Something Kinky

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She asked For Something Kinky.
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KINKY: Involving or given to unusual sexual behavior.

She said she wanted to try something kinky, something unusual, something new, but I was happy to just fuck. "So, what do you have in mind?" I asked with a grin.

"I don't know, just different." she replied with a shrug. We went online, googled Kama Sutra, but most of the positions looked awkward and uncomfortable. She wanted kink, but nothing there looked appealing to her.

"Maybe it is just the place. Same bed, same room, same old location," she said.

I wasn't unhappy with routine, but she was obviously wanting more. "Water sports?" I said, but she made a face and shook her head. She wasn't interested in pissing games, thank God. "Someone new?" I asked. She didn't make a face at least, so I knew it was not totally out of the picture. I thought through all of the guys we knew.

"Maybe you need something risky," I said.

"Like what?" she said.

"I don't know, maybe public sex," I said.

"I don't want to get arrested," she said with a smile.

"You want kink but you don't want risk," I said.

"I know, huh, confused, right?" she admitted.

"So it has just gotten kind of dull, right?"

"Sorry, sweetie," she said. "We have always been honest, right?"

"I would rather have honest than just unhappy and quiet," I said. "I think you need new," I added. "Somebody you haven't fucked a million times in the same old bed."

She didn't respond, which meant she was thinking of just that.

"So if you could pick anyone, who would it be?"

"You mean besides George Clooney?"

"Besides him, yes. Amal might have dibs," I said. "I was thinking of someone more accessible."

"I like this," she said.

"What's that?" I said.

"Talking," she said, "like this, about sex. Openly and honest."

"Me too," I said. "So, who would you like? It's not position, water sports, public, so who makes your panties wet?"

"Well, I guess Martin does," she said shyly. "And Jake."

"Jake seems to make all the women's panties moist," I said. "So even yours?"

"Even," she replied with a naughty grin.

"So, would he be kinky enough for you?" I asked.

"I think so," she said, then thought more about it. "Yes, that would spice things up. Could you handle that kind of spice?" she said.

"A lover? I think so, if it was 'just sex.' Just simple fucking? Question is, could you?"

"Could I fuck as recreation?" she said. "I think so."

"Got to be sure," I said. She smiled. "You're sure?" She nodded. "Okay, it's settled. Jake?"

"Okay," she said shyly, nodding her head.

"So we have to find out if he's interested, but he will be, I am sure. Of course he will be. A man would have to be half dead or without a pulse to not want to fuck you," I said. "I have a hot wife. Every guy I know would sacrifice a limb just to sleep with you, even if he just slept and didn't get to fornicate with my female mate."

"Really?" she said with a grin.

"You could have them all. Would that cure the boredom?" I said. "Fucking every guy we know?"

"It's not boredom," she said. "Maybe predictable, standard, a little conventional. Not boring. Unexceptional."

"Unexceptional is almost as bad as boring," I said. "That's like saying, 'You're okay, but just dull like everyone else."

"Well, sorry, I didn't mean it that way," she said. "I meant not 'rockets shooting off' anymore."

"At least they shot off once?" I said.

"They did," she said. "I guess they've lost their rocket fuel just a bit."

"Mechanical malfunction?" I said.

"A little less power," she said. "Less potent."


"Less, not im," she corrected. "Familiar."

"Okay. We need less familiar," I said. "I can understand that. So we have to get you 'unfamiliar,'" I said. "Not necessarily kinky, but unfamiliar. Novel?"

"It's just a thought," she said.

"And I am thinking it would make your life a lot more interesting," I said. "I can appreciate that. So, let's make it a project. We will make a plan to spice up your life. Maybe with Jake. Maybe with John Doe. Who knows?"

"You wouldn't mind a John Doe?" she said with a grin.

"If it was just a hobby," I said. "A leisure pursuit. Something to make the day brighter. Sure. I would not want to have you running off, but sure, a recreation."

So we began planning my wife's leisure pursuit. We thought of ways to broach the subject with Jake or John Doe. "Hey, would you fuck my wife for me," seemed a little too forward. "Jake, I have a project for you," seemed a little too businesslike.

We decided I would talk to him about Claire, about her seeming down, see if he came up with a "suggestion" or two. As it turned out the first thing he asked was if she was having an affair. "I doubt it," I said. "Maybe that is what she needs." He looked at me like I had asked him to look for the Holy Grail.

"You think?" he said, as serious as the Pope during Easter Mass.

"I am just spitballing here," I said. "But she does need a lift. Maybe a good roll in the hay is just what she requires," I said. His eyes actually lit up. "I just don't know anyone who likes to fuck enough to ask them to help out with my down-in-the-dumps wife and who would want a good piece of ass." My sarcasm didn't escape him.

I could have offered her naked tied to a tree and he wouldn't have responded any quicker. "You need someone to ravish your lady, I am at your beck and call," he said. "Sometimes wives just need a good lay to get them back on track," he said as if he were an expert and he was talking about a piece of malfunctioning machinery on the farm.

"You would do that for me?" I said, the sarcasm dripping off my words like syrup.

"Your wife is as hot as an afternoon in the Sahara," he said. "No offense, but guys would line up just to get a peek at her pussy in panties." How could I be offended by that? I thought. Jake was a friend, but I conceded he was not the most sensitive guy on the planet, but I didn't need a Dr. Delicate, I needed a Tom Jones. In Jake I would have a true to life Mister Jones. He was truly a hit with the ladies, and he was smooth as silk in that respect in the bedroom, at least so I had heard. I knew Claire was mesmerized by his youthful charm, and more than one wife in the community got wet panties when he was around. The fact that he had offered to "help me" bring Claire out of her funk gave me hope.

She'd asked for something kinky, but I was getting her something six foot two and with plenty of masculine confidence. When you were around Jake, you got the feeling he thought he could bed any woman with a vagina and two eyes, and I am not sure he was wrong.

Claire had admitted he caused her to soak her underwear when he was in the room, and out of all the men we know she'd named just two. Martin was married, Jake was not. The more I thought of Claire getting physical with someone the more excited I got.

Jake had offered, so I took it to her. "Jake tells me he would fuck you back to normal," I said.

"So, I am abnormal? I think a lot of women want kinky," she said. "My friends talk about wanting exciting sex, something that curls their hair. I don't think I am so strange to want something new and exciting. You call it kinky. I call it interesting. You think Jake can give me kinky, exciting sex? If he can, I am interested," she said.

We began talking about how to do it, if we should have him come to the house, take her to a hotel, romance her, or if they needed to decide between themselves what to do and how to do it. Maybe that could be part of it.

"I think we should meet, see where it goes," she said. "He warms my clit, for sure, but we need to see if it happens in person. He likes to fuck, yes, but is he hot for me? I want him to want me, not just pussy," she said candidly. "That's a big part of it. Hot, passionate desire."

I was willing to give her hot sexual desire if that is what she wanted and couldn't get from me. When a man is willing to give his wife another man, he is desperate, and he will do whatever he thinks he has to. I wanted to give her wild, passionate fucking, and if I was unable to do it myself I was willing to provide her with that whatever it cost.

Jake was my ace in the hole. It is one thing for your wife to start fooling around with other guys, but when she comes right out and tells you she wants kink, something new and exciting, you have to listen and respect that. If she's honest enough to tell you, it would be smart to listen, to take that seriously. I genuinely, honestly wanted to give her exciting, especially if I wasn't capable of doing it myself. It is the dilemma a twenty-first century husband is faced with and better address it earnestly.

Perhaps the point of this story is to advise husbands everywhere to pay attention to the needs of their wives. Take them seriously and address them dutifully. It is in your best interest not to ignore them and pretend they don't exist, because they do, believe me. Whether you can see them or not, they are there, they exist, and they can be an enormous problem for you.

This is not 1890. A woman will not live quietly devoted to her provider and her master. Her twenty-first century needs are not to be ignored. If your wife wants kinky, you had better figure out how to provide it, or find ways for her to get it, because she will find it on her own if you don't.

You will be in a lot more trouble if she has to find it on her own. I made the decision to join the campaign and do all I could to help her get it, and Jake was my means of bringing that to her. She had decided they should meet, like on a date, and let Nature take its course. I told her I would pay for anywhere they'd like, and she kissed me and smiled warmly.

When they left the house, I had high expectations, and I watched them walk towards his car. She looked positively gorgeous and I watched the sway of her bottom, understanding there were no panties under that wonderfully short dress. I was sure there was ample wetness between those lovely long legs.

I knew that on their way to wherever they decided to go, he would find that bare pussy under that dress and play with it with nimble fingers and a gigolo's resolve. I imagined him going there quickly and spending most of the ride with his hand under the dress and his fingers deep in her insides, warming her clit and inflating her labia to puffy, excited petals, swollen with passion and anticipation of being parted by his thickness later that night.

How could a man not only let his wife go with another fellow, but even go as far as arranging and paying for it? As I said before, I saw no alternative. She needed kinky and I truly wanted her to have it. As they drove away, I let the scenario run in my mind and I watched the mental film of them finding the kink she was in need of.

I went through all of the positions we'd looked at, imagined her in each of them, and pictured them fucking like ravenous lovers without constraints or inhibitions. I saw him pounding into her with her on her back and him positioned between her legs and I saw her mounted on his hips with her legs straddling his body and his cock punching up into her. I envisioned her with him in her mouth, sucking his erection with abandon. I watched, in my head, her standing in the hotel room with her dress held up in her hands, bent over with her legs apart and him behind her pushing into her wet and puffy pussy. I could even imagine hearing her grunts each time he pounded into her.

The visions were erotic and exciting, and thinking of them made it even more thrilling. Thinking of my wife being fucked like a seasoned whore was as exciting as anything I had ever experienced in my life. I could almost smell the muskiness of their passion. I could nearly hear the sounds of their bodies slapping together.

Everything I had ever thought of doing but didn't have the nerve, or the chance, I imagined her doing with Jake. Every kinky thing I'd ever seen in porn, I pictured her doing. All the John Holmes moments, I envisioned her trying. Everything I saw Linda Lovelace doing, or wished she would do to me, I thought about with Jake and Claire.

When she and I started having sex it was on our third date and it was mostly missionary, mostly rushed, and admittedly unimaginative and conventional. It is not surprising she is yearning for kinky. It should not be startling she wants new and exciting. If I gave her anything it was in the mundane category. I look at myself and I see sexually bland, erotically dull, and emotionally uninspired, so although I think she loves me, I haven't given her Cary Grant. I don't think I am a bad husband, but matinee idol I am not. Anthony Hopkins, perhaps, but Brad Pitt I ain't.

So, to be willing to give her a chance at new and charming is not that hard. Some will declare I am a weakling, doormat, not worthy of even having a penis, but I say to know thyself, and not hide your head in the sand and imagine you're Cary Grant and not Andy Griffin.

She is my wife and not Jake's, so I have that advantage, but I am smart enough to see the reality and not the fantasy. I left the living room after she'd gone and went to read or watch TV, or perhaps porn and imagine what was happening between my wife and her designated lover. I started out with a football game, but I couldn't concentrate so I went to porn, slipped a tape in the machine about horny housewives and their hunky boyfriends.

The first was a scene with a busty beauty at home with her handsome hunk in her laundry room, with her sitting on the operating washing machine with her legs spread and her partner between her knees with his business so far in her she didn't hear the cleaning lady coming in to do a load of clothes. The cleaning lady got an eyeful, but the two lovers didn't stop to say hello. The housemaid shrieked, ran from the room, and perhaps took months to recover. The housewife was too engrossed to care and the scene ended with a climax that ranks with the best I've ever seen.

I imagined Claire on the washing machine and Jake as the hunk. I pretty much knew, with her new desire for kinky, she probably, like the porn actress, wouldn't have stopped either for anything less than a visit by the Pope. I figured she and Jake were leaving the 'do not disturb' sign out in their room and forgoing housekeeping and bed making attempts by the hotel staff.

I did not know where they had ended up, but she had promised to call me in the morning to let me know how her night went. When the phone rang the next morning I was at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal in front of me. "So, how did your night go?" I asked.

There was a pause, then an audible sigh. "Kinky," she said. "I bet you watched porn last night, right?" I admitted I had, said she knew me too well, and said I watched a few that I imagined her in. "Well, I would have fit right in," she said. "We had sex on the balcony," she said. "The lights were out, but we were nude on the balcony and we could hear people next door. It was terribly exciting. I imagined they could hear us as well," she said with a giggle.

I pictured her naked on the terrace fucking in a lounge chair sitting on Jake's lap. Letting my wife fuck my friend had brought us to a level of honesty and intimacy that was amazing. Here we were talking about her night with another man like we were discussing a tennis match, and we were laughing and enjoying one another like a couple of old pals. Ironic that the thing that brought us closer was her pursuing kinky sex with another guy.

When I got off the phone, I felt amazingly elated, like I had just talked to an old friend who promised to reconnect. I was afraid her search for kinky might put a "kink" in things (no pun intended) for us, but instead it had seemed to improve our relationship incredibly. Instead of feeling insecure and vulnerable, I felt happy and pleased with what we had done.

The feeling continued after she got home, as we sat in the bedroom talking about her night of kinky like two friends talking about a favorite vacation. She told me every detail and we laughed at the humor they shared throughout the night. It was hot but not all seriousness and they laughed at funny things that happened, like the wrong number call they got asking for a taxi just before midnight, right in the middle of an incredible orgasm she was about to have.

The caller kept saying, "Send taxi quick." Claire breathlessly tried to explain they weren't a taxi company, but the caller kept saying to "send taxi quick."

I am now very comfortable with her need for kink and her campaign to find it, mostly with Jake but not exclusively. She has been with Marcos, Trevor, and Carson, and on two occasions she found kinky satisfaction with Julia, who she met at a PTA meeting at our son's school. Many would criticize our marital decisions, but those who criticize should look at the results. How do you argue with success?


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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Try the ultimate kinky king of the kinkiest, divorce!!! It’s shitty, pissing off and fucked up, maybe also nauseous.

As for the tale above, a fantasy, well, who gives a fuck? Only the tricycle-wannabe-exhardrocker-sissy Busty might. LoL


pmatpmat21 days ago

It was a quite cheeky and fun story until the flaccid end. I was so hoping for an awesome and creative twist to end it. Lame. Go back an re-write the end. A guy with a limp dick, a blindfold and ear plugs goes to an orgy………….

Buster2UBuster2U21 days ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for NC! Very Exciting Story, watching the love of your life, your loving wife walk out with one of your buddies to his car to go somewhere to have sex. Hey, just save the time and money and let your buddie fuck your wife in your own bed so that you can watch and get your sloppy seconds even faster. No Need for them to sleep together. Just fuck and go! Leave some pussy for next time. That is the way I've always done it! LOL All my life I have shared all my wives and GF with my buddies, typically, my black buddies. Usually a good time was had by all. Thanks for the good effort. Thanks Buster2U

LimeyracerLimeyracer21 days ago

Well written. A bit "Clinical" though they are obviously, of a 'like mind' - Her needs are what he wants for her - and yes, have "been there/done that" with my wife of over 60 years... (Yep, we're a pair of old Kinks) - but we have enjoyed extensive loving, as 2-somes/3-somes as well as a wonderful foursome - regrettably only for one, stop getting all analytic - sex is the only ting that matters between Lovers, and too few of you out there are enjoying it - mainly though Guilt. And, the 'afterwards' Loving can be even better than your 'regular' marital sex...

Variety is the spice of life!!

usaretusaret21 days ago

My previous comment above stands. But as an aside to the author: It to feel sorry for me, or any other commentary, but learn from our comments/ratings. You’ll obtain more enlightenment therefrom.

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