Shadow Of The Wolf Ch. 10


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Trailing his other hand down Alex's front, he found her hooded clit. Letting his finger graze and polish the sensitive nub, he ramped Alex's arousal until she was moaning constantly and dripping copious amount of her cream. Her body shuddered as another orgasm overcame her. Rance continued to play gently with her sensitive clit all the while preparing her nether hole for him. He could sense her renewed arousal by the way her body undulated. Pulling back a little, he notched his cock in her opening and pushed in. Alex's eyes rolled to the back of her head as her senses overloaded. Her body jerked as she was thrown into a powerful orgasm as Rance pistoned his large erection in and out of her spasming pussy.

When she lay spent and limp, Rance used her dazed state to reach over for lube and stroke it over his length after he pulled out of her with a pop. He aligned his mushroom head at her winking rosette. Pulling her cheeks apart with his hands, he slowly pushed in. He watched as her anus flowered open for him. Satisfaction gripped him as she surrendered her last virginal orifice.

Alex was panting, trying to relax muscles being invaded. There was pain as he stretched her. Rance slowly tunneled himself inside her. Going an inch at a time, he pushed in and withdrew his considerable hardness bit by bit. When he was about halfway in, he stopped and started manipulating her clit again.

The pain gradually disappeared as her clit started to engorge and swell. Moaning now, Alex rocked her hips in an attempt to make Rance move with her. Rance kissed her sweaty shoulder and hunched over her body as he proceeded to ride her slowly. The sensation bombarding Alex was different -- a bit painful but highly pleasurable. Nerve endings inside her anal canal were firing up as Rance quickened his pace.

Alex was assailed with such exquisite sensation that she totally lost it and screamed Rance's name hoarsely. The waves of bliss surged through her powerfully. Her body shuddered and quaked, lost in the intensity of her orgasm.

She vaguely felt Rance's rhythm falter as he thrust in and out of her, careful not to thrust his whole length in. The feeling of his swelling knot threw her into another tailspin as he locked inside her sensitive walls. Rance's powerful ejaculate jetted out and painted her bowels with his seed. He juddered as his cock spewed his load.

Alex collapsed on top of the bed, too weak and satisfied to keep herself up anymore. Connected still, Rance blanketed her body with his powerful one. Using his shaking arms and legs, he kept his weight off his mate.

Rance pushed Alex's hair to one side as he kissed her shoulder and neck leisurely.

"I love you, Alex," he breathed in her ear.

Alex's lips curved in a satisfied smile, "I love you too." Opening her eyes, she looked over her shoulder at her mate.

"Forever," Rance vowed, kissing the corner of her lips.

"Forever," Alex replied.


"Alex!" Miranda Grant exclaimed happily as she alighted from her car. Damian stood on the side as he kept the car door open for her.

Alex smiled at her mother as she swiftly walked down the steps. Her brothers were already standing at the base of the steps leading to the front door of the mansion. Upon reaching them, she slapped them on the shoulders and proceeded to hug her mom.

"My, but this is such a beautiful place." Miranda said, after pulling away from her daughter. She looked behind Alex and smiled approvingly at Rance who stood behind his mate.

"Thank you. I'm glad you came," Rance replied. "Hello Tony," he said grasping his future father-in-law's hand in a firm shake.

"Quite a place you have here, Rance. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're involved in some illegal business with all the security measures you have in place," Tony said with a semi serious tone in his voice. "But because I know my boys," he nodded at his sons, "and their almost obsessive need to check everybody out, I'm assured that you've passed muster." And then he mumbled under his breath, "Since you're still in good health and still engaged to Alex," with an amused twinkle in his grey eyes.

With a slight tilt of his head, Rance acknowledged the older Grant's words.

"Oh be quiet Tony!" Miranda chided her husband, as she pushed him aside. "Don't mind him Rance." She then hugged him to her in a cloud of her floral perfume. Rance tentatively returned her hug as Alex watched with barely held mirth as her mate struggled to extricate himself from her mother's arms without causing offense.

Alex knew that Rance was not prone to showing affection of any kind. Of course since she appeared on the scene, he had subtly changed. According to Ophelia and some pups she'd talked to, Rance was more approachable and relaxed. Not to mention, he was blatantly affectionate with her.

Taking pity on him, she approached and tapped her mom's shoulder. "Come inside and I'll give you a tour of this place."

"I'd love that. But let me help your Dad first with our luggage."

"No need, Mira. We'll take care of it," Rance replied, turning to Alex. "Go ahead, both of you. I believe Ophelia has some refreshment ready in one of the sitting rooms. Or, if you prefer, you could ask Frank to have it moved out in the garden or patio. It's a beautiful day, and your mom might want to sit outside and enjoy it after driving for a couple of hours."

Watching her brothers and Rance, with Damian's assistance, unload the luggage, she hooked her arms with both of her parents.

"Come on Dad, they got it under control. They'll take it straight to your suite."

"Alright, if you say so. Boys be careful with your mom's vintage luggage, she'll be very upset if you ding it."

Rolling her eyes at her brothers, she tugged Tony and Miranda towards the open double doors where Frank was standing.

"Welcome to the estate Mr. and Mrs. Grant," Frank greeted them, bowing slightly.

"Mom, Dad, this is our butler, Frank. And these two are my parents Tony and Miranda."

"It's a privilege to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Grant."

"Wow, a real butler," whispered Miranda in an aside to Alex.

"Just call us Tony and Miranda, Frank. We're just regular folks and don't stand on ceremony."

"As you wish," smiled Frank. Turning to Alex, he asked, "Would you care to have the refreshment served elsewhere than the sitting room?"

With a questioning glance at her mother, Alex raised a brow.

"The garden would be lovely, Alex," Miranda replied at the unasked question.

"Then the garden it shall be." Alex smiled at her mom and nodded at the waiting Frank.

"Would twenty minutes be sufficient time to conclude your brief tour?" Frank asked respectfully.

"Make that half an hour, Frank. And please make sure that there's enough for my brothers and Rance too. They'll be joining us in the garden once we're done with the tour."

"Excellent madam," Frank bowed and departed shortly.

"Goodness gracious Alex! A butler and a mansion?!" Miranda exclaimed.

"Mom, try not to be overwhelmed by all of it. They are all necessary for a household this big. Everyone employed here has his or her function and no one is really superfluous. If you haven't noticed yet, this is not just a showroom house. People actually work and live here. Several families live inside the estate. Besides which, Rance takes care of them all with the help of his trusted men."

"Don't you think that's a bit peculiar?" Tony asked. "It's like a mafia family you read about and watch on t.v. Keeping every one of their extended family near. "

Alex laughed, "Oh Dad, you and your active imagination. You watch too much t.v. It's affecting your brain," She teased affectionately.

"These people have been working for Rance's family for generations. Their loyalty to his family is unquestionable, so he in turn offers them a place to live inside his estate. Once we have the chance, I'll give you a tour of the estate itself. We have a clinic, housing, and a small school inside, so the families who have small children don't have to worry about sending their children outside for school."

"That's remarkable and grandly generous of Rance," Miranda observed.

Nodding her head, Alex steered her parents deeper into the mansion. She led her parents to the different rooms on the ground floor first. She was not surprised to hear her mother exclaim in appreciation at the elegance and tasteful decorations of the room. She gushed at the decorative elements and original paintings gracing the halls and walls. Tony indulgently trailed quietly after them, occasionally grunting and nodding his head whenever his wife asked him something. Tony was impressed with the mansion, not that he had anything with which to compare it. It was obvious to him, however, that this place is not a showplace but a real home. It was both elegant and welcoming. The decorations and artworks might be unequivocally luxurious and expensive, but the ambience was decidedly lived-in and restful.

Finally, they went to the garden. They exited through one of the sitting room's French doors that opened directly to the gardens. The sun was shining bright overhead. It was a perfect day to dine outside. The foliage of the trees splashed orange and gold was quite a backdrop for the immaculately manicured lawn and well-maintained flower garden.

A couple of paces away from the house, Frank had arranged a table for the refreshments. A lavish selection of food was spread out on a long table. Arranged artfully on it were fruits, miniature cakes, pastries and different selection of cheese. On one side was a selection of fruit juices, tea, and soda.

Seeing her brothers and Rance seated at one of the table and already partaking of the food, Alex urged her parents to do the same. After making her selection, she went to Rance who promptly drew the empty chair next to him for her to sit. After smiling her thanks and settling down, she noticed that her brothers were unusually subdued. Typically, they'd be ribbing and making fun of each other when they were all together in one place. She figured that the secret of their pack lay heavily on them. She still hadn't told her parents about becoming a wolf shifter. Alexdidn't really think that now was the right time. Definitely after their trip. Maybe after the wedding she'd tell them. Better yet, she'd tell them after she'd told them about her pregnancy.

Her parents approached with their own plates and went to the two empty chairs next to Devon. Tony settled his wife first. Noticing the subdued air, he casts a speculative look on his male offspring. He then sat down next to his wife.

"So what's going on?" he asked aloud.

"Nothing much," Jake replied laconically, popping a grape into his mouth and shrugging.

Turning his gaze toward his youngest son, Tony raised his brows in question. With a surprised look, Devon shifted his gaze to Jake and Andrew. "I don't know anything," he mumbled.

"Nothing is going on Dad. We're just relaxing and having fun visiting with Alex and Rance, that's all." Andrew answered. He sent Devon a glare, to which Devon answered with a shake of his head.

"Hhhmmm, I wonder why I don't believe that." Tony said.

"Dad, you are wonderfully paranoid," Alex teased with a laugh. "You should be more concerned about your trip," she diverted, "instead of worrying about nothing."

Looking straight at Alex, Tony searched his only daughter's face for a clue. With a grunt, he nodded his head, "If you say so." But his expression was anything but convinced.

Mira watched the exchange quietly and patted her husband's hand. "Tony, if there's anything we need to know, I'm sure our children would have told us already." Turning a serene smile at her children, she said, "Right, kids?"

Rance was amused at how the siblings were noticeably squirming. Mira had a way of making grown men feel like children. Turning towards his mate, he saw that Alex was not immune to her mom's subtle guilt-trip either.

"No Mom," both Andrew and Jake answered. Devon looked down at his plate and mumbled 'no,' while Alex shook her head.

With a satisfied smile, Miranda turned to Tony. "See? Nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll tell us when it's time." With a meaningful look, she conveyed to her children that they'd revisit the topic again sometime soon. "Meanwhile, let's just enjoy this beautiful day together with our family."

The siblings collectively breathed a relieved sigh. They were off the hook for now. Even their mom knew something was up with them. The brothers had accepted that it was not their secret to tell, but Alex's. They only wished she'd get her butt into gear soon and get to the telling.

They spent the time asking the elder Grants of their plans. Tony and Miranda decided to go earlier than their scheduled cruise. They figured they could do their own sightseeing before boarding the cruise ship. Since Rance had offered to fly them in his private jet, they'd decided to take him up on his offer.

They planned on going to Venice, Italy and staying for a couple of days playing tourist until it was time for them to embark on their cruise. Soon, everyone was relaxed enough to enjoy the moment. They bantered back and forth as was usual when together. Laughter floated in the air sporadically as they picked on each other to razz and tease.

The lengthening shadows alerted them to the passage of time. They decided to go inside and let Tony and Miranda rest and get freshened up. As they filed inside the house, Miranda laid a hand on Alex to detain her.

"Alex, I need to give you something. Can you come to our suite later?"

"Sure, Mom. Let me just go and talk with Ophelia, our housekeeper first. Then I'll come up to your room."

"That's fine." Miranda then followed her husband upstairs.

Rance and her two brothers went ahead to the study to plan the raid on the rogues. Damian and the betas were waiting to finalize their plan of attack. Devon, who was not included, went in search of Raphael and Kat to hang out before dinner.

Alex went to find Ophelia and check on the dinner preparation. Finding her in the formal dining room, she conferred briefly about the arrangement for the next day. She asked that all meals for her family be served in one of the smaller dining room. She'd minimize her parents' interaction with the pack until she'd fully disclosed everything. She did not want to disrupt the packs practice of eating at the Alpha's table. So the formal dining room would continue to serve as communal chow hall for the unattached pups.

Sensing that Rance and her brothers were still occupied, she decided to go on ahead and meet with her Mom. Climbing up the stairs, she pondered what could be so important that her Mom felt the needto give it to her in private. It sounded mysterious.

A niggling that something significant was about to happen prodded at her subconscious. A sense of waiting hovered in the air as Alex reached the landing at the top of the stairs. As she headed to the wing where her parents' suite was located, the expectant air grew heavier. It made her palms sweaty and her heartbeat drum loudly in her ear. Analyzing the feeling, she did not feel dread, but a sense of excitement...almost an overwhelming anticipation. Gulping a sharp breath as she finally reached the door to the suite, she knocked briskly.

"Come in," Miranda opened the door wide to let Alex in. Walking directly into the grouped sitting area, she sat in the couch and patted the empty space next to her. "Sit with me, Alex."

"Where's Dad?"

"Devon and that kid Raphael came by. They wanted to show your Dad this classic Mustang he's working on. You know how crazy your Dad is about old cars. So off they went down to the garage." She smiled indulgently as she watched Alex close the door, cross the room and gingerly sat next to her.

"You needed to see me about --?"

"Oh yes, that." Turning she reached for a box on the end table. Lifting it, she looked at Alex with a gentle smile and laid it on her lap. "This belongs to you now since you're about to get married."

With furrowed brow, Alex looked down at the old and slightly dusty box that seemed to pulse with power. Lifting her puzzled gaze at Miranda, she asked, "What is this, Mom?"

Miranda shook her head. "You know that is one thing I can't really tell you." When Alex opened her mouth to ask her more questions, Miranda lifted her hand to stop her. "Let me explain. And I want you to let me finish before you ask more questions, okay?"


"This has been handed down to every first daughter in my family -- the Callaghan line. I have no idea how far into our lineage it goes back. All I know is that my great-great-great grandmother carried this all the way from Ireland when the family came here. The stipulation is -- it can only be handed to the first daughter on the day she is engaged and to be married. I had forgotten about it until the day I went up to the attic to get my vintage suitcases out for the trip. I saw it the minute I went up there and I remembered that it now belongs to you."

"But what is it?"

"I have no idea, my dear."

"You did not open it? Weren't you curious at all?"

With a bemused look in her face, Miranda looked at the box in her daughter's lap. "That's the oddest thing about it. I never had a desire to open it. Weird isn't it? The curious thing is that I'm always eager to open presents right away." She laughed mirthlessly. "But this particular box.... I don't know, sweetie. I just never thought to open it. You know I don't believe your grandmother opened it either. What does that tell you?"

That it was waiting for me. Alex could not take her eyes off the box. It pulsed in colors so vivid, beckoning her. It was almost as if it was calling her name. Her fingers clenched, she wanted so bad to open it. "Maybe it's just waiting for the right person?" she whispered.

"Perhaps...." Miranda studied Alex closely as her daughter sat transfixed by the box in her lap. Alex's fingers trembled slightly as she smoothed the front of the box reverently. "Perhaps it's now in the hands of the right Callaghan woman..." added Miranda quietly.

To be continued.....


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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story

More pls been so long hope u doing ok

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great work

Hope all is well. Can't wait for more!! Keep up the great work. I keep falling in love with Rex and Alex. This is a very believable storyline involving werewolves.

QNastyQNastyover 10 years ago

Please please update SOON! I'm so eager to see what happpens next!

I wanna know who the snakes are!

Really great story, lots of passion. I was a little disappointed she didnt put up that much of a fight when Rance mated her. I expected a little more apprehension. I do love all the sex. Thank god for the babie in her belly! I think one of my favorite reads was when the brother met Rance, hilarious! Please dont give up on this story its fantastic! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Loving the story but PLEASE update soon...desperate to finally read more!!

BadCittyLadyBadCittyLadyover 10 years ago
Love this story! MORE PLEASE!!!

I love the stroy and I am excited to see what will happen next and I am dying to see what is in the box her mom gave her!!! Please post a new chapter soon- Don't forget us!!! :)

blackduchessblackduchessover 10 years agoAuthor
chapter 11 teaser out

hello everyone! I posted a teaser for chapter 11 (about 5 pages) in my blog page. Still working on the rest of the story. I've written and erased about 20 pages since I can't get the story to flow the way I want it to. Just want to let you know that I have not forgotten the story and am continuing it. Enjoy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Dis is a wonderful story n u r a marvelous writer...

V'l b here wen u r ready t post d nxt chapter so gt wel soon:):)

willieonewillieonealmost 11 years ago
We can wait!!

Get your health back first and don't stress, we will be here once you are well.This story is amazing and when you do post I will be there to cheer and do a happy dance! lol So relax and get over the treatments and don't feel pressured into posting when you are still in recovery.


blackduchessblackduchessalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Hello everyone!

Thanks for patiently waiting for the next chapter and sending me all your encouraging words. I'm almost done with my treatment. Monday will be my last radiation treatment. Yay!

I'm trying to get back to writing and have the next chapter halfway done. Some of the characters are not cooperating and my mind has the tendency to wander a bit :P Hoping to finish it soon and send it to my wonderful editor by next week.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
YES to kicking breast cancer!

4 1/2 years since treatment for the woman who has been the love of my life for 45 years. If you have ideas for how this story is to progress, perhaps Literotica is the place to have some others bring them to life? It will have to be the cream of the crop; your twists and turns while keeping true to the story line are fantastic.

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