Seward Summer Internship


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His eyes locked on hers and his face and voice took on the more mature tone that had been developing over the summer as his experience and confidence had grown. "You know you're a different woman with each of us, don't you?"

Now it was time for her head to tilt in question.

You're more submissive with Jalen and more dominant with me. And with Dad it's a bit of both; I guess you're just more comfortable with each other after all this time. "Do you make love to all three of us differently like that?"

Aisha felt a pulse from her belly to her crotch as she took in his plain-spoken words. She'd gotten up to refill her coffee cup when they'd started this conversation and now stood on the other side of the kitchen island, while he remained seated at the breakfast nook. She used the structure for cover as her right hand slipped casually between the edges of her robe and under the waistband of her panties.

"You're right, I do feel different with each of you; I hadn't realized." Her middle finger gently parted her outer lips and found beads of nectar waiting to ease her way inside. "And you'd like to watch all my different ways?"

"I'd like to try all your different ways. It's really hot to see the way you react to Jalen being bossy. I think you like being told what to do after holding your students' hands all day."

As Aiden spoke, he relaxed back in his chair and spread his legs. Because of the table, his mother could only see the lower half of his right leg. But she could clearly tell that his hand had slid down into his crotch, just as hers had. She raised her coffee cup to her lips and took a shaky sip, both to center her racing mind and to keep him distracted from what her other hand was doing.

She pulled her finger out of her twat and moved the lubricated tip to her clit, which was already hardening and swelling. Order me. Order me to crawl over to you on hands and knees and suck your young cock. She sent out her desires in her strongest possible mental waves and saw Aiden's mouth opening to issue the humiliating command to his mother when a sound from behind her made her jump.

Aisha nearly dropped her cup as she spun and faced the door to the garage entrance, expecting to see James coming back for something he'd left behind. Then she realized the noise was just an alarm on her phone, which sat in its charging cradle on the counter.

"Fuck!" she hissed.

"Ignore it," said Aiden.

"Oh, baby, I wish I could," she said as she stepped over to the phone and hit snooze on the alarm. She knew turning it off in her current condition was a bad idea. She turned to face her youngest. "I really wish I could. But it's a Zoom with my department head and I can't miss it." She put down the coffee cup and carried her phone back over to the island.

The beautiful boy slid sideways to get out from behind the table and rose to his feet. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tent pole rising in the middle of his running shorts. A dark spot showed clearly through the thin, grey material. Pre-cum. Pre-cum she really wanted to taste. She groaned quietly without realizing it.

"Well, I guess I'd better get on to my own schoolwork," he said in a mock-resigned voice. Then, without warning, he grabbed the elastic waistband and pulled it over his cock and down below his balls. His brown shaft was about 3/4 hard and immediately went to full length when he gripped it in his strong hand. "Just need to clear my mind first, then I'll hit the books." His voice was definitely taunting her as he slowly stroked himself.

Her eyes were frozen to the glistening tip and she took her own sideways step to begin coming around so she could get it in her mouth. Fortunately, clearing the kitchen island slowed her down just enough to allow the rest of his words to break through.

"My own schoolwork," he'd said. She'd completely forgotten he was on a mommy-sex embargo until he finished his school project. She grabbed the edges of the island to prevent her feet from taking her any closer to the little cunt tease.

Aiden could see the strain in her knuckles where it gripped the granite. She's hypnotized, he thought, she's going to come. Then he remembered the thought that had banged around his skull just moments before. Order her to come over here, the way Jalen would. He'd been just about to do that when her phone had gone off. He opened his mouth to do it now.

For the second time, Aisha was saved by the bell as her alarm came out of snooze and reminded her once again that she didn't have very much time to get herself presentable for a meeting with the person who decided on her annual work contracts. She snoozed it again, raised her eyes from the beautiful young cock to her son's glinting eyes, and said, "Right. Off to work we go. See you later, baby." Then she stepped out smartly, giving him a wide berth so there'd be no chance of body contact to break her will, and skipped upstairs to get dressed.

"Damn," whispered Aiden, who for the second time in a week was left standing in the kitchen with his dick in his hand. This time, however, he couldn't just let it go. He was in the act of pulling his shorts back up to his waist so he could go up to his room to stroke one out, when something caught his eye. He walked over and stared at the object as an idea took hold. A twisted idea he thought his mother would appreciate, one way or the other.

Aisha zipped back into the kitchen to grab some coffee to take into her office. She picked up her half full cup from the counter and it still felt warm. She took it over to the machine to top off, but when she looked inside it, she saw what looked like curdled milk floating at the top. She turned toward the sink to dump it but froze halfway. She hadn't put in any milk, had she? She usually took her first cup of the day black. She looked at the suspicious cream more carefully and passed the cup under her nose. A grin grew across her face and she looked left at the sink, then right at the coffee machine; considering.

Chapter 75

Around 4:45 that Friday afternoon, Aisha came out of her office for the final time after completing her notes on her last student meeting of the day. Her back and shoulders were tight from working on the keyboard all day and her butt and legs felt stiff. Really need to go ahead and get that standing desk, she thought as she did some slow stretches. Right now, however, a run was what she needed, so she headed upstairs and put on her track togs. Back down in the kitchen, she drank a glass of water and filled a bottle with more to carry with her. Then she was out the door and on the road.

While her body definitely needed the exercise, long, slow runs like this were also her preferred way to decompress mentally and think through whatever needed thinking through. Not surprisingly, after she'd cleared her mind of work stuff, the majority of her run was taken up by internally debating her undeniably fucked up family situation.

- Fucked up? It's been incredible.

- You know it's fucked up. You're screwing three men at once and two of them are your sons! And one of those was a virgin before you sucked him into your perverted game.

- But everyone's doing fine. Hell, they're doing great. Both sons have also picked up new girlfriends their own age since we started, so it hasn't stopped them living their own lives. And my husband is fucking me more, and better, than he has for the past couple of years.

- Yes, and who can you tell about it? Who can you share your summer flings with who wouldn't look at you aghast? You'd probably lose your job if anyone found out. Maybe even jail?

- Jail!? But we're all adults; there's been no coercion or manipulation.

- I don't know what the statutes say about incest, about how or if the age of the participants matters. But just look at the optics. You can say the boys are both adults, but one is still a high school student and the other just graduated.

- So, you're saying it's wrong and I should stop.

- Yes, I am.

1. It's incest, which means an inherent power imbalance.

2. You have to keep it hidden, which should be all the proof you need that it's fucked up.

3. How long can you really keep up all the wild sex before it gets out of hand and

a. Your husband feels cuckolded?

b. One of your boys tries to force some teenage girl to do the things you do, because, hey, aren't all women wild sluts like his mother? Or

c. You become some free-use fuck-toy who's expected to stay naked and ready to fuck at all times?

- Shit! I hate it when you're right. Okay, the summer's ending, so I'll call a halt to it and say it was just a vacation from sanity, but now we're going back to normal.

With the decision made to end the madness, Aisha just had to figure out how and when to break the news to everyone. She decided to wait at least until after Aiden's championship game on Saturday; she didn't want to be the cause of him being so distracted that he played badly, as had happened briefly back at the start of their new relationship. She figured she'd talk to James about it Saturday night and together they could tell the boys on Sunday.

She went around to the back of the garage and entered through the pedestrian door she'd unlocked before leaving on her run. In the laundry room that connected the garage to the kitchen, she took off her shoes and socks, slipped on some flip-flops, and grabbed a papertowel to wipe the sweat from her face. She opened the connecting door, expecting to head straight up to her bathroom for a shower. She was so focused on that and on ending the family's perverted summer that she literally jumped and yelped when she heard a voice not five feet away.

"Hey, Mom, welcome back. Have a good run?

"Oh, crap! I'm sorry," the voice added when she jumped.

It was Aiden. When her eyes could focus, she saw him standing next to the counter. A carton of orange juice and two full juice glasses sat on the counter beside him. He picked one up and held it out to her.

"I saw you coming down the street through the window and figured you'd be ready for this." He sounded very sheepish and apologetic.

"What is it with you boys?" she sputtered out of reflex. Then she laughed. "Damn, you got me good, baby." She walked over and took the glass from his hand. "But you're right, OJ is just what I need." She drank off half the glass. Then she kissed his cheek. "You are so sweet."

She stepped back and over until she was able to lean against the kitchen island. As she sipped more slowly on her drink, she took in that the juice carton and glasses weren't the only things Aiden had put on the counters since she'd left the house. There were some baking dishes, a few big yams on a cutting board, and four thick pork chops apparently sitting in a marinade.

"What's all this?" she asked.

"Dinner," answered her son. "It struck me that you've been doing almost all the cooking all summer, even though you're still teaching classes, while Jalen and I have had plenty of free time. I thought I'd go ahead and see if I could pull off one of the simple dinners you taught me. Baked pork chops and sweet potatoes, with peas and carrots and a romaine salad."

Both boys had spent time helping and learning in the kitchen when they were younger, although Aiden had lasted longer before drifting off to other interests.

"Wow! I'll say it again, you are so, so sweet. Thank you, baby."

Then she looked at him through narrowed eyes. "You're not just trying to butter me up, are you?"

He gave a slight grin. "Well, there is one thing." She looked at him skeptically. "I was hoping that if I made dinner, you would have enough free time to read a paper for me."

Her eyes went wide, and he grinned more broadly, he'd really caught her off-guard.

"Read a paper?"

Aiden nodded over to the breakfast table. Aisha turned to look and saw sheets of white printer paper, covered in black words, bound in a clear plastic report cover.

"You finished it," she said happily.

"I think so," he replied. "But I'll wait for your feedback before saying so."

Aisha stepped back over to her son and kissed his cheek again. "I'll read it right after my shower," she said. Then she kissed him on the lips, warmly. "I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it."

Aiden's cock jumped in hope.

Mrs. Seward drained her glass, put it in the sink and headed upstairs.

Her youngest son turned back to his meal prep.

Chapter 76

Forty minutes later, the pork chops and sweet potatoes were going into the pre-heated oven, the peas and carrots were sitting in a saucepan, waiting to be heated up while the pork chops rested, and all the elements of the salad were cut and ready to be tossed together with a raspberry vinegarette just before serving.

And Aisha sat in the breakfast nook, sipping on a glass of white wine, and nodding and smiling as she read Aiden's exploration of the ribald 18th Century novel, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding. The way she sometimes laughed out loud made him glad he'd thrown out his half-finished paper on George Orwell's 1984 in favor of a book much more in tune with their new family situation.

"Oh, Aiden," she cried when she finished. "This is so good; you're definitely going to get an 'A'. And doesn't it feel good to have it done, so it's not hanging over you?" Her voice dropped. "Interfering with other things you'd rather be doing before summer ends?"

"Thanks, Mom, I'm glad you like it," said Aiden. "And yes, I am glad it's finished and ready to go. You were right, I was letting it lie and would have ended up rushing through something just to get it turned in on time.

"You obviously understand I've been a bit distracted this summer." His voice was wry, but his eyes smoldered as they bore into hers. "You know, making it into the playoffs, meeting Katrina, and discovering life like Tom Jones does."

Aisha laughed, almost giggled, and took a long sip of wine.

Aiden continued. "But you're right, I'm 18 now, looking ahead to college, and I can't get lost in one thing and ignore everything else. Now, that one thing may indeed be the most pleasurable, most thrilling, most engrossing thing in my life, but it can never truly be the only thing in my life, so I have to keep my act together."

Just an hour earlier, Aisha had been certain that the family's voyage into multiple partners, voyeurism, and exhibitionism, all under the umbrella of incest, had been undermining her sons' characters, foci, and futures. But Jalen had rebutted those concerns with his strong performance on his computer certifications and now Aiden had done the same with his clear declaration of understanding and commitment to balance and priorities. She'd been right to question her and James's decisions and behavior, but now she felt certain her boys could handle it. A feeling of relief coursed through her body, followed immediately by some other, less innocent, feelings.

"You make some really interesting observations in your paper," she said to Aiden. "I'd like to talk to you about it some more. Maybe we can get together and do that tonight?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "I'd like that very much."

Mother and son both started thinking that maybe they'd start their literary discussion right now instead of waiting for tonight, when they heard the light rumble of the garage door going up. Pops was home. The incestuous cougar and her willing prey gave each other quick glances of frustration, but then smiled; tonight would be soon enough. The need to wait was confirmed when just moments after James stepped into the kitchen, they all heard the front door open. Jalen, who parked his new truck on the street in front of the house, was also home.

Jalen teased his kid brother a bit about trying to be Teacher's Pet by cooking dinner, but in the end, all three of the other Sewards sincerely complimented Aiden for the meal he'd made them. The pork chops were cooked perfectly, and the marinade was really tasty.

As they ate and shared how they'd spent their days, James said, "So, I've got some really good news from work. For Jalen." Everyone stopped eating to listen. "They got the formal notifications about your test scores and all the chiefs of the different sections where you interned over the summer got together with the HR chief and they decided to offer you a permanent position."

"Oh, baby, that's great! I'm so proud of you," Aisha said to her eldest.

"You got out-voted, huh, Dad?" teased Aiden.

"Actually," responded James. "I didn't get a vote."

"What? Why not?" asked Aiden. "Don't all those section chiefs work for you?"

"Yes. But Jalen is family; it would hardly be fair for me to influence everyone else's vote or even appear to. So, when they discussed this summer's interns and decided which, if any, should be offered a job, I stayed out of the room.

"Of course, everyone's happy you're going for a degree in the field and realize that you'll be busy with college, so they're offering you either part-time or full-time, your choice. And if you go for part-time, you can still work full-time over next summer break if you want."

"Wow," said Jalen. "You know, I never seriously considered if the internship would lead to a job. I was just concentrating on earning those college credits. And I sure didn't think a part-time gig was even possible. Thanks, Pops."

"Thank yourself," said James. "You're the one who impressed everybody with both your work ethic and how quick you caught on to all the different sections and their tasks."

"Someone else also did some impressive work today," said Aisha. "I love having two such bright boys."

James paused a second before asking for details. As far as he knew, the only things Aiden had been doing this summer were playing baseball and fucking his mother. Not exactly on par with acing two difficult skill exams. "Really?" he said to his wife, while looking over at his younger son. "What was that?"

"He wrapped up his AP English summer writing assignment and did it in such a clever way, that I'm sure he'll be starting his senior year with an A-plus."

"What? That's great. I'd almost forgotten about that. What book did you end up writing about?"

"Tom Jones," answered Aiden.

"Tom Jones?" said Jalen. "Now, I know they gave Bob Dylan a Nobel Prize in Literature, but Tom Jones? Are you really comparing, What's New, Pussycat? to Blowin' in the Wind?"

"Not that Tom Jones, musclehead," said Aiden. "The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding. From 1749."

"1749. That's like, Shakespeare's time, isn't it?" said Jalen.

Aiden groaned and let his head fall forward until his forehead bumped on the table.

Jalen threw a happy grin at his father. James had thought Jalen was taking the piss with Aiden and was relieved and amused to find it was true. Although, to be honest, it had taken him a moment to recall that Shakespeare had been writing 150 years before Fielding.

Three hours later, the surprisingly erudite Jalen was out with friends for their last Friday night before starting college. Aiden headed upstairs, theoretically to get to bed early so he'd be plenty rested for tomorrow's championship game. But soon after, Aisha got to her feet in the living room.

"Getting a drink?" asked James, who thought they were going to watch an episode or two of Manifest on Netflix.

"Actually, I'm heading upstairs," she said. When James started to get up as well, she said, "No, you should stay here and read this." She handed him the plastic-jacketed report. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, he read on the top sheet.
