Sisterhood - Initiation Ch. 09


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"So, no initiation for the boob monster yet," Yvonne declared, following Leah's gaze. She turned to Annika, "See anything else you like?"

"Boob monster," Leah echoed, laughing childishly despite herself.

"Are you a tit girl, Annika? Or ass?" Yvonne went on, her voice breaking into a giggle, "We know you've got the hots for Leah, but that doesn't tell us much, because she's got both!" Yvonne put her arms about Leah's waist to embrace her from behind, then grabbed Leah's breasts and gave them a rough shake up and down.

"Ah," Leah couldn't stop herself from shrieking with delight, "That tickles!"

"Let's be a little more discreet, shall we?" Annika spoke without looking up from the scene below.

Yvonne coughed, let go of Leah and stepped aside, "Sorry, yes. I get a bit giddy when I'm horny."

Leah looked down and saw that two girls standing in a small throng at the edge of the dance floor were looking up at them. They glanced away quickly as Leah met their gaze.

"What about that girl you came with?" Annika looked up and turned to Leah.

"Who?" Leah asked.

"Leah's sister, you mean?" said Yvonne.

"Cousin," said Leah. She realized that she had completely forgotten about Caroline. She couldn't remember even thinking of her for what seemed like ages. Perhaps the last time it had crossed Leah's mind to wonder where Caroline might be had been back in the small guest room with Annika, when Leah had been getting dressed and realized that her phone was in Caroline's handbag.

"What was her name again?" Annika asked.

"Caroline," Leah replied. It felt a little strange to even say the name. So much of the atmosphere of the evening had changed since Leah had last seen her cousin. There had been such a rush of revelation and of excitement that their arrival at the gates perhaps a few hours earlier felt like a different aspect of life, a memory rather than a fresh experience.

"Oh yeah," Yvonne enthused, "Good choice. At least, if you like fat girls."

"She wasn't fat," Annika retorted.

"I'm not judging. It's okay if you do," Yvonne held up her hands, "And I bet she fucks like an absolute beast."

"Have you seen her?" Leah asked Annika, scanning the dense crowd below and trying to ignore Yvonne's remark. Leah was secretly pleased to hear Yvonne refer to Caroline as 'fat', but at the same time vaguely disturbed by the image of her cousin having sex with Yvonne, or with Annika.

"I mean, in my experience girls with that much ass need some serious plowing before they're satisfied," Yvonne continued, seeming to be talking as much to herself as to anyone else.

"I don't see her anywhere," Annika frowned, "What was she wearing?"

Leah had to think for a moment before she could recall what she and Caroline had been wearing when they arrived at the ball. "Um, black. With shoulder straps. Like what I was wearing before..."

"Oh she'll have taken that off ages ago," Yvonne was staring idly out across the space of the hall, eyes not focused anywhere, "She might have kept her shoes on if she was in a hurry, but she'll be naked and bouncing up and down on some lucky girl's dick by now. Probably onto her third or fourth."

"Yvonne, for fuck's sake, you're obsessed!" Annika complained, pulling back from the edge of the balcony to turn to Yvonne, "And you were making fun of me for liking fat girls."

"Annika!" Yvonne snapped out of her reverie with a feigned gasp of distaste, "That's just rude. She was not fat."

On an impulse that she didn't completely understand, or perhaps just felt ashamed to examine, Leah blurted, "I suppose I'm onto my third so far, right?"

"Aha," Yvonne's eyes sparkled with her smile, "Indeed. And here's me wasting my imagination on idle fantasy when we have the real thing right here in front of us." She put her arm once again about Leah's shoulders.

Leah felt a warm rush of excitement on hearing Yvonne's words, pressed herself a little closer to Yvonne's side.

"Your third?" Annika asked, "So there wasn't...?"

"No, no," Leah inferred Annika's question, "There was you, and then Lena brought me up to your rooms, and then, um..."

"Well," Yvonne looked down over the balcony's edge, "I guess we can try to find you your fourth, while Annika is still looking for her first."

"It's not a competition Yvonne," Annika objected, "And anyway it wouldn't be my first."

"Well, the first one you might actually get to put it into instead of just coming all over her as soon as she gets her tits out," Yvonne laughed.

Leah couldn't tell how much of Yvonne's teasing was really just exuberant banter between friends. Annika looked a little disheartened, and Leah felt a sort of warm sympathy for the shy, pretty girl. "She put it into me," Leah said, then turned to Annika, "And you can put it in me again later if you like."

"I look forward to it," said Annika meekly.

Yvonne, her tone sounding perhaps a little chastened, continued, "So Leah, have you seen any girls you like?"

Having not quite been able to let go of the thought of where Caroline might be, Leah's mind was still cast back to earlier in the evening. Prompted by Yvonne's question, she thought again of her first brief dance with Marianne. As the evening had gone on, and as fresh excitements and emotions had kept her rushing bewildered from one moment to the next, Leah had stopped only a few times to think again of Marianne. Leah's pussy burned with longing as she recalled their kiss, at the time the height of her excitement. Since she had talked to Annika and had learned that Marianne, too, was a Sisterhood girl, and had been reassured that they might meet again later in the evening, Leah had slowly come to assume without realizing it that she would eventually be led to Marianne and be taken by her, embraced, pleasured, or that something would happen between the two of them. And so she had tucked the anticipation away at the back of her mind, not quite daring to savor it.

"Leah?" It was Annika's voice.

"Oh," Leah laughed, focused her gaze again on the crowd below them, not looking at the other two girls, "Well, there was the girl that we were introduced to right back at the beginning of the first dance, who made the welcome announcement." Leah cringed, feeling a little ridiculous, like a nervous youngster revealing a secret crush.

"Marianne, you mean?" Annika asked.

"Marianne?" something different in Yvonne's voice, a break from her usual gaiety and self-assured impudence, made Leah turn and look at her.

"That's right, Marianne," Leah replied.

Was it simply an innocent, unabashed lust in Yvonne's voice, or something more like a sort of reverence? She snapped out of it as soon as she looked at Leah. "Well," she chirped, "With any luck by the time you get to her she'll be at least your tenth or eleventh. For now, we need more immediate targets."

"Targets," Annika muttered, rolling her eyes, "So Yvonne, you're the oh-so-cunning one. What's the plan?"

"We make use of our best asset: Leah. She's going to help you. But first, she needs a quick crash course in some basic skills."

"Okay," Annika seemed skeptical, "Like what?"

"Sussing out Sisters, for a start," Yvonne gestured to the dancers and minglers beneath them, "She can't help you find an offering if she doesn't know which are eligible and which are the competition."

"Ooh," Leah was excited. She hoped she might learn more about the nature of the Sisterhood as well, "So, what's the secret?"

"No secret really, you just get a good sense for it after a while," Yvonne looked down, "A quick bit of practice should get you up to speed with the basic principles."

"Ooh, I like this game too," Annika seemed to be cheering up.

"You know most of them by now," said Yvonne.

"Don't worry, I won't give any answers away," Annika replied, "Go on."

"So," Yvonne turned to Leah, guiding her gaze with a subtle nod and glance towards the alcove bar in one corner of the hall, where they had ordered their drinks earlier in the evening, "We can start with an easy one: What about Louise, the barmaid?"

Leah watched Louise, still nearly naked in her flimsy bikini bottoms and flip-flop sandals, trotting out from behind the bar to retrieve a cluster of empty glasses and stack them on a tray, her big breasts swinging free. "Well, um..." Leah hesitated. She hated tests, always worried she would embarrass herself by giving an obviously stupid answer.

"It's not a trick question," Yvonne encouraged her.

"Well, she's not one, right? Not a Sister, I mean," Leah looked into Yvonne's eyes.

"Exactly right. No way there's any surprise hiding under that tiny bikini."

"Okay," Leah breathed a sigh of relief.

"I mean, not a Sisterhood kind of surprise," Yvonne went on, "Of course there's plenty of normal wholesome fun to be had in her underwear."

"Wait, have you fucked her?" Annika asked.

"I might have," replied Yvonne nonchalantly, "Anyway..."

"No you haven't," Annika scoffed, "She gets you do like an entire evening's washing up just in return for a putting it between her tits."

"Hah!" Yvonne laughed out loud, smiling with innocent enjoyment, "And you washed the dishes, did you? Are you that desperate?"

"Well, I mean, it's what I've heard," Annika mumbled.

"Anyway," Yvonne turned back to Leah, "That's one basic easy principle. The Sisterhood has its magic, but the basic laws of dick-physics still apply: You can't magic it away. If you don't see anywhere it could be hiding, then it isn't there."

"Magic?" Leah asked.

"Later," Yvonne dismissed the question with a wave of her hand.

"Dick-physics!" Annika put her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle.

Yvonne rested her elbows on the ledge of the balcony. She pointed discreetly, "So what about that girl there in the colorful dress. You see? The small thin one standing at the edge of the dance floor."

Leah saw who she meant. The girl was slim, with lightly tanned skin and shoulder-length dark hair. Even at a distance, Leah found her strikingly pretty. Her sleeveless dress was straight and very short, of a thin white material, splashed with broad strokes of clear pastel colors in a chaotic, eye-catching pattern.

Leah wasn't sure. She took a guess, "Maybe she's not one either?"

"Right," Yvonne punched Leah playfully in the arm, "You're a natural."

"Wait. How do you know?" Annika asked.

"Me? Or Leah?" Yvonne replied.

"Well, um, I'd be interested to hear both your answers, I suppose."

Yvonne turned to Leah, "Leah? Have a go. What's your intuition about why in this case?"

Leah was unsure. She felt she had just guessed. Or the girl just somehow didn't look quite right to be one of the Sisterhood. Leah wondered, watching the girl now crossing the dance floor, stepping primly between closely pressed groups and couples. "Is it the dress? Maybe you just don't dress like that?"

Yvonne nodded, "Probably a bit too short. In a dress that short and that flimsy you would be able to see the compression shorts already, but with her you can almost see the bottom of her ass cheeks. Maybe she isn't even wearing anything at all under there."

"Going bare in that kind of outfit would be suicide," Annika added, "One clumsy fall and your dress rides up. Instant expulsion from the Sisterhood. Doesn't even bear thinking about."

"Or imagine getting hard," Yvonne nodded agreement. She addressed Leah again, "In general, Sisterhood girls will be dressed in longer skirts or dresses for better concealment, or in a good strong pair of tight jeans, leggings, something to hold their secrets squashed tightly between their legs." Yvonne winced.

"Or preferably both," Annika looked down at her own outfit, the frilly, long skirt over her black leggings.

"It's not an absolute rule, but you can eliminate quite a few on clothing," Yvonne continued, "And in any case, you were right."

"And how are you so sure?" Annika asked Yvonne.

"About what?"

"About that girl we just saw," Annika answered, "That she's definitely not Sisterhood."

"Oh I know," Yvonne replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, let me guess," Annika drawled sarcastically, one hand on her hip, "You fucked her. Of course. You fucked her and her twin sister both. And they had multiple moaning groaning orgasms, begging and drooling for more of the amazing sex goddess Yvonne."

Yvonne let out the same hearty laugh she had given a moment before, tossing her head back in delight, "Annika. I hadn't noticed you were watching us."

"Yes, very funny," Annika replied, "Don't believe her lies Leah."

Leah was happy, somehow relieved, to see that Annika seemed to be brightening up, was warming to Yvonne's giddy humor.

"Now who's the one being indiscreet?" Yvonne chided.

"There's no way anyone can hear us," Annika replied dismissively.

It was true, Leah reflected. Through the blended murmur of voices, footsteps, laughter, the music beneath it all, she could not make out any specific conversation below them. And the same must have been true of their conversation from the point of view of those on the floor of the great hall. Leah wondered, however, what some of the girls below might make of the gestures the other two were making as they talked.

"Now, how about a more difficult one?" Yvonne leaned out and peered down, "Those two brunettes holding hands. In jeans."

Leah followed suit and looked down. Beneath the balcony and a little to the left, by the main entrance to the hall, two petite, slim girls had just entered and were wandering their way into the space of the hall, holding each other firmly by the hand. They looked quite similar to one another, both with straight, free brown hair to below their shoulders, one darker, a deep chestnut color, the other lighter and wispy, tucked behind her ears. They were dressed somewhat alike, too. Both in low-cut flat shoes and very tight faded jeans that clung to the shape of their hips. The darker-haired one was wearing a snug, navy blue and white striped tank top, its broad straps sitting across her pale shoulders. The top was short enough to bare a thin band of pale skin around her flat stomach and shapely hips. Leah noticed that she was wearing a silver ring in her nose.

The lighter-haired girl was wearing a white cotton t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. It was thin and a little translucent, and she wore it very loosely, draped over her shoulders. She was very slim, and delicate, more so than the other girl, and Leah could see she was clearly braless, her plump and slightly pointy breasts showing through the flimsy shirt where it hung off her stiff nipples, and at times fully visible from the side through the wide open ragged sleeves.

"Isn't that...?" Annika began, then stopped herself.

Yvonne shushed her, looked at Leah.

"Well," Leah hesitated, "I guess if Annika knows them..."

"Right," Yvonne completed the thought, "They must be Sisterhood. Annika rather gave the game away there. But it isn't so obvious, right?"

Leah looked again. The two girls had reached the dance floor, were standing face to face and swaying, somewhat halfheartedly, while chatting to one another. "I don't know," Leah thought she could see or sense it somehow, though she wasn't sure whether she was just convincing herself of it after the fact. There was something slightly different, not anything in the look but rather in the movement, and maybe in the facial expressions. A knowing brightness in the eyes, a certain careful poise. Leah had felt it back when she had first met Yvonne. She had thought it was simply confidence, swagger or a sort of sexual energy, but even Annika, though shy and seemingly so self-conscious, had it too.

Just as Leah turned to look away, the lighter-haired girl glanced up and caught her eye, then swiftly looked down at her feet.

"Jeans is a little bit risky of course, if you plan on getting close up to anyone," Yvonne straightened up, continuing, "But you can make it easier by making sure you've thoroughly spent yourself just before you arrive," she glanced back over the edge, "As I'm sure those two have."

"You know them?" Leah asked curiously.

Yvonne waved her hand again enigmatically, "A bit. Frivolous bitches."

"So..." Annika sighed after a moment's silence had passed.

"Leah seems to be a fast learner," Yvonne clapped her arm about Leah's shoulder once again, "Perceptive. She and I are going to help lure victims in with our irresistible beauty. Then, when they find out that Leah and I are already fucking each other, they'll settle for you instead."

"Oh thanks," said Annika sarcastically, "That's the plan, is it?"

"But first," Yvonne chirped, "There is something more immediately important that Leah can help you with. Dear Annika, you are looking terribly tense. If you're going to go out and get lucky, you need to loosen up a bit."

"What?" asked Annika. Leah couldn't tell whether her expression was worry or excitement.

"We're going to go back out there for a moment," Yvonne nodded towards the low door through which they had entered, "Just briefly, before we head downstairs, and you get to have one quick go on Leah, just to help you relax a bit."

"Yvonne! No," Annika sounded anxious, yet torn.

"It's okay. There'll be nobody. Who ever bothers coming up to the upper terrace?" said Yvonne, lowering her voice, "Besides, I'll be keeping watch in case anyone comes by. I'm just that much of an amazing, selfless friend."

Annika hesitated, "And has Leah been consulted about this part of her role in your amazing clever plan?"

Over the last few minutes, listening to two other girls chat freely about themselves and talk about sex and the Sisterhood, Leah had felt a slow swell of excitement build up inside her. Now her heart quickened a step and her pussy flushed with a wave of warmth.

"I mean, if you want to..." she said to Annika.

Annika looked into Leah's eyes. She said nothing, only sighed and let her shoulders fall in a shrug of resignation, then turned to open the door behind them. Yvonne clasped Leah's shoulders in her hands, squeezed affectionately, and shoved her forward.

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saffron_threadsaffron_threadabout 1 year ago

This is so good, the characterization is incredible. I love Yvonne and her cheeky attitude :D Wonderful work for real

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