Table for four


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She turned back to Saoirse, who smiled over her glass and raised her eyebrows, the blue eyes flicking from her to the seated figure across the room. A figure with flaming red hair and sapphire blue eyes, a very short dress and mouth watering legs. Felicity blinked and shook her head, looking from one familiar face to the other, dazed.

"Come on, let's sit down," said Saoirse number one, taking her arm and leading her over to the seated Saoirse number two.

The seated Saoirse stood to greet her, a huge grin on her beautiful face.

"Felicity, hi. You look absolutely gorgeous, I have to say. I knew you would." She hugged her warmly then sat down again.

Felicity sat a little heavily, Saoirse number one taking the seat next to Saoirse number two. "So, there are two of you...? That's a nice surprise." She smiled a little vacantly, still amazed.

The two red heads laughed, a quite lovely sound but for her confusion. "I'm sorry, dear, a little bit cruel," laughed Saoirse number two. "We had hoped you'd just see us sat together but Lorna couldn't wait to get another drink." She dug the other red head in the ribs with her elbow. "So anyway, Felicity, Lorna. Lorna, Felicity."

She turned to the first red head who extended her hand.

"Hi, Felicity. Sorry if that was a bit naughty, we can be a bit childish sometimes." Lorna winked and she and Saoirse put their faces together cheek to cheek, two pairs of sparkling blue eyes regarding her cheerily.

"Amazing. I can't believe there are two of you. I'd never have known, honestly, you're so alike." She shook her head looking from one to the other.

"Sorry for not telling you but I didn't want to spoil the surprise." Saoirse was all smiles, clearly pleased with the show they'd put on. "I've told Lorna all about you and thought you might like to meet her..."

Felicity blushed hard but didn't flinch. This is what I wanted, isn't it? If only she had sister... How about a twin? What are the chances? She shook her head, still looking from one to the other then let her eyes come to rest on Lorna. She told you all about me? I hope I don't disappoint.

"I need a drink," she said, breaking into a sunny smile. "I have a feeling this is going to be a fun night."

"You'd better believe it," said Lorna, the blue eyes giving her a slow and blatant once-over.

"Well?" queried Saoirse of her twin as Felicity made her way back to the bar.

Lorna sighed. "She is gorgeous. Looks like we have the same taste, Sister. Let's see how tonight goes but I'm impressed so far."

"Of course. You'll love her, trust me. I mean, I know you do but you just see if you don't." She looked at her drink. "Wow, that's the least sense I've made for a long time. This is going to be a fun night."


As they stood in the car park waiting for the taxi some three hours later, Saoirse looked at Felicity and Lorna and smiled proudly. It had indeed been a fun night and the live band had turned out to be an old school rock and roll band, playing a mixture of well known covers and a few of their own songs mixed in. From their introduction to this moment, the red haired Scot and pixie faced teacher had hardly taken their eyes off each other, the mutual attraction as obvious as it was pleasing. Now they stood hand in hand, fingers entwined, coyly exchanging glances as if Saoirse hadn't noticed their flirting.

She regarded the pair amusedly. "So, before the taxi arrives, who's going where?" Not wanting to assume anything, she thought she'd make them decide the next move.

Lorna looked from Felicity to her, the blue eyes meeting in silent communion. Oh, look at you all loved up, my Sister. Saoirse smiled with her eyes and Lorna broke into a huge grin, no control over her face's desire to show her joy.

"What are the options?" asked the Scot, momentarily tightening her hold on the history teacher's hand.

Saoirse raised an amused eyebrow. "One, we all go back to Rachael's and you two stay over there with me. Two, we all go home to our separate abodes and lie awake wondering what could have been. Three, you and I go back to Rachael's and you let Felicity slip through your fingers tonight. Four, I go back to Rachael's and you two go to either my house or Felicity's and 'see what happens...' She looked from one to the other, enjoying their happy embarrassment. "If you want to carry on pretending I haven't seen the two of you flirting all night, that's fine but you'd just be wasting time unnecessarily. No need to hide it from me or each other in my professional opinion."

Felicity flushed furiously and looked at Lorna, holding tightly to her hand. The Scottish girl just laughed then met Felicity's eye. The flush still evident on her lovely face, Felicity turned to face Lorna. Taking her other had as well, she pulled the red head's arms around her, pulling them together, then put her own arms around the Scot's waist. Gently rubbing Lorna's nose with hers, she smiled coyly.

"She's right, as usual." She tightened her arms around Lorna's waist and pressed one thigh more firmly against its opposite. "Would you like to come back to mine and stay with me tonight?"

Lorna fluttered her eyes, not stifling a small shiver as Felicity pulled them together. "Of course she's right." The blue eyes flicked briefly to Saoirse, smiling in acknowledgement. "I'd love to, thank you." She regarded Felicity's wide eyes and slightly parted lips. Should I kiss her now? Too fast? Flicking her eyes back to the still watching Saoirse, she saw her Irish sister nod almost imperceptibly. Needing no further encouragement, she pressed her lips to the teacher's.

Felicity melted against her as they kissed almost gingerly at first, just feeling the softness of each other's lips. Her arousal began to blossom and Lorna softly pushed her tongue between the eager lips, finding the other waiting tongue, teasing it with careful attention. After a few seconds of such almost teasing kissing, she withdrew to meet Felicity's eyes again.

"Well that was a lot more pleasant than procrastination, wasn't it now?" asked Saoirse in her most humorous Brogue. The other two women laughed with relief, hugging each other tightly as they glanced at her.

"Thank you, Saoirse, for everything," said Felicity happily.

Lorna's eyes met Saoirse's, the Scot saying nothing, no words needed between them. What would I do without you now? I can't even imagine. I'm eternally grateful for everything you are and everything you've done.

The blue eyes held each other for a long moment. You are more than welcome my beautiful sister. I will be by your side always.

The taxi arrived as the three basked in their satisfaction and they got in, once more casually chatting and joking, as relaxed and happy as they had ever been.


As the taxi drew to a halt outside Felicity's small cottage, Lorna turned to Saoirse and squeezed her thigh firmly but affectionately. She returned the gesture as their eyes met, the message clear. Just relax and enjoy yourself. The pixie faced teacher was already out of the car. She leaned back in through the open door with a warm smile.

"Thank you again, Saoirse." None of this would be happening but for you.

"Stop thanking me and just go and enjoy the rest of your night, for heaven's sake." She blew a kiss at the other teacher.

Lorna turned to her again, put her other hand gently against her cheek and leaned in to kiss her tenderly on the lips. Their eyes met in silent communion again. She smiled with her eyes. Make me proud. The Scot squeezed her thigh gently again then exited the car, waving once as she shut the door. As the taxi pulled away again, she stole a glance out of the rear window to watch the happy pair walking slowly to the cottage door, arms around each other, heads together. She smiled again and settled back in the seat for the remainder of her journey.

Her phone buzzed from her handbag. Message from Rachael.

'How did it go?'

'Couldn't have gone better tbh. Lorna is staying at Felicity's tonight...'

'Oooh! Good job, matchmaker. So you'll be all alone tonight.'

'I'm sure I can amuse myself wearing your underwear. Mmmm...'

'LOL. I'm sure. OK gorgeous, I'll let you go. I'll ring in the morning. Love you, nn X'

'I love you and miss you. GN XX.'

The warm glow she was feeling increased a little in intensity. I might almost describe this as a fuzzy feeling. How horribly, nauseatingly, nice. Welcome to being happy, you sarcastic cow.


"D'you want a drink or anything, Lorna?" Felicity called from the kitchen.

"Maybe a coffee if you have ground or beans?" She was perusing the bookcase in Felicity's living room, thus far quite pleased with what she saw.

"Of course, no freeze dried crap in my cupboard thank you."

Lorna smiled in satisfaction. The more time she spent with Felicity, the more her already strong attraction grew. The entire Vampire Chronicles. You delicious pixie, you.

The pixie herself appeared a few minutes later and set the coffee down on the small table in front of the fireplace. As she straightened, arms slid slowly around her waist from behind, a smooth leg pushing gently between hers, exquisitely smooth. A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned into the embrace and felt gentle fingers stroking across her arm and over breast, down to her tummy, then the top of her thigh. Gentle lips pinched her ear, moving on down her neck, stopping at the base to plant a lingering kiss.

Felicity shivered and squeezed Lorna's leg, delighting in the sensation of such smooth skin caressing. The soft kisses continued, the hand on her thigh slowly stroking up to her tummy and back, Lorna's other arm still holding her firmly around the waist, pulling them together. The red head's touch was divine teasing, the gentle fingers and lips knowing exactly where and how hard to stroke and press. Felicity's desire grew with each touch, her attraction to Lorna, while already very strong, was growing by the moment. Another unbidden sigh escaped her lips but she needed more now and turned in the red head's grasp to face her tormenter.

Their lips met without hesitation, opening first a little with testing tongues, then quickly surrendering to their mutual need, opening wider, tongues pushing deeper. Lorna sighed into Felicity's mouth and she breathed it in, responding with another sigh of her own, feeling the angelic red head inhale it as their lips sealed together.

Felicity's arousal reached an urgent zenith and she pushed her thigh firmly between Lorna's, hooking their legs together, then pushed her groin against her. I want you but I don't know how. She withdrew her tongue and pulled their mouths apart, panting slightly.

"You are my first. I want you, right now but you'll have to guide me...." she kissed the red head deeply again, holding their legs tightly together.

Lorna said nothing but released her hold on the pixie faced teacher and took her hand, leading her upstairs. Felicity followed, almost mesmerised by the Scottish girl's beauty and expert touch. She was ripe, she knew, the kisses and frictionless meeting of their legs had pushed her arousal to the brink astonishingly quickly. She'd never been kissed or touched like that, with such care and attention. It was a divine touch and her body yearned for more.

Lorna's gentle leading hands sat her on the edge of the bed and pushed her down on her back. The sapphire eyes looked lustful as they traversed her body. Expert fingers stroked slowly from her shoulder, across her breast, briefly lingering on the hard nipples before moving on to her hips. Her skirt was pushed slowly up, soft fingers against her thighs until her hips were exposed. Felicity's sex was pulsing with imminent desire, and she squirmed on the bed, closing her eyes, yearning for pressure.

She felt her tiny pants delicately slid from her hips and down her legs, then soft hands on her thighs pushing them apart gently but insistently. Those delicate expert fingers now moved to her secret lips, easing them apart to expose her hungry pulsing clitoris. Felicity almost wanted to scream, to grab and pull, to feel something press... anything to end the yearning. She shuddered as first the tip, then the whole tongue pressed hotly against her clitoris and she clutched at the bed to stop from grabbing Lorna's head.

The tongue began stroking from her wet opening, up first one side of her pulsing button then the other, then briefly pressing... only to repeat the cycle again. She moaned and angled her hips to push harder against the teasing tongue. Obligingly, it started to just stroke right over her clitoris, a little harder, a little faster. Groaning now, Felicity let go the bed with one hand and put it on Lorna's head pulling it just a little. Her tongue responded immediately, pressing much harder now and stroking faster.

Moaning unashamedly, Felicity hovered on the brink as with one last firm press, she felt lips surround her button as the angelic tongue finished it work. Crying out and losing all control, both hands reached for Lorna's head and gently but firmly pressed her divine mouth hard against her sex as she shuddered, hips bucking.

As the intensity of the orgasm subsided, reason returned a little and she released her grasp from Lorna's head. The lips and tongue withdrew and she felt a smooth thigh slide across her own as the red head leaned down to kiss her. She kissed the musky wet mouth almost hungrily for a few moments.

"Oh my god, Lorna," she said once they'd stopped kissing. "I had no idea I could orgasm like that. You've the touch of an angel, that was incredible. Thank you..."

Lorna kissed her deeply again then stood straight and began to undress herself. "That was just the appetiser," she said, the sapphire eyes heavy with desire.

"Oh my." Felicity pushed herself up to her feet and removing her dress. "This is quite possibly the best night of my life. If I may say...."

"No," said Lorna lustfully, cutting her off, "you may not."

They collided slowly, nakedness melding, legs entwined and fell heavily onto the bed. Lips sealed together once more, they lost themselves in their mutual all-consuming desire.

Two Saturday's later, Rachael stepped off the 5pm train and surveyed the platform. She'd already spotted the twin heads of flaming red as the train pulled in and she made her way toward them. She emerged from the disembarking crowd and stepped straight into Saoirse's waiting arms. For a long few moments they just held each other tightly before releasing their grip to plant a lingering kiss on each other's lips.

"Oh god, I've missed you." Rachael closed her eyes and rested her head against her lover's.

"Like you wouldn't believe," agreed the red head before kissing her again.

They released their hold on each other and stepped back, allowing Lorna to take Saoirse's place as she hugged Rachael tightly. She returned the hug eagerly and the two women kissed each other gently on the lips.

"Thanks for looking after her Lorna. Although I hear you've had a your hands a little full..?"

"I did my best but yes, things have taken a turn you might say." She stepped back and turned to the stunning pixie haired woman who had been standing just behind the red haired sisters. "Rachael, this is Felicity. Felicity, Rachael."

The two women shook hands warmly. "Lovely to finally meet you properly, Rachael. I feel like I know you already the way these two have talked about you," said Felicity. She'd seen Rachael a number of times at school but they'd never crossed paths before.

"Likewise. Anyone who gets such a glowing endorsement from these two must be special." She turned once again to Saoirse. "So, we're eating out tonight?"

"Yes, I thought it would be a good idea after your trip. I've booked us a table for four at Il Pilazzo."

"Sounds great. Home first to change and then we'll make a night of it." Rachael picked up her bags and headed for the car park, Felicity falling into step with her as the two red heads hesitated for a moment.

"Table for four, how lovely such a simple phrase sounds to me," said Lorna, almost overwhelmed for a moment. "I've never been this happy or surrounded by people I love as much as you three."

Saoirse took her Scottish twin in her arms and held the sapphire eyes with her own. "Welcome to your happy ending, my Sister."


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HeartfeltmanHeartfeltman6 months ago

A nicely paced sequel. There is a very sweet flow to these stories.

Saorise is a lovely character and she has a real voice that is unique from the rest and as engaging as advertised.

That's a very unique challenge. To say someone is charming and irresistable is one thing; to prove it is another.

I'm a fan.

FandeborisFandeboris6 months ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have just restored my faith in Faery Princesses. An great story and a very fine sequel to boot. You gave me my warm and fuzzy for Lorna. I know messed up the name the first time. That is what I get for reading late into the night. Or rather early morning. 5 stars

Take care.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

Yes that was a lovely happy ending …. Fantastic idea and it all melted down into love and happiness ….. fabulous 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝✨☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthere9 months ago

I found it! Holy crap, Rachael likes extra play / poly? Is a foursome next?

Victoria14xsVictoria14xs9 months ago

“Five” <pant> “stars” <pant>…

Oh to be in that little teacher’s room, those little touches…wow…

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Thank you. Thank you! When reading Nature vs. Nurture, I viscerally "felt" the connection between Saorise and Lorna resulting in a yearning to them to explore their connection further. This was a great way to bring everyone together. I could see further "shared experiences" with the four lovely ladies. Great work and clear captivating characters. Well done. (PS: thank you for explaining how to pronounce Saorise; I had been fascinated with the name since seeing Saorise Ronan in the movie Hanna, but wasn't even close with the pronunciation.)

KachinaDollKachinaDoll10 months ago

God, I can be such a wus sometimes - you made me cry. Mesmerising, delightfully, romantic, sexy, loving. Everything I need in a story. Perfect. xxx

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's nothing short of a disgrace that people would target this for review bombing, all because you dared to write an exceptional piece of work.

Never forget, you're a far better writer than they'll ever be.

BelindaTvDKBelindaTvDK10 months ago

truly an amazing story, love it...



ThebiffThebiff10 months ago

A wonderful conclusion. Great characters and a lovely story told impeccably. Thank you.

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