Slave Girl Ch. 33-43


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"Oh gods!" I gasp.

She replies with a soft deep rolling growl. "Rrrrlllmmm."

Slowwwwwly the tongue pushes deeper getting fatter as it went. While nowhere near the girth of her cock, though pretty close to mine, her tongue was much thicker than the two fingers I had just taken and more substantial all the way around. The natural lube of her spit let it glide so smoothly despite how tightly my ass stretched around it. "OHH OHH OOOH!"

The odd drip of precum becomes a long gleaming stream oozing steadily from my cock down onto my face as her tongue penetrates deeper. Rosa pushes closer, her big dick hard against my back, as she strains to keep me still. I do my best to hold the difficult position but in my bound state there was only so much I could do and I was a lot of weight for my petite Lady to handle, together we manage it for now.

How deep she goes I have no clue. Four inches? Six? I had no frame of reference. A lot deeper than her fingers, that's for sure. My eyes roll back and I let out a primal moan of sheer lewd pleasure. "HNNGGH!" It felt sooooo fucking good! The fingers had been great, but this was satisfying on an entirely different level. The way it filled me, the way it stretched me, the way it touched places inside of me that nobody ever had before. My body shakes, my voice gasping weakling. "Yessss...deeper...deeper...ohhhhhh gods yessss." My Lady blesses me with another inch. "OHHHHH!"

"Nnnngh." Rosa moans her approval. With no warning she grabs the shaft of my cock tight, damn near making it cum right then, and squeezes a fresh streamer of precum down into my greedy lips. I eagerly catch it all, licking what I missed from my lips.

She shifts and resets herself with a little a little grunt, trying hard to keep me in place. My own muscles were shaking with straining fatigue. We couldn't hold this much longer. Perhaps because of this Rosa ramps up the intensity.

Her tongue glides out through my gripping anus just to the point where it begins to taper...then thrusts in again to fill me up so fucking good.

"OHHHH!" My high lilting voice trills before lowering to a hush. "Fuck me my Lady...yesssss! Yes, yes, yes!"

Back out, the unreal sensation of the length sliding through my tight hole making me see stars, then she fills me up again with a strong push in.

"Hohhhhhh...gods almighty!"

Gradually the long slow thrusts speed up just a bit. Steady, deep, powerful her tongue plunges into me. Each stroke its own world of gratifying pleasure. I never could have guessed how good it felt to have somebody inside of me. To have HER inside of me. Touching me, filling me, owning me in ways only a boy like me could appreciate.

The feeling is indescribable. The firm sinuous muscle. The ass stretching girth. That wonderful knobbly texture. And those fleshy ribbed protuberances that ran along the sides...HOLY FUCK! When they rubbed across that special spot inside...bliss. "OHHHHH!"

My voice is small and puling as I whimper. "I'm...gonna...cum. I...can' it. Gonna cummmm."

With one last reward my Lady treats me by having her tongue slither and squirm inside of me like a worm writhing in the mud, with the added touch of having a bit curl and thicken like a ball against the good spot. Having something sliding along through my rectum and bowels was one thing, but then feeling it move independently inside of me!? There are no words.

My orgasm is less of the usual build up to a cresting burst of rapture than an irresistible ecstatic surrender, a letting go. Having held back so long my dick just starts spewing thick wads of hot cum to rain down on my face in heavy viscous globs. It spatters down on my chin and lips and nose and eyes and cheeks and even in my hair, painting my face a creamy jizzy white. What does land into my open mouth I gulp down without any reluctance. In my high it tasted so good. Rosa's soft hand massages down my cock in firm repetitive strokes to milk my throbbing balls dry. So overwhelmed that I am I don't even cry out. I simply tremble and gurgle and let out little bleating grunts as I gaze up at the goddess who called me her boy.

My Lady keeps her tongue inside of me and continues to milk me until she was sure my nut was completely spent. Then I feel her snakey tongue slither from my very happy hole and her hand pull back from my drained manhood. Working together I am brought back down to lay on my back once more. Kneeling over me, my softening dick nestled against her still hard heavy cock, she very lightly runs her fine fingers down my chest and abdomen. My ass still purred with warm pleasant feelings, I could almost feel her inside of me still. I gaze at her in awe.

Reaching over the side of the bed she brings up the waterskin to drink and rinse her mouth. She brings it to my lips and carefully allows me a nursing drink as well. She stoppers it and sets it aside. She touches me and caresses me before her hands come to feel around my bonds. She would be untying me, I could sense it.

"We're done playing tonight." She says softly. "Is my boy happy?"

"Yessss!" I whisper. "Oh yes. Thank you." Thank you...the words felt so ridiculously inadequate for what I felt. But how does one express a gratitude this deep? "Thank you my Lady."

"You're welcome." She leans down and kisses empty balls. Rising up again her fingers begin working at the knots on my left leg.

I lay there in the swirling euphoria of my submissive high mixing with my post-climax afterglow. My warm pungent facial oozed down my cheeks. My twitching well fucked asshole still gaped a little. My shining Lady attending to me. There would be no going back after this. I had supped of ambrosia and it fed my starving soul like nothing else before.

Chapter 43

Rosa pauses with the ropes to look at me and smile. "Happy boy." She ruffles her hand through my sweaty hair then returns to the knot.

"Yes." I giggle. "So happy."

"That's good." She says. "Now just rest. Enjoy the feeling."

"Okay." I say. Before I obey though I simply had to ask. "Are you happy my Lady?"

"Of course I am."

"Good." I beam. Wanting so desperately to express to her how much this all meant to me I say again the only words that even came close to telling her how I really felt. "I love y..." She fixes me with an angry flash of her eyes. I actually whimper at the intense glare from my dominant and I shrink down into the bed clamping my mouth shut. "I'm sorry."

"Don't!" She warns me.

"Yes my Lady."

Her expression softens and she pets my leg. "Be still now. Close your eyes. Just enjoy this moment."

"Yes my Lady." I whisper and obey.

I lay still as she unties me. As each limb is released I feel strained joints and knotted muscles relax to bring another rush of pleasure into the blissful swirl I was already floating in. While I missed the comfort and security of my bondage the physical relief freedom brought was much needed. My flesh was not as resilient as my submissive spirit. Soon I am relaxed and laying flat in the center of the bed, but Rosa wasn't done yet. First she cleans me using the cloth and wash basin that was provided with the room. She washed the jizz from my face and the other bodily secretions drying about my body, finishing with my butt. Still she was not done. With her soft warm hands she massages me, not deeply but pleasantly. She finds and soothes every tense muscle and tendon that had been stressed by the bondage with her healing hands. As she arranges the pillow and covers me in a blanket she finishes with a very quiet prayer, the only bit of which I hear is "...and watch over him and protect him...".

When done I am a very happy puddle of quivering flesh, feeling a relaxation the likes of which I never imagined before.

"Are you asleep?" Rosa whispers.

"No." I smile. "Almost though." My voice is my own again. Somewhere along the way my trance had lifted, though I still felt incredible.

Rosa's soft little body slides in under the covers with me to take me into a cradling embrace and cuddles up tight. "You did so good baby. So good."

Against my side I could feel her thick dick had softened about halfway. Once more I had gotten off but she hadn't, not in that way. "I wish you'd let me take care of that."

"Shhh." She runs her fingers through my hair. "Shhhhh." Softly she hums a song I had not yet heard, a whimsical but wistful little tune.

She pets my hair and holds me close and hums her song...and the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to the dawn's amber light streaming in through the window. I take a long breath in through my nose and let it slowly escape through my mouth. I felt...amazing. Stiff, achy, and tired, but energized body and soul. The stiffness a bit of walking would quickly sort out but I knew this buzz could last right through the day based on our experience after the slave shack. I take a moment to wonder how that slave family was doing. Hopefully the master hadn't discovered their breaking of the rules for a couple of poor strangers.

I grin as I feel the arm across my chest and the sharp horn jabbed against my shoulder. Turning my head I see Rosa at my side, her soft features at peace in her slumber. The events of the night before had a dreamlike quality to them yet, unlike dreams, had a firm root in my memory. Oh what a night. The wonderfully gratifying soreness that I was feeling in my ass brought extra vibrancy to the lewd memories. As amazing at it was however one off note stood out from the song. I stare at my beautiful bedmate as I see in my mind's eye that brief flash of anger from the night before.

I didn't know what I had done wrong but I strongly suspected. My grandpa always told me that in couples that men took the lead in sex and business, women in family and matters of the heart. He warned me never to use the L word unless the woman said it first. He said it was the hallmark of a weak man. While I cherished the submission and vulnerability Rosa allowed me I did not consider myself weak...though perhaps I was just fooling myself.

I'd known her a week but I did love Rosa. It wasn't at all like the feeling I had toward my family or my goddess. It was the type of love Ovid wrote about, the type of love that spurred the war of the Greeks and Trojans, the type of love that could bring a man to his knees or lift him to the heavens. I knew I loved her, it burned inside of me, but I also knew I was a foolish farmboy ignorant of the secrets of a woman's heart. She warned me not to fall in love with her. She told me that we did not need love for what we had. She told me that I would have a wife that was not her. Had she told me these things because she knew that she could never love me in that special way? Was a boy a person to be treasured but not loved? Did she need a man equal to herself to truly give her heart to? I certainly did not feel worthy of her. If I could not have her love...I would have to settle for whatever she would give me. I let out a sigh as I hope I hadn't soured what we had.

I close my eyes and recenter myself. The road, the trip, our new home. Like the slave hut this city and what we did here would live forever in my memory, but we had to keep moving. I open my eyes again eager to feel the Appian beneath my feet once more. Reaching over I very lightly brush a lock of Rosa's feathery soft violet hair from her face.

"Mmmmm." She moans as she blinks her eyes open. The moment she sees me she takes my breath away with a smile. "Good morning Master." She whispers.

"Good morning Rosa."

She takes a long breath. "Time to go?"



We get up and tidy the room as best we could. We pack up, Rosa coiling and tying my rope in a very particular way before making room for it and packing it away. I fetch a fresh wash basin. We clean up and I am shaved and before long we are dressed and ready to go. We pause at the door to look back at the room.

"What a night." Rosa says.

"Yes." I agree. "I almost feel a debt toward those Christian soldiers for making all of this possible."

"Ha ha ha!" Rosa laughs, a loud merry laugh. "Ohhhh, I don't think they'd like knowing what their coin purchased."

"Makes it all the better." I chuckle.

We share a laugh before Rosa looks up at me. She straightens my tunic as she says. "Your Lady is tired. I'm just your slave girl today, okay? I need you to be my Master for a bit."

Slowly a grin spreads on my face. "Of course." I turn and open the door for her. "After you my slave." She pinches my nipple through my tunic then skips on through the door.

On the way out of the inn we are momentarily delayed by the owner.

"We had complaints."

"Oh?" I say.

"Moaning and the like. Late into the night."

"Oh. Uhhh, yeah." I mumble. "Sorry about that."

"Funny thing though, they said they couldn't tell man from woman."

My cheeks burn with an embarrassed blush as I recall my high soft submissive cries of passion.

"It was me." Rosa cuts in with a bashful servile look down to the floor. "Master is a lot of man to handle. He makes me sing most lewdly, I can't control it. My apologies Sir."

The guy just grins and shakes his head. "Keep it down next time as a courtesy to your neighbors."

"Yes Sir." Both Rosa and I say at once followed by a giggle.

After a brief stop at a shrine to Feronia to make a donation and offering on behalf of the kind strangers who helped us during the storm we were flat broke once again.

Looking into our empty purse I quip. "Since I met you we've rarely had two coins to rub together."

"Thankfully we've had other things to rub together." She jests. As I groan at her bad joke she pats my arm. "We'll get by."

There was just one more stop I had to make in Beneventum. Heading East, on the outskirts of the city, I spot the temple to my goddess Ceres. It had been FAR too long since I connected with her. After the experience with Ignatius it felt doubly important that I do so. I stop in front of the steps and look up the tall stone pillars to see the sickle and sheaf symbol at the building's crest. Feelings from home wash over me in a flood.

Rosa, standing to my left, touches my arm. "Take all the time you need."

I nod. Taking my land ownership papers with me I leave the pack with Rosa near the corner then climb the three wide steps to enter into the holy temple. I have to talk my way in as I literally hadn't a copper piece to offer but seeing my genuine need the priestesses let me in. I walk slowly through the columned hall, my head bowed in reverence, and approach the great wooden figure of Ceres on her throne. High on the walls were depictions of the various stages of a crop, from seeding to harvest and processing, each image associated with one of her helper gods. In an alcove on her own her daughter Prosperina stands holding a torch. The area was empty this time of day, most of her worshipers would be hard at work this time of the morning, and I was grateful both for the privacy as well as the lack of witnesses to see my paltry offering. Kneeling on the cool marble floor before her I take a single lemon seed from the old plantation and place it upon the altar.

"My goddess." I pray, staring down at the lone seed. "Meager as it is I offer this gift with a pure heart. May it be planted and its bounty feed the people of this fine city." My gaze rises to look upon her feet. "Forgive me for I was tempted to stray from you by a wicked man telling wicked lies. My friend Rosa helped me find my path back to you. She is...special." I pause and wipe my palms against my legs then place my legal documents at my knees. "Please...please...bless this land. Bless this new home I start. I will work hard. I will use all I know. I will bring you offerings worthy of your greatness. Please, I need this to work out. I need this." I then go on to ask her to watch over my family and help them prosper. As I stare at the documents I notice they are thicker than before. I then notice the familiar parchment sticking out the end, Rosa's ownership paper. Rosa must have rolled all these together to make room for the rope. I swallow nervously, afraid to tell Ceres too much about that aspect of my life for fear of punishment. "And bless my slave. She has much to learn of our country ways but...she is clever and able. She is...she is a good woman." I scoop the papers up before I say too much. I bow deeply then rise to my feet and leave the temple with an extra spring to my stride.

Rosa smiles as she sees me approach. "Feel better?"

"Much!" I say as I tuck the papers away then close and pick up the pack. My eyes stray down the long road. "Home."

"Home." Rosa nods as she comes up beside me with a determination that matched my own in her eyes.

And off we go, on the road again.

We aren't far along when we pass the hunched shuffling form of an old woman in a worn gray shawl pulling a creaking old handcart behind her. It was odd to see one so old pulling her own cart. I comment on it once we were out of earshot, saying that she must be close to home.

"Oh, no, she's got a long journey ahead of her." Rosa says. "Longer than ours even."

"She does?"

"She's on a pilgrimage. I spoke to her while you were praying. She's a follower of Ceres too, she'd just come out of the temple." Rosa replies. "She's nice. Real nice. She didn't even mind that I was an Amazon."

"She didn't?" I look back over my shoulder to see the weathered old woman waddling along at a snails pace. "A pilgrimage...for Ceres?"

"Yeah. She said she had a vision that she was to visit each temple and shrine to her goddess along the Appian Way." Rosa says. "You've gotta respect her devotion. At that age I'm not sure I could..."

"It takes many strands to make a rope." I mutter as my steps begin to slow.

Rosa stops what she was saying to tug at my hand. "Come on slow poke. We'll never get there at this rate."

"Many strands make a rope." I say again, my steps slowing more.


"It is something that Ceres teaches." I stop and turn to look back along the road. "We're stronger together than apart."

"Well...obviously." Rose tilts her head.

I look out over the vast fields of grain that spread out from this side of the city then back to the old woman with her cart.

"You're going to help her." Rosa says as she reads my intention.

"Just until the next temple." I say.

"It's not our problem."

"It is now."

"It will slow us down." She says.

"It will speed her up." I reply. With purpose in my steps I walk back West toward the old woman. "Come along my slave."

A cheerful voice says just behind me. "Yes Master."

To be continued...

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onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader10 months ago

honestly, I enjoyed the intimacy between the two characters.. yet this story confirmed, i find being dominated by a woman, even gently, repulsive.. I must thank the author for realizing the difference between the power dynamic.. as it was not clear before hand..

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your sex scenes are outrageously good.

Femdomlover01Femdomlover01almost 2 years ago

The author, in his Bio page, states: "I love to write romantic smut." Well he must have been in complete ecstasy while writing this section then! After ten chapters of smut, I, for one, am glad to be getting back on the road and on with the adventure. While I like smut as much as the next guy, and while this author is undoubtedly a great smut writer, where he is at his best (and what keeps me with this story) is the story telling, the world building and the believable dialogue. Couldn't you just see the beauty and wonder of it all as they entered the city of Beneventum? I could. Couldn't you feel Quinn's happiness as he begins to grasp the meaning and significance of the rope Rosa has given him? I could. None of this is anything new with this section. From the beginning, the author has demonstrated he is a master story teller. For example: I can feel Rosa's fear and desperation when we first meet her on that slave block. I can feel Quinn's consternation as he tries to leave Rome, only wanting to get on with his life, but he can't get Rosa's imminent death out of his mind. Every page has been a joy to read, as we see them learning about each other and themselves, the misunderstandings, their confusion, their affection for each other, their growth as a couple. To be sure, there was some of that quality of story telling in this section, but it was mostly smut. As I said above, I like smut as much as the next guy, but I quickly get bored with it. Further, the way Rosa can deep throat and what she can do with her tongue was a little over the top. Well, OK, it was a lot over the top, and I had to struggle a little to get through those parts. None of this is meant to imply that I think this section is worthy of anything less than five stars. Still I am glad to be on the road again It seems they are about to help a little old lady that "didn't even mind that (Rosa) was an Amazon." I can't wait to see where this goes!

grimbousgrimbousover 2 years agoAuthor

@hudsini: The story is complete. I wrote it as a serial over on my patreon a couple of months ago. It is 84 chapters long in total.

And thank you everybody for your kind words. :) I am so glad that you are enjoying the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Progression is fun, this type of thing isn't usually my jam but you make it make sense. Also huge win for Quin helping the old lady out. No matter the mythos, helping out elderly travellers is the smart play.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 2 years ago

This is amazing. You write so well bringing your characters to life, letting us feel what they feel. Although I have seldom enjoyed the femdom genre, Rosa’s style of positive discipline is remarkably arousing, far superior to the usual ‘beat them into submission’ pain-filled version. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I eagerly anticipate your next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love it

hudsinihudsiniover 2 years ago

This is a great story. I'm so happy that you are posting it so quickly. Have you already completed writing it or is it still in progress? Do you have plans on how long it's going to be?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I absolutely love this story... i stay up till 3 hoping a new set of chapters is released and am excited to see where the story goes

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loving this story. Keep up the good work.

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