Bette, the enforcer, was called in to bring Dan back to a true appreciation of his role in life.

While had been a slow start to the neighbours making use of Dan, it picked up after the first Easter break. One of the neighbouring wives asked if they could have Dan cut the grass while they were away. When they came back from their holiday, the man of the house decided, since Dan had done such a good job, that it made sense for him to have Dan do it all the time. It was one chore less as far as he was concerned. Allowed him more time for golf. He left it up to his wife to arrange the scheduling of Dan's services with Mary.

The other guys on the estate were quick to get in on the act. And as demand for Dan's services picked up, this pattern repeated. It seemed the men of Manor Homes Village did not want to have any direct dealings with the Dan business. It was almost always the women who arranged with Mary for Dan's hire. Either way, soon Dan was the yard man for the whole estate, cutting the grass, power washing driveways, raking up leaves, washing cars. In no time Mary's WhatsApp appointments schedule was full and there was a bookings backlog.

Human nature being the base thing that it is, some 'will do anything' service requests did eventually come Dan's way, and, because Mary told him to, Dan obliged. Indeed, in one case he really did end up giving head to a neighbour, and did so on an ongoing basis; Dan's only male client. A fact that was known only to Dan, to Mary and to the recipient of Dan's services, who would visit Mary's house during the day under another pretext and receive oral service, and more, from slave Dan. To some ladies on the estate Dan provided particular services as well -- in between doing their laundry or whatever.

Once all the neighbours knew the true nature of Dan's domestic situation; that he was Mary's slave, they treated him accordingly. The men generally ignored him, or made careful but depreciating comments as they passed by; 'Good lad, Dan, keeping the weeds down are we?' Dan was always careful to give them a quick 'Yes, Sir' while keeping on raking or whatever. They didn't want to engage with him really, and Dan didn't either. He knew all hope of having any meaningful male acquaintances in Manor Homes Village died at that first residents meeting. The chances of finding a fellow slave, or a fellow 1950's household type to bond with were pretty slim.

The women tended to treated him like awkward ten year old. They would give him a cheery 'hello, Dan,' or a 'nice to see how you've got those roses coming along' sort of positive reinforcement. But they were equally quick to give him the 'naughty boy' treatment at the slightest opportunity. Enjoying the power play, Dan supposed.

'That is not the way to hang panties on a clothes line to dry, you stupid boy' shouted one at Dan from her upstairs window. Dan gave a suitably contrite 'Sorry, Ma'am,' and set about doing the job the way she wanted.

Dan came to provide one enjoyable 'will do anything' service, the nature of which was kept a secret between himself and the neighbour who booked him. It came about in the normal way. In the middle of loading the dishwasher one morning, Dan got two sharp zaps in the ass from his radio controlled butt plug. Mary was calling him on her phone. Once Dan had positioned himself in front of the iPad, Mary advised him that the lady in No. 4 had requested help with general cleaning inside the house.

The single occupant of No. 4 was the youngest resident of Manor Homes Village. Ms Elizabeth Metcalfe was a shy lady of about thirty who lived alone. Not a beauty, not plain either, just normal. A bit of a mystery person. As far as the residents knew she worked in the research library of some obscure institution in the city. Rumour had it that she had a lot of inherited wealth; that her rich parents had died in a house fire while she was at summer camp. She was then cared for by a spinster aunt while attending an exclusive girl only boarding school, then on to an ivy league and into this mystery job.

On the day appointed Dan, standing outside the door of No. 4, reviewed what he knew about the mysterious Ms Metcalf, He felt her back story sounded too like girl's own fiction of the last century. A bit made up. A bit Mallory Towers cum Chalet school cum A Little Princess, thought Dan, Maybe she's a secret agent, he thought.

as he prepared to ring the bell at precisely two o'clock. Dan didn't want any complaints to come back to Mary that he was late arriving; didn't want to be given two hours in the T-Bar for displeasing the neighbours.

The door opened promptly, Ms Metcalf stood aside and invited Dan in. Her brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a white blouse and a grey short skirt over grey knee socks; flat black slip-on shoes. Bit like a school uniform was Dan's first thought as he stood into the hallway.

Ms Metcalfe turned to Dan as she closed the door. 'I understand you are to do whatever I ask. Isn't that how this works, Dan?'

'Yes, Ms. Metcalfe.'

'Good. I want you to do two things for me. You are going to clean some windows, but first I want you to do some role play. Cleaning the windows is a cover for the role play. You are not to speak to anybody about what we will do, including your wife. If you can't agree to that, we will go back to just cleaning windows today and that will be the end of the arrangement. What do you say?'

Dan wasn't ready for this. Sounds like she is a secret agent, he thought. Maybe she wants me to take a package to a dead-drop. But if that was the job, he was going to do the job. Mary would expect him to satisfy the customer.

' depends what the role play is about I suppose, Ms. Metcalfe.'

'I am going to call you 'Daddy,' and you are going to call me 'Betty' or 'little girl.' I will drop something in the kitchen and you will come in and be angry. You will take me over your knee and spank me hard with your hand on my bare bottom. Then we'll take it from there. How's that?'

The rapid stiffening of Dan's penis was all the guidance he needed. He quickly decided he could do this and without any preliminaries went into character straight away.

'Sure, I can do,' said Dan - the angry Dad. Getting into the role, he raised his voice a notch and instructed his lazy daughter to get to work. He even managed a stern frown. The Oscars beckoned for Dan, the angry dad actor.

'Now get into the kitchen, little girl, and start tidying up. And hurry up before I get cross!'

'Yes Daddy. Sorry, Daddy.' Ms Metcalf, blushing a bright red as she responded, turned quickly and walked down the hall and into the kitchen, shutting the door behind her. Dan took the opportunity to quickly adjust his now fully erect penis, while still frowning angrily in the direction of his lazy daughter who had disappeared into the kitchen. Ten seconds later he heard a loud crash from behind the kitchen door.

Dan strode along the hall and burst in the kitchen door in his pretend fury.

'What on earth do you think you are doing, you stupid little girl. Don't you know I'm trying to work?'

'I'm sorry, Daddy, it just slipped,' whispered Ms Metcalfe, pointing to the large saucepan and lid lying on the floor with one hand, the other hand nervously clutching and unclutching the hem of her grey uniform skirt.

'Well, sorry won't cut it this time, little girl. You need to be punished; severely punished. Maybe that will make you more careful in future,' snarled angry Dad Dan.

'Please Daddy, don't spank me. I'll be much more careful. It won't happen again. I promise.'

'I will spank you, and spank you hard. And after the thrashing you are going to get, I'd be very surprised if you ever disturb me again. Stand over here beside me. Now!' Dan snarled and sat down on a kitchen chair conveniently pulled out from the kitchen table and facing out into the room.

Little Betty Metcalfe shuffled up to Dan, one finger nervously stuck in the corner of her mouth, the other hand still tugging at the hem of her skirt.

'You know what to do, Betty. Don't make me tell you. Hurry up!'

Betty, standing close to Dan's knees, both hands griping her skirt, slowly pulled it all the way up to reveal a pair of sensible white cotton knickers. She shuffled one step closer so that she was standing between Dan's knees. Dan, his hands trembling slightly, breathing heavily, his erection tenting up the front of his track pants, took a firm grip on the elastic top of the knickers, one hand on each side, and slowly pulled them down to Betty's knees. A perfectly shaved pubic mound was presented to him.

'Around to the side and bend over my knees. Now,' he commanded sternly, just about keeping it together. Betty, still holding her skirt up, crouched a little at Dan's side and bent over his lap, then brought her hands forward and placed them on the floor. Dan felt the weight of her body press against his erection, and knew he was leaking precum. He placed his hand firmly on Betty's bottom and rubbed it firmly in round clockwise sweeps, sliding over the crack of her ass, touching the bud of her asshole gently with his thumb as he moved past. Betty moved her legs slightly apart, stretching the white knickers at her knees. Dan knew she was inviting him, willing him even, to touch more than her asshole. She gasped as he slid his fingers along and then into her pussy. Wet, wet, wet. Time to get down to business.

'You know that I really do not like to have to do this, Betty, but you have got to learn your lesson.'

'Please Daddy, just smack me hard. I know I deserve it.'

Dan placed his left hand squarely on Betty's back, holding her in place and brought his right hand down hard, first on one cheek then on the other, and continued.

'You -- SMACK! -- must -- SMACK! -- not -- SMACK! -- disturb -- SMACK! -- your -- SMACK! -- Father -- SMACK! -- when-- SMACK! -- he -- SMACK! -- is -- SMACK! -- working-- SMACK!'

As Dan watched the flesh on Betty's ass quiver and redden under each blow, he wondered if she'd had enough. But Betty was breathing heavily and continuing to writhe slowly across Dan's knees. She didn't want to stop yet. Dan was going to have to give full value.

'Now, Betty,' said Dan, rubbing his hand steadily and firmly deeper and deeper into the wet folds of her pussy. She, giving little whimpers of pleasure each time he did, wriggled against his throbbing penis. Dan feared he might come there and then.

'We will continue your punishment, but this time I want you to repeat what I told you so that I know you have learned your lesson. Betty obeyed, grunting out the words between each wallop on her now hot and flaming red ass cheeks.

'I -- SMACK! -- must -- SMACK! -- not -- SMACK! -- disturb -- SMACK! -- my -- SMACK! -- Father -- SMACK! -- when-- SMACK! -- he -- SMACK! -- is -- SMACK! -- working-- SMACK!'

Betty slid off sideways off Dan's knees, holding on with her arms so she ended up facing him, looking towards him with her eyes unfocused, her face tear streaked, her mouth wetly open and panting heavily.

'Are you going to be a good little girl now, Betty?'

'Yes Daddy, I will be good. I will make it up to you for having to punish me,' she breathed while gently forcing Dan's knees apart and shouldering her way in toward his crotch. Betty pulled down the waistband of his track suit trousers and Dan's dripping and throbbing cock sprung free. (Mary didn't allow him the luxury of underwear -- no hiding Dan's erections.) Betty quickly took Dan's cock in her mouth, wrapping her lips around the pink wet head, while looking up at him from under her eyelashes.

She cupped his balls with one hand, squeezing them gently while, with one bobbing movement, Betty buried Dan's cock deeply into the back of her throat. On the second sucking stroke Dan came heavily, jerking Betty's head back with each compulsive thrust. Betty kept her eyes looking up at Dan's face as his thrusts subsided. When she lifted her head away and released his softening cock, a dribble of cum slid from the side of her mouth. Dan noticed Betty's other hand was furiously rubbing herself under her skirt, her knickers were now around her ankles. She whimpered gently, with little urgent coughing sounds, as she orgasmed quietly, sliding to the floor at Dan's feet as she did so.

Dan, wallowing in the happy glow of the aftermath of his unexpected treat, drew his track suit bottoms over his flaccid penis and back into place. He dreaded the thought of now having to set about washing Ms Metcalfe's windows. Work was the last thing he wanted to do just then. Ms Metcalfe, slowly sat up and, placing her hands on Dan's knees, pulled herself upright, and rescued Dan.

'That was very nice. You may pull my panties up for me, Dan,' she said, smiling, once more holding her grey schoolgirl skirt high above her waist. She was playfully teasing Dan with her in-your-face nakedness, with her now restored unavailability.

'Yes, Ms. Metcalfe,' said Dan, nervously reaching down, taking hold of her white cotton panties and drawing them up from her ankles, over her shins, knees, thighs and tugging them into place around her tidy waist, the gusset pulling up into her pussy, forming a neat soft cleft. Dan would have liked to touch his finger into that cotton covered cleft, just to settle the panties snugly into place, but he knew it was off limits again, so off limits.

'You may go home now, Dan. You can tell your wife you did a very good job of cleaning the windows at the back of the house. Let her know that I plan to book you again in about two weeks' time.'

'Yes, Ms Metcalfe. Thank you,' Dan replied, deciding it safer not to get into any dangerous 'and how was it for you' waters.

'You can let yourself out,' said MS Metcalfe, almost sleepily. Dan knew no answer was required. He guessed that she would lie down on the couch and re-live the scene, her fingers working to re-ignite the fires of passion inside those soft white cotton panties. Good for her. He stood up promptly from his seat and headed towards the hall.

Dan had a spring in his step as he bounded down the driveway of No. 4 and headed home. Full of the righteousness of a job well done. It was still an hour before Mary was due back from work. Should be enough time to wipe the silly grin off his face and get her dinner ready.

Life in Manor Homes Village was looking up for Slave Dan.

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dyetieddyetied7 months agoAuthor

Writer2000; I started with the Sausages for the Slave series, and only later was the Sausages Backstory added. So in Chapter 1 of Sausages for the Slave, his wife points out that slaves don't get to eat real meat, just sausages. Hence the title and now I'm stuck with it. Thanks for your interest.

Writer2000Writer20007 months ago

Interesting stories. You write really well. What does this tale of slavery have to do with sausages? Just curious!

dyetieddyetied10 months agoAuthor

Thanks for all the comments, Don't worry, I'll figure out how to give Dan a happy ending soon. He deserves it!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This story was very well written; good dialogue. The plot turn using ultraviolet radiation was clever. But the storyline of dragging Dan deeper and ever deeper into the most cruel enslavement just isn’t my cup of tea. It just didn’t seem very erotic. The upturn at the very end was nice. J.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have really enjoyed your story.

Please keep writing!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 1 year ago

Fuck you for lying.

He’s a slave. He has no rights. No status. Nothing. He is simply a robot to be directed and considering how much his now ex wife hates him, he is mentally and physically beaten.

Tell us that he went about his duties seen but not heard, watching but not caring unless he is summoned.

What he would do is shut down every higher brain function to survive. He wouldn’t see her as his ex wife, just his owner. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of responding. He wouldn’t whine, Ty or beg, he wouldn’t care. He would compartmentalize his emotions and his desires because the thing she wants is a reaction, so he wouldn’t give it to her. It’s the only power he has.

Tell us that story instead of this bullshit you think is erotic.

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