Ski Lodge Betrayal


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In mid-March Elaine became sick with what she thought was the flu. Elaine seemed to be very cautious around me after a visit to her doctor. She was hesitant to share any information about her illness. After the kids went to bed, she dropped an emotional bomb on me that forced me to rethink our current relationship, dashing hopes of reconciliation. She was pregnant.

A vasectomy and not having had sex with my wife since early February ruled me out as the father. So, my once loving wife, who turned into a shrew in December, is carrying another man's child. Elaine had some hard decisions to make, while I already knew what I was going to do. We both support Rowe vs Wade as an American personal and religious freedom issue. However, that does not make us proponents of abortion. It was not my child, so I should not be part of the decision process.

Elaine had planned to take the "Morning After" pill following her weekend of debauchery. She didn't expect to be in a motor vehicle accident which caused her to forget the pill. Now she was reaping the penalties for her transgressions. She decided to carry the baby full term. She pleaded with me to forgive her and to work on rebuilding our relationship.

Two days later I was in my attorney's office having a Legal Separation document prepared. The purpose of this document was to protect me from being held responsible for Elaine's new baby and define our future lives apart. The document addressed living together as separated spouses.

  1. The new baby shall not use the family name Tabor. Robert Tabor shall not be listed as the father on the child's birth certificate. Robert Tabor shall not be responsible financially for the new child or considered the child's parent.
  2. All join credit card accounts paid off and closed.
  3. All assets divided 50/50 except for the house and furnishings. We keep our motor vehicles and retirement accounts. Future finances are separate and not to be part of any divorce settlement.
  4. Both parties will continue to live in the house and share expenses 50/50.
  5. We are emotionally divorced, no longer bound by our wedding vows and free to have relationships with other people.
  6. Our house will be an emotionally safe place, off limits to dates and sexual cohorts.
  7. Any funds received from litigation or an insurance claim would be exempt from division in a divorce settlement.
  8. This document will be effective until our daughter Sophie's eighteenth birthday, at which time we will either renew it, reconcile, or get formally divorced.

A tearful Elaine signed the separation document and life went on. Even though emotionally separated they worked together to provide a good home environment for Ryan and Sophie. The kids were doing well in school and had an enriching social life that we encouraged.

The arrival of Rob's cruise documents put an additional strain on Elaine. At first, she thought this was to be their 20th anniversary event and the beginning of their reconciliation. Disappointment followed when she learned that Rob was going alone. She now realized that she had lost Rob and they were living in the same house (not a home) as roommates caring for their two children. This was a hard blow to their deteriorating relationship. There probably would be no reconciliation.

Rob enjoyed an outside cabin on his Mexican Riviera Cruise. There were four single ladies, about his age, who made sure everyone had a good time. Fortunately, the Viagra tablets and condoms he had brought with him were put to good use. This was the first time in over 20 years that Rob had sex with someone other than Elaine. Rob had to go back to work to rest up from his vigorous vacation. Details of his erotic cruise adventure merit being featured in another story.

Rob learned that Peter Palovich had recovered from his coma and was now living in a rehabilitation facility. He was expected to be there several weeks before being able to return to work and a normal life.

Reviewing files on his cloned laptop, Rob found evidence that Peter had sent the emails to Elaine that culminated in her betrayal at the ski lodge. Working with his attorney, Rob filed a lawsuit for defamation of character (Slander), asking for $2,000,000 in damages. This was part of Rob's revenge plan.

Elaine, using her own attorney, filled two lawsuits against Peter. She was asking for compensation for her injuries that resulted from the accident and child support for her unborn baby.

Peter's lawyer responded to Rob's legal action, complaining that Rob had no compassion in taking this action against a man who was in a rehabilitation program trying to recover from a devastating accident. Rob's lawyer advised that his client was offering the same consideration he received when his marriage was destroyed by Peter. The preliminary hearing was delayed until Peter's physical condition improved.

While searching Peter's files for clues, Rob found that Tom and Lizzy Baker and Sam and Tara Fisher were guilty of reinforcing the lies that lead to the seduction of Elaine. He found multiple video files of the two couples involved in orgys with Peter and others. It appeared that they had been blackmailed and threatened with job losses if they didn't participate in Peter's deviant games. Some of the files contained evidence of illegal activities that could result in jail time for Peter.

A meeting was arranged with the Bakers and Fishers in a local pub. Sitting in a booth with a shared pitcher of beer, Rob advised what he had found on Peter's laptop. Lizzy and Tara were shocked when they learned that their husbands had never cheated on them. Peter had placed Tom and Sam in compromising situations, using drugs and women who were coerced, to produce photos giving the impression that they had a sexual encounter on a business trip.

Each couple received a flash drive showing how they were manipulated by Peter and their complicity in the destruction of his marriage. They were shocked to learn about these videos that were made without their knowledge.

Rob then told them that they were both victims and enablers in Peter's perverted lifestyle.

Rob continued, "To address being victimized you will assist and participate in getting revenge against Peter using only legal activities."

"You helped to ruin my relationship with my wife as we are now legally separated. I no longer have a partner for sexual release, so I want Lizzy and Tara to fill the void. After all, they did offer to fuck me at your company Christmas party. To keep it simple, one three-day weekend, per month, for the next six months should cover your obligation. The weekend will start at noon Friday and go through until noon Monday. This something you owe me and is not a threat or blackmail, it is just payback."

"In the next few weeks, a lot of nasty stuff is going to come out about Peter. You need to be with me to control the impact it will have on your families as I move to destroy Peter's reputation and financial base. I want you to file a class action lawsuit against Peter. The women who were coerced to help set you up for Peter's agenda should be part of this class group. Others that were manipulated into his sordid lifestyle should also be included."

I reminded them of the video showing them having sex with my wife on that weekend when my marriage ended. Stepping away to get another pitcher of beer gave them time to consider my proposal. When I returned, they advised me that they had accepted my terms and were looking forward to participating in taking Peter down. The third weekend in May would be my first outing with Lizzy and Tara. Details of my six delightful weekends with these two ladies merit being featured in another story.

Rob's final comment before departing was to tell everyone to get tested for STDs. Considering Peter's lifestyle, it is essential to protect our health. Rob also suggested that except for their obligation to him, they be exclusive with their spouses. They should also seek marriage counselling to rebuild their marriage relationships.


Life moved on with a new family dynamic. Ryan turned 18 just before graduating from high school in June. The summer was uneventful with most of the lawsuit action being postponed until autumn. In September Ryan was off to the state university, living in the dormitory on campus. Sophie, now 16, was our only child living at home. Elaine and I lived together in the same house as roommates. We were both working full-time and were avoiding each other as much as possible.

Elaine had recovered from her injuries from the accident. Her ugly facial scar and her growing pregnancy bump were her reminders of the incident. Rob had joined a gym and worked out every day to keep in shape. The gym also gave him more time away from Elaine.

By the end of summer Peter's recovery was complete. He was scheduled to return to work late in September. This prompted Rob to begin the next phase of his revenge plan. A meeting was scheduled with the CEO of Peter's employer to deal with the ramifications of Peter's activities.

The meeting was held at the corporate office. In attendance were Rob and his attorney Walt Bismark, CEO Manfred Willis, and his attorney Michael Winslow, plus three other staff members. Walt opened the meeting by revealing that Peter was a sexual predator. His perverse and illegal activities had opened the company to financial liabilities from both employees and government agencies.

Walt then outlined what he expected to accomplish by the end of this meeting.

  1. His client was entitled to compensation from the company for Peter's destruction of the client's marriage. Peter, who held an upper management position, was not given proper oversight. He used his position and company resources to pursue an immoral agenda with employees and spouses.
  2. Peter Palovich, shall be fired immediately for moral misconduct and misuse of company funds.
  3. The company's HR department shall investigate Peter's activities looking for criminal violations. These might include improper use of company funds and resources, falsifying records, blackmail, intimidation and coercion. Any illegal activities discovered shall be reported to law enforcement officials for prosecution.
  4. The company should present an acceptable monetary offer for my client and its plan for dealing with Peter no later than close of business seven days following this meeting. Not meeting this deadline will result in legal litigation to resolve these issues.
  5. The company must also deal with Emerald, who was Peter's PA and accomplice in his decadent lifestyle. She was also the company whore.

Walt Bismark gave an astonished Mr. Willis a flash drive with damning evidence about Peter's activities. He advised that the drive contained conversations that could be used in a criminal trial and cautioned that the material was pornographic. As Rob and Walt departed, they thanked everyone for their time and noted that it was unfortunate that one rogue manager had created this problem.

One-week later Rob had a settlement offer from the company that he could accept. Peter has been summarily dismissed and had criminal charges pending in the district attorney's office. Emerald was also fired and was having difficulty finding another job. Rob's revenge plan was progressing nicely in the hands of others.

An unemployed Peter was facing several court cases, both criminal and civil, resulting from his diabolical activities. Fighting lawsuits and criminal charges were taking a toll on Peter. Without a job, his savings were being drained by attorney fees and medical bills.

November was a climacteric month. Rob received a sizable financial award from Peter at the conclusion of his defamation of character lawsuit. Elaine received a six-figure insurance settlement for the injuries received in the car accident.

Mid-month, Elaine gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Rob was with Elaine through the birth process but made sure his name was not on the birth certificate. Sophie was really excited to have a new baby sister.

Family life took on a new dimension when Elaine returned home with baby Olivia. Like every household with a young infant requiring feeding, diaper changes and other care at odd hours. Elaine and Sophie were the primary care givers. "Uncle" Rob did help some to provide a little needed respite for the other two.

The holidays were bittersweet at the Tabor household. In January Peter's remaining legal challenges were settled. He lost most of his assets to the class action suit. Elaine received a clear title to his luxury condominium because of her paternity suit. The condo was Peter's last remaining asset following the earlier court mandated settlements. He would be serving a five-year prison term for his criminal activities. All this couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

For the next year and a half Elaine and Rob lived together in a respectful plutonic relationship. The main purpose for living together was to support Sophie. Sophie, being a teenager, had lots of interests outside the home but still needed mom and dad there for her.

During this period Rob and Elaine remained emotionally divorced, living together as roommates. Neither party made any attempt to reconcile. They had separate social lives and, other than breakfast, seldom had a meal together without Sophie being present.

Rob met an attractive divorcee at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon and they began dating. This soon evolved into an exclusive relationship. She was aware of Rob's marital situation and was willing to wait until he divorced Elaine.

Sophie turned 18 just before graduating from high school. She would be going away to college in the fall but had a camp councilor job that would keep her away from home most of the summer.

In June, after Sophie has departed for camp, Rob approached Elaine with the pronouncement, "I think it is time for use to formalize our separation with a full divorce."

If Elaine had talked to Rob about his Miami trip the matter could have been resolved quickly. She chose to believe false rumors rather than trusting and respecting him. Her attempt to punish him, for something he didn't do, backfired and destroyed her marriage. Divorced Rob moved on with a new life partner. Elaine had a young child that limited her dating options. Even though Rob had less trauma, there are no real winners in a divorce.

Thank you for reading. Hope you found the story entertaining. This is a fictional story with no relationship to any real person or entity. If you don't like it, write your own story.

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NallusNallusabout 2 months ago

Great story, however, closure was fast and weak.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the read.

mfbridgesmfbridges2 months ago

I believe in regard to below comment, I believe "plutonic" is explosive in nature almost atomic.

Spreadaxle53Spreadaxle536 months ago

I like this sub-genre of LW. While so much of this story follow the plotline of the others, you provided an entertaining read. I wish Anonymous would put up or shut up.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The stupid story was flat, poorly written, and suffered from an anemic lack of dialogue. As a reader, I want to see, hear, and feel the action. Don't tell me a story with blah, blah, blah, fool--show me. Go read some good fiction and learn how to write freakin' dialogue!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Can anybody tellement me what à "plutonic" relationship is ?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It was done before and done much better than this stupid tale. Do you plagiarize much?

StruckwrongStruckwrong9 months ago

Rob won, he got rid of the trash. She lost something worthwhile.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well written from a technical perspective, but the story line leaves much to be desired as some commenters describe. The plot is too telegraphic. Not too bad for a practice piece. Also, BTW, the characterization is way to cardboard. Would a longtime wife really be this naive, even a fictional one? And the husband's calm doggedness is just too convenient for he plot line. More plausibility in emotional development is needed, like what happened emotionally previously to the couple to convince the wife the husband was cheating so easily. Such misjudgement doesn't come from no-where. There would have been an initial confrontation from the offended spouse BEFORE taking such a drastic course of revenge sex. The bones of the story are good, but character development needs much improvement.

Rvav8rRvav8r10 months ago

As one who lived for a few months in a house like this it just doesn't work. My siblings and I knew it wasn't right and we were miserable. We finally told our parents to get the divorce and after dad moved out life got a lot more pleasant for us and actually them.

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