Tara in Space Book 01: Kidnapped


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They all stopped and looked at me, taking in my body and I suppose comparing it with theirs. The black woman smiled and I returned it with my own.

On each side of the courtyard, a colonnade of slender glass columns supported delicate lattice arches, where in the dappled shade cast by the lattice sat other women, lounging and chatting, wearing identical gold belts around their hips, where hung various coloured silks. The other adornments were bangles on the ankle, and wrists. All wore the gold nipple rings supporting their gold obedience chains. I felt my own nipples harden, free now, but soon to be collared like my neck. Still they all looked very beautiful, and I felt very plain.

Athena paused, allowing silence and the uncertain faces to dart more than questioning stares at me. Then again, the comforting smile from the ebony girl warmed my welcome. Hesitant smiles from others followed her lead, pushing from my mind unsettling thoughts, about the cool reception I might be getting at the beginning.

In the walls set back deep in the shade of the colonnade were more white doors leading to more rooms. Athena led me into one—it would be mine, after the ceremony.

It was a brightly furnished room, with a small bed set in an alcove, a long padded bench backed with silk cushions, a table and another segmented display stool next to it, above polarised glass, curved over a barrelled roof supported on the volcanic rock, by steel rods. At the side of the bed was a ring bolt secured into the black wall. The painting at the bottom of my bed depicted a slave girl in the display position her leash leading off and out of the picture. Through a small curtain and set in another alcove were a toilet, a small bowl shaped hand basin, and a shelf above it filled with coloured bottles?

Athena told me to take my rest—she would return in a few hours, when the metal worker would be ready. She left, bolting the door behind me.

I lay down on the bed, exhaustion quickly overcoming my curiosity, and I fell asleep to the soothing sounds of the women's voices in the courtyard.

I awoke to the sound of Athena sliding back the bolt and opening the door.

"Come girl," she summoned.

I was thirsty, and needed to wash the sleep from my face, but not daring to speak I followed her back into the courtyard. Outside it was night and the courtyard now lit by the glass columns was empty.

Through another identical door we entered the piazza of aromas.

In one corner of the enclosure, was a large outdoor bath, and inside an adjacent building there were two smaller baths. A domed ceiling, supported by blue and green tiled columns, spanned over these indoor baths, and a galaxy of star shaped openings in the domed ceiling, cast down beams dappling the water with moving light. All around carefully tended in huge terracotta pots exotic flowers of vivid colours and mingling scents filled the air.

The stone-covered pathways, pools and fountains, filled the rest of the courtyard. It was luxurious, and far in excess of anything I had ever seen.

Athena told me that the smaller of the indoor baths was for soaping and washing, and the larger one for rinsing and soaking. A short submerged tunnel connected the larger indoor bath to the outdoor one, and it would be possible to dive down and swim from one bath to the other.

Inside I felt the steamy heat of the bath. The perfume of the flowers rose as my body heated.

"Here you will spend time cleansing your body, for you will wear no perfume tonight. A virgin until she is opened and carries her Master's seed, should smell only of the unopened flower, said Athena in the echoing dome.

I stood there, the flickering water from the bath fracturing the vivid blue tiles along the walls. The décor looked bizarre, a distorted illusion of a Roman Tepidanum. The roof of the bathhouse was barrelled shaped. At floor level the bathtubs looked more like small swimming pools, lined with blue and white tiles depicting around their mosaic sides, strange water creatures.

Filled three-quarters of the way with pale blue water; a faint smell of cinnamon pervaded the room. Bright circular lamps, from the bottom of the pool shined up though the water, to illuminate the room in a shimmering luminescent glow. Across on the far wall a mosaic of some mythical sea monster stared back at me with sightless tiled eyes.

"Follow," said Athena and walking down the side of the bathhouse to another door which slid open and I found myself sinking into lush blue carpet. The low ceiling, along with the size of the room was a startling contrast from the cabaña.

Still the room was familiar, around three walls was erotic pictures of slave girls. The fourth a ceiling to floor mirror. About the room a ballet barre continued half way up the wall without a break.

"Here is the training room girl. Music will come from all around you and the rhythmic beat will keep automatically in time with your body's movements." Athena paused, "do you understand?"

I nodded and wondered what was behind the mirror.

Athena growled.

"Yes Mistress."

"Keep your mind on your Master girl. Not on your surroundings, for an inattentive girl in front of guests, is an insult to the Master's house. Punishment I can assure you will be swift and most of all public and humiliating."

Moving to the far wall, Athena stood and touched the bar and turned to look at me. "Beyond this door is the room of preparation. It is the final room before you go to the Master. Inside waits the metal worker. When he is ready, he will command you to stand in the display position except your hands will be by your side, your thighs parted for him as you would your Master."

"But he is a man Mistress."

"One that is no longer interested in women only his art."

With a lift of the bar the door opened.

The room was surprisingly tiled in weather worn terracotta. On one wall a table was laid out with various bottles and small coloured containers. Directly in front of them an array of hair brushes, scissors, large and small sponges, and what looked like fur puff balls. In the centre of the room was a segmented stool, where the girl would display herself in front of a huge mirror. Slightly to the right a long shelf was filled with more bottles and jars, I blushed, for behind and not hidden were the toilet, a washbasin, and shower stall. In the corner a single bed and against the far wall a deep red Chaise Longue, with a bendy lamp coming from and casting light, over the brocade of the matching cushions.

From the side of the table, a thin tall angular man moved forward. He looked old and yet his skin was strangely smooth. The dull hazel eyes looked at me and appraised me without seeming to show any interest in me. He was completely devoured of hair, on his skull, his eyebrows or his face. Dressed in a simple white tunic, he wore grey stained pants and a pair of rough worn sandals.

"Girl," Athena spoke

"Display yourself to the Metal worker," she commanded.


I blushed.

The man pulled a small silver trolley towards me. Staring at Athena I tried to avoid him as he bent down in front of me.

I jumped cold fingers and metal touched my skin, and I looked down to see the metal worker kneeling fixing an intricate gold belt around my waist.

"Remain relaxed girl," he spoke with a strong voice. "This will need to fit perfectly before I lock it."


"Yes girl," this is the belt for your silks and your chains. The metal may look delicate, but it is extremely strong. Once locked it should never be removed from your living body." He showed me the three rings hanging from the belt. "See these are for your silks to be clipped too. Three rings at the front and three identical rings at your back. Three rings will be used to carry the silks you will wear when in the presence of any Mistress, where you will be hidden from their sight. Only one will be needed in the presence of other Masters, where you will display what your Master owns."

His long bony fingers burned and calloused by working metal and fire touched my skin like abrasive stone. Standing up he walked around me and kneeling to adjust it again, before he returned to inspecting me."

He looked at Athena, and she nodded.

He squatted down and winced as though in pain.

"Stay perfectly still girl," with his fingers on either side of a small chain coming away from the belt he gently twisted, and I heard a click. This time he pulled on the belt, it did not separate. Seemingly satisfied, he pulled out the tiny chain, and stood up.

"There it is done Mistress."

"Good, now continue," said Athena.

"Girl open your legs a little wider?" Said the Metal worker

I blushed

"Do it," commanded Athena

My body obeyed, and I looked down. The gold belt curved snugly against my skin and around my hips, its intricate gold threads creating three ropes twisting on each other, secured to a long thin gold strip of some inlaid silver secured to which three small gold rings hung down from just above the swell of my pubis.

The Man crouched down again between my parted thighs, looking up at my open sex, those eyes running along my parted lips, seeming to gauge something. I blushed with embarrassment.

Taking a narrow gold chain from the tray, he clipped one end to the middle ring of the belt and slid it underneath me, pulling it gently up between my open lips. I jumped it was cold and hard.

"Stay still girl, I need to adjust this," I felt the narrow thin chain slide between my lips and cheeks to the back of my belt.

"Now girl walk to the end of the room and return to me. Slowly, I want to see how the chain rubs you.

I walked slowly feeling the chain move along my sex.

"Walk to the leash girl" Athena said.

"I looked up knowing my swaying hips and my cross over would make the chain move along my sex. I stopped the man looked up and ran his fingers along the chain I gasped.

"Not quite right girl," he adjusted the chain a little more. "Now walk to the leash girl across the room and back."

I did so and gasped my clit immediately felt the chain. The man smiled as I stopped beside him, "I think we have the right length girl don't you?" He looked up between my legs and gently rubbed a finger along the chain.

Yes just right Mistress, as you can see she now weeps for her Master," said the Metal Worker with a smile.

"As she should," said Athena turning to me, and seemingly indifferent to what was happening.

"Now you can feel why it is called the chain of torment." Her eyes held no warmth. "The Master will command you to wear it. Probably in the morning when you rise from your bed, and only he can command it be removed." She waved her hand at the metal worker. "Leave it on the girl, for the moment it may help her to remember why she is here. Now metal worker continue and measure her for her obedience chain."

He stood up, and moving to his tray took out two small cones with rings on, dipping his finger into some jelly he smeared it on my nipples and slipped them on. I shivered my nipples swelling within the confines of the cones. Quickly he looked at the chains laid out on the velvet cloth and taking one clipped each end to the rings.

"Now walk over to the end of the room girl and turn and face me. The chains began with my first step to torment my body.

I reached the wall and turned.

The buzz made me jump, my hands going to my burning captured nipples, I almost went down onto my knees.

"Sorry Mistress that was too fierce, let me try another setting." The metal worker opened his palm and with a tiny screwdriver adjusted something in the red crystal ring on his finger

"The shock was less but I cried out.

The worker of metal adjusted it again, and my nipples respond with sharp pain.

"Please stop," I cried, "Please."

"Girl pain is part of your life now, just like pleasure, they both go together. Now be silent and listen to the metal worker."

"Now tell me what you feel girl?" the metal worker spoke.

I cringed as two throbs of pain shot through my nipples and deep into my breasts.

"How many pulses girl, the metalworker asked.

"Two," I croaked

"By the gods girl this is the lowest setting and you can still feel pain. You do have very sensitive nipples for your Master to tease you with. I will have to take this back Mistress to the work shop and adjust it lower. Then I shall have to give the girl another fitting before she is ringed for her obedience chain."

The metal worker motioned me towards him.

Quickly he removed them all from me, and I shivered, and looked down at my swollen aching nipples. Knowing those play things of my Master would be back to torture me again. I shivered.

"Girl, here," said Athena

I moved to her and gasped as she took hold of both my nipples. Gently she massaged them and I bit my lip, after the chains my body was tense, and hot, and Athena knew it.

"Our Master does not use his fingers or voice to command us, he uses these; she gently pinched my aching nipples. You will be fitted soon for your obedience chain, it has two purposes girl, one to command you by the signals sent to your nipples. The other is to show you the Master's displeasure. Remember these," she gently twisted both nipples, and I arched to the pain. "They can both bring you pleasure, and pure heart stopping pain, that will burn deeper into you than any whip, and yet leave no mark."

Now girl into to the bathhouse and remain at the edge of the first bath I will join you shortly.

"Yes Mistress," I moved back into the steamy heat of the bathhouse, my nipples on fire.


"In the pool girl," Athena commanded. I slid in, my hips immediately aware of my new belt. Quickly Athena untied the binding rope around her waist and lifted the green shimmering garment above her head, placed both on a bench.

Diving in with the grace of a Gannet, she surfaced the water cascading from her muscled body. She moved close to me, and turned me round and slowly began to wash my back, her strong hands needing the tense muscles in my back. I stayed still feeling the knots fall away from my shoulder. Slowly her hands worked down to my lower back, the soapy fingers kneading them. I arched a little, and she whispered.

"Here girl you have a lot to learn about being our Master's pleasure slave. Just spreading your thighs is not the only thing that is expected of you. Here the Master enjoys the rituals of a slave girl, and so you must learn them. It's not something you will learn overnight and in reality, a good pleasure slave will continue to learn all the time."

Her fingers moved around my waist.

"Relax, enjoy my touch. There's much more to come."

I felt my sex filled, my nipples peaked, and I was now so sensitive, after the metal worker.

"In all this is your attitude. A girl must want to serve others with all her heart, not just serve one person, and not just serve sexually."

I felt the fingers of her hand open out.

"You must show yourself in everything you do. Never be embarrassed about being naked, for you were made to please the eyes of others. In this house you are expected to display your flesh. Only your own individuality can set you apart from all the other slave girls." I looked down staring at her hands on my hips the fingers like claws.

"Remember girl, the capacity of your body to excite men. You must learn to be more provocative when arousing men. Peel away the layers of constriction and inhibition in your movements, attitudes, and expressions."

I trembled; she leaned in and kissed my neck. I gasped for in her tone of voice I had hardly expected her to do this.

"Sabina tells me you have a fire in your belly for your own sex. I looked down at my stomach now bowl shaped, curving up from my pubis. I watched the hand slide downwards across my taught skin.

"You have three duties, rules, laws, call them what you wish. The first is to be pleasing at all times to our Master. The next is obedience you must follow our Master's commands in both spirit, and in the letter. The third is always being pretty in your Master's eyes."

"Do you know the dance of the virgin girl?"

"Yes Mistress."

Then make the Master want you girl, for only with your body and your dance can you prepare the Master for you. A virgin is not allowed to touch a Master, for she is nothing. She must show in her body and dance, she wishes the honour of a true slave girl, to carry her Master's seed. In all this he will say nothing only at the end will he clap his hands once."

"And then Mistress," I asked.

"Then there will be pain girl, but don't be afraid. It is your right of passage to being your Master's slut."

"Your body seems to tremble girl, are you frightened?"

"No Mistress,"

I gasped feeling her fingers graze my left nipple.

"Sabrina told me your body was hot and filled with passion. What else may we find in you?"

My nipples screamed at me.

"What do you seek girl, in this place of women?"

"To please my Master," I paused and remembered, "mistress".

"Yes girl your body will desire the hardness of a man, but now it seems to crave something else."

The fingernail dug into my nipple and I felt the pain of pleasure. I turned my eyes showing my emotions to Athena.

"Now you make it more interesting girl," said Athena as her finger tips scraped the smooth skin of my pubis. "Your body seems to seek many things girl, let us hope when the Master as opened you, your body will find what it seeks."

"I only wish to please Mistress," I said in a low husky voice, yet still aware of the traps.

"Good girl," her finger slipped down and under me parting my eager lips, as her hard body moved against my cheeks, her finger nails now flicking my swollen nipple. The tip touched my hardening bud I arched into her gasping.

"So soon girl to show your emotions, then you have not had a man yet, maybe his hardness will cool you."

Gently she stroked my clit and my thighs quivered.

"No girl," she laughed. "Men will not put out your fire; they will be burned by it, and some maybe even consumed by it." The fingers were merciless with my nipples and my button. They worked me with the assurance of an impresario. I could do nothing only lean back against her, my nerve endings suspended on her fingers craving for her to do more.

"Soon you will worship at the feet of your Master, and look up to see what knows your body better than you, soon you will be smeared by his seed, and still feel him inside you even when he leaves you to take his pleasure from another." Her voice was husky

I cried out, feeling only the relentless throbbing fingers. The tension in my body was becoming a taught rubber band, every nerve ending seemingly touched by Athena's fingers. Deft and efficient they knew my flesh; I was a slave girl to her, my body a throbbing web of nerves. I wanted to open to her, feel her fingers enter me thrust down on them, distend my womb to welcome them into my body. I wanted to be a woman.

"Think of your Master girl his hardness, the pain, the filling, the pleasure you will be giving as he takes you, uses you, and finally when you are filled with the gift of his seed. Think how much he will know of your body not only from the outside, but also inside you. Think of the pleasure you will feel when you are at his heal your thighs parted wide to show others your Masters seed smeared on your lips.

I gasped I was close to toppling over; the pain was a shock coursing through me. I offered my heated nipple for more. The nail was scraping up and down my swollen teat, making it raw and my breast full and ripe.

"Tonight your womb will kiss your master for the first time, make sure it offers a warm wet welcome."

I jumped as Athena spanked my sex.

"Now girl you cannot orgasm, only a Master can command that," she pulled away and my body cried out inside for her to take me.
