Tara in Space Book 01: Kidnapped


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"See this boy," he waved the blade in his face. It knows a lot about anatomy. Probably more than even a healer, for it as explored many bellies."

He patted the slave's hard stomach.

"However boy it has another use," he growled. "Castration and so far it has turned painfully twenty three men into eunuchs. If you do not want to be the twenty forth to piss sitting down like the slut here, and look at your manhood pickled in a jar. You will obey my every word, without question.

The man nodded.

The smack of the blade against the man's cock and the shock wave against his restricted testicals made him arch, but he did not cry out, only a trickle of blood ran down from his lip.

"I'm waiting boy, or do you want to yelp with a higher voice."

"Yes Master."

"Good now stand and adjust your cloak. This slut may get wet looking at such a small insignificant thing, I will not."

Not concerning himself with a leash Krall pushed the male slave out through the door in front of him, and I pulled my cloak back around me as best I could.

Sabina let out a sigh of relief.

"Remember Tara. Always please you're Master and you will be safe from the likes of Krall.

I could only nod; I had nowhere else to go.


Five minutes later Ruddick stood in the doorway and summoned us. "Come girls, the Master's ground car awaits, follow me." He looked at me, and saw me struggling with the torn cloak.

"Krall?" he snapped and looked at Sabina. She nodded.

Ruddick turned and went back through the door. A few moments later, he returned with a new cloak. "Put this on and leave the torn one on your seat."

"Krall will be the death of us all," he snarled and turned to Sabina. "Did he touch the girl's sex?" Sabina shook her head,

"That bastard is loose cannon." Ruddick muttered. "Now girl cover your head."

I slipped the hood over my head and immediately felt I was inside a cave.

Stepping outside the ship's lower hatch and onto an inclining ramp, the furnace heat from Optera's twin suns hit me. Naked under the cloak I could feel the heat burning me. Sabrina walked ahead and down onto a circular pad, surround by a dust bowl of black volcanic cinders. I turned my head the cave effect from the hood, giving the illusion of watching a film from a video camera play back. In one area, some distance from me was a group of low squat buildings, painted in a dull white facade cracked and dulled by age. These seemed to be the only buildings in the immediate area. The rest of the lava field was deserted.

This was not how I envisaged a modern spaceport should look like. This was as far as I could see from my hoodie's cave, a deserted backwater and a strange place to land a spacecraft. I felt Sabina put her hand around my waist and propel me gently forward.

In front of me, a squat light grey vehicle stood waiting. At the front, the black windscreen showed nothing of the interior or its driver. Its shape an oblong box with sloping sides and instead of wheels on each corner, there were hydraulic pylons sunk into the ash. It looked tough, rugged and military in design.

The gull wing door hissed open, and I followed Sabina inside. The interior was surprisingly cool. With two rows of benches, seats bolted either side of the vehicle. The interior painted in the same light grey colour, and the seats just on the comfortable side. I felt I was inside a people's carrier which smelled of numerous uses. I sat down and Sabina joined me, again showing me another variant of the seat harness.

The door slowly began to close with the usual release of air, and I saw Sabina pull back her hood, and with a sigh of relief, I did the same.

With the sound of compressing rubber, the door closed. A glowing strip of red light fixed along the edge of the ceiling bathed the compartment in a dim warm glow.

Under me, the car began to sink, and with it the engine noise and vibration, slowly began to increase. Suddenly it lifted, turned, and shot forward at a frightening speed.

The noise of whining turbines made it impossible to speak. So I sat there looking at the dusty tanned walls wondering where it would take me. I was frightened. I felt my tummy clench my thighs squeeze together, my tongue was dry my nipples smarted, where was I going, and what would happen to me?

Even here amongst the noise and the bouncing I could feel my body against the cloak, touching the material aware of its texture, my ever burning nipples, sending slivers of sensations into me. Could that bastard Krall have known when he forced my thighs apart, that I would show my excitement?

Really what frightened me was my body and its constant delivery of new sensations.

I thought for a moment of his huge cock, not like Ruddick's ready to make a girl gasp as it filled her with pleasure. His would be brutal and hard, only pain would come from a man such as Krall, and possibly even death. Yet he spoke of life following death. All I knew was he frightened me, and in some way frightened even Ruddick.

Who was the male slave? Had he been taken from earth like me? A handsome rugged man, I wondered what his Mistress would be like? Maybe he was for pleasure, breeding, or fighting as Sabina had told me afterwards. Maybe she would make him fall to his knees his muscled thighs parted wide, like mine. The slave ring cruelly forcing him forward to display his potential, and also his vulnerability. Yet it was then I felt something was wrong, all this seemed even in the short time of my capture strangely out of sync. The slave trade and Krall did not seem to fit with my preconceptions of a society with the advanced technology to travel to distant planets. Surely, they would be benevolent, watch and not interfere. Not go around kidnaping some of its inhabitants for their own sexual gratification.


With my hood, back on I felt the heat of the day burn into my lungs with every breath. It must be midday or close to it, but I had no idea of time. Why there was any life on this planet with its twin suns baffled me.

Moving along a tiled pathway, I could feel the heat even through my thick-soled flip-flops. Walking around a long curving bend, the path finally straightened. A few steps later we came to a doorway, leading into a curving hillock of rock lava. Sabina touched the wall, and a moment later. The silver door slid back into a recess, and we entered a black vestibule lit by flush white lights in the walls and ceiling. The door behind us closed, and Sabina threw back her hood and waved for me to do the same. On the locking sound of the outer door the inner one opened.

We stepped in and there my face felt the cooling air. Sabina removed her sandals, and of course I did the same, immediately feeling the cool tiles on my feet.

My eyes gazed around in amazement. For I was standing in a huge atrium carved out of the volcanic rock. On top of the excavated rock, sat a polarized glass dome, the dazzling white floor seemed to scatter light back, and up into the glass roof, diming its brightness to the eyes. The walls were black, and from them hung abstract paintings in the most vibrant colours I have ever seen.

Around the elliptical central hall, I could see white doors leading off into the volcanic earth. By each door, a glass or porcelain figure of a slave girl chained to her white marble stand splashed individuality, against the common jet background.

In the centre of the ellipse commanding my eyes to marvel, stood a circular ornate fountain, carved from the volcanic lava into a bowl of white, filled with sparkling blue water. Its centre piece was two naked slave girls one pouring a jug of water over the other, the cascading water flowing over her silvery flesh.

Sabina began to descend and I followed my heart now in my throat. Glad for once the screen of the cloak was hiding my emotions of the unknown. The sounds of water echoed around the room cooling and soothing.

Sabina looked at me and smiled.

"Let your body do the talking Tara. Once I have greeted our Master you must do the same. Then for once remain standing and wait for his command. He will exam you first so keep still and remember in his presence your thighs are never closed, unless he instructs you to."

The door slowly and silently slid back. The cloak brushed my nipples, and my thighs quivered. I moved slowly just behind Sabina my head bowed my eyes looking at the lush red carpet my feet sunk into.

Sabina stopped, and so did I.

"Greetings Master, I bring a worthless slave for you to see."

I was shocked, why had she said I was worthless when she had brought me all this way?

"I will be the judge of that." The voice was soft and yet commanding. "Does it have a tongue?"

I jumped, "Greetings Master," and then I nearly slid to the floor, but Sabina kicked me in the shin to stop me.

"You seem confused girl?"

I saw his sandal covered feet, and strangely thought they had walked many miles.

"I assume Sabina she knows the position for the auction block?"

"Yes Master," replied Sabina

"Girl drop your cloak and let me see whether I call the worker of metal, or Master Ruddick?"

With shaking fingers, I pulled the simple slipknot to release the chord around my shoulders. For a moment the cloak hung there, and then slowly it slid down my body to fall in ruffles of grey cloth covering my feet and ankles.

The perfect stand, practised so many times in front of the wall mirror. Stand, feet about shoulders width apart, fingers laced behind the neck with elbows back, head up and my eyes fixed on a point ahead. There to stand in silence the classic female slave, whose primary purpose is for the display of her beauty to reflect the affluence of her Master?

Less than a month ago Tara Richardson had worn a school uniform consisting of a white blouse, a short dark grey pleated skirt, and underneath my ill-fitting bra and my snug white panties. There every day at school I would be aware of the stairs.

Yet now I was displaying myself, to a complete stranger so he could examine me, not my body but his property. I blushed; depleted of all hair my open sex would hide nothing of my churning sensations. I looked out across the room my gaze falling on a painting behind his desk. Inside a gilt frame, a three star cluster surrounded by thin veils of polychromatic gas clouds, against a background of tiny stars held me steady. I tried not to think what he must see. I had practise this stance in front of the mirror on Ruddick's ship, until my body knew without me even thinking. I needed to be perfectly still not moving just open to the man's eyes and hands. I blushed, feeling the cooling air along my wet inner lips, my nipples pulling hard on my breasts to be the first to be touched.

Oh my God! He moved behind me. I could smell the musk of sandalwood and orange again, I dared not move. The painting blurred a little. He moved to my front.

"Open your mouth girl," he commanded

I obeyed, knowing the ritual of inspection. I smelled him close to my face as he examined my teeth. Suddenly a leathery hard finger pressed down on my tongue, and instinctively my lips closed around it to suckle him.

The man laughed.

"Your mouth seems eager to please girl."

He pulled out the finger, and I felt his hands slide down around my neck and across my chest. I arched slightly, offering my breasts, and he cupped them in his palms. Lifting them, weighing them, and comparing them one against the other. His thumbs stroking my tender nipples making me moan. He flicked each nipple hard and I felt a jab of pain.

He chuckled "Silence girl."

Letting them go his hands continued down my belly along my hips. Suddenly squatting down his hands moved along my quivering thighs, his breath for a moment caressing my exposed sex. The hands continued over my calves and ankles. Silently he stood and moved around me.

I knew then at that very moment, I was being handled by an expert.

Lifting my hair, he ran his fingers through it. Feeling the texture he bent to smell. Lifting my locks clear of my back and holding them there, his other hand continued to slide down my back and over my bottom. I shivered to his touch, and unconsciously clenched them. He playfully spanked my right cheek.

"Steady girl." He spoke into my right ear, "Relax, this part needs you to be still," Bending he parted my cheeks, and I went bright red, my heart racing as his hand slid under me to cup my sex. I gasped

"Schhhhh Girl,

"Sabina I see the spider's web is not torn. Good. And you say she knows nothing of men."

"No Master I have examined her myself she has yet to be opened."

I could feel his leathery hand cup my lips. The sudden flash of heat between my legs surprised me. I shifted my stance so my lips could kiss the hand holding them, and in moving, they had parted. A finger separated each fleshy petal, and a fingertip touched my button. The heat between my legs was spreading into my belly, and making me lose control. I had become hypersensitive. I could not help letting out a further moan, as my new untrained body became a jagged throbbing entity.

The man stood up.

"Well girl from the dew, you have covered my fingers with. It would seem you are eager to be opened.

He stood up and walked around to my front.

The room went silent for a moment.

"Then let me not keep the poor girl waiting. I will do my duty by her tonight and open her." Lower your arms girl but do not kneel, I have pressing engagements that need my attention before you."

"Yes Master," I whispered surprised by the husky passion in my voice. I looked down and our eyes meet. I quickly lower mine.

"What is your name girl?"

"Tara, Master."

"It is a good name; I think I shall keep it. I will instruct the worker of metal to put your name at the base of my shield of ownership, and your name below your collar".

The man moved just out of vision.

"Raise your head girl and look at me." I saw him now leaning back against a huge ornate gilded desk.

I guessed he was old enough to be my father, but there it ended. No way had this man gone to seed. He was just as hard as the desk he leaned on. Thick silver grey hair cut short, a face that showed he spent most of his time with the elements. Yet the experience in his sparkling blue eyes, separated by an aristocratic nose, also showed something hidden behind those shields of blue. This man was not Ruddick or Krall, but one that commanded such men. His words where law. He was powerful and I sensed for the first time dangerous. His white shirt was immaculately pressed, and tailored to fit his body, that even at his age showed no signs of going to fat. The black pants were skin-tight sliding into black shiny riding boots. Around his waist, a black silk cummerbund replaced the normal belt. I shivered my body still responding to his hands, my eyes seeing my future hidden from me for now.

"You have probably already guessed girl. I' am Oran Mallow your Master and owner, I do not need to tell you the power I have over you, do I girl?

"No Master." I replied.

In this world, I realized I was completely defenceless, without a man I would not last a couple of days. I needed this Merchant Templar, Master of female flesh to shield me. I looked at him.

I needed his protection, and I would pay any price necessary for it.

He smiled and in that moment I knew he would exact whatever price he pleased.

I put my head down.

Now suddenly I feared this world.

The door to my right opened, and a girl in a short silk tunic walked in her head bowed.

"Athena, take this girl and show her the slave quarters. I will send for the worker of metal along to fit the belt, and measure her for her collar, and all the other jewellery she will wear, and tell him to measure her for her rings. Then when he as completed his task, feed her, bath her and prepare her for me tonight. The long white silks Athena, I expect the other sluts will wish to see that I have done my Master's duty." Mallow said with a sardonic smile.

"Yes Master," the girl whispered.

He stood up and moved close to me, I could sense his presence, my eager nipples searching to touch their Master's shirt. He let them and I felt the hardness underneath.

"Girl you are very beautiful. Tonight prove to me all this flesh is not wasted. I'm told you are a dancer show me."

"Yes Master," was all I could say.

"Now go with the girl, I have business with Sabina."

I turned to follow the girl through the door, dismissed until tonight.


Within moments of entering the tunnel, from Mallow's office, we were once again in a huge outer courtyard, covered this time by a geodesic dome. In the centre another silver statue of a naked slave girl. This time kneeling, her thighs parted, her body leaning back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication. Around her tiny jets of water touched her belly, her hips and bottom.

Looking passed the fountain I could see more identical white doors leading into the volcanic lava. This place was a labyrinth.

Athena turned to look at me and I blushed. In those few moments I could see she gave the aura of vitality. The long red hair flowing down to the small of her back, also framed the perfect oval face, a straight nose and full red lips.

Athena's was beautiful in the classical Greek. The brief shimmering green tunic showed her tanned and naked underneath. The only jewellery she wore was a beautiful gold Celtic knot, looped closely and snugly fitting close around her throat. I suppose in another world, she would have command men with her looks. Here the collar told of Mallow's authority over her.

"This is the Master's kennels girl." Athena spoke in a cold voice, pointing like a guide to the door on the left.

"My name is Tara, Athena, please use it."

"No, you are nothing girl. Until the Master places his collar on you, names you, and brands you with your name," Athena said in an angry tone. "You are nothing, and here because I am the first girl, you will address me as Mistress,"

I nodded.

"Correctly girl,"

"Yes Mistress." I said with a calm voice, forced by the unknown. It was in that moment I saw my first enemy, why I had no idea. Obviously as Sabina had said, there would be a pecking order within the kennel, and Athena was telling me she was the first girl. But I was new, and scared, so why the harshness. No something was wrong, what that could be I had no idea, and until I found out I would be better off saying nothing.

"Learn quickly girl the order of things here, or your body will pay the price. Only when you wear the mark of the Master will you be a true slut of his kennels."

"Mark Mistress," I questioned.

Athena turned to show me the scarred flesh on her left thigh. The skin patterned into a small shield. Inside a strange mark, I would later find out was the equivalent of the letter M. At its base around the bottom in strange almost Arabic curlicues, I suspected was the name Athena.

"Most slave girls are permanently tattooed and numbered now. Our Master prefers the old ways of the heated iron. Now come with me girl, and let's hear no more of you, till you are made ready for our Master's use." Athena said briskly.

I shivered, is there nothing of love in this world of domination.

We passed through twin doors in a long passageway, and into a courtyard again covered by a tensile structure of glass. The middle of the courtyard ran in a sequence of shallow oblong pools, connected to each other by narrow channels, through which silvery water trickled from glistening pool to sparkling pool. On a stone bench, circled around a pool, sat a beautiful woman unashamedly naked, having her hair groomed by a black woman dressed in a colourful short tunic. In the centre of the pool a fountain spouted water and two naked girls, ran in and out of its arching jets laughing and shrieking like excited children.
