Size Matters Ch. 05


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"RIGHT THERE!! RIGHT THERE!! AAAAWWNN, IT'S CUH-CUH-CUMMING!!" Brenda wailed as Jose worked her hard. Right as she began dipping and arching her back, the jock decided to shove himself home with authority, driving his cock deep until his balls were slapping up against her clit.

This caused the teen to rear up screaming loudly as she experienced a leg shaking orgasm. Jose glanced over at Cesar with a smirk of one-ups man ship, stoking a simmering rivalry. Cesar pushed down on the back of Angie's head awkwardly trying to get her to arch her back similar to her smaller cousin. He started going hard in the paint slamming the enormous cheeks in front of him into hamburger. Angie noticed Jose watching spitefully still pounding away at her cousin realizing what was at foot between the two rivals.

Her shuddering cheeks jiggled independently of one another as Angie began clapping back wetly against his pelvis. The thug couldn't believe the sheer weight of her thunderous derriere so powerful that he was obliged to grab her shoulders for leverage. Her cunt was pulsing, tightening up around his shaft in waves. Angie's head rose as her face flushed crimson, the baby faced teen finding herself eye to eye with her cousin in a similar condition.

"AAAAAHHHHH, AAAAAAHHHH, ANNNNN-AWWWWN-ANNNGIE!!" Jose was managing to hit her narrow, modest ass so hard that ripples were appearing on its tan surface. He found Brenda beyond tight almost unable to move.

"FUH!! FUHHHH!! FUH-FUH-FUUUUKKKK BRENNNNN-DAAAAAAAA!!" Angie responded seizing up around Cesar, going harder as their lower halves clapped together loudly. Her eyes were squinted, mouth agape surrounded by glistening lips that called out to her cousin.

"I'M CUMMMING, CUMMMING, AWWWW SHIT, AAAAHHHH FUUUCCKKK!!" The loud, shrill crying and whining of both girls was deafening as both of the young women went into a frenzy, stereo humping back into their respective partners. The distressed pleading gasps and yelping cries sent both men over the edge.

Cesar was the first to climax trembling hard as he withdrew ripping the condoms off his penis firing burst after burst at Angie's huge, twerking butt. Jose followed seconds later mashing the petite girl under him down onto her belly before making an absolute mess of her small butt and upper thighs. Brenda continued rolling her hips making the sticky glaze pool in her shallow gluteal cleft.

The bedroom was suddenly quiet with the foursome all huffing and gasping as Angie collapsed face down in the bedding. Her large, massive butt slightly rocked from side to side, both cheeks barely glazed while Cesar admired his handiwork. Jose reached under Brenda cupping and giving her breasts a hearty squeeze before kissing her as she rolled onto her side. She reached back running her fingers through his hair as they stared wistfully into each other's eyes. His hand ran along her flat belly towards her sex, but Brenda stopped him from touching her mound.

"It's hurting, go over there and fuck Angie some more, baby." His eyes widened more out of response to her request than the tactile denial.


"It's okay, just do it; Cesar come over, please." There was this sort of crestfallen expression on her face as Angie looked up finding a level of shock on Jose's face.

Cesar stood back from the edge of the bed watching the exchange, puzzled.

"Come on over here and make me happy, bonito." Angie encouraged with a reassuring smile, knowing him well. The young, promising athlete rose on his knees looking at the cousins, together.

"Hey man, is it cool?" Cesar asked out of the blue.

"Yeah." Jose answered after a few minutes as Angie motioned for him to come over. Both of the eighteen year old moved in a counter clockwise motion around the bed keeping reasonably clear of each other to avoid the innate awkwardness of the situation.

Angie wearily rolled over sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at Jose finding him watching the other coupling. Cesar crawled onto the bed kneeling by Brenda's head, still pensively watching his rival. The petite teen stared at her former boyfriend understanding what was happening deep inside. For so long, she'd presented him a false, almost chaste version of herself and now all was laid bare in dramatic fashion. She wanted to blame her cousin Angie Delgado for this fall from grace, but now understood her own culpability more than ever. Cesar knew her more intimately on a physical level and nothing more. It was an active choice made out of petulance and spoiled entitlement. Her thin fingers handled Cesar's endowment, softly stroking it for a few moments before it found a home between her lips. Jose's eyes widened slightly in mute emotion which poked at her thumping heart enough to turn away into Cesar's crotch.

"Hey, don't I get no love, bonito?" Angie rubbed one of his muscular thighs, leaning forward peppering his abdomen with light kisses. She looked up into his face knowing what she was witnessing, opting to take his cock into her mouth. Her hands cupped his buttock softly pushing the athlete into her mouth.

"Hey, give me a hug, okay?" Angie took both of his hands pulling Jose down on top of her body. Her arms went around his back simultaneously locking her heels in the small of his back. Cesar was already looking down at Brenda slowly sucking him off. She planted a few kisses on his neck and cheek before using both hands to direct his attention to her face.

"Kiss me." He glanced down at her, knowing this was the first woman he'd ever been with also remembering her earlier words of advice about sex.


Their lips merged in series of escalating kisses until they were making out in their own little bubble. Cesar knelt over Brenda's head on all fours carefully making love to her mouth while she lay on her back staring up at his tattooed abdomen. Jose worked his hips until he managed to push his cock into Angie's honeypot up to the hilt. Angie started clenching on each thrust also bring all four of her limbs into play still making out with him.

"That feels so good, I like that a lot Jose." Angie whispered encouragement into his ear, running a hand over his back as he began to move a little faster.

"Yeah, that's it baby; it hurts a little but just keep it up." He was huffing now, going faster and faster as her began to crest. Angie managed to cling to his body in this mild feminine manner planting kisses on his cheek intermittently lapping at his ear before sucking on Jose's earlobe.

"Cum for me, Jose; I want some of your cum. Give it to me, please cause I need it. I want you to make some cream for me, baby." His balls were slapping audibly against the bottom of Angie's huge ass, his breathes coming quicker until he was almost whining into her right ear with his chin hooked over her right shoulder.

"Come on baby, make me some milk. Please Jose, please cum for me, alright?"

She'd started humping up into his thrusts, working hard to get him over the crest. His pelvis slapped loudly against her mound as the handsome jock rose over Angie in the push up position.

"DO IT JOSE, YOU FUCKING CUM FOR MEEEEEE!! I WANNA SEE YOU SPURTING THAT WHITE STUFF EVERYWHERE!! JOSE, JOSE, JOOOOOOO-SEEEEEE!!" He was relentlessly plunging her cunt so hard that Angie's eyes started to roll up into her head.

"AAAAHHHHHHH BRENNNN-DAAAAAA!!" He suddenly yanked his cock out jerking several ropes of cum onto her mound and belly, screaming all the while. Angie quickly reached down handling his reddened member, continually stroking until he could take no more.

Both of them were gasping hard as he opened his eyes staring down at Angie's features finding them softened with a bit of surprise mingled, conflicted. He realized what was said at the moment of climax giving himself away, before glancing over at Brenda. His ex-girlfriend was sitting there along with Cesar watching. The thug was sitting upright with his back against the headboard, Brenda sitting upright between his legs leaning into him. Cesar had an arm draped around Brenda which he slowly removed letting it rest at his side. Brenda was staring starkly, unimaginable emotion of her face as a single tear ran along her cheek. He glanced down finding Angie unwilling to look at his face.

"Uhm, I'm gonna use the shower and get out of here."

"Yeah, sure." Angie replied, sniffling.


The door to the cheap motel room opened loudly slamming into the adjacent wall as Conception stormed into the room followed by the towering biker who'd invaded her comfort zone and life. She'd been whisked off to see an older sister that she would've preferred never existed. That traumatizing experience left her shaken, but the middle aged woman found that more of her self-identity and personality returned the further she got away from the penitentiary. Yet, there was still the matter of settling things with Angle, an expectant trade or sorts for services provided. From their mutual past, she knew there was only one thing he would want. He closed the door working hard to control his temper after a day of dealing with angry, fiery women.

"You know what I think, Conception?"

"No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me, Angel; you always did love the smell of your own fucking farts!" She folded her arms around her chest not wanting to look him in the face.

"See, that's what I'm talking about, bitch!! We did you a solid cutting your ass loose and now you've forgot where you came from!! You really think you're some kind of "regular chick" or something, but I know exactly who you are, Dulce!!"

"Don't call me that!!"

"That's your fucking name!"

"Conception is my name, and don't you fucking forget it, Angel. You got the nerve riding into town and lecturing me, asshole! I've made a pretty good life for myself and Brenda while you fucks, shoved Sofia's kid on me to raise!!"

"She's your niece!!"

"So what, you should've taken her back to my mother's house instead of dropping the pig on my doorstep!! Angie's been nothing but trouble since; I got her out of my house and she's gonna stay out!!"

"Way I hear it, you entitled cunts been on some old Cinderella type shit with Angie; making her your fucking maid when you were supposed to be looking out for her!!"

"She ain't my fucking kid; she gotta earn her keep some kinda way!"

"Well, well, well; listen to you talking all this trash is almost funny considering you were a bust down for all the boys back in the day, honey. Tell me something "Conception"; don't you miss Nova's little backyard parties? Yeah, I loved watching that chunky ass of yours crawling around on your hands and knees looking for dick!! You were one hot piece of ass; a real bitch in heat!!" Her hand pancaked him as hard as she could manage for bringing up memories that she'd long buried in her subconscious. It was all too late as she realized the mistake she'd made peering up into his face.

"No, Angel; I'm sorry-I AAAIEEEEE!!" The back of his hand hit her with the force of a freight train sending her falling backwards onto the motel bed. Angel shook his head as he considered shutting her up for good.

"Check it out; you got a short memory and that offends me, Conception. You really bought into this fairy tale where you weren't ever some slut we got from the fucking coyote, huh bitch?!! Who bought your fucking papers, huh? Yeah, you always did run that fucking mouth and that's why Nova put you on dog duty!! Your sister Sofia was always an asshole, but she knew how to shut the fuck up when you didn't!!"


"Fuck you Conception; just like I fucked your daughter this morning." Her eyes widened, her face becoming a mask of rage and despair. There was no way she could do anything to the man mountain standing over her without a pistol.

"¡¿Te follaste a mi pequeña?! ¡Hijo de puta! ¡Te atraparé por ese hijo de puta! ¡Lo juro por todo lo que sé Angel!" He laughed heartily at her threats wanting to infuriate her even more.

"¡Sí, lo vas a conseguir ahora mismo perra! ¡Necesitas una lección de historia para refrescar tu maldita memoria!" Angel tapped her cheek with a few light slaps, still flashing his trademark smile which was usually a precursor to some sort of vile action on his part. Conception knew this all too well, as his hand cupped one of her breasts.

"So, now you wanna fuck me, too?"

"Just cashing in a check you wrote a long time ago; or don't you remember who paid their tithes to get you outta the life? Yeah, my boy probably knocked you up before he got popped; but we'll never really know for sure, bitch. I kept my word to look out for you and still, you couldn't even do me a solid with Angie!! Been on shit duty with Nova ever since, too."

"So, it's like that, eh? You fuck my daughter and fuck me too, huh?" He was stripping off his wife beater.

"Shut the fuck up; if you weren't all preggers and shit, Nova would've had me drop you off at that fat bitch's house up in the hills, back then!! So, considering all that shit baby; I think I'm owed."

"¡Ven a buscar este coño, bastardo! ¡No quiero volver a escuchar esa mierda mientras viva! ¡TE ODIO ANGEL!" Conception cursed him through gritted teeth peeling her pants and underwear down to her knees before grabbing the bedside table separating the double beds. She turned her big, squarish looking butt in his direction, ruefully.

The shriek that issued forth from her mouth was quickly muffled by his mitt-like hand as he sunk balls deep inside her sex. The monstrous man left his huge cock inside her box, tickling the end of her tunnel, resting there for a few moments before drawing back to hit her with the force of a battering ram. Conception's ass wasn't as big as much as it was wide and squarish. This made it easier to go deep inside her well used cunt. Angel was determined to remind her of the good old days if only through tactile sensation. Her cheeks were spread apart exposing a bit of the "chub rub" that was her secret shame since adolescent days spent as an overweight teen, herself.

Despite herself, Conception gasped loudly with every loud, wet thrust. She hadn't been with anyone as big as the man mountain in years preferring Louis' more manageable size to Angel's third leg. Her inner walls seized up tightly around him, almost caressing his member eventually becoming a vice like grip around the exposed portion of his fleshy cock. The sensation reminded him of her daughter's sex, a feeling that was somewhat addictive as he popped his hips faster wanting more. Conception had become so wet; she was literally dripping down her inner thighs. She bit into her bottom lip trying to keep from crying out tightening her grip on the bedside table. He liked the view of her big, porous butt mashing into his crotch. To Angel, it felt like a big, fluffy pillow or marshmallow bumping against his pelvis.

Her mouth hung open, gaped from the constant thumps as the huge man towered over her. So intense was the repeated pounding, that one of her breasts was shook free of her brassiere. Her throaty moans began to ratchet up in volume almost sounding like someone was gutting her as Angel put more emphasis in his thrusts. Her slightly sagging breasts began to flop around inside her blouse, eventually popping a button or two. Angel forced her legs together, framing the outside with his own as he beat her back out. He couldn't help but compare her unfavorably to her own daughter, Brenda.

"¡Date prisa! ¡TU JODIDO DICK DAÑA A BASTARDO! ¡ES COMO FOLLAR A UN CABALLO DE DIOSA!!" Conception snarled in complaint, falling back on a behavior that usually produced results with her whipping boy ex, Louis.

"You would know, bitch." Angel replied to her insult regarding his girth.

"ESTÚPIDO!!" Conception raised an arm as if to strike him, but found it slapped away with little effort.

"Come on baby; you like this dick!! You always liked getting fucking railed on the back of my bike, remember?!!"

"No, that wasn't me!!"

"Yes it was, that shit was all you, Dulce; you had such a sweet little ass back in the day, bitch!!"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT; I don't-AAAWWWW SHEEEET, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!" His plunging member was already covered with a milky foam that originated from her pulsing walls in abundance. Conception hated her body for reacting to the invading, fleshy spear because it was forcing her backward to a more desperate time in her life. A spiteful angry teen who struggled in the shadow of a well-regarded and street famous, older sister.

The same sister who'd kept her foot on her neck for most of their early lives bullying and marginalizing her. There was always this joke among their associates that never seemed to go away; her always being relegated to her sister's maid. She was more than pleased that things had turned around with the next generation between Brenda and Angie. Angie had proved that theory wrong in savage fashion at the cost of her daughter's face.

"Come on Dulce; you know how it is, you little slut. Stop all that fronting; your bitch ass know how we used to get down!! Man, you always had the hottest, fucking pussy; why do you think the boys kept wearing your ass out, eh?!! Probably still be riding that chub rub if Nova didn't make us stop!!" He was determined to take her down memory lane.


"Don't get it twisted, we was gonna keep running your ass through, but Nova's gets all maternal, even when it comes to pregnant bust downs!!"

"MANTÉNGALO MADRE FUCKER, ¡¡¡¡ME VA A CORTAR LA POLLA SI NO CIERTAS LA FOLLADA!!" Conception threatened, fighting like hell not to be taken back to her past. She'd worked hard to put that time behind her, focusing on motherhood, initially.

"Oh, you gonna cut my dick off; is that right?" He suddenly spun her around, tossing her up on the bedside table knocking the lamp to the floor, smashing it.

"THAAAS RIGHT; ANGEL-YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" The heavy mascara she favored, was starting to run down her cheeks as Angel pulled out reaching behind him for the large knife mounted in the small of his back.

"ALRIGHT BITCH; CUT IT THE FUCK OFF!!" Her eyes went saucer wide as the knife appeared.

"AAAAIIIIEEEEEEE!!" He moved so fast she barely had time to react as the knife embedded into the wall half an inch from her face. It felt as if she'd nearly had a heart attack as he backed off favoring the hand that handled the knife. Conception sat motionless, her back angled against the wall looking terrified, mouth agape nostrils flaring. Angel knew she wasn't afraid of him, but what he represented.

"Hey, we used to be so cool together; what happened, Conception?"

"I-I had a fucking kid, man."

"Shit, I got kids; that ain't no excuse for acting like a cunt."

"Where's your wife, Angel?"

"Living with her mom's; she don't like how I get down with the club, and you already knew that." He sat down on one of the twin beds, the anger flowing out of his body.

"Yeah, but why did she leave you?" Her breasts were fully exposed in front of his eyes.

"That life, all the shit with the brothers, Nova's business and she kept going on about wanting a regular life for the kids until I told her how it was in no uncertain terms. Fuck, we met because of my colors and then all of a sudden she wanted me to leave it behind. Can you see me working a fucking nine to five?"

"Angel, you're a fucking criminal." Conception deadpanned.

"Yeah, and you too good to get down with a criminal anymore?"

"You know Brenda's dad was trying to get me out of the life before he got popped by the cops. I told him we should bone out and leave all the shit behind, but he kept his promise to Nova as you know. Got his dumb ass smoked at the border trying to be honorable to criminals!! Left me with a full belly, stuck paying his debts back to that blonde bitch!!" It was the first time she'd ever verbalized her anguish, openly.
