Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 10


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Master trainers have to stay out of combat and train. War still rages along that front and the champion of Vandria Gilmadrith Grand Master Blade Singer Silversong is still on the field which means war will continue for the foreseeable future.

I am a Magus Battle Mage, I do some battle and some enchanting. I am skilled with a sword. Enough so to fight with two of them. While I am 1 of 4 possible Champion, let alone blade wielders, that makes me the most likely candidate.

As such an imperative of the blade by the direction of the Gods is to procreate and create more potential wielders for the blades. It may one day fall into the hands of a moon-snow elf or a snow elf with the name of Silvertree.

Who am I to take those children? I am creating them to be options for the Gods. Who am I to deny the will of the Gods in that direction? To eliminate or reduce the field of candidates? Feel free to have anyone who wishes to examine the amulet if you like, Chieftain."

He looked over at two of the ladies and they came over to see how it was connected. One nodded. The other asked, "What is this symbol at the bottom of the three holy symbols."

Lerian nodded, "Charlus Silvertree is the only champion to live a full measure of life. He enchanted the defensive systems they helped to keep the Storm giant mountain flying over this location as well as 6 others from becoming a threat to the Kingdom. Defensive systems he did not tell any of the allies about them.

Only the enchanters who crafted it and those who manned it during this initial strike knew of its existence. He was a genius strategist and a psionic dragon who examined his mind found that he was a collector.

Retained everything he read, he heard, he smelled, and he felt. Down to the wind blowing across his skin. He did not pass on but works for the Gods as a Revered Champion. This is the symbol they gave him.

He wielded dual blades, a Moon Blade, and a vorpal sword and he never fumbled a weapon in his life. He was an enchanter, strategist, Field Marshal, General, diplomat, Duke, enforcer, on occasion an infiltration specialist who could crack any encrypted communication, and an assassin if the need arose, Chieftain."

The Chieftain sighed, "We would want you to send all male children here to train when they become 15 years of age."

Lerian smiled, "Every child I produce will be a gestalt, meaning they could be a sorcerer and battlemage at the same time. They will start manifesting powers and in the Academy by the age of 12, by the time they are adults, be they clerics or arcane they will be casting tier nine spells as they reach my age. Cast mythic magic within the year or two following that.

In short, I would encourage them to visit, males and females, the land of their birth to pursue snow-elf mates. You will tell me that it is not the same because of the lack of influence from your culture.

You remember earlier I said there were parallels between the Pegasus riders and your people. Also, the Griffon riders. The Pegasus riders wanted to preserve their culture. Their God led them to a remote island in order to avoid the corruption of outside influences.

They did not trust outsiders. Elves, Dragons, arcane magic, psionics, dragons, and other non-humans were at the top of that list. Our champion Jazzia helped their God Helnar create a secure ark to put their most powerful relic.

Along with a complete history of his people. When the dragon lands returned the island of the Pegasus riders sank into a volcano the size of the Elven Capital. Jarronus found instructions on how to find the arc over 1,000 years later. Helnar was inside, dying. As soon as his history was collected and the relic was taken to the paladin to use, 'he would cease to exist.'

He sent a message to Corellon Larethian. That message was 'I was a fool. I failed my people by trying to keep too tight a grip on them.' This was a message from a dying God to one of our Gods. Can we not learn from this advice, Chieftain?"

He looked at Lerian, "How do I know this is true?"

Lerian sighed, "Most of your history does not make it into books. It is passed by bards among tribes. Gritan the Hunter of the Ice Plains. Was he a legend. Based on fact or fiction? When I met Cresena, her comment was the Pegasus riders was a fantastic work of fiction. I told her the song she sang was true.

The collective archive of the Pegasus riders exists in the Silvertree library, thousands of books. Compare that to what has been written about the snow elves. Less than 125 books. Yes, I have read both because I take what was written along with how it was gathered.

In the case of Snow-elves how the oral history lines up with the written history. I take it on faith. If in doubt, have your clerics divine if I have given you a single false answer to your questions. I have faith that you will find out that I have been completely truthful and candid with you, Chieftain."

Lerian put his shirt and armor back on, the chieftain looked over and he had a cleric divine an answer.

He turned white, "Aerdrie Faenya said you can ask her yourself this evening when she comes to perform his marriage."

The Chieftain looked around the room at shocked faces. He then nodded to them, "You may marry her. I believe you have spoken to me truthfully and honestly if she is coming to perform your marriage personally."

Lerian bowed to him. He nodded and the Chieftain commented, "I see the diplomat in you. You tried to respect our traditions. You explained why our requests could not be met in great detail. I respect your strength of character."

Lerian bowed to him again and looked at Cresena who smiled at him. She walked over and whispered to Lerian, "You were brilliant. Do not sell yourself short. If the Gods make you a champion, we will face the challenges of it together."

She pulled back before he could kiss her. She left with a group of ladies.

He walked over to a section of a wall nobody was using. "May I use this spot, Chieftain?"

He nodded. Lerian started casting. When he finished casting the portal opened. He pulled a bottle of lube from his bag. He walked back to the master. He had a few looking around from the entrance after he stored the bottle of lube. He smiled, "You can come in. This one is not permanent when the spell ends if you are in here it will simply push you out."

He had two adventurous ones looking around. One turned to Lerian, "The design is not elven?"

Lerian smiled, "It is a mixture of design and functionality from multiple influences. The main room was a homage to the old Dragon palace with crushed rocks removed. Back here you have a dining area and through there, you have a stable. Good shelter for the horses while traveling. Back through the master bedroom, well, let me just say you would not believe it unless you saw it."

He walked back and one of them was brave enough to look at the grass, the pool, and sixty-foot-high waterfalls. He shook his head. "This is real?"

Lerian smiled, "Created by magic, the water is real." Lerian walked over to the table, "You probably like your caribou."

He looked at the table. "Silvertree deer steak substitute in caribou steaks standard sides, fruit, wine, mead, and water for 6."

He looked over, "I can feed over 200 people in this shelter."

He saw a few more adventurous types walk inside. He waved them to have a seat. The Chieftain looked inside, shook his head, and walked away. Lerian stayed inside and one of the guys asked, "Why do you stay inside here?"

Lerian smiled, "I do not know the layout of your village, what areas are off-limits, and I stick out enough here that women would be concerned about seeing me walking about.

I do not wish to take food from your people as I know hunting is hit and miss. I know this is not your way of doing things. Then there is the weather. The temperature in here is normal for where I live."

He nodded and left him to his own devices. He waited for another hour. He walked out, "Seal portal."

The Chieftain waved Lerian over, "Why cast that here?"

Lerian smiled, "Chieftain, picture asking that question to a 30-year-old who comes back and is casting that and a lot more magic. These children when and if they return will have gifts. Some more than others. Their children will be in the same boat. I set up an environment that was comfortable for me in regards to the temperature.

I do not have your natural cold resistance. These boots make it tolerable but when the time comes to take my wife, I prefer not to have these big ugly things on my feet in order to keep from losing what little body heat I have at the moment. Follow me for a moment and let me show you something."

He followed Lerian inside and he took him to the falls. "Silent Falls is twice as high. This is an homage to that holy site. Several champions have been married in these secure shelters in order to save lives.

One champion spent from the age of 72-75 years of age on the run. Living in these and moving from one location to another. The last Silvertree from Eldar's line, had a drow champion attack him at the Silvertree estate. That drow champion exploded when killed and my ancestor barely escaped with his life.

The enemy used rings with necromancy to steal the bodies of our elven people and store the spirits until the rings get purified or destroyed. Rings with improved invisibility. What I am trying to say is our enemy uses these tools. Even if it is not your way you will have to come to accept that it is needed or your people will perish.

The estate was rebuilt with 7 buildings there were small to medium buildings. Then these shelters were built inside of them by Jarronus and those who followed. Permanent versions of these with Draconic magic embedded in them in order to raise the families in a secure environment.

At that point, he was the last heir. He set the foundation to grow to over 35,000 heirs in the following centuries and root out corruption in the family.

When a champion is hunted, they go after your family, friends, rulers, or what you are not protecting. The idea with Quatarsia was to bring in new blood, expand the population, and new skills from the humans which got incorporated.

You will see mage specialists, sorcerers, arcane archers, Zen archers, blade singers, paladins, clerics, martial arts which are fighters without weapons, and psionics. Combined with the bards, a few non-specialist mages across the entire gambit of skills, rangers, rogues, and fighters.

That is why I said you would not know how to deal with a 15-year-old who is spontaneously casting fireballs; sometimes in their sleep. They have to be trained to control those powers because they would be deadly and counterproductive to growing your population.

There is a human adage, 'You adapt or you die.' The griffon riders, Pegasus riders, and the deep-sea elves before them all destroyed. Isolation killed them. Failure to adapt. This does not hurt anyone.

It protects and feeds them when your population is too large and the herds are too small. Chieftain, you have a lot of thinking to do. About the approach, you're taking. You want their blood and genetics to grow the number of people; but not the talent they have with it.

Let me put this into a hunter's perspective. If all you ever hunt is the herds of caribou. No fish, or any other meat but that; you soon find you have no more left to hunt. You have a variety in your diet to live in harmony with your environment. The problem; this is not the same environment it was 2,000 or 10,000 years ago.

With the changes in the world, you have to have variety in your skills. Yes, the old ways are important. They do not protect you from an enemy who knows you would rather throw a rock than a fireball. A lot to think about in what you're asking for versus what that truly brings."

He nodded his understanding and they walked out of the shelter. It was another 4 hours until he was gathered to go to their holy site to get married. It took another hour to get there. In a grove of heavy fir trees that looked like they had some elven tree genetics. They walked upon a stone outcropping that overlooked a large glacial lake.

Very beautiful and cold as the temperatures dropped. Cresena walked up with a group of ladies, he assumed they were the observation committee. He nodded to them but they did not respond. He reached out and took her hand.

He looked at her, "Normally when a goddess is coming to do a wedding kneeling is appropriate."

She nodded and the 2 of them kneeled and they heard the flutter of wings when she stopped in front of them as though her legs were misty clouds. She hovered in front of them. She looked down, "Please stand."

They did as she asked. Aerdrie Faenya looked back at the Chieftain, "He has tried to put it into the context of your approach to life. He is not wrong. The dying off of the Snow elves is larger than getting the genetic material. It will be required. Adapting your society to deal with those coming in will be another challenge as they will be like him and missing that natural cold resistance is just a start.

Petition the King to add another Arcane Academy if you come to accept this fact. Not a large tower. The very shelters he showed you can be made to look like anything from your society. He has shown you how complex you can make it.

He knows the methods to make the environments adjustable for non-snow-elves to live comfortably inside. Boots of warmth are items you will NEED for this plan of the tribes to work. Not until those children take snow elf mates and the children produced would have that resistance in them alone.

What these new children you are asking to be returned who are only half-snow elf would lack the tolerance for this environment. You will have to move further south to make the environment more hospitable to those you are seeking aid from.

Else except more magical talent and gear to make your plan work. He knows others who can make this happen. The King will be receptive when this conflict is over. You just have to embrace adapting your society to the changes that are coming."

Aerdrie Faenya looked at Cresena, "Cresena, do you take Lerian into your heart and your bed until death do you part?"

Cresena smiled, "I do."

Aerdrie Faenya turned to Lerian, "Lerian, do you take Cresena into your heart and your bed until death do you part?"

Lerian smiled, "I do."

She looked over, "The rings please." A woman next to her extended a shaky hand toward Aerdrie Faenya and placed two rings into her palm. Aerdrie Faenya looked at them, "These rings are representative of the circle of life. There is a lot of death going on in the kingdom. Do your part and create more life. Three out of every four of her children will be male. It will be normal for any other wife or wives you add.

If they want another snow-elf with a Silvertree then some Silvertree males were enamored by her beauty. He has one and he will be producing a lot of children with her. Others can learn where to seek them out, but they will keep their family name unless you send males in to get wives, and then you face the other challenges you have continued to ignore. Like them surviving in this environment."

Lerian looked at Cresena and she smiled. Aerdrie Faenya continued, "I know what you want to ask me. The questions circling about your future are still swirling. I cannot answer those. The question of why I have not simply fixed the infertile is because it does not solve the problem.

That problem being their population is too small. They need to send more of their ladies south to find husbands. Some husbands to find wives is trickier without them finding accommodations for those wives; that would require magical assistance they do not wish to embrace.

We do not direct which ones will return and which ones will not. That advice about holding too tightly had Corellon Larethian questioning some of his decisions. If a God, especially him, can consider those words...then a chieftain and elders should be doing the same. Else in a thousand years, you will have the same populace as the Deep Sea elves. They are extinct in this world. Live well."

Aerdrie Faenya did one thrust of her wings and she was in the air and gone faster than any spell he had seen. He kissed his bride and she pulled back. She smiled, "Not our custom in public until we have bonded."

Lerian nodded. "Any other requirements?"

She shook her head. He looked around, "The ladies that will be observing please gather around me."

They did so and he teleported them back into the council hall. He stuck a hand out and the portal opened. They walked inside and the ladies followed. He looked back, "Seal portal." He walked over to the tabled, "Silvertree Sea-bass, salad, fruit, mead, wine, and water. For 8."

They watched all the food appear. He looked at the ladies, "You might not be allowed to speak to me but this will take time and energy. I recommend eating."

They all ate in silence. He walked into the room and stripped out of his clothes ready to go. He looked at Cresena, "They check already?"

She nodded, "Yes, that part is done."

He walked over and helped to strip her completely naked. He picked her up and placed her on the bed and kissed her and ran his hand over her tits. He backed off and pushed her legs toward her, "Hold them." She held them and folded them behind her head.

He smiled, "Very flexible." She nodded. Lerian measured off and popped through her virginity. He kept it slow until he was all the way in. He pulled her back toward the edge of the bed and took slow strokes. He spent the next 30 minutes holding back as he picked up speed. He slammed forward and filled up her cunt. He started right back up again and went straight to full speed. 30 minutes later put the second into her.

He then repeated that through 7 of his climaxes. It leaked from around his cock and down the crack of her ass. He slid her back to the middle of the bed, "See it spill out onto the bed after I withdraw, correct?"

She nodded. He grabbed her calves and undid her legs as he slid out quickly and she groaned another climax as his seed shot out toward him and down the side of the bed. He backed up and let the ladies get in and check on her.

They whispered to her and then they left. They got to the portal, "unseal portal."

It opened. He watched them leave. He sighed, "Seal portal."

He looked at her, "Let me on the secret."

She laughed, "One told me that is what she calls getting good and fucked. She also said I have two boys growing in me."

He nodded. "The other?"

She smiled, "My mother. She told me I fucking knew how to pick them. She was glad she ate. They are normally out in under 20 minutes. Not 4 and a half hours."

He nodded, "Did the cleric heal up your sore cunt?"

She shook her head. He walked over and grabbed the lubricant. He carried her into the chamber pot so she could push the rest of it out. She looked at him, "I thought I was going to explode."

He smiled, "I felt the pressure pushing back. Did any of the others say anything?"

She smiled, "My great-grandmother. She told me I might want a second wife with this one. She has NEVER recommended that to anyone! My mother looked shocked at the suggestion. I think she feels you were going right back to my cunt."

Lerian smiled, "The thought crossed my mind." He took her into a shower and bent her over as he lubed up both hands. He rubbed her clit and as he worked the first few fingers into her. He got behind her and lined up his other hand on her cunt.

Lerian worked the finger in and slid both hands into her at the same time and she moaned out and sprayed the floor. He made fists in both and took turns on which one he thrust with. She shook and came again and again. Slamming down like a vice in both orifices. He leaned over. "You like me ravaging you like this."