Sky High After Dark


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"What about Europe? They won't be able to fight when their pregnant," Vera said, she had to talk Aminah into backing out. She couldn't stop Tazia, that ship had sailed, but she could put a stop to Aminah's ambitions when she couldn't carry another child.

"This was to be our last mission for them, our contract has come to a head. So, we were thinking of coming back home anyway. Now is probably a good enough time as any for them," Chery stated shrugging her shoulders.

"When were you going to tell me?!"

"Tonight over dinner, but now, its out in the open..." Turning her head as her sister's lips smacked as she sucked Aron's fingers clean.

"Relax Vera, my ovulation isn't for another two weeks," Aminah stated, "so Aron shall we try this experiment of ours?"

"A child, as smart as us," Aron muttered deep in thought.

"Aron! You can't be serious?" Vera gasped.

"Why can't I be? Weren't you the one who started this?" Aron asked, with a pointed look. "Aren't you the one wanting me to get into the swing of things?"

"Yes... but..."

"Then why are you surprised that I'm experimenting in my own way?" Aron asked, confused.

"But Aron raising a child isn't an easy thing to do. And why are they the first ones that get to have a threesome with you?! I've been waiting for that chance!"

"Hey, don't leave me out!" Isabel said, from behind her mother and father. Troy, Lyle. Neil, and Carl leaned against the wall of the stairwell listening in once they had put away the groceries.

"Because they were the first ones to ask," Aron said, stating the obvious.

"What!" Vera and Isabel shouted out.

"Aron, son," Noah cut in, "you sure this is the way you want to go about it? You know your mother and sister have been looking forward to that."

"How would I know, not like I've ever had one before," Aron countered. "Not like how you all have," he said, looking right at his father. Watching his mother pushing Chery out of the way.

"But Aron..."

"You want your son to get used to group sex, no?" Aminah asked, with a knowing smile. "This is a first step, who knows he might really enjoy it and dive in head first. And weren't you the one who took your son's virginity?" Seeing Vera's cheeks rapidly blush. "A little greedy you wanting all of Aron's firsts," she said, in a tsk-tsk voice. Watching Vera's shoulders slumping knowing she was indeed being greedy. That this was about the family not just herself. "Plus, think of it this way, we're making up to Aron for him feeling like the odd man out. That is the reason why you didn't want to join in, in the first place, correct?"

"Oh honey," Vera sighed, lowering herself down to his side. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's kind of embarrassing," Aron admitted.

"Honey, we're family, we would never make you feel left out. We understand you're... dislike about the odd number. Yet we would never, never make you team up with one of us," Vera said, wrapping her arm her son. "If I had asked you first to have a threesome with me and your sister, would you?"

"Too tight!" Aron gasped as his mother hugged him tightly once he nodded.

"Okay, but can I be there to watch baby?" Vera asked, as she pulled away.

"You want to watch me... with your sisters?" Aron queried, with a quizzical look.

"Mmmhmm," Vera hummed.

"Hey! I want to too," Isabel pouted.

"Aron will it be alright if they watch? I promise no touching, or joining in, just the two of us," Aminah cooed sweetly.

"Come nephew before we catch a cold standing nude in the basement," Chery said, holding out her hands to him.

Aron felt strange walking through his home nude with his equally nude aunts at his side. Noting how Tazia and Isabel were staring at his ass as he peered over his shoulder while they walked down the hall to his old room. Aminah and Chery smiled sweetly at him as they led him in, their feet compressing the two foot thick floor mattress as they walked to the center of it. Their eyes peering behind Aron as the rest of their family filed in.

"Aron, don't forget tonight," her hands roamed her chest, biting her lip sensuously at the thought, "we'll make sure you put that baby in me," Tazia purred as she sat in-between Troy and Lyle. Who whispered into her ear if she was serious to which she nodded. "You two haven't said my breasts are nice, if you had I might have chosen you," she said, watching how her sisters eased Aron down gently. Slipping her right hand between her legs, her fingertips running lightly along her lips as Chery kissed him while Aminah's hand worked to arouse his cock. A rumbling purr resonated in her chest as Aminah wrapped her lips around that cock of his. Tazia couldn't wait to ride that cock of his again. To paint it in her hot cream just like before.

"Just take it slow Aron, we'll teach you how to please your aunt's, and on how to eat a woman's pussy," Chery instructed as she poised her hot little mound over Aron's lips. "Just enjoy the taste of my little peach," she said, lowering her sex onto his lips. Gently rocking her hips, her eyes widened as Aron began to use his tongue. Not something she was expecting him to do, although it greatly pleased her that he did. Her fingers softly brushed through his hair, smiling down at him telling him that she was enjoying what that tongue of his was doing.

"Oh Aron, the thought of being with you," Aminah moaned as her wet sex filled the air as her hips glided along his shaft as her labia molded around his length, "gets me so wet." Sucking on her lip before positioning the crown of his rod at the entrance of her paradise.

Isabel reached her hand into her father's pants, noting how her aunt and mother were doing the same. Her eyes lustered as she watched Aminah's breasts bouncing as she rode her brother hard.

"Yes, yes, fuck!" Aminah shouted, tossing her head back, her hands flew to her breasts as her body quaked.

"Time to switch sister," Chery said, smiling back at her sister.

"Only if I get his juicy creampie," Aminah stated, breathlessly.

"That sister I might fight you for," Chery teased seeing her sister's psychic powers starting to lift strands of Aminah's hair.

"Bring it sister," Aminah spoke ready to fight for the right to receive Aron's baby batter.

Aminah and Chery rubbed their cheeks against Aron's chest as they snuggled up to him after they exhausted themselves. A smile was on Aminah's lips as Aron's cum leaked out of her cunt. Vera glanced over at her sister as she had the same idea as they licked the cum that coated their hands. She couldn't believe how good Aron looked with her sisters riding him. Vera couldn't wait until it was her turn to be the one riding her son's face. Then she and everyone else that was watching were thrown to the floor as her house shook violently. Worried looks were on everyone's faces as they tried to stand as the earth trembled and rolled. Explosions tore through the asphalt as broken gas lines sparked the volatile gas it transported to the houses that it served.

"What the hell was that?!" Lyle asked, as he pushed himself up.

"I don't know, come on we need to get down to the command center," Chery and Vera said, taking command.

"Aron where are you going?" Noah asked, as Aron headed towards the basement as they all stood in the living room doorway.

"Go be the heroes they need, I'm going to try to find out what caused this in the first place," Aron said, in a monotone voice as he descended the stairs.

"Veil, give us the reports of the damage to the city," Vera directed as she and her family hurried to suit up.

"Reports indicate a hundred fires, serval collapsed buildings, I'm unsure if they were occupied or not, assorted number of car accidents, a number of unaccounted for citizens. Shall I continue?"

"Noah. Troy, handle the fires. Chery and I will help dig out the people in the buildings, the rest help as best as you can," Vera said, as the zipper of her suit rose seeing the determined look to save their city in her family's eyes. "Aron!" she said, in surprise as she noted how he sat in the main chair in front of the mainframe. Noting how his fingertips were pressed against one another, how his eyes moved along the giant screen as news reports from around the world were broadcasting the same reports that were happening within her city. She was a little taken aback how much he looked like her father doing that.

"Go. Go do what you do best," Aron spoke not taking his eyes of the screen. "I'll contact you if I learn anything."

"We could use the extra muscle Aron," Neil stated.

"My greatest muscle is here," tapping his head, "I'm more useful to you trying to figure out the cause of this than bulldozing a building," Aron replied not looking at his uncle.

"Okay, but if we need you, you better come to the city's rescue," Vera said, placing a kiss on top of his head. "It's a small step, but a step nonetheless," she said to herself.

"Veil search the web for videos taken moments before the quake," Aron commanded as he heard the jet cars taking off. Something was off; no earthquake was worldwide, and no earthquake happened without an epicenter.

"Understood. Void, Agent Honeybell is trying to contact you."

"Put her through," Aron directed as Veil played multiple videos of the minutes prior.

"Void?! Do you have any idea what just happened here?"

"Working on it," Aron muttered. "Veil rewind the videos by thirty seconds, and play it back frame by frame," he commanded as he quickly rose from his seat.

"Void, what is it?"

"The end of the world," Aron said in horror, as he glimpsed the images of another dimension.

"Void don't sound so... apocalyptic."

"I wish that were the case. These quakes aren't local, it's the whole world shaking apart. Whoever is behind this is trying to break through the barriers of reality," Aron hypothesized.

"Keep me informed of what you find, I have to report this. Aron," Sara whispered, "be safe."

"Veil, put me though to everyone's coms," Aron said, walking hurriedly towards the lab. "Can everyone hear me?"

"Yes Void, go ahead." Vera's voice came over the speakers.

"This wasn't an earthquake; I repeat it was NOT an earthquake!"

"Then what was it then?" Chery asked, in a challenging voice.

"Someone, or a group of someone's, trying to tear through the fabric of reality, if my hypothesis is correct," Aron stated matter-of-factly. Powering up his laptop. Logging into the NSA's mainframe knowing something that dangerous had to have a power source the equivalent to a nation to break through the barriers that separated each dimension. Using their spy satellites to search the globe for anything that would give off that kind of power signature.

"You can't be serious?!" Troy broke in.

"I'll show you what I've found when you get back, and I'll dumb it down just for you Troy," Aron joked teasing his brother. Chuckling at hearing his brother grumble over the line.

"A... Void, what you're suggesting is improbable. The amount of power..."

"I know; that's why I'm running a search to locate the origin of this disaster," Aron said, interrupting Aminah.

"God, finally someone that can keep up with me," Aminah sighed in want.

"Easy there sister, we still have work to do," Carl chuckled.

"Void, what will happen if they do manage to get to this other dimension if that's what they're after," Noah asked, after he and Troy helped to put out their twentieth fire.

"The end of the world, literally. You have seen the effects that whatever this thing is can do in a few seconds. Any longer and the Earth would shake apart as whatever it is causes a vibrational resonance within the Earth's mantle causing national disasters on a scale the likes of which we've never seen before. That's just the first five minutes, then it would move to the core well I don't have to tell you how bad that would be, do I Troy?" Aron spoke as the program ran.

"Hey! Don't just single me out here!" Troy barked not used to being on the end of his brother's wit.

"Void do you think it's 'you know who'?" Neil asked.

"Can't say for certain that it is, I don't have the variables needed to formulate an estimated guess on the matter," Aron stated, arching an eyebrow when he heard Aminah moan and shudder.

"Damn sis, did you just cum?" Tazia asked, quizzically.

"Mmmhmm," Aminah hummed.

"Void, alarms just went off at the Burkate labs. Shall I divert a few of the others to the location?"

"No, I'll go. They have their hands full as it is. This shouldn't take too long," Aron spoke leaving his laptop running as he left the room.

"Wait. Did I just hear what I think I just heard?" Isabel asked, in shock.

"I knew there was a hero inside of you, Void," Vera exclaimed happily.

"Man, and I so wanted to get this on film," Lyle groaned.

"Shut up you idiots, and get to work," Aron said, as he pulled down his mask, rolling his eyes at their laughter. He couldn't help it he did chuckle along. "Veil patch it through to the jet bike."


"Be safe oh fearless leader," Tazia teased before quickly adding, "if you can't have the situation handled in the first five minutes. You'll have to eat my pussy for thirty minutes."

"I don't think that's much of a punishment, sis," Vera chuckled.

Shaking his head as he shot out of the tunnel. Kicking on the afterburner, the smoke of the city billowed into the sky as his family and the rest of the heroes that lived within it, active and retired, helped to put out the spreading flames and aid those that were trapped.

"Oh! Let's try those," Aron cooed eagerly as he switched Veil to assault mode.

"Are you sure?"

"Very. Villains' need to learn I'm not a hero," Aron said, leaping off the bike. With the help of Veil's tracking system, his high powered laser pistols rapidly fired ending many of the robbers' lives before his feet even touched the ground. Turning his head as the sound of squealing tires. Twirling the pistols around his fingers before sliding them back into their hoisters that slowly closed concealing them in their hidden compartments in the coat's lining. The windshield of the truck shattered, the rapid burst of the muzzle flared as the driver drove right at him. Thinking to run him over and make a run for it with his ill gotten gains. Aron just simply smirked as the bullets ricocheted off his body and face. Bringing up his arm, feeling the metal of the front section, the radiator, the fan, the very engine itself groaning under the force of his punch before ripping it from its engine mounts and tossing it behind him. Leaving a trail of oil in its wake. Picking up a broken bolt, flicking it, Aron watched the man's eyes go cross-eyed as the bolt buried itself deep into the man's grey matter.

Walking towards the back, ripping off the doors, tilting his head to the left as the last two robbers dropped their weapons and kicked them out the back before lying face down with their hands behind their heads. Whistling inside his head at the high tech weapons and one device, he couldn't be sure of its purpose, as it filled the majority of the space. Turning his head as a state patrol car skidded to a stop, seeing the scientist that worked there rushing out the doors. Jumping onto the jet bike, taking off before the cop could question him.

Isabel raced down, scooping up the lone, lost, crying child into her arms thinking she could make it before the three story wall came crashing down on the little girl. "Shit, not going to... Aron!" Isabel screamed out into her mind as she looked back.

"Go, I got this," Aron grunted before pushing the wall over into the rubble that once was an office building.

Isabel wore a soft smile as the little girl raced into her mother's arms. Her hair whipped behind her as Aron's jet bike soared overhead. Giving the girl and her mother a wave and a nod before taking off to catch up with her brother.

"Thanks for the assist bro," Isabel said, smiling coyly at him once she caught up.

"No problem," Aron nodded before they broke off to help those in need.

"Void I'm detecting a building angling dangerously to the left, I also read twenty heat signatures within it."

"Where?" Aron asked, jumping off the bike. His feet hitting the ground in a thud as his eyes widened as the corner of the apartment building began to crumble. "Heavy." Grunting as Aron took the weight of the building. "Could use a hand here," Aron sent out. Looking up as cracks began to race up the stone facing.

"I got you baby," Vera whispered as she appeared at his side. Nodding to him, feeling their combined strength straightening out the building's tilt as Chery raced into the building.

"That's the last one!" Chery shouted once she was clear.

Arching an eyebrow as a blur zoomed pass them. Pillars of stone rubble were quickly formed to support the weight of the building, and not crash into the building beside it until the city could send out a crew to shore the damaged section up.

"That should hold it," Carl said, dusting off his hands.

"There's still more work to do," Vera said, seeing her siblings nod and her son shaking his arms.

And so, the Carter family worked well into the wee hours of the morning putting out fires both metaphorically and not. By the time Aron made it home after stopping three muggings, one minor supervillain, and a frightened kitten in a tree along with all the other things he helped his family members with. He was near exhaustion.

"Nice job kiddo," Tazia praised lightly punching her nephew in the shoulder as Aron pulled his mask off.

Huffing as his mother threw her arms around him, "I so knew you had it in you!" Vera sighed happily as she rocked her son.

"That was some fine work son, you did us proud," Noah nodded with a fatherly smile.

"Aron I know you're tired, but can you show us what you've found?" Aminah asked, as she stood beside Neil.

"Right," Aron nodded fighting back a yawn. "This was taken just seconds before the effects were felt around the world," he said, bringing up the image a dimension like no other, one he couldn't begin to describe. "The window was only open for a millisecond and you all saw just what that millisecond did," Aron stated seeing them nod. "I'm still running a search on the location of the source, that amount of power..."

"Won't be easy to hide," Aminah cut in. "There aren't that many places in the world that can produce the wattage needed to power whatever it was..."

"Unless they themselves developed their own power source then they could be anywhere," Aron said, finishing his aunt's sentence. Peering out of the corner of his eye seeing how Aminah was gazing at him as she undressed him with her eyes.


"Nah-uh-uh, told you sister, I'm sleeping with Aron tonight," Tazia said, taking hold of her sister's arm.

"That was yesterday, this is today," Aminah taunted with a coy smile.

"Don't you get all technical on me," Tazia said, standing nose to nose with her sister.

"So Aron you did a search for this energy source, did you find it?" Chery asked, ignoring the stand-off that was taking place between Tazia and Aminah.

"I don't know, I left the search running when I left," Aron said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then bring it up," Chery said, nodding to the screen.

"Ran it on my laptop, it's in the lab..." Isabel's hair floated in the air as Carl zipped by her.

"This it?" Carl asked reappearing in a blink of an eye, holding Aron's laptop in his hands. They all watched as Aron's eyes moved down the screen and how his scowl was deepening by the second. Noticing how much he wanted to curse as his hand ruffled his hair.
