Tara in Space Book 01: Kidnapped


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"Tonight is about learning to give yourself over to your Master, not for your pleasure but his. This will be a mental exercise, an exercise in yielding. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress." I said shaking

"Still you can please a Mistress," she laughed, "and you have certainly made me horny."

I turned her blue eyes glistening with power and passion. I was coming down quickly, but not too far down from my high, that my body was not still throbbing and aware of Athena.

With a surprising power just in her arms alone she lifted herself backwards out of the pool and sat on the edge looking down at me.

"So close." She laughed. "It is the story of a pleasure slave to be left high, because the Master wanted his pleasure first. Now come and show me how you will please a Mistress, I have heard from Sabina you have been taught well in such things."

Looking down at me her body dripping water she parted her muscular thighs to show her smooth full sex, and the gold ring passing through her inner lips. I shivered.

"You should know girl this is my obedience ring." Slowly she lowered herself onto her back stretching out for me, her legs dangling in the water.

Slowly I moved up between her open thighs, my fingers running along her hard knotted muscles. The lips of her sex parted. I stroked her for a while along the tops of her legs, my fingertips just lowered enough for my nails to scratch her inner thighs. I licked the skin teasing her. I watched her lips swell to show me her excitement; my fingers moved in to pinch the skin of her inner thighs. Her body presenting me with her sex, I blew a kiss at it and Athena moaned. I could feel her body clench, her cheeks harden to stone lifting her sex even higher. I bent and kissed the lip ring, it was smeared by her, I flicked it and a moan came. Along each swollen lip my fingernail scraped the delicate flesh; I dipped my tongue into the opening running along the wetness of Athena's inner lips. I could feel her body arch over the wet tiles. My fingers joining my tongue to tease her; whilst I roamed with my tongue all over her sex, dipping into her opening, and running the tip of my tongue around the rim, aware of the taste of another. I licked the water from her, and Athena cried out. I lifted her tight bottom, and knew she was close. I could feel her body shudder; her thigh muscles turn to stone. Slowly my tongue licked the edges of her vulva, licking inside, then up to her button. I insert a finger into her; and she surrounded it. I tasted more of her lover, I shivered the Master must have used her. Soon I would taste like Athena. I nibbled at her inner lips; gently I bent my finger inside her and dragged the fingernail along the wall of her sex. Almost coming out I slid a second finger into her and thrust upwards, my lips suckling her tiny button. I felt her feet dig into my back forcing me against the side of the pool and my head against her sex. Athena arched her body almost breaking her back; she cried out like a tortured animal her orgasm running down my fingers. Slowly she came down and her breathing steadied. I kiss her and feel my head pulled away by her hand.

"Stop girl you are giving me the cramps," she giggles

She lifted herself up and looked down at me.

"You are so young to know such arts girl where did you learn those skills,"

She was still shivering.

"I had a very good teacher Mistress.

"Let's hope you know how to please our Master. Now wash your self all over and then to the next bath for a rinse. I shall be waiting for you in the preparation room, and remember keep your hands away from your heat. It should now feel only your Master's touch, and his hardness."

She turned and I shuddered. Those powerful muscles defined either side of her spine, her tight bottom, and down to her thighs. She was an athlete, or something else, even with my limited knowledge she was certainly not a pleasure slave.

I dived into the tunnel coming up into the dome of the main bathhouse, I looked around Athena had already gone. I stayed silent enjoying the solitude and the play on lights. This would be the last time, oddly in a way I was going to die. The girl in the water would not come back, nor would she return to her kennel. I trembled my body tensing. I closed my eyes; I knew Athena had kept me simmering, and I wonder if it was the commands of Marlow to prepare me. Yet she had taken her pleasure from me.

I stopped my racing thoughts. I needed to focus on the dance for my life. I needed to hype my body up, prepare my sex to obediently open and surround the Master with tight loving wetness. This was my life now, to please a powerful man. I thought of the male slave's beautiful body, would he be in a bath like this, or between his Mistress's thighs. Those balls so heavy and so full. I felt the water lap my nipples. What had become of me, what had they done to me. Did I really crave an old man between my legs? The questions would not go away. I was surrounded by luxury, pampered and so it seems pleasing. Was I not fulfilling my life, my destiny, or was this just chance playing games with me.

Ruddick had shown me the power of men over women, had my Mother walked to his leash and onto his bed for his pleasure. I shivered remembering the size of his shaft and how he had filled the small African girl. Yet the Master who owned all this and soon would own me, made him dim in my memory. Was it just the presence of a powerful man or something else? I was not afraid anymore. I slowly stepped out of the water, and became vaguely aware of someone watching.

It was time for the virgin to die.


The corridor was cool and dimly lit, I was alone again. I felt the diaphanous white silks move touching my skin, teasing it. I was still a girl, my body tense. Behind the door ahead of me a powerful man, who knew of girls like me and how to use them for his gratification. I stopped my racing thoughts. In front of me the door was my destiny,

I felt my long white silks moving from the rings on my belt, their colour only relevant for this moment, and their cover superfluous. The slave bells on my feet and wrist echoing down the passageway. I must not speak, only when commanded to do so. I look down at what belongs to a stranger, who if Ruddick was right had paid a fortune for me. The eighteen year old schoolgirl in her school uniform, with my tiny white panties the only thing most boys wanted to get into. Now was smooth and free of any cloth. On being waxed and shown my smooth sex for the first time in the mirror, I knew I was perfectly formed for a man,

Now I was going to sheath my first man.

The slave girl, her whole being made for a man's pleasure. I arched my back loosening up the muscles. I had become stiff, sitting on the stool for such a long time being fussed over by Kissy and Dari, the two slave girls I had seen in the pool frolicking. Directed by Athena they had combed my hair till it shone. The minute examination of my skin, my finger and toe nails manicured to the colour of deep velvet red, matching the gloss on my lips. On the stool I sat with my thighs parted my sex on display in front of the mirror. I blushed when Dari brought a small bowl of clear water and kneeling between my thighs, dabbed my sex with a silk square, gently parting my lips and running the damp cloth over and inside them. Athena telling me as I shuddered, the Master should only smell the virgin before she dies.

These were rituals, for the deflowering of my sex. I knew on Earth in certain cultures this was expected for a girl to be prepared, and even here there was protocol. The white translucent silks indicating an unopened girl, locked to the rings of my belt in front and behind. The golden slave bells on my ankles and wrists, all to entice a Master to take interest in me. They had each kissed me on the cheek and giggled, Athena lying on the couch saying nothing.

I stood before the door my preparations now over.

I would now enter and dance for my future and my life.

The door opened without a sound and I entered in a slow sensuous motion. The room was empty. I was shocked Marlow was not waiting for me in the high backed chair. Then I knew from Sabina, a Master waits for no slave girl. With my head bowed I fell to the floor and spread-eagled my body on the furs, directly in front of the gilded chair. I lay there, for an age and I suddenly sensed another enter the room and sit down on the chair directly opposite me. On the floor I offer my body to him for the first time knowing it would be rejected. His hands do not come together to summon me.

I looked towards him, seeing him through the strands of my hair. Marlow was sitting in a high chair, his head resting against the high-back, his robe laid about and around him, the intricate patterns of gold floating on an illusion of blackness which seemed to absorb the very light that touched it.

He watched me in silence.

The single drum with its alluring thrum, the sound vibrates through my whole being, triggering a lustful throb in my veins, my senses intoxicated with anticipation. I slowly lift myself on to all fours. In the huge chair his flowing robes hide him from me but not his eyes. They follow me. I crawl slowly across the room to the beat of the drum, my hips swaying to the beat and the movements in my arms and thighs allowing my body to display all its advantages. My shimmering hair cascades down across my shoulders and back, the untethered reins for a Master, My swaying hips begging for a man's strong hold, my breasts jiggle, their twin peaks stone hard begging to be handled. My white silks trailing between my sensual moving thighs showing the Master he would be the first. I lifted my head, and look at the intricate sewn patterns on the Master's robe. The complicated shapes and designs, that strangely adds to his masculinity and power. The carpet is soft and I felt my hands and knees sink into it, I lick my lips to show my Master that his slave girl is wet with excitement.

I'm a wanton slut who is locked inside a virgin's body.

I stop and slowly rise to sit back on my heels my thighs parting wide to display my innocent treasures, between them now scarcely veiled by the lucent silks. I close my eyes and draw my fingers over gentle curves, slowly I gasp as if the touch of my fingers burns. I draw my fingers up through my hair lifting it from my neck, and in the same fluid movement with my hands I tip my head back offering my breasts to his eyes, my hips rolling rhythmically to the driving beat of the drums. The slave bells begin to ring from the fire within me. I bring my head back down to look at the Master, my eyes wide with desire, my full firm breasts rising and falling with each gasping breath, the nipples darkening as they swell. I let out a moan of wanting, of pleading and of begging, my thighs part wider my heat swollen and flushed, glistening with the oils of virgin purity and passion. I caress my belly, my shoulders shimmer to the music; I lift my breasts offering my flesh for the pleasure of my Master. I arch my back and lower my head to the floor behind my feet, my thighs stretched taut my heat open and pulsing. Slowly the music fades.

I wait.

Silence fills the room; I must be punished for not pleasing him enough.

I lower my eyes and crawl forward to the Master my body begging to be punished for offending him. I must not touch him, for only death will be my reward. For no worthless virgin not yet owned must touch a Master. Only he can bestow those gifts on me, of my collar and therefore his ownership of me. I bend my head, and take the handle of the bull whip between my soft lips tasting the leather with my tongue.

I feel him stiffen and tense, this was not in the script.

I retreat from the Master crawling backwards, my heart pounding within my chest my eyes lowered not daring to look at him.

I rise softly from my hands and knees and stand before him with my thighs parted my legs firm and tense, my slave belly held taut and rigid, and my eyes downcast. I reach up and take the whip from my soft lips. I hold the handle of the whip in my right hand and drop it down to my thigh, the single strand, a leather snake lying along my soft inner thigh. Slowly I draw the snake of obedience up between my thighs, the handle of the whip caressing my belly and then the fullness of my breast, the supple black leather stroking my yielding quivering flesh.

The drum returns this time to a different more sinister beat. My skin responds to the cool caress of the leather, my breath begins to quicken as the snake moves teasing me first with pleasure, then pain. I spin on my toes my head tipped back and my golden hair flying out in soft waves from my shoulders. I open my arms and my body, the uncoiled serpent whistling through the air as I spin.

Around me the snake takes on a life of their own, encircling me within its embrace, until the ends reach my soft flesh with a soft crack. I jump at the light sting of the whip hinting to me that it only plays with me. In the Master's hand it will bring my total obedience.

I and draw my right hand away from my fearful body, yet my gaze is drawn to the whip as I draw the snake across my soft flesh. It knows my Master's touch. Slowly with devotion bordering on reverence I bring the handle to my lips, for it is the shape of a man. I kiss it tenderly drawing my tongue along the leather of its tip, tasting the owner of both of us.

It is time I rise showing my fear; I spin again the caress of the lash becoming more intense. My arms raise the handle of the whip and snap it down to my side in the fear and passion merging behind my eyes. The whip cracks against my firm ivory calve reminding me in burning pain. I glance at the whip in my trembling hand. It belongs to the Master it is an extension of his hand, and his absolute authority over me. I enter the dance pit the sandy firmness harder after the carpet; in the centre is the post. I am back in the dance school, and Alana is watching me. Yet this is not a dance pole but a whipping post. My pace quickens my slave bells jangling with the force of my steps. My left hand caressing the smooth hard wood, I look up at the stained and darken pole and wonder how many slaves have polished this wood with their bodies, whilst the whip burned into them. I circle it raising my right hand above my head, and in a spiralling flash brings it and the whip down with a crack against the post, the black leather thongs wrapping around the smooth hard wood.

My body quivers to the sharp crack of the whip. I glance over to the Master, and then quickly lower my eyes. The punishment like his commands cannot be changed only obeyed. Slowly I draw the thongs of the whip from the post. Circling it again I move in close to the post wrapping my soft leg around the post, pressing my hips and my full breasts against the smooth cool wood. My head tips back as I writhe against the post twisting my hands within the thongs of the whip. I moan with fear and passion.

I suddenly jump against the post. My head whipping back from the post as if the whip had burned my back.

I cry out.

My eyes fill with tears of submission as my arms surround the post, holding my body against it preventing it from escaping. I bite my bottom lip and a tiny trickle of blood runs down the side of my mouth, my breath quivering. My soft flesh pressed hard against the unyielding post as though to seek comfort from the flesh burning snake. I leap again to the kiss of the unseen whip.

My body trembles as I seek to please the Master with my pain. The whip comes again and my body leaps stung harshly by flicking kiss of the leather, I slump against the post and slide to my knees at its base.

I shudder as my hands slowly free themselves from the whips binding. I kiss the black bladed whip with my lips in gratitude. Once again I take the whip between my lips and slowly crawl towards the Master, my head lowered as I approach him; I drop the whip at his feet and lower myself to my belly, head to floor, arms stretched out in front and crossed at the wrists. I wait for my punishment.

I wait.

Again silence. I have not pleased him, he does not want me.

I begin to tense.

Slowly my breathing returns to normal. Still not a word is said, only silence. I hear a door slide back. I see bare feet come towards me, and then stop at the left side of Mallow's chair. I tense my body sensing the atmosphere change, and the excitement in the air. Nobody seems to be breathing; I gently look through the curtain of my hair. I see firm thighs parted wide, the blue silk on the rings of her belt, covering but not hiding her smooth swollen sex. Around her curvaceous hips the delicate belt catches the light, her taught belly. I notice something to the left of her deep navel, a tattoo, but the intricate belt covers most of it. I shiver my body still presenting my back for his whip. Still the Master does not speak or command me, he waits and I'm unsure why. Is this slave to help me? I dare not move, but my eyes move up over her rib cage to the twin full heavy breasts, the swollen nipples free from rings stand out proud and hard. She is older than me, yet her body is firm and full, curving to welcome the hands of the Master to her hips, her breasts seeming proud to display their excitement to any eyes. I move up on her neck there is a steel collar like mine, the leash curving down in a loop and back up to the Masters chair. She must have been another girl taken from Earth. No she was more a woman, probably taken by Ruddick for Mallows kennel, and his pleasure. I wonder who she is and where he took her. But something makes me tense, I move up to the full red lips, and the nose, a perfect divider for her deep blue eyes. Around her face the copper-bronze of the hair cascades in long curling ringlets, framing her face, and falling down her back to her firm bottom sitting on her heels.

I scream.

The face staring back at me belonged to my Mother.


Mother and Fire.

I wanted to run to her, to hold her, to feel her arms around me, but she stayed still, and I knew the reason. If there was anything in this world I had learned very quickly, was punishment was swift for a slave girl who did something wrong.

The voice smashed through my thoughts.

"Kneel girl in front of me, and display your body," commanded Mallow his hand moving to the whip his voice as hard as stone.

Still in shock from seeing my mother, Sabina's training took over and my body instinctively went into the display position, directly in front of Mallow and my Mother. My body now in pure tension not knowing what was to happen next. Embarrassment did not come into it for we had both seen each other naked, although certainly not like this. It was the moment when all those thoughts, hints, and moments came together to show the truth,

Ruddick had kidnapped us both. The smell from all those cages, had hidden her amongst all the other emotions overloading my sensors. The picture of my Mother's torn thong. The hint had been in his words, about her being ready for the collar. The bastard had kept us apart until now, and I wanted to kill him.

This was Alice in wonderland, why was I not screaming for him to leave us both alone, why was my mother staying perfectly still, silent, and not even greeting me. What had they done to her, I wanted to scream to tear his eyes out. Why was I like my mother ready to join her, and show our naked bodies to him for his pleasure?

My body screamed to be touched, clouding my mind with sensations and emotions I could no longer control. I tried to clear my mind, but my flesh was now raw nerve endings.

Bizarrely it felt as though I floated in a dream, here on the carpet we had not spoken or greeted each other, for we were in the role of slave girls, who waited on the commands of our Master.
