Sharing My Wife Amanda Ch. 17


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"Me, too." Amanda rolled to face me, and touched her forehead to mine. "I like this version of you."

It was perhaps the greatest compliment she had ever given me.

Then I studied her curiously as a thought occurred to me, and Amanda returned my expression with an amused look. "What?"

"I was just wondering, Mandy. Do you miss them?"

"Are you referring to Alex?"

"I'm referring to all of them. Alexander. Glenn. Thomas. Brandy and Scott." I rattled off the long list of every man and woman with whom my wife had an affair. "Do you miss being with them?"

It was her turn to scrutinize me. "The truth is, babe, I do miss the thrill." Amanda's expression took on a dreamy look as she reminisced about our open marriage. "Those secret rendezvouses with Glenn in his office... hopping next door for a quick threesome with Brandy and Scott... vacationing in Europe with Thomas... tucking Little Jimmy to sleep before sneaking off on a date. Those were all incredibly wonderful times, and I'd be lying if I told you that part of me doesn't miss the fun and the danger."

I nodded and surprisingly didn't experience any pain or jealousy. Amanda was simply telling me the truth, and the truth wasn't the least bit surprisingly. Besides, we had made a pact that we would never hide our feelings from each other ever again, and I was grateful for her honesty.

"Thank you, babe. Thank you for giving me those memories. Thank you for what you did for me... for the sacrifices you made... and especially for trusting me. But I don't regret putting that stuff where it belongs: in the past. It's time to move forward."

"We'll just have to make better memories of our own." I held my wife and kissed her, taking great comfort in knowing that we belonged solely to each other and to our children. "I'm know you're still craving something salty. Since you still won't swallow my cum---"I pretended to roll my eyes with displeasure--- "I'll get you something else to eat."

Amanda grabbed the pillow and tossed it at me. "You're jerk!" We laughed during the moment of levity, and I dodged the projectile and scurried towards the door. "Thank you. I'm going to take a quick shower. Hurry up and get back here because I'm not finished with you yet."

"Yes, ma'am."

Fearful of waking our son, I tiptoed down the stairs. A smile of contentment was etched on my face as I made my way to kitchen. My perfect life couldn't possibly get any better.

I switched on the kitchen light and retrieved a pack of saltine crackers from the pantry. I knew that Amanda would require some time to wash up, so I took a moment to pour myself a glass of water and prepare a sandwich. Pregnancy was kicking her sex drive into a completely gear and while I was only too happy to oblige, it usually left me exhausted. Famished and dehydrated from virtually nonstop sex, I hungrily consumed the snack and gulped the water.

Then, holding the package of saltine crackers in one hand and stroking myself to hardness with the other, I hurried back upstairs with excited anticipation.

Light peeked from under the closed bedroom door. No doubt that my hot wife was already waiting for me. This time, I was determined to fuck her so hard that I'd have to cover her mouth to prevent her screams from waking James. Amanda had hinted that she was in the mood for rougher play, and if that was what my beloved desired then who was I to deny her?

I practically kicked down the door as I burst through. "Alright, Mandy," I declared boldly. "Get ready, because I'm about to tear apart your pus---"

I stopped abruptly and stared in horror.

" '...come and play with us, Little Fish, and...' "

Wearing one of my old ratty concert t-shirts as a nightie, which made my wife appear unbelievably sexier, Amanda read aloud from a small children's book as James nestled against her. The volume of her voice had risen subtly as I barged in as if to keep our son's attention fixed on her. And though my wife threw me a warning look, she smoothly continued to read calmly.

Still naked, I frantically dove into the bathroom. I swore under my breath and prayed that James hadn't noticed me. Then, grabbing a bath towel, I hastily wrapped it around my waist and reentered the bedroom, forcing a nonchalant expression on my face.

James became animated when he saw me. "Dad! Dad! Come quick, mommy is reading the Little Fish story again!"

"Oooh, is she now? I want to hear it, too!"

"Come lay next to us, dad!"

Amanda kissed our son atop his bed as I slid next to them. "Baby, why don't you read it to mommy and daddy? We want to hear your beautiful voice."

As James began to read to us, my wife furtively threw me an apologetic look. I'm sorry, she mouthed.

I smiled and responded, I love you.

Amanda and I hugged each other, and then drew our son closer to us.

And, finally, I knew.

Amanda had taught me an important lesson about love and marriage, and now, so did James. "Sharing my wife" was an act of love, but I had it all wrong. It wasn't about sharing her with other people so she could indulge herself and, in the process, make us both happy.

The true act of love was sharing Amanda's time and affection with our son.

The love between us was equaled by only 1 thing: the love Amanda and I had for James. As parents, did we have a more important role than raising our child, providing for him, and keeping him safe? Could we possibly have any other priorities that trumped that?

The answer was obvious.

Suddenly, all the craziness of the past... all the people Amanda and I had slept with, all the wild gangbangs, and all the other unforgettable shenanigans... suddenly felt so trivial. I dared to reason that Amanda and I had grown up and matured. We were different people now; we had to be for our son as well as for our own sakes.

2 days later, our daughter Eliza Rose was born.

And just like that, my perfect life somehow became even more perfect.

Amanda and I now had two children to love and nurture, a blessing that was beyond compare. And as was to be expected but still difficult to fathom until we actually experienced it ourselves, life didn't simply become twice as hectic with 2 children; it became exponentially more so! Yet Amanda and I were able to juggle parenthood with our respective careers and a loving marriage, and the bond between us was never stronger.

Now my wife had THREE people to share her love with.

And that's what sharing my wife Amanda was all about!

The End?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This chapter is very different from the others. Suddenly the communication fails, rules are made up and broken, wife prefers spending time with lovers, sex drought with hubby... Feels like Sy had a light bulb moment and the only way to save the marriage is to "agree to stop", but reading through the lines we wonder how long this will last.

Did Mandy condition him? Did she actually "give in" for his sake/enjoyment, or did she actively stoked his kink and pretended to do what he wants whilst escalating towards her desires? Will they stop? Can they stop? Can Sy trust Mandy every time she has late meetings? Swimming or yoga classes? Maybe goes for a run in the woods and gets back walking funny?

I would definitely do a paternity test.

I think they made a great couple.

I hope what we might read through the lines is only the end of their 'open marriage' phase, not the end of the marriage itself.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This chapter is a sudden change for the series (a new baby could simply be a chance to bring a new nanny in). We don't know what Amanda really though and what she really did, but sounds like she might have started falling in love with Alex, started breaking rules and husband became jealous because she was now sharing her heart/love for real not her body/sex for fun.

I appreciate the author included the jealousy and a bit of reality in this fun series to remind us that nothing last forever.

I'm glad the couple are working on their marriage and I wish them luck.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

"Now my wife had THREE people to share her love with.

And that's what sharing my wife Amanda was all about!"


If this is really based on real life, I think the series is about sharing her body for sex and never sharing her heart!

It sounds like mid life crisis, realising that the wife is spending lots of time in sex marathon sessions with younger lovers, realising there is a real threat she has real feelings for one of the lovers while the husband is at home with the child and suddenly realising that the time is ticking for him to be effectively replaced with a younger, sexier, more stamina lover who can keep up with her for the decades to come.

This 180 degree turn around in the series shows that all the good times come to an end and we should enjoy this when we can, but also reflect and adapt to change to not lose what is really important.

I'm curious if there will be a future installment: after all the fun sexcapades I don't think the author will write about an exclusive completely monogamous couple growing old with no playing around.

My guess is that Amanda will get whatever she wants eventually (even if she will need to work around her husbands feelings).

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Interesting conclusion to the story. For most of the series we have a fantasy hot wife/swingers enjoying a wide variety of sexual encounters with a complete separation of sex vs love/trust/commitment which works for all.

The issue is that some of the partners become regulars and then lovers and things can get complicated.

1 the nanny - things are presented as amazing poly/throuple/family yet she is married off to a regular to turn them into swingers - keeping them close yet still separate despite a "marriage proposal" - I personally thought Amanda is in complete control of all their partners and Sy is nudged to do what is best for someone else (not that they asked her, or that they asked her to "marry" them before her wedding)

2 Thomas and the 2 weeks in Italy - one of the many men in her life, completely in love with her, willing to do anything for Mandy (and with the money/means to do so). Can Mandy say she never had feelings for her partners? It's clear that there are some existential questions of what do you do with all these lovers where things are way past 'just sex'

3 Alexander - at which point one of her lovers gets Mandy to reconsider who she is married to? The author presents this as a mutual decision with an out of the blue timing and uncharacteristically poor communication between the couple who normally need one look to be in sync. If this was partly based on real life, you can see this as the likely milestone in such relationships where after so many partners and lovers you encounter one you just click with, one that really gets you, hence the sudden jealousy for the husband and the realisation that he's not sharing just her body for fun, but her heart and true affection. Of course, a mix of age, parenthood, less thrill from swinging etc plays a part, but I think this is when Mandy finds herself wanting Alex more than her husband and decides to end the lifestyle to save her marriage.

The story puts a spin on what she actually did with Alex, which of theri rules she already broke etc. (the author never confirms the paternity of the children - so no point speculating).

So despite years of having fun, eventually real feelings get in the way.

I wonder if future Amanda will suggest the occasional sex resort anniversary holiday to relieve the old days? Will the "nymphomaniac" urges be suddenly stop? Can he trust her that when she goes swimming she's not drowning in Alex? Once jealousy sneaked its way in their marriage will it poison trust forever?

If this was based on real life I would think that after a period passes to settle the boat, Amanda will seek to resume things perhaps more discreetly and with some restrictions on recurrent partners to avoid "lovers' dilemma". But with the age gap in play I think the next Amanda series might be in "loving wives" with her trying to protect her husband feelings and insecurities while doing what she always did: getting what she wants.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Before about 1970, this freak would be in an institution getting help.

pwdinblewpwdinblew5 months ago

In the end the title said it all. This didn't paint a picture of the sort of partnership that is a long happy marriage. It wasn't a group of people working out a more complex relationship. The title came from a patriarch and in its way implies an attitude just as controlling as installing a chastity belt.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ah, yes! It's time to hang up her industrial strength diaphragm, cancel the endorsement deal with Trojan and start acting like a responsible adult.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Umm the ending is sweet but hardly realistic given the intervening events. Even consensual open marriages leaves scars for some people. Their is a reason why open marriages of any type have a high divorce rate over 90%.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Open marriages, swinging, polyamory, "lifestyle choices", ..... Geeze. This from a couple that only learned to communicate AFTER being 'schooled' by the lessons of such. Just sounds like damaged people who were lucky enough to survive sexual misadventures. The primary lesson being that making a "choice" does not mean it's a good choice if it hurts what should be a natural family: i.e., trauma as the alleged marriage counselor commenter says. People do make deliberate choices to create families from broken remnants that includes loving acceptance of those not formally family, but those remnants are themselves the product of bad choices. Conflating them all as "lifestyle choices" is just ignorant. Even "swinging" couples only last when the swinging is usually within the bounds of a pre-existing individual or couples friendship. My wife and I did that with couples friends back in the day, but always subject to not violating relationship trust (e.g., couples friends only). And that stopped when we grew old enough to appreciate the nuances of marriage and friendship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I worked with a couple in a lifestyle much like this one, adjusted for the tenants of reality. Along with a psychiatrist, I provided marriage counseling for them. We were healing the anger, the trauma, and the emotional disconnects that 15 years of this lifestyle created. Even though it was 100% consensual, there was damage and fallout, much of it repressed. In their case, it was a mutual "Stop!" we can no longer do this. They hit the wall together, and it was six years before they felt "normal" again. Trust fund kids with tech money, they lived an artificial existence devoid of "real life" problems. The upside, they put one of my kids through Stanford and the other through Rice. That was in addition to my fees.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is or are any of these stories based on any ... real person ... living or deceased?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I skipped ahead to see how it ended, and it's a bit sadly un-nuanced. You have the former babysitter who they both apparently love and is a dear friend say "maybe we shouldn't even do this again" about just hanging out and talking - which is utterly absurd. There is nothing wrong with having friends as adults, and there would also be nothing wrong with them being like an extended family.

It's too focused on the concept of an isolated nuclear family, which is a fairly new concept in society as it is. The focus of the chapter also just kind of insults polyamorous relationships as if they are just immature games. I'm not poly, but there is nothing wrong with it, and it does not prevent people from having a loving and happy family.

Bigger though, is that the whole chapter shows a pathetic inability to communicate for the couple. Like, what at no point would the wife not just SAY what she is thinking instead of getting mad that he isn't reading her mind despite her actively lying to him about what she wants? And that whole conversation later where she claims that if she said WANTED to stop he would beg her to continue for her sake is bad cop-out.

Overall, this chapter spends a lot of time trying hard to TELL us that there is a deep and intimate bond between two people who are nearly incapable of just having an honest conversation, despite being together for over 10 years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty sure that others came in her no fly zone in previous chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I was glad to see this end with both of them finally deciding to put each other and their family first ahead of their sex games. I had actually stopped reading prior to the pregnant gangbang. I only read this chapter because I wanted to see what type of hard lesson they had to learn by ignoring the emotions and jealousies that had been popping up since she got involved with her intern Jimmy. For two intelligent people who were supposed to be so much in love both spouses were incredibly stupid about their own gut feelings as well as the hints they were giving each other that it was way past time for them to give up their polyamorous lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

He'd better get a DNA test on both kids, because, being the whore she is, they're probably not his. Should have kicked her ass out long ago, and if he does the same as she does, he's no friggin' better...

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