Singular Muck


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Jo was the designated blowjob-giver, but I figured she might be interested in a little nookie, too.

My attention returned to Cindi, and our eyes locked in shared joy at the beauty of cock sliding into slippery-hot cunt. I said, "Just to be a little naughty here... I love fucking you, Cindi."

Her climb up the orgasm curve was getting close, and I'd only been going 3 or 4 minutes. She replied in a gasping-breath, "Oh fuuuuccyeah... I love getting... FUcked by... your cock, Kevin..."

An almost-too-cool hand on my back alerted me to someone nearby, and Jo was there, but also Santi, and both were naked. Santi climbed back onto the table next to Cindi, and Jo stood by her side, watching my cock push into Cindi with the steady rhythm I'd set up.

Santi's muff was pretty big as a wide triangle that went under, too, with no trimming done at all. I'd seen porn like that from the 1970's, a full black wrapper all over her sex, and I wondered why it was that she hadn't cut it. Her face looked down at where I was going into Cindi, not at my face - just breathing hard and licking her lips like she was imagining.

Still, she wasn't touching herself, and I knew that if she was naked, and looking like that, she Wanted Cock. If I was going to get into her, I didn't want to go in until she was really really really ready, so I asked, "Jo? Can you please lick Santi out? She'd like that so much, and I need to know she's ready for me."

They looked at each other with some nervousness, I figured out, and Jo leaned in to give her a kiss, first on the cheek and then a hug, their breasts pressing together as they got closer to each other.

Damn sexy!

Hwa Tran came up behind me, then, touching my back, and I could see she wasn't quite naked but had underwear on, and I figured there was a reason for that, so I turned my attention back to stroking into Candi.

Candi's face said she was close, but she'd been close for a minute or so, so I said, "Come for me, Candi. Come on my cock. Come while I'm stroking..."

I didn't need to finish the sentence. Her eyes rolled and squeezed shut, her gasps turned to deep gutteral groans of pleasure, and she suddenly held me, hard, shuddering and writhing around as I tried to keep my cock moving at least a little. Below, her pussy pulsed on me, clench-pause-clench-pause-clench... she was coming, hard.

The other girls watched this with me, and Hwa said, "Do it, honey, come on that cock!"

Jo had bent down and was holding Santi's lips open with her fingers and licking up her lips. Both of them were humming, sort-of, and I listened to that as Candi's orgasm faded.

My own orgasm seemed imminent and I said so, and warned Santi that as soon as I started coming, I was going to pull out and stroke into her, and Jo, too, if she wanted it and stuck her butt out.

They didn't get much chance to reply, because I started coming.

Sure enough, I was out of it for the first couple of spurts, but then I managed to drag my senses back and shifted over to where Jo had been, and pushed into Santi to finish myself out.

Santi's face went white and her mouth opened wide, and I realized the initial resistance I'd felt, and the ultra-tight grip I continued to feel, was possibly... virginity?

"Santi? Are you... were you a virgin?"

She shook her head no. "Not a virgin. One time before, wasn't good at all. This is... way better. Surprising, is all."

I closed my eyes and let myself finish my orgasm while I stroked into her.

Jo appeared next to me, propped up against the table, legs wide and butt towards me and looking back over her shoulder. To Santi, I said, "Be right back."

Pulling out of Santi, I shifted over and lined up to go into Jo, and did that, slower and steadier than I'd been with Santi because I wasn't as rushed. There were still some convulsions from my ball-sack, so I knew I was still pumping out something, but I kept it up for 20 strokes and then moved back to Santi for another 20.

I wasn't going to come again that fast, so I slowed way down and then paused, but after a moment I felt myself want to keep going again.

Santi's boobs swayed delightfully, and I had fun squeezing them and then kissing her, and kissing Jo who sidled up beside me to press her breasts against me, her whole body really but the part I noticed most was her boobs against my elbow and forearm.

I was surrounded by sexy, and wow, oh, yes, there it goes, and I came again, this time closing my eyes and just letting my brain overflow with powerful joy-filled moments of ecstasy.

My cock was Where It Should Be, in a pussy, a tight-gripping wet pussy that liked being filled, based on its owner's gasps.


After I finished, I let myself back away, and Santi lay back on the table, her legs up. She surprised me, then, by turning around and putting her feet against the wall and walking her hips up so she was balanced on her shoulders.

If you've not heard of this, it's to promote getting pregnant.

The reaction she was getting from my ejaculate, just like Candi, was some kind of extended orgasm, where her face just lit up in open-mouthed slack-jawed beatific smiles.

Jo had one, too, though not as big of one, maybe.

Hwa Tran bent down on one knee, then, and started licking me up and down, cleaning me off, but in the process it was obvious she was getting more from the experience than I was.

Something was definitely Odd about my cum. Normal people didn't have this happen. These women had been drugged, and technically it was me doing it, but someone had done it to me, first.

Something to consider. Maybe the PINETREE had put a drug in something I ordered online - I thought again about the vitamins and canned goods I'd had delivered both before and after the Wreckoning started.

Once I was clean, I walked over and was about to get my clothes, but Hwa said, leave them since they needed laundering anyway, and just walk upstairs, as is.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be outside without clothes on.

Kim could do it.

Who would arrest me? The town cops were busy dealing with umpteen new people arriving, and they seemed remarkably ineffective against the meth dealers anyway.

I waited about 10 minutes for Candi and Santi to finish 'resolving', or whatever it was called when you're coming down from a great orgasm.

We all walked out of the laundry room holding hands - naked.

Out of the basement, naked.

Up the stairs into the cool, refreshing outside air, naked.

Kim was gone, probably having taken all the stuff upstairs. We walked around and up, and on the way, ran into Alice and Suha. Their eyes got big when they saw us, and they stopped walking.

Suha was greatly amused, "So... having fun, I see?"

Before I could respond, Candi said, "Oh My Fucking God, don't you know it! Best orgasm of my life, bar none, ever."

Suha's smile turned into a giggle, "Well then."

Santi said, "Oh, and mine, too! I don't... it's just beyond! No comparison. Ever."

Alice said, "Good to know. I got a small taste this morning, but..."

I wondered if just having a taste would mean I could tell Alice what to do, or Suha, or anyone. Was there a limit?

Could I just tell people what to do?

This was morally questionable. At the same time, if I didn't know, I might be subjecting people to further risk if I had power and didn't know what the limits of it were. I might hurt someone, seriously, by accidentally telling them to do something destructive or violent.

I was NOT violent.

At least I hoped I wasn't...

Still, I didn't want to make someone do something that would hurt them. Could I test this, without hurting anyone?

In the laundry room, they'd just all followed the request, not just Jo, even though I realized then that I must have not been specific enough.

What would they do?

I said, kind of assertively - not like I was ordering, but definitely more than a suggestion, "Alice. Take a knee, and lick some of my cum from Santi's pussy. You can taste it again. Santi, open your pussy for her."

They looked at me, all of them, a little startled, and then kind of shrugged. Alice got down in a crouch, and Santi walked over and straddled her kneel slightly. Her head buried in Santi's quite-puffy pubic hair, I saw Alice's jaw and lips move. We all watched, fascinated.

"So, Alice, how does it taste?"

"Ohhhh... amazzzzzing..."

I turned to Suha. "Suha, you want a taste?"

She looked at me, considering. "Yes and no. I do, 'cuz I tasted it this morning and it's like the best thing ever? But, it's like, taboo? I'm straight, and licking a girl is, like, pretty gay? I'm okay with that, as an idea, but... I haven't done that before, so..."

"Would it help if i told you to?"

"Oh, then, sure, I would, absolutely. You're kind of in-charge in... the scenario that is my life, right now, I guess."

"Suha, take over and give Santi a couple of licks."

Santi backed up and moved over to Suha, letting Alice stand up with a kind of dazed look in her eyes.

Suha licked up Santi's muff several times, again with her jaw working and lips smacking with a suction, before Santi backed up and let Suha stand up again.

They both were kind of slack-faced happy.

There was definitely something going on, this was not normal. I shouldn't be able to tell girls what to do like this.

More than that, I shouldn't tell people to do things like this, IN GENERAL - it seemed wrong.

At the same time, it wasn't hurting anyone's body, or persona. I might be reshaping someone's idea of what was allowed in their life, but all love is love, and if they were going to be living with me, in a town with relatively few men vs. lots of women, they'd probably benefit from dropping some preconceptions.

That's entirely apart from the actual conceptions. I had to laugh at myself, making puns no one would hear, like my inner monologue deserved a laugh track overdub.

We left Suha and Alice, they had been about to leave to go for a walk, and trooped upstairs.

The apartment was full, though not of the same people. Sue was having a meeting about what kind of garden or greenhouses we should build, with people who'd done gardening before.

When I walked in, naked, the room got quiet and they turned around to look at us.

Candi said cheerfully, "Never mind us, we just had some Amazing Fantastic sex and didn't feel like getting dressed again."

Sue laughed and said, "Great to know."

I kind of shrugged, but as I walked by, I saw a lot of eyes focused on my still half-hard stiffie paving the way in front of me.

I could have sworn I heard someone behind me say somewhat breathily, "I want that thing in me."

What's not to like?

== Chapter: Finding Boundaries? ==

After a rinse-off shower and a chance to get re-dressed, I came out into the living room again. Kim was there, waiting, and we moved off to the side where we could talk privately, it wasn't crowded but it wasn't empty, either.

She handed me a folded slip of paper. "Here."

I looked at it - it read, "xxxx" (a 4 digit number).

"It's my bank card pin." As soon as she said it, though, she looked very confused, pensive, then said, "I know why I did that now. At the time? No idea. Now?... you told me to, and... told me to forget it until now."


"Why in the hell did you do that?"

"Wanted to prove a point. Had to get you to do something that was against the grain, that you normally would never do, to find out if there's a limit to what I can order you to do."

"You can tell me to do anything, I think. I feel it. I love you so much, it almost hurts. I have no idea why, for sure, but... it's so deep in me - I just look at you and want to do anything I can to be closer to you, to help you, anything."

"Yesterday, I agreed to not try to make people do lesbian things if they didn't want to." I told her what I'd done in the laundry room, and then on the walkway outside with Alice and Suha, and she was nodding.

"Makes sense. They're feeling what I'm feeling."

"I didn't do this to you - gain power over you? - on purpose."

"Somehow that totally doesn't matter, if you did, or not."

I reached out and softly grabbed her breast, naked as it was, and started kneading it. She stepped forward into the move and licked her lips a little.

"You want to do me again, here? Now? Please? I can do any crazy kinky thing you want..."

I let go and said, "Just checking. I think I can do that to anyone here and they won't care."

"Anytime, Kevin."

I looked around and saw that some other girls were watching what Kim and I were doing. I took the piece of paper over to the sink, ripped it to tiny shreds, and put it in the disposal and ran it.

She said, "Thank you."

Walking back, we joined the discussion of the garden stuff, and I told what I'd gotten our landlord to agree with ("our"? I had to wrap my mind around that).

This modified the plan, and one gal who had an architectural engineering degree set about designing enclosures.

We were interrupted, though - twice.

First, a set of mattresses arrived, 2 kings and two singles for the master (nearly covering the floor), and a mixture of kings, queens, and singles for the other bedrooms, plus quite a few more for the bedrooms downstairs.

The second delivery was a huge set of boxes of flat-pack furniture, household goods and soft-goods (linens, clothes - mostly sweats), into each of the apartments.

Things got a lot more livable in a hurry.

Everyone was excited by the idea of sleeping on a real mattress again, and the chatter turned our gardening meeting into something else

Lastly, five more women arrived:

Tanya Harriman, a recent graduate of Julliard, red-haired, bright-eyed, and brilliant. She'd gotten most of a mathematics degree from Columbia ("next door" to Julliard).

Mekin Sarapoulos, recent emigree and Greek citizen, olive-skinned and dark haired, light build of a mountain runner (from Crete)

Dari Abershev, blonde and stout, from Lithuania, chemical engineering grad-student but life-interrupted and no way to get home to Lithuania. Recently un-engaged.

Dr. Besan Arderssen, blonde med-build swimmer, Finnish military trauma surgeon, came via NATO transport ship.

Dr. Keeni Sarfid, blonde, med-build, runner, Finnish Ob/Gyn, came on same NATO ship

The PINETREE app had two of them in one of the formerly-unoccupied apartments, and the rest in the apartment below me, putting 10 women in one apartment.

Dari didn't speak much English, but she did know French pretty well so we could chat.

Right before dinner, all of our phones beeped.

== ==

The announcement was, the President was going to speak, so get ready near a TV or a radio. There was a youtube livestream, so that worked, too, but I had a TV and we all crowded in to hear it.

== Chapter: Presidential Address ==

The news announcers were talking blather like they normally did, trying to predict what was going to be said. Some leaks had come out about nudity, of all things, and milk, so the prediction was it was going to be about something to do with PINETREE and breastfeeding.

They cut over. President Mariatta appeared, seated calmly behind her desk, but she looked really tired. I could imagine this was one of the hardest Presidencies yet.

_throat clearing noises_, expectant silence, then:

"My fellow Americans.

Please listen carefully. These announcements affect us all.

About 2 weeks ago, the PINETREE contacted the White House. They asked to start negotiations on various important matters. I welcomed ANY contact with them, since we'd had none besides the manifestos and requirements Congress pass certain legislation. Since that was fairly straightforward and we were under duress, we initially complied.

However, any interaction was significant, so we immediately began talks.

My representatives were a mix of cabinet members, expert staff, and the Gang-of-Eight Congressional leaders, along with three randomly-chosen federal judges.

The PINETREE had some requests, and we did also, so we started work on balancing these.

First, let me say, the PINETREE have been extraordinarily direct with what they want.

And, we have also been direct in our concerns. Many Americans, and many around the world, feel that PINETREE is acting as a dictator. We expressed a desire to return to being a representative democracy, under the rule of law.

As you already know, the PINETREE are effectively in control of the world economy, and many local economies as well. All factory production, transportation, communication, intelligence, and information infrastructure is subject to their modification and control. This is worldwide, not just in the United States.

Thus, we are not negotiating from a position of strength.

That said, there are things that we as a government can do, that they want, and they offered some incentives to craft an agreement. This took some weeks, but we now have a preliminary agreement where both the PINETREE and we ourselves get some of what we want.

Firstly, on a large scale, we should note that PINETREE controls much of the world's militaries and thus have stopped - or are stopping - many armed conflicts around the world.

They have requested, and we agreed, to decrease US military spending to about 20% of its current levels, with some mothballing expenses in the first year.

In return for this, the PINETREE will give us technical plans to build a set of electric power generation and storage units sufficient to completely replace most fossil fuel usage.

This will greatly increase our energy independence and reduce the power of unstable oil-producing regimes, so in terms of national economic security, this is an improvement.

Effective immediately, I have ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to immediately prepare plans for military decommissioning and force reduction. This is NOT actual reduction, yet. This is determining amounts, requirements, cots in round numbers, and what kind of security situation we want to end up with, and what the militaries of various other countries are doing.

Our task force, including Congressional leaders, have agreed with PINETREE to enact this force reduction by the best plan the Joint Chiefs can provide. Congressional leaders have agreed to allow the military free choice to implement these changes as they see fit.

I have already signed executive orders ending many military contracts, effective immediately, as a sign of good faith to the PINETREE.

As for the rest of the reduction, PINETREE expects irrevocable orders to implement this in the next two weeks, or we will have to renegotiate the entire package and they have asserted that if that happens, our situation will worsen. Thus, we are proceeding with great haste.

The PINETREE have also asserted that the power balance in the United States is not ethical.

To satisfy their requirements, and in consultation with Congressional leaders, I am today submitting legislation to admit four new states to the United States.

These may be a surprise to you. They are as follows: Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, District of Columbia, and Outerlands.

All current U.S. territories would be part of the Commonwealth of Outerlands. The Outerlands, Puerto Rico, and D.C. would be effective immediately upon passage by Congress. Haiti and the Dominican Republic will have popular votes next month, courtesy of PINETREE, and the door will remain open to them even if they at first reject the option.

In exchange for this reconfiguration, the PINETREE have agreed to provide the U.S. with technology for space launch vehicles capable of high efficiency, simple, and inexpensive transportation to Earth orbit and beyond. This would include, obviously, the Moon, Mars, or anywhere else we wish to go. They will also provide technical assistance with setting up permanent manned colonies.
