Show Girl


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They ran with us for about ten minutes and took off. Linda showed us some of the video.

"I guess I'll have to burn you a copy of our first voyage."

"Oh god yes. This is so much fun."

Jill stepped in front of me and looked at Linda.

"Get this, Linda."

She gave me a heart stopping kiss. Everyone cheered.

The wind had picked up to about twenty five knots. That was too much with everything up. I had Mark help drop the chute. He handled the halyard and I pulled the sock down. I stuffed it in the bag and stowed it away.

Bill asked me why I did that.

"It puts too much pressure on the mast. It could snap it. That spinnaker is good in light wind."

"Ahh, I see. There's more to sailing than meets the eye."

Jill remarked, "He's been sailing since he was in diapers."

"See, we're making twelve knots without the chute."

I took a fishing pole from the rack at the back of the cockpit. I lifted the seat behind the wheel and took out my tackle box. After hooking my favorite tuna lure up, I dropped it over the stern and stuck the pole in a rod holder.

Twenty minutes later a fish hit it. I thought Bill was gonna hurt himself.

"Fish on! Fish on!"

I spun the wheel and turned Puff into the wind. Bill grabbed the rod and started playing the fish. I could tell he had never played a fish, but I sat back and watched. He was cranking the reel but the fish was taking line. Finally I stepped and stopped him.

"Easy there, Bill. You're spinning your wheels. Let him run a little. He'll get tired and then you can reel him in."

The fish ran a little more and dove to the bottom.

"OK, now, pull the rod tip up and then reel down. Keep pumping on it. He may run again when he sees he boat. You play him a while and then someone else can get some action too.

He got tired and Mark took over. He played the fish a while and looked at Jill.

"Come on, Girl. Show us you stuff."

She stepped up and finished the fish off. I got the gaff hook and pulled it up on the tramp.

"What is it, honey."

"It's a yellow fin tuna. Great eating."

I knocked it in the head with my fish whacker and laid it on the outboard hull. Jill stood, looking over my shoulder as I cleaned it. I carried two big slabs of fish down to the galley.

"Babe, can you cut this up. Make it look like the fish in the market. I need to get us going again."

""Go ahead, honey. I've got this"

I went up and looked at the sails. The wind was pushing us backward. I put the helm hard over and the sails filled. Mark was watching.

"How did you do that. We were going backwards."

"I just swung the stern around so we weren't into the wind. We can't sail straight into the wind."

Jill came up and smiled at me.

"That takes care of lunch and dinner. Nothing better than fresh tuna."

Joanie replied, "It can't get much fresher than that."

An hour later we motored into the cove at Hawkins Island and dropped the hook.

"What do you guys think? Do we have time for a swim before lunch."

Joanie smiled, "How about we take time?"

As I slipped off my deck shoes and shirt, the girls went below to change. I climbed out on the port tramp and dove in. Seconds later, Mark and Bill followed. I swam a lap around the boat and stopped, hanging on the port hull. I heard some commotion as the girls came out of the cabin. Three nubile women wearing thongs and scant tops emerged. Three guys stopped talking and looked. They saw us and giggled, probably because our mouths were hanging open. We started the wolf whistles and they dove in.

Bill looked at me, "Too bad we can't do this for the rest of our lives. This is definitely the way to go."

Mark commented, "Dream on, guys, Dream on."

"I remarked, "One of my dreams is to do and Atlantic crossing and sail around Europe for a few months."

Mark said, "This beauty looks big enough to do it."

"There have been guys do it in lot's smaller boats than this. Most of them are mono-hulls. I heard of one guy that did a solo crossing in a eighteen foot mono-hull."

Mark asked, "How long would that take?"

"Everything depends on the wind. Probably about a month. These tri-hulls are pretty fast. Under some conditions they will sail almost as fast as the wind."

"It would take some cajones to make a crossing alone," replied Bill.

Mark chuckled, "Maybe you and Jill could do it on your honeymoon."

"Hey, let's not rush things here."

"Don, when are you going to give in and admit that you're hooked."

I did the hooked finger in my cheek and they both laughed.

We turned and watched the girls swimming around.

I started to slowly back stroke around the boat. Jill quickly swam up and tried to lay on my chest. She sunk us both. Then she grabbed me by the waist and started slowly kicking he legs. I stopped and held the anchor chain. She hugged me and wrapped her legs around me.

"Too bad we have swim suits on. I'd fuck you right here."

"Slip your bottoms down and turn around."

"Oh my god, honey. They'll see us."

"We could give them a little thrill."

"I'd never be able to look them in the eye after that."

"Wait till I make you scream tonight."

"Are you threatening me with a good time."

"Sounds like it, huh?"

"You're such a bad boy."

"Considering that you don't want to play, let's get some lunch. I'll fire up the barbecue and cook up a couple of those tuna fillets."

"Great. I'll make a big chef salad."

I got out and helped her up. She gave me a hot hug and a kiss. I grabbed the freshwater sprayer and rinsed us both off. She went below. I pulled up a deck plate in the cockpit and pulled out my home made cooker and a bag of charcoal. I hooked it on a special bracket and got it going.

I hollered to the others, "Lunch in thirty minutes."

Linda asked, "What are we having?"

"Jill's making a chef salad. I'll have the tuna ready in a few. I have a few bottles of Chablis to go with it."

"Come on, Joanie. Let's go help."

"Hey, girls. Rinse off with that freshwater sprayer. You'll feel like sandpaper when that saltwater dries if you don't."

Bill and Mark got out and rinsed off.

"Anything we can do to help?"

"Umm, yeah. Get three beers and help me watch this charcoal get going."

He smiled and went below.

Mark parked beside me.

"This boat is really tricked out, Don."

"My Dad is responsible for that. He's a mechanical engineer. He owned a business till her retired a few years ago. He had his people make a lot of stuff for her. He over engineered all of the winches and pulleys."

"Must have been good money in that."

"He did really well. He had quite a few government contracts making aftermarket stuff for them. He manufactured robots, computer driven CNC machines and some other machining tools. He was a genius."

"You never got into that?"

"He wanted me to get into the business end of it, so I majored in business and marketing. We both discovered I would need more than that to take over the business, so he just sold out. Running that fitness center is way more my speed and I make a pretty good living. I'm thinking of franchising them out later. I have a pretty good business plan."

"What's the buy in on one of them?"

"I've just ran some number through my head. Probably about eighty to one hundred thousand. Maybe a little less. Those machines are pretty expensive."

"Sounds like you're all set up."

"It's pretty good now that the economy's back on it's feet. Now, it I can just get my personal life back on track."

He chuckled.

"Looks like it's taken a turn for the better. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No argument there. None at all."

"I'm not trying to do a sales job on you, but you'll look a long time before you find a better woman than Jill."

"I have to agree with you on that. She's a remarkable woman. Things are happening so fast, I'm kinda back on my heels."

Mark came back up with three beers and a plate with two fillets. That ended our conversation.

"Jill sent these up for the grill man."

"You guys keep an eye on me unless you like charcoal fish. It's been a while since I grilled anything."

"You're covered."

We managed not to turn the tuna into a sacrifice to the Gods. I went below and handed it to Jill and got out of the way.


That evening, after a dinner of Tuna fillets, baked potato, and a tossed salad, we were all laying out on the port tramp watching the sunset. We were just having casual conversation. Bill told a few stories about some of the things that happened at the airport and Mark had a few about some of the guests at the hotel. I added a few more about some of my weird customers.

Jill was laying in her favorite position on my shoulder with her hand under my t shirt. One leg was hooked in mine and her mound was on my thigh. I looked over at Bill and saw his hand was up under Linda's shirt. I didn't blame him a bit.

After a bit, Joanie asked me what the sleeping arrangements were.

"You guys can arm wrestle or flip a coin for the beds below. Jill and I are sleeping up here."

I untangled myself from Jill and went below. I rolled up the three inch foam topper and sheet from my bed and grabbed two pillows and a blanket. I tossed them out on the port tramp and made up a bed for us. The others disappeared below.

"Having fun, babe?"

"My god yes. I could do this forever."

I reached out and caressed her cheek

"Good. I want that for you."

She moved into my arms.

"You're so sweet."

I caught that signal too. Mark was right. I laid down and pulled her in my arms. I just held her thinking about us. All the doubts were finally falling away. I couldn't deny it any more. I was in love. I knew I wanted her with me for the rest of my life. I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you, Jill."

"I know, honey. I love you too."

I chuckled.

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew. I was just waiting for you to tell me."

"And just how did you know?"

"All the signs were there. The way you hold me. The way you are when we make love. Mostly, the way you look at me. I can see it in your eyes."

"I heard somewhere that the eyes are the window of your soul."

"Yep, and I've got you and now, I'm gonna make you the happiest guy on the planet."

"I have a feeling we're going to end up spoiling each other, cuz that what I want to do to you."

She rolled on her back and pulled me over into her saddle.

"Come here and let's get started."

She pulled me down and our lips met. In no time at all, I could feel her moving under me, searching for my cock with her pussy. She found it and slowly took the head in."

"Yessssss," she hissed.

She moved around till she had my cock head on her G spot. She slowly worked herself to a quick orgasm. With a groan it washed over her.

"Cumming for you, honey. Cumming for my man."

I pushed down, bottoming out in her grasping pussy. He legs locked in mine and she thrust her hips up and our bones met. I rubbed on her clit with my pelvis bone and she howled through another orgasm. She was on a mission now. Her hips were thrusting up hitting my bone. Her orgasms were coming faster and faster. He moans and howls were getting louder.

I couldn't hold back any longer. I pushed in and pinned her against the mattress. My cock flared and my cum rocketed out the end of my cock, blasting her cervix. She squeezed me hard and came with a scream. He legs were around my ass with her ankles locked. She was still cumming long after I was spent, her cries ringing out over the water.

Finally, she unlocked her legs and rolled me off. She quickly got in her favorite position. Her head on my shoulder and a leg over, with her warm breath on my neck.

"mmmm. So dreamy. Just so dreamy special. It's perfect every time."

"We're so good together. I can't get enough of you."

"I know. I can just think about you and I get wet."

I thought I heard some sexy noises from inside the cabin.

"Listen. Do you hear them. I think we inspired them."

"Oh my god. That sounds like Joanie. Mark is making her howl. I'll bet Linda and Bill are doing it too."

"I hope so. I want to see a bunch of smiles in the morning. Lot's of happy people."

"I know I'll be smiling. Tonight is so special. I'll never forget it."

"Hold me, sweetheart. Hold me."

I pulled the blanket over us and we drifted off.

I woke the next morning before Jill. The sun was just coming up over the horizon. I laid there on my elbow looking at her sleepy face. I reached over and caressed her cheek. She stirred, opened her eyes and smiles.

"Good morning, honey."

"Hi sleepy face. How you doing this morning?"

"I'm in heaven. You?"

"I'm looking at my love."

I could see the love in her eyes. She pulled me down and hugged me.

"You such a sweetie."

"Yeah, a smelly sweetie. I need a shower. I got sex smell all over me."

"Me too. I can feel it on me. I think I like it."

"I wonder it those guys are up yet"

"Let's get dressed and check."

We got dressed and snuck down into the cabin. It was empty.

I whispered.

"Let's get in the shower. There may just be room for two."

"Great minds think alike.'

"I'll show you how to take a sea shower. We need to save water."

Fifteen minutes and two orgasms later we were dried off and dressed. Jill started the coffee and I got out the bacon, eggs and some bread. She took over and I parked at the table. Just as the coffee finished I heard stirring in the two cabins. I poured four extra cups and started another pot. One by one they stumbled out. Some telltale smells followed them out. I saw Jill wrinkle her nose and smile. She looked at me when I chuckled. I stood up and open the roof vent and a window by the table. Jill giggled.

Joanie spoke first.

"Oh god. There is a heaven. Coffee."

Everyone else just groaned and picked up a cup. I gave a quick explanation about sea showers.

"Oh, and to save water even more water you should shower with a friend."

They all smiled at that."

They all got showered and Jill set out a plate with a dozen scrambled eggs and one with a pound of bacon. The buttered toast soon followed. Everyone dug in.

Joanie finished and looked at Jill and I.

"Don. What ever you did to Jill last night, I want you to tell Mark."

Mark replied. "Hell yes. I'm not to old to learn a few new tricks."

Jill turned crimson.

"Oh god, you guys. I couldn't help it. He makes me...Oh god. I'm so embarrassed."

I piped up. "OK, sex 101 starts on the starboard tramp in one hour. Bring a note pad."

Bill held his hand up.

"I'll be there."

Linda commented, "Hell yes, you will."

Everyone was laughing and Jill was hiding her red face in her hands. We all got settled down and the girls ran us up on deck. I decided to screw with Bill and Mark's minds.

"OK, guys. You want the secret?"

I got two nods.

"Cream Pie."

"Huh, Cream Pie, Mark asked."

"They're so sensitive after sex, if you go down on them they completely lose it. The will walk the ceiling and scream for their creator."

Bill asked, "umm, do you have them clean up first?"

"Nope. Just dive in."

"Damn, I don't know about that. Eating my own cum sounds a little strange."

"It doesn't taste bad. Just a little salty with a little tang. They don't seem to mind. In fact, Jill says mine tastes good."

Mark commented, "Damn. I'll have to think about that first."

"I heard somewhere that if you eat pineapple it tastes really good."

Bill said, "Well, I have to think about it too."

"OK, you have the information. I've done my part."

That night, after she finished ravishing my body, she was laying in her favorite position, breast against my side, her leg over, head on my shoulder, breathing gently against my neck, she said, "Guess what I'm doing the first thing Monday morning?"

"I give up, tell me."

"I'm giving notice at work. One week should be enough."

With a smile, I asked, "Really? What's up with that?"

"Oh, not much, except that I fell in love with this guy."

"Got a plan in mind?"

"Yep. He lives in Charleston and I'm moving there."

"Then what?"

"We're going to live happily ever after."

She kissed me on the neck just under my ear. I shivered and groaned.

"Fuck yeah!"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AccelarVesterAccelarVester29 days ago

You can't beat a good love story. Recovering after betrayal - "A tale as old as time".

KRD19254KRD19254over 1 year ago

This is a good tail but for a lot of typo's and grammar issues, you need to read this aloud to yourself and they will jump out at you. I really wonder if you proof read the story before submitting?!?


Some details of the ex-wife to wrap up the story would have been nice. Also his parents reaction showing up with an almost new bride....


5*****, Hooyah, salutes good but could have been a 6*, an old USN CPO shellback salt.

Blackout6661Blackout6661about 2 years ago

I little about his ex wife and then pretty much 5 pages of romance, this is pretty much 2 different stories. Story one is He divorced his wife she had breakdown and that's the end. Story two is his romance with Jill, it ended just the way it needed to end maybe also an Epilog of what happened after like he opens a gym in Florida and gets his own sail boat

TajfaTajfaalmost 3 years ago

For me there wasn't enough about the marriage and why she really decided to cheat. She was obviously in love with her husband but decided to have sex in a public place - obviously he would never find out - duh!

Then there was 5 pages of a romance story with little or no mention about his ex wife or what her life became. I gave 4 stars for decent writing and the effort but it was mostly a romance story and only a tiny bit of loving wivesm

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

I just love how you completely write off the cheating slut wife!!! I would like more story after they get back to Charleston...

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

@SomeOneTwoThree: I guess if you read between the lines, the intent of the message was the same. Considering she tried to kill herself right after receiving it, the effect of both would probably have been the same.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 4 years ago

Second read.

Have you ever noticed,

when rereading a story,

the best ones get better

but the lesser ones suffer?

I overlooked it the first time around,

but now it glared at me.

He sent the wife a picture and a text,

saying someting like "I loved you with all of my heart.

I guess that wasn't enough"


How about: "I loved you with all of my heart.

And this is how you repay me (you fucking whore)?"

One wimpy sentence and top ratings are gone.

How sad is that?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Racist stereotypes in storytelling that is perpetuated over many stories are strong indicators that the author is in fact racist

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Great story, loved it!!!!

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago
Good writing

A little too long, but I stayed with it until the end. Pretty good story.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Still pretty good story, but Bacon has his sick obsession with the mythical bbc. Keeps me from ever giving more than*3 to any story with that trope.

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