Susan's Awakening


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Into the evening, Susan allowed her mind free reign to fantasise about what might happen with Tom. Despite being attracted to him, she wanted her desire to be at another level when they met and considered how she might achieve this. Denial of pleasure seemed an obvious choice but she wanted to sleep well that night, and a long, multi-orgasm session would ensure that. As a compromise, Susan vowed to avoid any temptation the next day, at least until she arrived at Tom's.

Somewhat earlier than had become the norm, Susan made her way upstairs, brushed her teeth then assembled her toys and materials on the bedside cabinet. Over the course of the week, Susan had alternated between the rabbit and Black-C and tonight, she decided, it was definitely the latter though with a new addition, namely, the glass plugs.

Susan had plenty of time so took things slowly. Lying on her side in a crouched position with her knees drawn up to her chest, she applied a small amount of lube to her anus and began to lightly massage the area with her middle finger, only slowly building the applied pressure over the course of a few minutes. After applying more lube along the full length of her finger, she resumed the stimulation then pressed a little harder such that the tip of her finger popped through her tight sphincter. Susan enjoyed the feeling as her finger penetrated further applying the slick lube to her inner walls. She paused; relaxing her grip on the finger then began to rotate it encouraging her rectum to accept something larger. She slowly withdrew her finger and then part crossed it over the adjacent one before re-lubing both then offering them up to her anus. Though tighter this time, by her bearing down slightly, Susan's sphincter opened sufficiently to accept the co-joined digits. She smiled and gasped simultaneously, now assured that the smallest plug would be a piece of cake and that the medium one was certainly doable. The largest of the three still seemed improbably large to Susan. Whether or not she'd be able to take it in time, she wasn't sure.

As Susan suspected, the head of the small cone shaped plug slipped in easily enough and locked into position with the round flat base pressed tight against her. She wiped her, now free, hands of excess lube before applying a little to the 'internal' section of Black-C before slipping it inside her moist vagina, the external part duly coming to rest against her clitoris. After re-wiping her hands, she took the control unit, dialled in a programme at random and powered on. Susan rolled onto her back and bent her knees, both toys now going about their business without human interaction. With both hands now free, her attention, as so often the case, moved to her breasts which she caressed and squeezed forcefully, likewise her growing nipples.

Black-C had, previously, brought Susan to orgasm in just a few minutes thus far but with the additional stimulation in her anus, she couldn't make it that far on this occasion. As the spasms passed over her, the walls of Susan's rectum gripped the head of the plug tightly adding to the overall sensations though, even at the height of arousal, Susan needed more. As she recovered and the last waves of her climax dissipated, she powered off Black-C before again adopting the crouched position. Bearing down a little, she was able to easily withdraw the smooth glass toy from her bum and place it to one side. The medium plug was a fair step up size-wise from the first but to Susan's delight, it proved almost as easy to insert with no discomfort at all, just a feeling of increased fullness.

Susan rested a while, not moving, other than to clench then relax her anal muscles around the plug as if it were a penis she was coaxing to ejaculation. Unlike a dildo and, on account of their design and function, it wasn't easy to manipulate the plugs once inserted; they just really sat there gradually opening things up in advance of more animated objects, human or otherwise. As with the smallest plug, slowly but surely the feeling of fullness eased, leading Susan to consider whether or not it was time to go further.

"Why not?" she thought, withdrawing the toy steadily.

"Oh my!" thought Susan as she re-examined the largest plug which now, close up, seemed even bigger, particularly width-wise. Applying just a little lube to the glass surface, as she had, by now, a copious amount inside her, she, somewhat nervously offered the head of the plug to her anus. With Susan having tensed-up slightly, her sphincter, initially, remained stubbornly, resolutely closed to all intruders. Focusing on her breathing, she gradually relaxed while pressing the head of the plug, firmly against herself. Suddenly, her sphincter relaxed and the plug slid inside, its narrower section and external flange, again, locking in the glass phallus.

"Fuck - that feels good," thought Susan as her rectal walls stretched again to accept the plug's girth. Now safe in the knowledge that she could, surely, take whatever Tom had to offer, both vaginally and anally, she was able to relax further and concentrate on her own pleasure. She selected one of Black-C's more aggressive programmes before lying back down and focusing on the sensations now coursing through her entire pelvic area. To her surprise, Susan was able to push back her approaching orgasm several times, edging herself as her state of arousal grew until, eventually, she could hold back no longer.

Her next orgasm was as powerful as any she'd ever experienced. She moaned and writhed as her climax consumed her and then, at its peak and from the added pressure being applied by the plug, her bladder submitted, releasing its contents which sprayed messily from her urethra, covered as it was by Black-C's external stimulator. It was only as her orgasm subsided that Susan realised what had happened. She just lay there, relishing the wetness and the final pulses each of which provoked another, diminishing, squirt.

"No rush," thought Susan, aware that the mattress protector could more than handle the situation.

After a while, Susan removed Black-C then carefully pushed the plug out from her anus. No stool had ever felt this good, she thought. After stripping the bed, Susan threw the towel, sheet and mattress protector in the bath to be sorted out in the morning. Fortunately, she'd had the good sense to remove the duvet which she now doubled over to make a sandwich with herself as the filling. She slept like a log.

~~~ Saturday Frolics ~~~

Susan woke late but with time on her side, it didn't matter. She had a few chores to do including the extra laundry resulting from last night's fun and games. There were no significant after effects other than a slightly sensitive clitoris and a residual feeling of fullness in her bum both of which were actually quite pleasurable though Susan resisted any temptation to 'attend to herself', sworn as she was to a day of chastity before meeting Tom.

Once the household chores were done, Susan walked for a few miles though not quite at her usual pace, mindful that she needed to preserve her energy for later, should it be needed. She sincerely hoped that it would be.

After a light lunch, Susan pottered around the garden for a while before working through her emails then settling down to continue reading a, somewhat, racy novel she'd been recommended. "Just to keep me in the mood." Susan smiled knowing that, in reality, she needed no encouragement in that regard.

Time passed quickly and when the hall clock chimed for five-o-clock, Susan began to think about getting ready. She planned to set-off around six-thirty and didn't really care if Tom thought her to be over keen if she arrived a little early. Besides, she thought, "I am keen!"

Susan enjoyed a long, unhurried shower which ended with her douching both front and back, the latter, just in case Tom was anally inclined. "God - I so hope he is!" she thought. After some deliberation and somewhat unusually, Susan decided she'd wear her hair down so gave it a quick wash before stepping out of the shower and wrapping her head and body in two soft white towels. The warmth from the hair dryer brought out her natural wave, not normally visible with pulled back into a ponytail. Her light brown hair framed her face in a seductive manner which the touch of makeup only accentuated. Deodorant and a light spray of her favourite perfume to the neck and cleavage completed the toiletries.

Dressing was simple. A black thong under a close fitting, similarly coloured, sleeveless dress in a lightweight satin fabric. The low cut neckline revealed the tops of Susan's pert breasts and the lack of a bra meant that her nipples were just visible through the material. Tom would like that thought Susan recalling his keen interest the day before. Flat pumps would complete the outfit as Susan could drive in them and easily kick them off when she got to Tom's.

"Go girl!" the inner voice said as Susan looked herself up and down in the mirror approvingly.

Still with time to spare, Susan readied her shoulder bag. Lube, toothbrush, spare pants, the medium glass plug, phone and purse with just the keys to add once she'd locked up.

The hall clock chimed once to mark six-thirty as Susan locked the back door and walked round to the front of her house where her car was parked. She drove as slowly as possible without causing frustration to other drivers and at six-fifty, she turned the car onto Tom's driveway. Before she got to the front door, Tom emerged and greeted her warmly leaving just enough of a gap in the hug for their breasts to avoid contact. "Shame," thought Susan "... but the night is young."

Susan thought how smart Tom looked in his khaki chinos and, untucked, mauve linen shirt with the top three buttons open revealing his dark brown chest hair.

Gentleman that he was, Tom had made it clear that, irrespective of how the evening went, Susan was welcome to; at least, use the ensuite guest bedroom. With no need for her to drive home, Susan was free to enjoy more than a single glass of wine, a proposal she readily accepted. Susan was already confident in how the evening was going to pan out and sleeping in separate beds just wasn't part of the scenario etched into her mind.

Tom proved to be a dab hand in the kitchen and had created the most wonderful salad to accompany the chicken and smoked fish platter he'd assembled. He'd noted that Susan ate healthily from their walking lunches and other comments she'd made so had catered accordingly. In truth, it was very much to his own liking though, unlike Susan, he enjoyed red meat occasionally. Tom certainly knew his wine, thought Susan, enjoying her white while Tom sipped his red and just like the food, it slipped down easily while oiling the wheels of conversation between the pair.

Polite talk became more exploratory, deeper and personal before, inevitably it became altogether more intimate. Tom confirmed that he'd had several one night stands over recent months to staunch his body's craving for a woman's touch and feel. Any thoughts that Susan had harboured about Tom possibly holding out a candle for her were suddenly blown away. Rather than generating any feelings of jealousy or resentment on Susan's part, the complete opposite was true. She was thrilled by Tom's revelation as it showed that he was happy for sex to be just sex, not quite what she was expecting but, in truth, exactly what she wanted.

Susan excused herself and made her way to the downstairs toilet. As she wiped after peeing, it was apparent that her body was beginning to react in what was now an, all too predictable, manner. She wondered if the thong had been a good choice, so little protection to her growing wetness did it offer.

When she returned to the dining kitchen, Tom was loading the dishwasher and putting things back in the fridge. Susan helped him finish up and, after topping up their glasses, Tom suggested they relocate to the lounge. Susan followed behind Tom and after he'd safely placed the glasses on a low table, she placed her arms around his waist and squeezed him affectionately.

"Thanks for such a lovely meal Tom."

"You're most welcome." Tom replied. "I'm so glad you enjoyed it."

Tom turned to face her and held her close, properly close this time so that her nipples pressed into his abdomen. He smelt her sweet hair and her spicy perfume and the warmth of her back before moving his hands a little lower until they came to rest on the very tops of Susan's buttocks.

"Oh Tom." sighed Susan, tilting her head upwards so that he could kiss her which he duly did, at first gently on the lips then more forcibly, his tongue pushing forward to engage with her own.

Tom's hands moved lower still under they cupped Susan's buttocks which he began to squeeze after sensing no resistance from her. Due to their height difference, Tom's stiffening penis began to press into Susan's belly as their kissing became more intense. Sensing his growing arousal, Susan pressed herself even more forcefully against him which resulted in greater hardening until Tom's waistband prevented further elongation. Tom released one buttock and slid his hand between them before, deftly, unfastening his belt and the button and clasp of his chinos thus freeing his penis to reach its maximum, substantial dimensions. After returning his hand to attend to the briefly neglected buttock, Tom, emboldened as he now was, reached down further still and eased the hem of Susan's dress up to fully expose her bottom.

Susan's own hands were beginning to roam too, initially over Tom's head, neck and shoulders before moving on to his chest. She began to open more of his shirt's buttons with each one revealing more of his hair covered torso. Susan had not previously been overly attracted to hairy men but, in Tom's case she thought it so sexy and loved the feeling as she ran her fingers through it, occasionally catching a nipple on the way past causing Tom's penis to flinch each time. Susan knew that if she unfastened the final two or three shirt buttons, his penis, well the top section at least, would be fully exposed. The temptation was too great and within seconds, Susan's fingers were encircling Tom's glans and upper shaft though her grip was far from being closed due to his ample girth.

"Oh Lord," thought Susan, mentally assessing the penis in her grip. "This should be fun".

Tom gasped slightly as Susan very slowly began to masturbate him. Aware now that nothing was off limits, he parted Susan's cheeks slid the fingers of his right hand into her cleft then began to trace the thin fabric of her G-string downwards, pausing briefly on her puckered anus and then onwards until he could feel her wetness. The pair were reaching the limits of what could be done standing in the lounge still, almost, fully clothed. It was time to head upstairs. Susan grabbed her bag while Tom carried the two large wine glasses.

"Left at the top then second door on the right." said Tom as he followed Susan into the large guest bedroom. Tactful as ever, Tom had presumed that on the first occasion at least, Susan might prefer a bed other than Tom's marital one. On a more practical note, Tom thought, if the sex got really messy, he could sort out the resulting laundry carnage at his leisure. While Tom drew the curtains and set the low lighting, Susan slipped into the bathroom, undressed then lubed and eased the glass plug into her rectum before returning to the bedroom.

Tom, not having wasted any time, lay on his back fully naked, his stiff penis extending well past his navel. Susan suppressed a gasp as she got onto the bed and lay close to Tom, her hand immediately drawn back to his shaft, all of which was now available to her. She eased herself up slightly resting on her free arm which enabled Tom to slide his arm beneath her from where he could resume attending to her buttocks and anal cleft. "He really is a bottom man." thought Susan, "... this bodes well; very well indeed."

"Hello!" said Tom as his fingers encountered the smooth base of the plug. "What have we here?"

"Oh Tom. I hope you don't mind but it really adds to my enjoyment. I'm so sensitive down there."

"Mind? Of course not," smiled Tom, massively turned on by Susan's openness with him over such an intimate matter. Tom loved anal sex and, unbeknown to Susan, had extensive experience. He hadn't reckoned on it happening with Susan that night but now wasn't so sure. If she was up for it, he would, as a true gentleman, have to oblige. For now though, he resigned to just go with the flow.

Susan stroked Tom for a while giving his penis the occasional firm squeeze which encouraged his pre-cum to emerge then run down the underside of his glans and onto her fingers. She spread this natural lube along his length to keep things slick and comfortable. Suddenly, Susan got a strong urge to suck Tom's penis, an activity she'd not done for so long. She eased herself up even more to bring Tom into range which, at the same time improved his access to her own genitals. After a few exploratory licks, Susan eased Tom's bulbous glans into her mouth ensuring that only her lips made contact to avoid scratching him. Tom moaned softly and his shaft pulsed strongly under Susan's fingers. She began to move her head up and down each time allowing slightly more of his shaft to enter her mouth thus requiring her hand to grip further and further down his shaft. As the head reached the back of her throat, Susan gagged instinctively so eased back slightly accepting this limit. As her stroking and sucking gathered pace, so Tom's exploration moved up a gear with his fingers working her labias and clitoris in turn before moving inwards to her needy vagina which gripped them hungrily.

Susan was hot now, her chest flushed and covered in tiny beads of sweat. She was working harder than Tom though she knew this imbalance would be reversed before too long. Despite her state of high arousal, Susan had the presence of mind with regard to Tom's imminent ejaculation. Flipping an imaginary coin in her head, it came down as 'heads' which meant she had to swallow though, perversely, 'tails' would have resulted in the same outcome that evening. Tom actually preferred fucking to being sucked though with Susan's expertise, he was soon on the edge.

"I'm nearly there," Tom advised breathlessly, his hips starting to buck as his balls tightened in advance of his impending orgasm.

"Mmm" Susan acknowledged, showing no sign of releasing Tom's penis from her mouth. If anything, her grip tightened and her head bobbed even faster until the reflex process took over. Susan felt his penis alternatively stiffen then relax as the semen was pumped into and along the length of Tom's penis before exiting in a series of creamy jets which sprayed the back of Susan's throat coating it between swallows. Susan took the lot, savouring the mild, slightly salty taste. As Tom's penis softened slightly, she allowed it to fall from her mouth but continued her firm strokes to ensure that all of his cum was pushed out and onto her waiting tongue. Not a drop was wasted.

"My God Susan, that was good," sighed Tom as his orgasm passed. His fingers had remained inside her though were now held still, their rhythm disrupted by his climax.

"I'm glad you liked it," smiled Susan before licking a newly formed drop of post-cum from the tip of his glans. "You taste so sweet," she added before licking her lips provocatively.

Susan, maintaining her grip on Tom's shaft, twisted her body a little further so that she could rest her head on his chest, stealing a kiss on his nipple as she did so. Tom's wrist ached a little from the tricky angle so steadily withdrew his fingers from Susan and, after examining the clear fluid coating them, raised them to his mouth and licked her juices as if savouring a spoon after cake making.
