Swipe Right Ch. 05


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"AIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" I yelped. I quickly shook off the shock and backed my ass up on it.

Tylissa watched as the tiny white body crawled up under everyone "Hey Baby, looks like you got another mouth to feed."

Tau looked smug and pulled out of Sasha's mouth. He offered me his cock and I gobbled it up immediately.

Sasha was now free to groan in pleasure with Tylissa. She was also free to talk dirty to me "Look at my little whore of a wife... She didn't even hesitate."

She started nibbling on my ear as I stuffed Tau's black cock eagerly down my throat.

It got me excited to be white and on the bottom. Three incredible black dominants thrust up above me, while the lowly white whore was literally beneath them. I dreamed about what Tau said and fantasized about all white people being made to serve.

Sasha reached around and started playing with my clittie "What if I said you could play with all the black men you want?"

I couldn't answer, so my head bobbed even harder to nod as an answer. I even made an 'Uh Huh' noise with my throat full.

"You can suck them... Let them fuck you... Have all the chocolate you want... Just tell me all about it." Sasha enticed.

Tau pulled his cock out so I could answer. "Yes Daddy! I'd love that, thank you!" I said breathlessly.

Tau jerked himself off by my mouth "Ready for some Grade-A sissy fuel?"

I nodded with a huge smile and stuck my tongue out.

Tau grunted and splashed my tongue with tasty black cum.

I instantly gulped it down and took the head back into my mouth. I made little 'mmm' sounds as he gave me more to swallow. I was hungry and drained everything out of him.

When he pulled out, I licked my lips clean and pushed my little body back as hard as possible whenever Tylissa/Sasha thrust forward.

Tau walked around to Tylissa and whispered something in her ear. Tylissa nodded in approval. Then she fucked Sasha even harder "OK Slut, time to get yourself off!"

Tylissa gripped her hips and pulled/pushed her away with her thrusting.

Sasha moaned loudly and couldn't take much more. She mimicked Tylissa by grabbing my hips and moving my body faster over her cock.

Tylissa reached from behind to tweak her nipples "C'mon Birthday girl, fill your little sissy to the brim. Cum in her pasty white ass."

Sasha couldn't hold it any longer, she grunted loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Her balls pumped her hot goo way up my boi pussy. The pressure built up in my body and I felt like I was getting an enema.

Her nails dug into my shoulder and I cried out in pain. Sasha's other hand played with my clit until I shot my timid little load over her fingers.

Tylissa pulled out and stood over the disaster scene she created. Sasha and I were panting and tired.

Tau brought her some wipes and she cleaned off her cock.

Tylissa was the only one not to cum yet and it was going to be a big one. She sauntered over to the other side "Sasha sweetie, flip her over."

Sasha kept her cock in me and just rolled our bodies so that I ended up in a reverse cowgirl position.

Tylissa stood behind me and stroked my cheek. Her cock loomed overhead "Tau said you still looked thirsty." She moved my head down.

My head went back and I opened wide. Tylissa slid her cock right down my throat. It went deeper and deeper until her huge balls rested on my face. I felt and heard them pulse before the first gush of cum hit my stomach.

Over and over again those balls pulsed. They shot out more jizz than I could produce in a year.

Relief came over Tylissa's face as she easily filled my stomach.

My throat was nothing more than a cock sleeve for her. She slowly withdrew as she kept cumming; her spurting head made a slow journey back to my mouth.

My body simply couldn't take the volume. I was afraid I'd choke and I involuntarily resisted.

Tylissa swatted away my hands easily.

My bulged out throat finally got relief when she pulled out, but it didn't stop the torrent of sperm from being force-fed to me.

My mouth overflowed and my eyes rolled up in my head. I tipped over and Sasha finally got dislodged from my ass. A flood of black girl cum came out from both ends.

I laid there motionless, leaking all over the floor. My brain just shut off and it seemed to go on forever.

It was warm... sticky... sissy bliss.

I snapped out of it when Sasha laid down with me. She cuddled up to me "It seems more like your birthday today." Sasha quipped.

I tried to respond, but the only sound I could make was a gurgling noise.

As I laid on my side, Tylissa's cum leaked out, but some pooled up in my left cheek. Sasha Kissed me to slurp it up and get a taste.

We kissed and just enjoyed each other's embrace.

The party started to wind down and the guests left the birthday girl and her wife in peace.

Once everyone had left, I whispered to Sasha "Serena came through on the new pills. I'm a little worried. I want this to be permanent. I love my body."

Sasha snuggled into my neck "I know, it'll just be a quick detour. We'll soon be ready with Justine. Just be patient, Sweetie."



I was invited over on the night of Sasha and Samantha's second anniversary. My weekly visits were pretty routine at this point. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever get brought fully into the fold.

Almost immediately, I noticed that the energy seemed to be different. Megan and Samantha seemed to be nervous about something. I read the room and decided not to do anything sexual with them during the day. I just spent the day helping Samantha and Megan around the house.

Megan and I took a break. I held her hand "What is it? You two have been so quiet."

"It's nothing." Megan deflected.

I gripped her hand tighter "Babe, I know that's not true. I can read it all over your face. Something is happening tonight, isn't it?"

Megan tightened her lips as if to force herself not to say anything.

"You were ordered not to talk." I deducted. Megan's physical discomfort confirmed it.

Now I started to get nervous. Maybe it wouldn't be good news. Maybe my time was up and I never proved myself. Maybe the novelty of fucking your sister-in-law was wearing off...

Megan seemed to see the despair on my face and kissed the top of my hand "Just wait for tonight. No matter what happens, I love you."

I smiled back at her "I love you, too." We kissed and I felt a little reassured.

When Sasha got home, she came directly to me "We need to talk to you."

My heart sank. I followed her and sat down at the kitchen table. Megan, Samantha and Sasha sat on the other side.

Samantha spoke up "A year ago, you and Sasha asked my blessing to start dating. I reluctantly gave it. What you don't know is that when it comes to making you a permanent member of this house; Sasha left that decision completely up to me."

The shock of that news hit me, but I tried my best not to show it. I felt panicked that I have been auditioning for the wrong person. I treated Samantha so terribly, but soon realized that I probably wouldn't have played anything any differently. The reason I did it in the first place is that Samantha seemed to relish the degradation. I also got a sick thrill out of it.

There was a long pregnant pause that seemed to go on forever.

Samantha took my hand in hers from across the table "I want you to stay."

I fully expected the opposite. Relief overwhelmed me for a moment and I got up to hug my sister tightly. I then hugged and kissed Megan, who seemed just as happy. I paused awkwardly to see if Sasha would hug too.

Sasha looked down on me, but half-heartedly opened her arms up. I took the invite and hugged her too.

"Sit back down, we're not quite done." Sasha informed me.

I sat back down in my seat with a big old grin.

"If you'd like, you can move in with us or choose to visit whenever you like. It's up to you." Samantha explained.

I let them know I'd be keeping my job "I've been thinking about it and think I'll keep my apartment at least in the short term. I need to get some real rest for work."

"That's fine. I have one request..." Samantha looked like she had a bomb to drop.

"Anything." I reacted. I almost immediately regretted saying it, since I had no idea what kind of extreme proposal it would be.

Samantha took a deep breath "So being a mother is very important to..."

Thinking I knew the answer, I excitedly interrupted "You want me to have Sasha's baby, right?"

Everyone looked at me blankly as if to wonder how I reached that conclusion.

"Sasha isn't shy about knocking up random girls and she's been very careful with me. I assume you've been saving it for later. I'll do it, I'll totally do it." I freely accepted.

Samantha had another long, awkward pause "Ummm... Not exactly."

I sat back in my chair; legitimately curious.

Samantha continued "Like I was saying, being a mother is extremely important to me. I happily raise Sasha's children and love them to death, but I know they'll outgrow me. They will naturally be superior in every way. Sasha will be the only one who can properly guide them. I want a child of my own and wish I could bear her myself. Since I can't, I hoped you would."

My eyes opened wide when I realized what she wanted "You want you... and me... to..."

"Yes." Samantha confirmed. Sasha moved behind Samantha and massaged her shoulders as a show of solidarity.

I leaned back in my chair and just processed the information. As a nurse, I thought of the medical complications. The science wasn't totally clear, but most common knowledge about incest was overblown.

Samantha broke the silence "This isn't a requirement at all. I understand if you need to take some time to think about it."

"I don't need time." I said with certainty. "Last year, I made an outrageous request of you and it worked out. I want to be a part of this family more than anything. I'll do it."

It got pretty emotional after that. Lots of crying and hugging.

Once the gravity of the situation wore off, a thought occurred "How are we going to do this??"



I was having a mild panic attack. Megan and Justine were in the bedroom waiting for us.

Sasha stayed with me and tried her best to calm my nerves. She rubbed my shoulders "It's ok, Sweetie. Everything is fine."

"I can't believe she said 'yes'. Just like that. This is insane." I paced back and forth and fidgeted with my panties "Ughhh, how did I ever live with this thing before?!"

Ever since Sasha's birthday party, I had been taking some counteractive drugs from Serena. My clit grew back several inches so that I might have a chance at completing the task ahead. It was still well-below average (even for a white boy), but it was hopefully enough to get the job done "As soon as we're done, I want my clitty back. I want it to be tiny and insignificant. I NEVER want to use it on a girl EVER again."

Sasha could see that I was freaking out, so she pulled me into a tight embrace. My face pressed right into her tits as she stroked my hair "I know, I know. This doesn't make you any less of a woman. In fact, you'll be a mother. I know you'll be great at it."

I knew the logic didn't make any sense. I could never be a true mother, but that was alright. Sasha didn't question it at all and she gave me great comfort.

"This whole year was to get us to this point. You somehow knew that things would play out this way." I marveled at Sasha's ability to game things out.

"I don't know about getting us to this exact outcome, but I'm good at figuring out people's desires; even if they don't realize it themselves." Sasha put her hands on my belly "I wish I could see you grow big and round. Justine will be the next best thing."

We hugged it out as long as I needed. I got on my tippy toes to kiss Sasha "I think I'm ready."

We held hands and moved to the bedroom. Sasha specifically gave Megan orders to obey Justine and do whatever she needed. She belonged to Justine for the night. It wouldn't be the last time Justine would be allowed to 'borrow' Megan.

We walked in on Megan using her tongue to keep Justine warm and ready. Justine laid there with her eyes closed enjoying the body worship.

I climbed up on the bed to join Megan. I started kissing Justine all over her body.

Justine kept her eyes closed, but knew I was there. A little smile crept on her face as she felt two mouths kissing and sucking her all over.

I swirled my tongue around her nipple and then moved up to Justine's face. I started kissing her neck "I'm so happy you'll be staying with us more. I promise to obey my Big Sis as long as it doesn't get in Daddy's way."

I dangled a dark blue spiked collar for Justine as a present. Justine's eyes lit up when she saw it. She ran her fingers over it. Of course, her title was on clear display; 'BIG SIS' appeared in sharp white lettering. "Starting tomorrow, I will be your Big Sis. I will take control in Sasha's absence. Isn't that right, Daddy?" Justine looked at Sasha. It was her first time calling her that.

Sasha stroked her cheek "Correct. Now let's get this done."

This very act went against our whole house dynamic, so it definitely didn't feel right. I got between Justine's legs. I looked at her pussy and tried to will my little white dick to life. I tried to remember what it was like to be Sam and fuck girls, but the very idea grossed me out now. I kept thinking of myself as the girl; not Sam.

My puny little dick couldn't get hard. I lowered my head in shame "I'm sorry Daddy, I don't think I can do it."

Sasha chuckled "I knew I'd be doing the fucking." She got behind me "I'm going to fuck your slut sister." Despite her words, I could feel her large cock teasing my backside.

Her hands gave my titties a nice firm squeeze "I'm just going to use your sissy ass as a condom."

I took a sharp intake of breath when Sasha easily slid her big, fat, black cock right up my ass. I immediately transformed from a nervous white boi to a blissed out white girl. My eyes rolled into my head and I let out a long moan.

The task at hand completely flew out of my brain. The stress left my body and I was in my happy place.

I barely heard Justine the first couple of times she tried to snap me out of it. Finally she gave my face a little slap.

I woke up, looked at her and then down. Whatever cock I had left was hard as a rock. Sasha pulled out and thrust back in HARD. I shrieked in pleasure and my little white dick was ready for one last hurrah before being permanently relegated to being a clit.

From there, it went down the only way that it could. Sasha gripped my hair and guided my body for me. I was powerless as she planted me inside Justine and pounded the shit out of my girly body.

To my surprise, Justine screamed in pleasure with me. She didn't get anywhere near as much penetration as I got, but Sasha's powerful thrusts could be felt despite having my body separating them.

The complete taboo of the situation put that wild look on her face and she became a blue-haired demon "You sissy FAG! You can't handle a woman even when she's gift-wrapped. You're putting a white weakling SLUT inside me. She'll be just like her WHORE mother!" I felt Justine's nails scratch my back painfully.

Sasha joined in and yanked my hair back harder "Little Girl, I have to do everything around here; Don't I?" Her strong hands gripped my tits as her lower body pounded my backside. The force from each thrust transferred to Justine.

I was sandwiched helplessly between the two most powerful women in my life. Sasha and Justine did a fantastic job of not making me feel like the one doing the fucking. I felt like I was the one getting used.

They spat insults at me. Sasha gave my ass a good spanking as she fucked me. Justine slapped at my tits and face. My pretty little face was marked by running mascara.

The humiliating words and rough treatment was just too much. I squinted my eyes as I lost control. My body quaked and I cried out as my body shot out the only ounce of DNA that would ever matter during my lifetime.

The relentless action screeched to a halt the moment I came. The room fell silent and I collapsed onto Justine, while huffing in air.

The deed was done.



Samantha was sleeping peacefully in her bed. A slight noise was almost enough to make her open her eyes, but she decided it wasn't worth it. She kept her eyes closed and just enjoyed the warmth of her bed. Sasha spooned her and made cute little snoring sounds while cuddled up to her.

Samantha could smell Justine's hair, since she was the next closest person. They weren't spooning, but Justine faced away and was less than a foot away.

Megan was on the other side of Justine. She slept facing Justine.

When Sasha's Grandpa passed away, she more or less 'inherited' his much younger girlfriend Jia. Jia slept behind Megan.

Samantha just kept her eyes shut and enjoyed the feeling of a full bed. They didn't always sleep together like this.

Another noise disrupted Samantha's sweet reverie. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out what it was. It sounded a little like giggling.

'Oh no...' Samantha's eyes shot open as she figured it out, but it was too late.

"HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!" The girls screamed as they splashed water all over their five sleeping 'mothers'.

Everyone in bed immediately woke up from the shock and sat up. They screeched and yelled in confusion. It was clear that the twins were the ones with the water buckets.

Dominique and Cynda were tall, black spitting images of Sasha. They had self-satisfied little smiles as they watched us squirm and rub the water out of our faces.

They stepped aside and our two younger daughters stepped forward with buckets.

Samantha looked straight at her daughter "Jamie-Lynn Davis... You put whatever that is down this instan..." The ultimatum failed and she launched a bucket-full of glitter all over everyone.

Jia and Sasha's daughter Cassie did the same from the other side of the bed.

All five women were now wet and covered in glitter.

Samantha realized that sitting up exposed her tits to all four daughters. She self-consciously covered up.

Jamie-Lynn snickered "C'mon Mom, like we haven't seen them before." The girls all laughed.

Jia yelled at all of them "What the Fuck?!"

Megan leaned over to her "Family tradition, the girls always pull off a big prank on Mother's Day."

Cassie spoke up "This year, we decided to do it early so you don't have to worry about it. We already made breakfast downstairs. I'm sure Aunt Megan can clean all this up."

Megan nodded and tried to get out of bed to get started.

Samantha stopped her "If you little shits think Megan is cleaning up after your mess, you've got another thing coming."

Dominique suddenly looked scared "Ummm Mother hasn't said a thing this whole time..."

The girls all looked at Sasha. She sat up silently and gave them all the same death glare.

The girls knew that look all too well "RUN!"

The girls all ran away as Sasha launched out of bed after them "YOU LITTLE BITCHES AREN'T TOO OLD FOR ME TO TAKE YOU OVER MY KNEE!"

Samantha and the others just started laughing from the ridiculous situation.

Their daughters were all grown up, but would always be their little girls. Now they had their own lives and adventures to go on.

Samantha went into her dresser and pulled out a tiny pink pill 'My adventures aren't done either.' She thought to herself before taking the powerful pharmaceutical drug.




Thank you so much for reading.

The Samantha-centered story is pretty much over. The new story will have a wider focus on the adult children as well as the old characters.

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MCJOHN11708MCJOHN117089 months ago

Aboslutly adored this story, even if I was miffed at some details and some elements.


Pros: The character development (for the most part) felt great, and the characters, whenever they were allowed, went through interesting character arcs. Well, more specifically Sashas arc and to a smaller, not much smaller, extent, Sam/Samantha as well. The black < white theme that kept being brought up was hot as hell. The constant pregnancies as well was a huge turn on. The sex scenes had their moments of being quite enjoyabel as well. The fact that Sam/Samantha kept wearing pink is a personal pro for me as someone who loves all things pink. The story structure was satisfying as well. The sweet moments between Sam/Samantha and Sasha were amazing too. I could really feel they're dynamic shift into a more positive, and loving relationship at times. Having Sasha defend Sam/Samantha was amazing too. Would've been nice to see more of that tbh. Loved the ending. Was hands down *the* best part outside of the romantic parts between Sam/Samantha and Sasha. A tad disapointed not to see some sort of an orgy between Sam/Samantha and the (persumably 18+ year old) her kids, not to mention seeing what the protags white kid looked like, but maybe in a future story. Where we find out that the T-girl daughters all gang bang the sissy white son of the protag. One can only hope.


Cons: The story felt like it lacked meat alot of the times. Almost felt like the author zoomed by some things and kept certain confrontations and emotional beats way too subdued. The same character arc I praised above also sort of took a nose dive during the fourth chapter due to Sasha yet again seeing Sam/Samantha as a slave, however, on further reflection, mayhaps it was just Justines own wrongfull POV. But seeing how Sams/Samanthas decisions mean diddly squat in most cases, I wouldn't be surprised if Sasha still viewed her wife as a slave, which shouldn't be the case given the character arc they went through (However, I was deeply surprised to learn that Sasha in the end allowed Sam/Samantha to choose if Justine would stay or not, which was kind of a 180 from before when Sasha said that she didn't ask for permision but rather the protagonists blessing). Megan is.....straight up an asshole for blatantly cheating on Sam/Samatha with Sasha. Then having the gaul to announce that shed pick Sasha over Sam/Samantha anywho is just depressing to me. Now, I get what the author was going for. They wanted to show that bbc is better than some little white clitty. But....they could've shown that in a much better way than outright having Megan betray Sam/Samantha like that. Heartbreaking. Same goes for Sasha. She wanted to give Sam/Samantha a kid. I get that. But, just like with Megan, she could've gone about it in a much better way. Instead, she chose to hurt the one person she apparently loves. The sex scenes in general could've had more detail added to them. Having Sasha rut someone for 2 - 4 sentences then nut in em feels a little short to me. Granted, there were longer driven sex scenes sprinkled in, but still. And lastly....I find the restrictions on some things to be rather odd. On one hand, the author explains that the world science on this supposed alt earth is a bit more advanced and different from ours, ergo magic hormone pills that can turn guys all girly and about 99% female. Not to then mention the t-girls which are essentially herm/futa/what ever with both genders, but with the key difference of them lacking a pussy (which is fine, I prefer it this way If I'm being quite honest). While also, at the same time seemingly, not being able to have girls with a pussy grow a dick? (I expected the reveal given by Sam/Samantha and Sasha towards the end to be some hormone drug thing for Justine to take in order for her to be able to grow a dick for Megan) Or have our protagonist grow a fertile pussy? Just something that made little sense to me. Granted, I get that having the protagonist be able to grow a fertile pussy would kinda curb stomp alot of the plot points in the story. However, I'd argue the author could've added it at the end. Instead of having the sister (another odd thing to add, could've just had Megan be the surrogate instead of the sister? I digress) be the surrogate for the child, the author could've had the protagonist grow a slit and finally be able to get pregnant fully as she so wished.


Over all, I found the story to be more positive than negative, this sort of story seems to be largly fairly rare, unfortunatly (BBC, dom T-girl, sissy role reversal etc.)

4/5 for the whole story. I hope the author decides to come back and keep writing. This story also deserves to be re worked a tad. Having the author add a bit more meat to those emotional story beats, or ya know, just in general.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Are you ever going to do the next story series?

HotForLitHotForLitover 2 years ago

Loved the story,

First full blown t-girls stroy I found myself reading it all. Great work.

darthnader19darthnader19over 2 years ago

Really enjoyed the story. Loved how all the relationships developed

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Love both this story and the BPV series -- hope we see more from this author some time in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Jeezus, the characters were all over the place

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story. Can’t say I was very interested in the having a child from incest aspect. Not a fan of that section. But everything else was great!

amb_anonymousamb_anonymousover 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks Sarah

No one really commented, so I wasn't sure people liked it. Feel free to send a message through Feedback and let me know if there's something you want to see in the new story. I've got lots of plans for it :-P

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Best story I’ve read on here

I can’t wait for the next story this is thee best story I’ve ever read on here plz don’t stop writing. Lots of love Sarah

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Oh you are back

Glad your back even if the futanari stuff doesnt do much for me. Much prefer Men fucking Women.

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