Streamers and a Stud Ch. 13-14


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"I'm sorry, babe," he replied genuinely. "I didn't--"

"No, you didn't. Now," she began to say as she stood up and made her way over to Josh. "I'm going to sit over here until you're done being an ass."

"But.. babe," he pleaded. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay, now. It's just a little punishment. I don't want to spend the night angry, okay?"

Michael anxiety shot back up. Sitting next to the creep that had been bothering her all night.. it was a recipe for disaster, but he couldn't do much about it.

"Okay, babe. I love you," he mumbled. Josh raised his hand and wrapped it around Lily's shoulder, much to Michael's discontent.

"I love you, too," Lily replied. Her attention quickly focused towards Josh as he tickled her side. "Ahh, oh my. St-- stop! Haha, you're silly!" she giggled out playfully. Michael tried to regain her attention with his eyes, but Josh had a hold on it.

He sighed and decided to move on for the moment.

"Okay," Josh finally said to the group. "That might've been the most chaotic first turn of truth or dare ever, haha."

"No kidding," Kyedae mused. "Felt like I was watching a drama movie for a second."

"Yeah, we're just spectating. Don't mind us," Imane jested.

"I'm sorry, guys," Lily responded as she leaned into Josh's embrace. "Here, it's my turn, but you can spin next, Imane."

"Uh huh," Imane murmured. "You're just giving up your turn so you can keep snuggling with Josh, hehe."

Her mouth dropped at the accusation and her eyes darted towards her boyfriend, who met her glare and quickly looked away. "That's-- that's not true at all! I.. I just feel bad that all the attention has been on me.. or whatever. And we're not.. even cuddling, ugh!"

Lily was shocked at how Poki was able to guess her true intention.

"Relax! I'm just giving you shit, haha."

She finally leaned forward and spun the bottle, and the night proceeded without too much conflict. Kyedae took a dare and had to lick Imane's foot. She joked about how some of her fans might see this as a reward. Michael chose truth from Kyedae and had to reveal his dick size. He didn't want to play into the sexual themes of the game and decided to take a shot. Michael spun and dared Imane to cluck like a chicken. He earned boos for his lame dare, but it was an amusing one nonetheless.

Every time Josh spun, however, he went past all of the unspoken boundaries. He dared Michael to jump off the roof and into the large pool in the backyard. Michael was tired of Josh's macho bullshit, so he went to eye the jump, but quickly determined that it'd be impossible. He ended up taking another shot.

For his next turn, Josh dared Imane to flash everyone. She said she would, but that Michael had to turn away.

"No, no, that's cheating. The dare was for you to flash everyone here," Michael contended. He was tired of seemingly getting the short end of every turn so far, and he wanted to hold others accountable. "If you don't want to, you have to take a shot."

Lily stared daggers at her boyfriend as Josh's hand draped comfortably around her neck. His fingertips grazed her left boob, often skirting along the tip of her erect nipple. He was toying with her, and she loved it.

"Babe! Seriously? Why don't you just ask Imane for a private show? That'd be more discreet than what you just said."

Michael looked at Lily with a desperate face. "No, Lily.. you don't-- it's not that! I don't want to see.. her. I'm just trying--"

"Trying, trying, trying to what?" Lily replied, mocking his inadvertent stutter. "Trying to see her tits? Can you go be a perv somewhere else? I mean, seriously!"

"Yeah," Kyedae whispered. "Poki just doesn't feel comfortable flashing you. No need to argue about it."

It was Michael against the world. Or.. that's what it felt like, anyway. And he was sick of it.

"Fine! I'm sorry, Imane. I didn't mean anything by it, but clearly, I just don't get the rules," he remarked in anger before standing up to leave. "I'll leave you guys to it, if that's what you want."

"Thanks, babe," Lily replied absent-mindedly, never taking her eyes off of Josh. They were whispering to each other and she was giggling like a schoolgirl.

Without further comment, Michael stepped out of the hot tub and marched inside. He could hear Lily laugh as he reached the sliding glass doors.

There was silence in the hot tub for a few seconds.

"Do you guys want to keep playing?" Kyedae asked the group. "I mean, we kind of set the whole thing up.. specifically to mess around with Lily, right?"

Imane's smirk turned into a small giggle. "Yeah, you're not.. wrong, hah."

Josh and Lily finally separated before he spoke up. "Nah, fuck that. Michael leaving won't ruin the game. It'll just make the dares that much more fun. I think the rules do need a bit of an update, though."

The group exchanged smiles. They knew the night had just begun.

Michael paced in his bedroom. He couldn't sit still. The angst that had built up inside of him was too much to allow him any relaxation. Every interaction from that day kept repeating in his mind.

What could have possibly gone so wrong? Why was everyone against him?

Josh was the problem. He had to be, but why were Imane and Kyedae acting weird, too? Not to mention, Lily.

His girlfriend. His lover. His whole world. He was never one to be emotional, but he couldn't take the nonchalant disrespect anymore.

Michael was hurt.

He had to get answers. Shit just doesn't change that quickly without something happening. Kyedae, Imane, and Lily all looked like they were fawning over Josh. Sure, he was a fit, handsome dude, but that doesn't change friendships. It doesn't undo years of loyal relationships.

Something had to have happened before he got back from New York. He couldn't ask anyone outside, obviously. He knew Rae was home, so he tried to knock on her door, but she wasn't answering. Michael heard the water running, so she might've been in the shower.

The only other person in the house recently would have been Tyson. Kyedae's boyfriend.

They weren't super close. He was often out of the house at Valorant events and practices, but it was worth a shot. He picked up his phone and gave him a call.

The phone rang and rang, and continued ringing. Every ring reduced his hope for answers. He was on the edge of his seat, hoping, praying that Tyson would pick up.

Finally, after the tenth ring, Tyson answered.


"Hey, Tyson! It's Michael," he responded gratefully.

"Oh, hey dude. I'm not at the house right now, if you need--"

"No, no, you're fine, man. Just.. just had a few questions."

"Sure, yeah. What's up? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Everyone is good. Kyedae says hi, by the way. Uhm, I know you're probably busy, so I'll get right to the point. Err, have you-- sorry, this might sound weird, but it's important. Have you noticed.. anything weird happening in the house?"

"Weird? Haha, like a ghost or?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. I mean, you met Josh, right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I met him last week. Tall dude. Imane introduced me."

"Yeah, tall dude.." Michael replied as Lily's voice echoed in his brain.

Tall, athletic, super built, hunk. Tall, athletic, super built, hunk.

"What about him?" Tyson asked, breaking Michael's trance.

"Yeah, sorry.. uhm, did you notice anything weird with him? Or with Kyedae, maybe? Or Poki?"

There was a brief pause as Tyson considered his question.

"No, not really. Nothing that comes to mind, anyway. My brain is kind of fried from all the matches, though. We've been practicing in between games and there hasn't been much downtime."

Michael's hope dropped like a ton of bricks. He was looking for any kind of lead or.. something. Anything that could help him out.

"All good, man. I know you've got a lot on your plate, so no worries. But hey, good luck on your matches."

"Thanks, dude. We've got LOUD coming up, so you might be seeing me back at the house pretty soon, haha."

"Hey, fuck those Brazilian cocksuckers. You've got this, dude."

"Haha, hopefully. They're looking good, though, so we'll see."

"Either way, good luck. Have a good one--"

"Wait," Tyson interjected. "There was actually one weird thing, now that I think about it.."

Michael's face lit up. Tyson went on to describe his anniversary with Kyedae. He had planned a whole date with her at a fancy restaurant, but when their reservation came up, Josh swooped in. The next thing he remembered was waking up in the bathtub with the whole house trying to wake him up. Kyedae had apparently nursed him back to health after he tripped and blacked out.

He knew it. He fucking knew it. This was exactly what Michael was looking for.

Michael asked for a few more details and ended the call. He did his best not to alarm Tyson, since he didn't have any solid proof, but things were not looking good. If Michael was right, his suspicions would be vindicated, but his worst fears would also be true.

Lily was cheating on him.

His heart pumped as he thought of his next steps.

The cameras. There were cameras outside that showed the driveway. That's where everything went down, according to Tyson. If Josh was involved in Tyson's weird passing out event, there would be evidence of it.

And he had access to all of it. Michael was the one that helped install the cameras after a close call with one of Imane's stalkers. He just hoped that the footage wasn't taped over yet.

He ran to his computer and checked the cloud storage where the footage was kept, and after scrolling for a bit, he found it.

The exact day that Tyson mentioned. Michael scrolled through until he saw Kyedae and Tyson sitting in their car. Sure enough, Josh walked over and entered their vehicle right on cue.

What he witnessed over the next hour was devastating. It confirmed everything. Josh was a psychopathic bully, and at the very least, Kyedae was an accessory to it all.

As the footage continued to roll, he saw Josh and Kyedae leave while Tyson remained in the bushes. They came back sometime later, walked over to Tyson's body, and did.. something. He couldn't quite make it out, but they went inside soon after, leaving Tyson out there all by himself.

He sped the video along, and sure enough, he was outside the whole night. Michael was about to cut the video, but suddenly, Rae, Imane, and Kyedae all came into frame sometime in the late morning. He watched on as they dragged him inside.

There was an eerie pit inside of his stomach. He wasn't even sure what he just witnessed, but Tyson clearly had no idea what truly happened to him.

He needed to put an end to it.

Michael acted quickly. He saved the video footage to the computer and emailed it to himself as well, just in case.

He wanted to be smart about the situation, but the anger inside of him started to boil.. uncontrollably. He was right. He was fucking right all along. Every concern he raised that night was reasonable, and the rest of the group was just fucking gaslighting him into thinking he was in the wrong.

Michael was furious, and that's when he remembered. Lily was still outside with that asshole.. doing god knows what.

He wouldn't fucking stand for it.

Back at the hot tub, Imane, Kyedae, and Lily all had their heads leaned back flat against the pavement. Their bodies were next to each other, and Josh was above them, kneeling down so his large ball sack dipped into Imane's waiting mouth. Lily already had her turn, and Kyedae was up next. The eager streamers all had their mouths wide open as they begged to be tbagged.

It had been Kyedae's turn. She spun the bottle, and it landed on Josh, who promptly chose dare. With a smirk, she dared him to tbag every girl in the tub.

After Imane had her fair dose of balls, Josh took his sack out of her mouth, only to plop it back down on her pretty face. He swiveled his torso and made sure her entire face was smothered thoroughly.

"Mmmgffgggg, so good!" she moaned out. "Smells so good. Love your balls, love.. love them!"

He repeated the process with Kyedae, who looked way too happy to be degraded in such a manner, but Josh was not one to judge. He had worked hard to get her, and the others, to this point.

In his mind, this was a reward for all of his hard work. And he enjoyed it. Kyedae's face received the same treatment. Josh tbagged her a few times and insulted her intelligence to establish his dominance further. He then dragged his hefty sack all over her pretty face. Kyedae was one of the more enthusiastic whores, so she pivoted her own face left and right to make sure as much of her face was covered as possible.

This was heaven. Finally, no bullshit boyfriend or fiancee to ruin the fun. Just three willing whores.


Even though there should be four here. Josh put just as much work into Rae as the rest of them. He deserved to be tbagging four girls. Not three.

With this new thorn in his side, he stood up from his kneeled position.

"I'm going to go take a quick piss. Stay just like that," Josh ordered. "Don't you dare wipe that balls sweat off your dumb faces."

The girls giggled in response.

"Wouldn't dream of it, master."

"I'll never wash my face again, heh."

"Can you tbag me one more time before you go?" asked Lily with an adorable pout.

Since she was new, Josh humored her and knelt down to sink his sack in her mouth. Both of his balls couldn't fit, of course, so he dipped his left nut in and then his right.

"Hey, why don't you just piss on us?" Imane asked, prompting the other girls to agree enthusiastically.

"Yeah, that's perfect! Lily hasn't had the full slut experience until she's been pissed on," Kyedae reasoned.

Lily quickly corrected her, though. "He's.. already peed on my face, hah. He did it next to Michael, too! It was a part of that whole sleepwalking thing you guys set up, which I know was bullshit now! Haha."

The girls apologized, but there was no need. Lily was happy to be where she was now. Naked and in a prime tbagging position.

"Sorry, girls. I think Rae's missed out on enough fun, so I'm going to go piss on her face this time, but don't worry. You guys can share the next one, okay?"

"Okay," Lily pouted. "Don't miss a single drop. Make sure it all hits her face, okay?"

"Yes, sir," Kyedae added. "Please hurry back."

"We'll have a bottle of water waiting for you when you get back," Imane said with a wink.

Josh heard the girls giggle as he put his trunks back on and walked inside.

Rae had been mulling all of her emotions over for most of the night. She was currently in her bathtub with candles scattered around. The peaceful atmosphere helped calm her down and clear her mind. It was exactly what she needed.

Rae was doing her best to remember the positive aspects of Josh. How fantastic he made her feel, how many orgasms she had with him, how comfortable and relaxed she was when she was drunk on his dick and his balls and his musk..

It was all fantastic. She even found her hand creeping down to her throbbing cunt, and she allowed herself one blissful orgasm.

To clear her mind, of course. This whole evening was to decide what to do about Josh. She needed clarity for that. Post-nut clarity.

That's what she told herself, anyway. In truth, thinking about Josh's aggressive nature, how poorly he treated her, and how rough he manhandled her was all too stimulating. She needed to rub one out, and she did.

Unfortunately, that left her even more confused. She grabbed her phone and browsed Twitter for a while as a distraction. Eventually, she came across an interesting post.

It was from Hasanabi, a fellow streamer that she had met a few times before through various 100T collaborations, birthday dinners, and event afterparties. He was tweeting about his search for a puppy, and the wholesome topic brought a smile to her face.

It felt nice to get a glimpse back into the real world where sex wasn't at the forefront of every issue.

She clicked on his profile and discovered other puppy posts where he was clearly struggling to find a reputable shelter. Rae had a friend that could help him out, so she decided to type up a message.

Hey Hasan, I know someone who could totally link you with some great shelters. They're a bit lowkey, so you might not have heard about them before.

Rae finished typing the message and bit her lip. It was weird, but she had butterflies in her stomach. As if this was freaking high school. She giggled to herself and set her phone off to the side.

A minute later, Josh burst through her bathroom door. Rae was startled, but she calmed down as soon as she saw him.

"Look at you," he commented as he approached her. Rae was absolutely stunning. She was naked, of course, but her whole appearance was angelic. Her damp, jet black hair flowed beautifully off her head and onto her shoulders. Her adorable eyes, her cute smile, her luscious lips. The perfect symmetry of her face begged to have his balls on it. She just oozed sexiness. "You look good enough to eat."

"Hiiii," she said with a smile. It really was nice seeing him after not getting to all evening. "Sorry I missed out on everything. My head was hurting a bit."

"No worries," he said as began to lower his trunks. "There was no major hiccups, so I still got to fuck Lily."

"Oh, trust me.. I know. I could hear you guys from my room, haha. I was smiling so hard when I heard her start moaning."

"Oh, yeah?"

Rae nodded genuinely. "Yup. One more of our friends off your list, heh. I wonder who's next?"

"Not sure, but let's focus on right now. On you. Are you.. feeling better?"

"Yes! Much better, definitely," Rae replied as her eyes darted to his cock. "I.. I always forget how massive your cock is, heh."

"Yeah, can you believe you've taken this whole thing down your throat before?"

"Not by myself! I had your.. very aggressive help, hah. There's no way I could've done it on my own," Rae mused as she let Josh's swinging cock mesmerize her.

"I agree. You need me, don't you?"

She nodded in response. "Of course.. of course I do. You and your big, beautiful cock, heh. I need it so much. I need it.. more.. more than I need air."

"Mm, you want to get facefucked, don't you?"

"Yes, sir," she pleaded. "Please.. please fuck my face. Destroy me. Destroy my pretty face."

Josh wasn't about to humor her, though. "Maybe some other time. I mostly just came in here for one thing."

"Oh," Rae mumbled. "What's th-- ahhh, okay.. I see.."

Josh aimed his cock right at Rae's face as his stream of piss began.

Rae was blasted with his warm urine. "So, this.. is.. what you wanted.. to do, huh?"

Talking with Rae while pissing on her face was such a turn on.

"Yeah, it's the only reason I came up here, honestly."

Rae's eyes were squeezed shut as she took Josh's piss. She made no attempt to move out of the way. "Uh huh, all so you could pee on me.. on my pretty face, huh? Haha, you're.. such a guy. I.. I bet I look silly, right?"

"Stupid. You look stupid, ahhh. Yeah, take my piss, slut."

Josh did his best to aim his stream right at her eyes. She had them closed, but that seemed to be the most degrading target.

"Mm, yeah.. piss on me.. piss all over me. All over my face, sir," she moaned out.

Josh did exactly that. He emptied his entire bladder onto her face, and just like Lily had requested, not a single drop missed.

As his stream died down, Josh leaned forward and shook his cock to get the last few droplets out and onto Rae's face.

"Can't even waste one drop, huh?" Rae asked with a smile as she looked up at her owner.

"I promised Kyedae I wouldn't, hah."

"Mm, I'll have to thank her later," she cooed.

"Don't wipe your face off, and take your time in there. You'll be much more relaxed with your new piss bath," Josh laughed as he put his trunks back on and headed out the door.