Streamers and a Stud Ch. 13-14


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"What if they went out to pick up a few things? Did you check the garage to see if any of the cars are missing?"

Michael's face lit up and he ran down the stairs to the garage. Kyedae turned to give Imane a wink before quickly following the worried boyfriend to see what other mischief she could conjure up.

Poki sighed in relief and heard a door creak open behind her.

Josh was approaching with Lily in tow, causing Imane to let out an audible gasp. Her sweet, innocent friend was on her hands and knees, roughly being led by her hair. She was completely naked and her face was plastered with fresh cum.

But most surprising of all was the smile on her face. The whole scene was more than anything she could have ever expected from Josh. His ability to seduce a woman and reduce her into a whore was truly remarkable. The turnaround time was even more impressive.

"Say hello to cumrag number four," Josh announced plainly.

Lily was slightly confused by what Josh meant, but she turned her attention to Imane, her friend of many, many years. Lily was still in the dark about the rest of Josh's conquests, so in her eyes, she just looked like a cheating degenerate whore.

And their friend group did not treat cheaters very kindly.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered from her position on the floor.

To her surprise, however, Imane just smirked at her. "Don't be. I'll explain everything later, but we have bigger problems to deal with right now."

Imane quickly got Josh up to speed and the trio made their way to the kitchen. Lily had some difficulties with getting down the stairs while on her hands and feet, but she did her best. She had to. Josh's grip on her hair was forcing her to maintain a certain speed, and if she didn't keep up, she would tumble all the way down.

Josh and Imane grabbed four bottles of vodka and whiskey, shot glasses, a blow-up floatie, and a large cutting board. Oh, and of course, Lily's bathing suit from the cupboard that Imane used to hide it.

"You know, I could help carry some stuff if you let me stand up, master," Lily offered in an attempt to be useful, despite how useless Josh told her she was.

"No shot. I'm still breaking you in. Can't be lenient on your first night as a cum dumpster," Josh replied, causing a giggle from Poki. "Here, you can carry the floatie."

Josh placed the circular inflatable around her neck, drawing laughs from all three of them. The group made their way out to the hot tub, and Imane took her leave since she couldn't be seen helping them.

Lily quickly cleaned her face in the pool and put her swimsuit on before helping Josh set everything up. They opened the bottles of alcohol, poured one out completely to use as the spinning bottle, organized the shot glasses, put the cutting board on the floatie, and then tested it to see how well it'd work.

The bottle spun in the middle of the hot tub like a goddamn charm.

"I can't believe this is going to work, haha," Lily mused with her famously adorable smile, which was now unburdened by a layer of semen. "But what are we going to say to Michael?"

"Just leave that to me," Josh replied confidently.

And she did. Lily watched as Michael and Kyedae eventually met up with Poki inside, who told them that she had spotted the missing pair in the hot tub.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Michael asked as he made his way to Lily's side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great, babe. Why wouldn't I be?"

Josh explained the whole thing away and Lily gazed at him with admiration. "It's my bad guys. I really wanted to do truth or dare, but I wanted to spin the bottle here in the hot tub, so Lily and I were looking all over the place for something to make that work. Eventually, Lily here suggested a floatie, but we couldn't find the one she was talking about. So we looked upstairs and downstairs and.. it was a huge mess, haha."

"Y-- yeah. It was a huge mess, alright," Lily mumbled out cunningly.

"But we looked upstairs and downstairs and didn't see you guys," Michael challenged, still upset from their long absence.

"We were in the garage checking all the cars. We figured someone might've taken the floatie to a beach or something, so it could've been in anyone's car."

"We checked the garage, too!"

"Did you check the driveway? Kyedae's car is out there, and that's where we finally found it."

Kyedae saw her cue to step in. "Ahh, fuck, that's right! Tyson and I were going to use it for a silly little photoshoot we were doing like three weeks ago, but we never did. Must've forgot it was even in there!"

Silence followed as the whole situation had been reasoned. Michael finally took his first relaxed breath of air in over an hour.

"That's.. huh. I'm-- really glad, haha. Whew! We were just really worried about you, is all," Michael replied in an attempt to play off his now unreasonable anger.

"We?" Imane chimed in. "You were the one panicking the whole time. Kyedae and I were kicked back, having a good time, and you kept bringing up what

Lily looked at her embarrassed boyfriend. "Really?" she asked.

"I-- I mean, no.. not really! Just-- uhh.." he stuttered. Michael could feel everyone staring at him.

"What did you think we were doing?" Lily pressed him with a stern glare. Her boyfriend was clearly uncomfortable, but she wanted to mess with him a little. She didn't know why, but watching her boyfriend squirm gave her an odd feeling of power.

"No-- it's not.. uhm, like that. I didn't.."

Michael could feel his face warming up. He was sure that everyone could tell how red his cheeks were.

"Did you think I was cheating on you?"

The question caught him completely off guard, and he looked up to meet his girlfriend's stare. She looked like her usual self, but with, perhaps, an unusually beautiful glow to her.

"Cheating?" he asked for unnecessary clarification.

"Yeah, did you think I was fucking Josh?"

"What? Uhm, no way. I never--"

"Good," Lily interrupted. "Because I wouldn't do that to you, babe. I just met him yesterday! What-- we just snuck upstairs and had incredible sex for an hour while you were out here waiting for us to come back?"

Smirks were exchanged all around the hot tub, but no one else spoke.

"Haha, yeah.. it's ridiculous," Michael reasoned as he rubbed the back on his neck. To play the whole situation off, he pretended to add onto the joke. "And-- and Poki and Kyedae were just stalling to give you guys more time.. haha, more time to--"

"More time to fuck," Lily cut in crudely. "Yeah, they were distracting you to give Josh all the time he'd need to seduce me and blow my back out."

"Haha.." Michael chuckled nervously. Lily was speaking in more of a matter-of-fact manner than as a joke, but he wasn't about to start another accusation. "Totally. What-- did you give her a facial, too?" he asked Josh directly.

Josh simply smiled at the hilarity of the ongoing conversation.

"Yeah, he did, babe. He came all over my face and almost drowned me in his fat load, haha. It even got into my eye. See," Lily said as she leaned towards her boyfriend and widened her right eye with her fingers. "It's probably a little bit red because he didn't let me clean up for like ten minutes."

"Hah. Okay, okay, enough jokes," Michael said as he looked into his girlfriend's eye. "Oh, wow. Your eye is red! Err.. from the hot tub water.. or something, right?"

Lily didn't respond right away. She just stared at her boyfriend and watched him shift uneasily.

"No. It wasn't the water," Lily answered bluntly. "Anyways, let's get some shots going! I haven't had any alcohol in, like.. over a month."

Imane cheered that sentiment on. "Oo, good idea! I say everyone drinks at least one shot before we start the game."

Michael didn't love Lily's response, but he was perfectly okay with a change of topic. Lily's questions were super intense for some reason. She was in a weird mood, so he was fine taking the backseat tonight.

"Josh, you're drinking two to start off," Lily announced as she waded through the hot tub and helped Kyedae hand out the shots. "Since you're so big.. hah. Otherwise, we'll all be drunk before you're even tipsy."

"Fair enough," Josh replied as he swatted at Lily's butt. "Thanks, doll."

Michael noticed and rolled his eyes. It was going to be a long night.

"What is this? Vodka?" Imane asked as she sniffed the alcohol in her hand.

"Yeah, we have whiskey too.. if you prefer that?" Kyedae asked as the rest of the girls took their seat.

"No, no, I don't mind vodka! Thank you, though," Imane replied as she looked over at Josh. "Hey! Wait a second. Isn't this your first shot, Josh? I remember you told us something about never drinking before."

Josh nodded in response. "Yeah, I'm surprised you remembered that. Feels like a good occasion to take the leap, haha."'

The girls erupted in response. Kyedae and Lily didn't even know about this, so they asked a few questions out of curiosity. It was a big deal. Someone's first drink. At last, they all raised their shot glasses in the air and downed the hard liquor.

They all grimaced simultaneously.




"Jesus christ!"

The high alcohol percentage in the vodka really packed a punch, and no one took it lightly. With a fresh taste of what the stakes were, the game kicked off.

Josh took the lead and explained the rules, as expected from the most confident person in the tub. Lily, Kyedae, and Imane all listened intently while stealing glances at his package or his irresistible abs.

The turns would go in a circle. Each person would spin the bottle and propose the truth or dare question to the person the bottle landed on. Once they've picked their option, the spinner would ask an intimate question or contrive an entertaining dare. The selected member would then follow through or pass and drink a shot of alcohol.

"Does anyone have any limits? Speak now or hold your peace," Josh asked with a hand on the empty bottle. He knew it was only directly at Michael since.. well, he knew the limits of the rest of the girls.

He's the one who picked those limits, and for the most part, they were non-existent.

Predictably, everyone shook their heads except for Michael. He had a weird feeling that Josh might try something with his girlfriend, so he wanted to nip that in the bud. "As far as the dares go, I think we should ban.. sexual things, ya know? Like kissing and whatnot."

Everyone looked at him with an odd glance.

"What is this-- middle school?" Imane asked. "Live a little!"

"Yeah, Michael," Kyedae agreed. "We're all adults here."

He felt embarrassed for having suggested such an unpopular opinion and looked to Lily for support.

She gave him none. "I think he's worried that I'm going to cheat on him again," Lily joked, causing a heavy roar of laughter among the group. Once the laughs died down, she added, "Don't worry, babe. I promise not to cheat in front of you."

Michael rolled his eyes at her obvious joke. "Okay, okay-- whatever. I guess we can always skip if the dares go too far."

"Don't worry, little guy," Josh asserted as he leaned over and patted Michael's shoulder. "I won't make Lily do anything she doesn't want to."

But the brute's promise did nothing to quell his anxiety. Their friend group was usually so nice and understanding of everyone's concerns. It never had a toxic mob mentality like this. It reminded him of high school all over again. Bullshit hierarchy culture that resulted in peer pressure and bullying. Lily and Poki and Kyedae and all of his female friends would never, ever give an asshat like Josh the time of day. They usually called his behavior out right away. Everyone here was always chill and friendly, but something had changed. And Josh seemed to be the only new factor.

Michael hoped it was just an off night and things would go back to normal in the morning. Or.. at the very latest, when Josh left.

Josh chuckled and spun the bottle, not bothering to ask who wanted to go first. Imane, Kyedae, and Lily all sat up and fixed their postures, sticking out their chests and attempting to look as appealing as possible for Josh's upcoming question or dare.

As luck would have it, the bottle landed on Lily. Michael was not impressed. "Of fucking course," he mumbled.

Before anyone could blink, Lily blurted out her answer. "Dare!"

Heads shot in her direction, surprised at the speed of her answer. "Sorry, heh. I just think.. truths are so lame. Uhm, I choose dare. Please. Dare me to do something, sir," she said in Josh's direction while avoiding her boyfriend's curious glare.

Josh cracked a smile at her inability to hide her enthusiasm. "Okay, Lily. I dare you to suck my dick."

Silence and mini gasps were all that could be heard over the next five seconds. Josh had just promised to take it easy on her, but he clearly had no intention to do so.

"Not easing into it at all, are you?" Imane stated rhetorically.

"Okay," Lily announced as she stood from her seated position. She waded through the water towards Josh and began to fix her hair into a ponytail.

Everything was moving in slow motion for Michael. He had no idea what was happening or why Lily was going along with it.

"Uhm, babe! What's.. what are you doing?" he asked nervously.

Lily paused as she knelt onto the seat besides Josh. "Don't you see what his goal is? He's going to give us all super hard dares to start off so that we skip them right away. Then, after we've had too many shots, we'll be forced to do his later dares. I'm not dumb! I won't fall for it."

"But babe! You can't give him a blowjob. It's just a stupid dare. Skip it!" Michael pleaded.

"Sorry, babe. I won't let him get the upper hand. Just look away, okay?" Lily suggested nonchalantly. She then turned back towards Josh and gave him a seductive wink before slowly lowering her head towards his lap.

Her descent was in complete slow motion in Michael's eyes. He could feel his heart beating faster, and just before anything could happen, his vision blurred and he blacked out.

Josh and Lily had just been joking. She was planning on teasing her boyfriend until the last second before revealing the gag, but Michael had just passed out.

"Holy shit," Josh exclaimed. Kyedae reached over and grabbed Michael's torso before it dipped further into the water.

"Should I wake him up?" she asked.

"No, fuck no," Josh said as he saw a fantastic opportunity. He quickly raised his torso and tugged his trunks down, releasing his hardening cock. Without giving her a warning, he grabbed Lily by her ponytail and slammed it into the water, guiding her mouth towards his cock.

She was surprised, but not overtly so. Josh would always take advantage of a situation if he could, and this was one he wouldn't let slip past him.

Lily opened her mouth to accept Josh's girthy cock. He pushed it as deep as she could take it and began thrusting, lifting his pelvis out of his seat to pound Lily's mouth. He was not gentle about it, despite Lily being underwater, and within seconds, his mammoth cock was balls deep inside of Lily's tight throat.

"Fuckkk," Josh groaned out as he kept his cock buried to the hilt. He felt Lily's tongue lap at the underside of his cock, and he chuckled from the pleasure.

"He's still breathing," Kyedae announced as she checked on their sleeping friend.

"Josh, he could wake up any second, so don't go easy on her," Imane suggested with a smirk. She couldn't believe how hot the situation was, so she did her best to egg him on.

Josh knew that she was right, so he immediately doubled his efforts and facefucked Lily's helpless throat without pause or consideration for her well-being. Six or seven inches would come out and those same girthy inches of cock would get shoved right back down her feeble gullet, over and over.

Her warm throat constricted around his cock so perfectly that he was worried he wouldn't want to pull out, even if Michael woke up.

A minute of this constant skull fucking went on before Josh called it. He finally let go of Lily's hair and she rose out of the water dramatically. She coughed out water and breathed in heavy gulps of air while her friends watched in sheer amusement.

They had all been there before, but never underwater. That one was new, and they secretly hoped to experience it soon.

"Josh, you have absolutely zero self control, haha," Imane teased him.

As Lily relaxed her knee-jerk reactions, she combed the stray hair on her face backwards with her hands and chimed in. "He.. doesn't need it. Self control.. is what losers like him have," she mumbled, pointing at her blacked out boyfriend. "You.. fuck, haha. You crossed something off my bucket list that I didn't even know was on there. Thank you, sir. That was hot. ♡"

"Glad to help, haha. I would've kept going, but I was worried you'd drown," Josh admitted.

The girls all fawned over this. "Awhhh," they cooed in admiration as their dear friend lay passed out next to them.

"That's so sweet, Josh!" Kyedae admitted, focusing her attention on Josh and letting go of Michael's torso.

"Guess we're not as disposable as you say," Imane chirped with a sly grin. Lily was taking everything in and learning a lot as time went on. Imane and Kyedae were clearly in on the whole situation.

"Hey, hey. Enough mushy bullshit," Josh demanded. "I never meant that literally. I don't want you sluts to die, of course. I just meant.. you know, I want to be able to go room to room, using and abusing you guys however I want."

"And that's exactly what you get to do," Lily joined in. She met everyone's gaze before continuing. "I'm.. new to all this, but you can visit my room and use me as a sex object all you want. No holding back, okay?"

"Yup, same here," Kyedae added. "But you already knew that, heh."

"Welcome to the group," Imane said to Lily, sharing a subtle smile with her longtime friend.

That was the moment that Michael's body gave way and dipped into the hot tub. He had been slowly leaning in ever since Kyedae released her grip, and the water quickly woke him up.

Michael propped himself up and looked around at his friends. "Whoa. What.. what happened?"

"You blacked out, babe. Oh my god," she yelped out, quickly moving to reposition herself away from Josh and next to her boyfriend. "I was so worried! Are you okay?"

His mind quickly recollected the prior events. "You.. you were about to.. fuck, what-- did you.. did you do it?"

"Do what, babe?" Lily asked her boyfriend innocently.

"Suck.. suck him off! You were about to.. I passed out.. er, right before," he said, stumbling over his words.

Lily looked confused for a second and then her face warmed into a smile. "No, hon! Are you kidding me? It was just a joke. I was going to stop and say sike and everyone was going to laugh, but you passed out before I could. It was about to be my best joke of the night!"

Michael felt relief, but he still wasn't amused. "Yeah, real funny, babe. You.. you made me pass out. I had no idea you were joking! It was so real.. to me."

Instead of reacting concerning or caring, the way that Michael expected, Lily became sour. "Michael, I did it for you. I did all of that as a joke.. to make you laugh! Do you think I liked getting that close to Josh? Look at him!" she blurted out.

"Hey," Josh intervened. "What's wrong with me?"

"Shut up," Lily replied. "I just mean, you're a hunk. He's a hunk, babe. He's tall, athletic, super built. He's a stud! He probably likes teasing girls, especially ones that are taken, like me. So giving him a pretend blowjob would've just coddled his freaking ego! And it would've embarrassed me, but I didn't mind. As long as you got a good laugh."

"Well, I-- I didn't see it like that.. I guess."

"No, you didn't. Because you can be a real ass sometimes, Michael."