Seax Killer I


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I edge my way closer to her and line up my erection to her wet pussy. Also very convenient that I had to finger her first to make it wet. I slowly push myself inside her as her tight slit squeezes around my cock. She moaned and I stopped in my tracks. I looked back at the monitor and the 60 second timer started for me to continue. She moaned again and moved her leg a bit but stayed asleep.

I started moving, and the timer disappeared. Pulling myself out of her to the tip of my cock, then slowly pushing back in, feeling her smooth slit wrapped around me. I have to be so cautious not to wake her up, she was freaking out earlier about not wanting me inside her. Rude of her because she felt so good. Why would she keep such a good pussy from me? I am trying to save her.

Now it's got me thinking of all my sister's little slits. I guess if I had to order them I'd put Lily first. I honestly hope we get to keep doing things together after this is all over. Second would have to be Zoe's. Fuck she feels so good on me right now, and in time I think I could convince her to do more with me. Third is Olivia, I almost couldn't stop fucking her but she made it sound like this was a one time thing if we got out. And last is definitely Maya. It's so hard to get past all the crying, I don't want to put her or myself through that again.

The thought of all of them got my cock throbbing as I continued slowly penetrating Zoe. I've cum too recently to go again at this slow pace. 15 minutes have passed of slowly fucking Zoe's sleeping petite body. The monitor dinged and changed to read 'Sex from behind' and for the first time ever it gave me 180 seconds to start.

How kind, I thought to myself. I gently pulled on Zoe's legs to try and straighten them out without me having to pull my erection out. Once I finally get both legs straight I push her gently rolling her onto her stomach. I roll over with her with my knees by her sides, my erection somehow manages to stay inside. She shifts around a bit in her sleep but eventually settles into position.

I gently lay down on top of her, our skin barely touching as I hold myself over her. My legs extend as I hold myself just inside of her. I push myself inside her and she lets out another cute moan as I fully enter.

Fuck it, she feels too good to hold back. I quickly pick up the pace and start to pound her wet little pussy. She starts to wake up but I grab her wrists and hold her in place while I keep pounding.

"What the fuck are you doing bro?" She asked as she struggled.

"Saving you." I whispered in her ear as my cock was flying in and out of her.

"I told you not to fucking put your dick in me." She tried to break my grasp, but I had her pinned.

"Shut up Zoe, you love it."

"Get out of me you fucking pervert." She sounded like she was smiling and let out a little moan.

"Zoe would you just fucking take it and enjoy it."

"Fuck you-- bro." She said as she started to moan.

"See, listen to you. Can't even hold back that you like it."

"Fuck me bro. No fuck you. No, Keep fucking me bro. It feels amazing. What was the thing on the monitor?"

"Getting a bit into it?" I asked cheekily."

"The monitor-- fucking dumb ass."

"It said sex from behind." I said pushing myself deep inside her causing her to moan loudly.

"Let go of me for a sec." She asked.

"Are you going to behave?"

"Yes, we've already come this far."

I let go of her wrists and put my hand by her side, still pounding away at her little slit.

"Hold on a sec." She says, trying to push herself up.

"Okay, no sneaky stuff."

I pull out of her and move back a bit. Her shins stay in place as she pushes her body back and lifts her ass in the air. She spreads her legs apart and grants me a view of her beautiful pussy. I get up on my knees and line my cock back up.

"This should help." she said, looking up at me from her arched down body putting her face down in the bed.

I grab her waist and start to fuck her harder than I have so far.

"Holy shit bro, keep that up." She said panting and moaning loudly.

The sound of her enjoying it gets my cock riled up. Zoe's skin in my hands feels so good while I prepare to unload into her. I feel my body jolt as my cock starts to cum. The jolt stunned me and I was still as my cum was flowing into her. She took notice and started to sway her body on and off of my cock as my cum filled her. I didn't let her know I was done cumming so I could enjoy her fucking me a bit longer.

"You really know how to move sis." I say pulling out of her.

"I've never done this position before. So I guess I'm a natural." She said sliding forward in the bed and lying down.

I looked at the monitor and pointed at her naked spread open body. The monitor dinged and said 'Get Out' with hopefully a final 5 minute timer. I check the safe to see it's open and grab what's inside.

"May I?" I ask Zoe.

"Oh now you're asking permission?" She looked up and smiled at me.

"Next time you're sleeping I'll wake you up before I start." I laughed rubbing the alcohol on her arm.

"Next time?" She asked.

I pressed the needle into her arm and administered the antidote. I threw the retracted needle across the room.

"Next time?" I questioned back at her.

"Next time you better not wake me up." she said, laying her head back down. "I kind of liked being used."

I let out a little laugh and walked towards the door.

"I should be right back."

"Wait, come back." She said, flipping over and sitting up.

I looked at the 60 seconds I had left on the monitor and walked back over to her.

"Come here." she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me down. She pressed her lips against mine and we kissed. "You tell no one any of this."

"You got it." I said leaving her lips.

I walk out of the room just in time and the door closes behind me. I look up at the timer and see I have 1 hour and 30 minutes left. The light over every room turns red and the door at the end of the hall under the timer turns green.

I walk to the end of the hall and open the final door. The light is already on inside with a monitor and camera on the wall and a safe underneath it. Another door is off to the side of the room with a red light over it, I decided to not even try it until I unlocked everyone.

"Finished with time left to spare" The monitor said.

"Did you expect me to fail?"

"Yes, You're the first to succeed."

"How many more have there been?" I asked, shocked.

"Not important, what is important is your final game. This game is for your own antidote and the key to the handcuffs."

"You said I'd get those once I finished cumming in all my sistersl." I said pulling on the safe.

"Sorry about that, little error in the script."

"Really?" I sighed. "Fine, what's the game?" I said, stepping back from the safe.

"Answer five questions and the safe shall open. Are you ready to begin?"

"Yeah, let's get started."

"Question one. Which sister was your favorite to fuck."

"Lily. you would know what if you were watching from the monitors."

"Question two. Favorite position assigned."

"Oh definitely Standing folded sex."

"Question two reworded. Favorite position assigned before or during first ejaculation."

"Oh uh, Cowgirl."

"Third question. Would you fuck any of them again when you escape?"

"What is the point of these questions? All of them except for Maya."

"Fourth Question. What is one thing you would do differently?"

"Wow. I guess my only mistake was explaining poorly to Olive about the requirements for the antidote."

"Final Question. How would you rate your experience overall with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest?"

"What the fuck? 8 I guess."

The safe clicked. I walked up to it and turned the handle, it opened. I reach inside and take out the antidote, swabbing my arm and administering it to myself. I reach back inside the safe and pull out a key on a string.

"Can I go unlock them now?" I asked the monitor but it was silent.

I opened the door I came in through and reentered the hall. The color lights weren't on anymore but the hall lights were on now. I looked up behind me and saw the timer still ticking down from 1 hour and 20 minutes.

I open Lily's door and walk inside, the door closes behind me.

"Did you do it?" She said, jumping off the side of the bed.

"I told you I'd save you, didn't I?" I said grabbing her wrist and unlocking the handcuff.

"You did it!" She screamed

She jumped up on me and I quickly grabbed her. She wrapped her legs around me and held herself up with her arms around the back of my neck. She lay her head on my shoulder and didn't let go.

"How was it with Maya?" She asked.

"She cried the whole time."

"Oh that sucks, she's so emotional. What about Zoe?"

"Forced myself into her, but in the end she got into it."

"God, that's so hot, made her want it."

"You really are a little freak." I laughed.

"I can be your little freak." She leaned back and smiled. "That awesome cock got anything left in it for me?"

"I think my balls have been emptied, plus I really think we should get our other sisters."

"Ohh Fine." she huffed. "Maybe when I visit your place then?"

"Deal" I said, setting her down.

I held her hand and escorted her to the door, it opened for us. We walk across the hall and walk into Maya's room. Somehow she's still crying, sitting on the bed.

"Maya!" Lily cried out and ran over to her.

"Lily!" Maya said getting up and opening her arms.

They embraced and Maya kept crying.

"Did he... You know... To you too?" Maya asked.

"Our brother saved me Maya, and he saved you too." Lily said calmly, smiling back at me. "Come on, let's go get the others."

We all leave Maya's room and make our way to Zoe, I uncuff her and she gives Maya and Lily a hug.

Next we walk across the hall to Olivia. I uncuff her and she hugs Lily first pulling her head into her still breasts.

"You are really the smartest of the 3 girls." Olivia said to Lily. "But these two gave our brother a struggle, he was only trying to help."

"Yeah but he--" Maya started to whine.

"He fucked you and came inside you, yeah, to save you. I know for a fact you used to let your ex cum in you all the time Maya."

"That was different." she cried.

"Sex is sex, get over it." Olivia scoffed.

I guided the girls down the hall, Lily grabbed onto my hand along the way. I looked at the timer above the door and it read all zeros. I knew for a fact that I had about an hour left, so the game must be over. I opened the door to the last room and we walked through it to the last door that now had a green light over it.

Upon opening the door we entered another room that was well lit. In front of us are tables with all of our personal belongings laid out. Olivia put on her bra and underwear followed by waist high pants and a sweater. Zoe put on a pair of underwear and some low rise yoga pants and a sports bra. Maya put on a yellow sundress but I didn't see her put underwear on. Lily put on some underwear and low rise short shorts with a tie up open front crop top T shirt.

We then opened the exit door on the other side of the room. The sunlight was bright as we walked outside. None of us recognized where we were, looking around it was some kind of factory. Olivia called 911 and not long after police and ambulances arrived. The police questioned all of us, a few of us left out some minor details of the experience.

While we were being questioned I overheard the other cops talking. They found 15 bodies in the building, all appeared to be uninjured so they weren't sure of the cause of death. 12 girls and 3 men were counted. They also mentioned finding what they suspected was the kidnappers' secret viewing room covered in monitors on the wall, but all the computer equipment was gone.

We were all rushed to the hospital after we explained to the police that we were supposedly poisoned and cured. The doctors drew blood from all of us and did confirm we had in fact been poisoned but the antibodies from the antidote were fighting down the poison at a rapid rate and we would be completely clear in 6 hours. The hospital notified our parents that we were there and they arrived quickly and checked on all of us to see if we were okay.

Our parents invited us all over to their place for dinner that night and offered for any of us that don't live there to stay the night if we wanted. Olivia's boyfriend also joined us at the house for dinner. It was a quiet meal. Our parents asked us about what happened but we didn't tell them much except for that we were taken and escaped. The police weren't required to give them any details that we told them, so they were left in the dark.

Olivia and her boyfriend left first to go back to their house. Zoe left shortly after to go home to her apartment with her roommates. Maya decided to stay the night instead of going back to her college campus residence an hour away. Lily still lived with our parents so she wasn't going anywhere.

Maya went to bed early. I stayed a bit later until mom and dad said they were going to bed. I gave them both a hug and told them again that we will all be okay.

"I'll lock up mom, don't worry." Lily said.

After we hear their bedroom door close, Lily invites me up to her room before I leave. I follow her upstairs and I sit on her bed. She closes the door and comes to sit next to me.

"I want you to stay tonight." Lily said.

"Lil, I don't think I should. You and I sleeping in the same room is a good idea."

"You can head back to the guest room before they even wake up."

"And if I get caught?"

"Just don't." She smiled cheekily.

"I think it's best I head home for the night Lil. We can figure things out tomorrow."

"Well why don't I come to your place tonight."

"Our parents know we were just kidnapped, I think it's best that their youngest daughter stays here tonight."

"Fine." She scoffed. "But I still want to move in with you."

"Move in with me? Well we can discuss that tomorrow."

"Thanks big bro." She smiled, placing her hand over my crotch. "Got any cum left in those balls?"

"I have no idea." I said looking down at her hand.

"Want to find out?" She smirked.


"What? Don't you want to cum on your little sisters itty bitty titties?" She said as she took off her top.

"Of course I do." I sighed as I rubbed her chest.

I stood up and pulled down my pants. Lily crawled onto her knees and started to jerk me off.

"Do you think Maya will be okay?" Lily asked with my cock in her hand.

"I hope so, she really didn't want to do it. But she kept telling me she wanted to live. And that poison was real. So I think what happened was for the best."

"What about the other two?" She said as she licked my shaft.

"Olivia will be fine, she understood we did what needed to be done."

"What about her boyfriend?"

"I don't think she will tell him what happened between us honestly."

Lily slid my erection into her mouth and started to suck on it.

"As for Zoe, I think she might be down to do it again."

"Really?" Lily asked, taking my cock out of her mouth for a moment.

"I've already said too much. I promised her I wouldn't tell, so please keep it a secret."

"I don't mind sharing with her." She said as she held up my cock and licked my balls.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, she can move in with us."

"I'd like that."

Lily kept sucking on me until I got close. I could feel her gagging on my cock but she was trying to do it as quietly as possible.

"I'm gonna cum." I tell her.

She pulls her mouth out and shifts back. She starts to jerk me off to finish me. I lean down a bit to adjust to the height difference and aim at her chest.

"Cum for me bro." she whispered.

I did as she asked and my cum flew into her tiny tits, covering her chest. She moved back in and continued to suck on my sensitive cock. Fuck this girl knows how to treat me right. She finally pulled off of me and showed me the cum on her chest.

"Looks like you have more left in you." She giggled, leaning back on her hands..

"You must have the power to pull more out of me."

"I better not waste that power then." She smiled.

"I really should get going though Lil. We will talk more tomorrow, I promise."


She got up and gave me a kiss before I left her cum covered in her room. I walked past the room Maya was staying in and thought about stopping. But I figured it would be best to give her the time she needed. I continued out of the house and went back to my apartment.

-- -- -- -- -- --

3 Months Later

-- -- -- -- -- --

I slowly lean over to the night stand on the side of the bed and press down on the pump, catching the lube in my hand. I spread it around my morning wood and put a little bit on her pussy. I grab a tissue and clean the excess lube off my hand. I shimmy up behind her and peek past her hair to check she's still sleeping.

With the lube I push my morning wood into her tight pussy. I slide in and out enjoying her while she sleeps. I fuck her gently for 5 minutes before deciding not to cum in her like I did yesterday. I slowly pull out of her and carefully get out of bed. I pull the comforter over top of her naked body before I quietly walk out the door. I enter the living room and close the bedroom door behind me.

"Morning fuck with Zoe again?" Lily asked as she walked over completely naked from the kitchenette, pointing at my lubed cock.

"You know how hard it is for me to resist." I said sitting on the couch.

"Did you cum in her again?" Lily asked, placing her hand on her hip.

"I saved it for you today." I smiled.

She walked in front of me facing away from me and bent her legs at a 90 degree angle. She placed her hands on my thighs and lowered herself down. I held my cock up so she could slide down on me. She pushed herself down onto my cock and started to ride me while bent over standing up and her legs bent.

"Turn on the TV bro." She said riding me looking towards the tv.

I reached over for the remote and turned the tv on. I wasn't paying any attention to it as Lily bounced up and down between my legs on my cock. She felt so good as I watched her petite body go up and down in front of me. I could feel myself getting really close to cuming but as I was about to tell her she spoke first.

"Bro look!" She said pointing at the tv.

As she pointed at the tv she sat down on my cock and stopped bouncing. At the same time I started to cum.

"Lil I'm cuming!" I told her loudly.

I could feel my cum filling her deep inside as it unloaded out of me.

"Sorry, I'll make you cum again later, look at the tv!" She said pointing again.

"What's going on?" Zoe asked, walking out of the bedroom wearing an untied short silk robe.

I leaned my head over to see around Lily and watched the news report.

"The unknown suspect that kidnapped a family of 5 last month and is suspected to have killed 3 other families previously at the same location, has struck again. Details on the events that happened are still unfolding. All we do know is that another family was involved and it has similar traits to the now named The Seax Killer."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

great story!

hot writing overall and i like the outcome

cliffhanger felt slightly odd, but i do await a possible part 2!

my only criticism is your use of tenses, as previously stated by another commenter, but it's still very readable and good.

wouldve been hot if one or two of them ended up pregnant though

those were creampies, after all!

lily more than likely takes birth control or has an IUD being a pornstar, while maya probably takes birth control as well considering the comment that she used to take creampies from her ex, but who knows about olivia or zoe! i think zoe having been pregnant after the 3 month timeskip wouldve been especially hot

but other than that, great job with this!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. Seems like at least of sisters would have become preg. That makes a good twist. Lilly might love that. Lucky brother.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

that was great love to see it a movie

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great fun story, hopefully continue it with the sisters?

EveryDenialEveryDenial11 months agoAuthor

Thank you for your comment about my tenses. I know I am horrible at it and trying to get better. Thank you for your constructive feed back!

EveryDenialEveryDenial11 months agoAuthor

To reply to the comment about being hand cuffed and getting up. When I first mentioned Zoe was handcuffed I said she was handcuffed with a long chain. I could have written this better to describe they could move through the room but unable to leave but I feel that loosely got the point across. Hope that helps and thank you for your feedback :)

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

How quickly we forget.

The door closes as I walk in and the light turns on. She shields her eyes from the light and I look at her laying naked and handcuffed to the bed just like Zoe was. Once she lowers her arms she looks over at me and smiles. She leaps off the bed and runs over to me.

Wish we had minus two stars.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story, but the tenses were all over the place. In your first lines alone "I woke up in a dark room laying on the cold hard floor. I jump to my feet once I realize clothes are gone..." you jump between past and present tense which is concerning. I'll check out your other stuff but would recommend keeping an eye on that. Thanks for sharing your story

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Clever story. Maybe, in a possible part two, we could have some sister on sister sex.

Frankie1952Frankie195211 months ago

Hot story, so love they are together and having fun.

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