Tara in Space Book 01: Kidnapped


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The girl was shuddering her head was swinging and her body glistening. Instinctively she pushed back hard against the stone wall of Ruddick's stomach and came, her orgasm racking her body.

He waited for her shuddering to stop.

"Good slut, you have learned fast," he spanked her bottom hard. "Now tell me what you desire now girl."

"My Master's seed," she whimpered her body still shaking from the powerful orgasm.

"Please Master, please seed me."

Ruddick looked down at his cock and my face, "Shall I girl or would you like it instead to taste?" I already knew the answer to this bogus question.

"Only a Master may decide where he leaves his seed, a girl can only be honoured if he leaves it in her."

"Well said girl." Holding her hips hard he began again the girl now hardly able to hold her position, he seemed to be an engine driving his cock into the girl in long sensuous strokes. I was sure the girl would go down under the onslaught. Suddenly Ruddick was gasping now, I saw his balls tighten and move up slightly in their sac. He was near. Sweat from his buttocks dripped into my hair as they clenched, his thighs knotted, and with a growl, he released his seed pumping it into the girl. For a moment, I felt again the fear he would collapsed on the girl, and she on me.

Slowly he pulled out of her his seed running out of her to splash on my cheeks and lips. He looked down.

"Taste girl."

I licked my lips tasting them both. The sweetness had gone.

He moved around to the front of the girl and I heard the voice now hard again, "Clean me girl, I do not want the next tasting you on me."

I shivered the girl moved slightly her opening looking raw and swollen.

Ruddick clicked his fingers and the girl got down from the bed to wait at heel for Ruddick to dress. Turning to the door, he looked back his eyes devouring my naked body.

"Let us hope you please your new Master, he has a discerning palette girl. Now return to your cell and prepare yourself. In one hour, we will be manoeuvring around the outer gas giants. Sabina will help you."

His fingers clicked for the girl to rise to the leash position, just behind and to the left of Ruddick. "Come girl I shall get one of the crew to prepare you," his voice now sounding bored.

The girl moved into the light of the corridor and I gasped. The girl's back bore the pale stripes of a whip. From her shoulder blades to the small of her back, there where newly healing stripes crisscrossing in an intricate pattern.

A few minutes later, I followed and returned to my cell.

In the cell, Sabina smiled. I looked her and began to let my emotions out. Sabina held me whilst I sobbed. It was all coming out releasing me from the tension of the last few hours.

"He hates me Sabina?"


"Ruddick," I blurted out.

Sabina held me at arm's length her face hard.

"You silly bitch he doesn't hate you, and that poor girl you witnessed being opened."

I nodded.

"She was whipped because he was angry with himself and she showed defiance. Normally he would have worked her, and broke her in gradually. However, he lost his patience, and the poor girl paid for his anger with her back. She was destined for a woman who had paid Ruddick a handsome price for an exotic virgin girl. Now she will end up in a brothel or tavern and Ruddick will lose some of his reputation for ruining a very valuable girl. Never mind the compensation payment.

"But surely they will heel?" I said

"Yes and the girl will be worth a tenth of her original price Tara. You see a girl marked by the whip loses her value"

"What," I exclaimed, "you are joking?"

"No Tara. On the skin of the poor African girl, those scars will be ugly. The woman who wished for her, would not take her now, she was paying for ebony skin smooth and soft, and of course obedient. The scars on her back will tell everyone she was broken on the whip, and her obedience and loyalty will always be in doubt. So you see now, why that girl will end up in a Tavern, shackled to a bed and the pleasure slave of many." Sabina said.

"I don't understand, why did he do it Sabina?"

"You will Tara," Sabina said and continued.

"Powerful men will always want what they cannot have, and Ruddick is no exception. He sold you, and another to your Master, together you have fetched a very high price, in reality a price only your master could pay. However; now Master Ruddick wants you for himself, but you are owned by a Merchant Prince, one of the most powerful men in the Imperium and one even Ruddick would not cross."

"My Master may not want me?" I replied

Sabina coldly laughed and it made me shiver.

"I love you, and after that dance you confirmed to Ruddick that your Master will fall for you too," Sabina smiled "He is a man after all."

I looked at her my eyes filling.

"But will he want me Sabina." I said

Sabina stroked my cheek, "Sweet Tara this is not a game. When you're Master first shows you to the world he will be envied, and you will be desired, and there lies danger. Even after you have anointed the Master with your once only blood, others will wish to take his place between your thighs. You are property nothing more, and because you are unique a one off. In the worlds your Master may travel in, those who collect rare things will desire you. Your Master plays with and against powerful men. It is a dangerous world little sister, now enough Tara, your toilet and then shower girl. I have little time to prepare you for your Master." On entering the cell, I had noticed two grey cloaks lying on the bed, and a two pairs of identical flip-flop sandals.

There she watched me shower, and sitting me on the bed combed out my hair until it shone. I loved the feel of Sabina's hands through my hair. The stroking of the comb seemed to calm me. Obviously satisfied with how I looked, she stopped and lifted my hair, telling me to put on the cloak, slipping it over my shoulder it seem to fall all around me covering me completely. The voluminous hood hung at the back of my head. I turned to Sabina.

"From this moment on Tara you must not remove your cloak, for whatever reason until your Master commands you to." She paused.

"Are you ready to meet your Master Sister?"

I could only nod.


The Master

I followed her down the corridor and turning a corner heard Sabina gasp.

Ahead of us, and filling the passageway was a huge figure of a man. The bald head shone in the overhead lights, deep set brown eyes either side of a badly broken nose held me. Below a cruel mouth showed a glimpse of yellow teeth, and a grin of sadistic pleasure. A jagged scar across his right cheek pulled down the corner of his right eye, and added a piratical look to an already brutal face. Standing there, he towered over the both of us. He was a mountain of muscle encased in a simple leather harness, with straps crisscrossing over a broad hairless chest adorning the muscle formation of a giant. Black iron bands wrapped themselves around well-defined biceps. The only clothing covering him was a dark stained leather kilt. In a single glance I saw nothing symmetrical or beautiful about such a man, only an overwhelming raw power which could only generate fear.

"By the gods sluts I could smell your wet cunts right down the passageway. Are you not going to greet me girls, or do I bend you both over and show you how a real Master deals with wayward slaves." He growled.

Sabina and I slid down quickly, both saying together "Greetings Master."

I saw the huge sandal clad feet between my thighs.

Ignoring Sabina he continued to look down at me.

"You must be the fresh cunt I have heard so much about. I hear girl you milked the half man, I have just strapped in." He laughed. "It would seem you are good with your mouth. Then you have not tried a real man have you girl. Maybe one day I will stretch that cunt of yours, and see if a little Earth girl can take Krall."

I cried out as his fist grabbed my hair and with a savage pull jerked my head back to look up at the side of a mountain.

"There girl look on at a man, not one that kneels before women. His huge thighs were like oak trees but I quickly lowered my eyes.

"Look up and see," he growled.

Underneath he wore nothing. Even in the darkness of the kilt, I could see the head coming out of its thick skin. Men do not possess such things only horses.

"See girl it sniffs your cunt already, it knows what you want. Lick it and taste a real man."

"Master," Sabina shouted, and I jumped in surprise. For once, her voice was harsh and oddly commanding.

The pain subsided in my hair, I could never take such a man he would tear me to pieces, shred me, and leave me useless forever.

The hand left my hair and he turned for the door. "You have five minutes sluts, I suggest you forget about the pleasures of the flesh and concentrate on strapping in.

He walked between us and surprising for his size made no sound moving down the passageway.

Sabina looked white. "Come sis, Master Krall is right we have little time."

The Dark Star is already using the two large gas giants of the Optera system to break and reduce our speed for the final approach to the Docking port and your Master's ground car."

I followed her into a small room fitted out with twenty thick padded seats, already all except two where filled by slaves wearing identical cloaks. Sabina quickly showed me the simple harness incorporated into the seat belt, and we settled down to watch with the others the viewing screen on the far wall. I looked for the girl that Ruddick had taken in front of my eyes, but in the darkness, it was difficult to see.

The curving edge of the first of the two gas giants filled the screen with vivid greens, oranges, reds and browns swirling in planet size storms within its atmosphere. An icy moon came into view around the edge of the planet, spewing a long column of fire and lava into space.

I looked on at the screen, but a presence interposed my thoughts. A musky smell of the woods mingled with citrus. I turned to my right and gasped. Although now without the hood I was certain it was him seated next to me. My heart went into overdrive, and I felt a strange emptiness in my belly, he was so beautiful. Black shoulder length hair, chiselled jaw, piercing blue eyes, and around his neck an iron collar and a large ring pitted by age, Even covered by the grey robe, I knew he was like me naked underneath. I tried not to look at him, his presence again disturbing me.

The true alpha male created by his sheer presence. I did not dare look at him again, but tried to concentrate on the view screen. The second of the gas giants came, a tiny ball slowly expanding like a balloon, and in contrast to the last this was a sea of blue calm.

Twin stars glowed brightly to the left of the blue giant, as the Dark Star swung around using its gravity to reduce what the first giant had started. Ahead the twin stars of the binary system where Optera was a planet, showed ahead in the black velvet darkness of space.

I looked down at the floor my cloak lying out over my seat hiding me inside its darkness. The only thing I knew about the man who owned me, was his tile of Grand Master. Certainly, he would be sophisticated, experienced and probably very old. I tried not to think, would he be ancient, and overweight. Yet I knew beautiful women would surround him. Therefore, what chance would an eighteen-year-old schoolgirl have, whose breasts were too large her hips to wide, and her legs to long. Yet in this unknown world of many things, I would need him to keep me safe.

Oh my God, my first experience could be with a salivating old man. No Sabina had said hardly anything about Master Oran Mallow not even a hint of what was to come. In her words, a slave should not speak of her Master, only to honour him in his presence.

I looked on at the screen, and speculated about my future now fraught not only with the unknown, but also with danger.

The male slave stirred and I turned, the edge of his robe had fallen open. His eyes held mine pleading for a moment, and then I looked down. I followed his gaze, around his wrists were steel manacles holding him to the arms of the seat. The robe parted a little more, and I felt my face burn, my body grow hot. My eyes followed across his dark tanned skin, down the curve of his neck past the cruel iron collar. My eyes continued to travel over the plain of his chest, again taking in the twin curving mounds of his half-hidden pecs.

My eyes continued downwards remembering my hands on the clenching ridges of his belly. The power clearly defined, not with the huge pumped up muscles of Krall, but more the hard fitness of an athlete. Between his legs and behind that beautiful large cock curving over his balls, the edge of a gold ring glinted.

I looked at it wondering. After all I was made by nature to take such a thing. I shivered my body responding to the vision from my eyes. Under my cloak my thighs parted slightly, and I knew instinctively that I was wet. I imagined looking up and seeing the muscled torso knelt between my open thighs. The head of that beautiful shaft touching me, my wetness coating him, my inner lips offering a kiss to show I was ready to open to his hardness. I turned my eyes away and looked below. His ankles were manacled like his wrists to the chair. I could only guess that it must be uncomfortable or even painful. I pulled his cloak together to cover him and smiled. His eyes softening to me, and I felt a tear run down my cheek.

There was nothing I could do for him or for that matter even me; we were both heading for the unknown.


Braking we slipped into an orbit around the planet, and I could see from the viewing screen a planet comprising of three large landmasses surrounded by water. Two continents appeared to show barren regions of black, interspersed with circular oasis of dark vivid greens. The third and smallest continent was a very lush green. On the second orbit the ship's engines stopped, and I floated off my seat. The harness now held me in this strange weightless environment.

The jolt along the ship's frame frightened me. Sabina put a hand on my arm. "They and the heavy engine pods for pick up by the refuelling tanker later, we needed them to get us to Earth and return. Here because of the shorter distances they will not be needed." She spoke reassuringly. I turned, and immediately tensed when the forward viewer went black, and the Dark Star tipped downwards for the surface without the sound of any engines.

I gripped my seat in sheer terror.

I could hear the wind passing the outer skin of the ship, the whole structure groaning with stress. I closed my eyes.

The steep glide rattled and shook everything, including me. Frozen with fright, it seemed an eternity of bone shaking, before I could sense the dive becoming shallower. Suddenly below me, I heard a loud clonk and a thud. I waited for the crash, but felt only a slight jar, and the noise of a rushing express train. Slowly the ship lost its forward momentum and we slowly descended. I then noticed this planet's gravity had firmly placed my bottom back on my seat.

Sabina told me to unfasten my harness, and remain seated. I looked at her, my eyes full of questions; quickly she put her finger up to her lips to indicate my silence.

A door hissed opened and two crewmembers entered dressed in grey coveralls, each carrying a weapon similar to Ruddick's, hanging from their belts and strapped to their thighs. Quickly they began to release the slaves from their chairs, and locking them onto a single chain. One of the guards turned to us, nodded acknowledgement to Sabina, and ignored us. A girl yelped, and I saw both guards were prodding the slaves into line with obedience wands. Steadying them, they were marched out through the door, leaving Sabina and oddly the male slave next to me, now the only ones left in the compartment.

A moment later, we both inhaled and held our breaths.

Krall filled the door his huge frame dwarfing everything. I shuddered and felt Sabina's hand on my thigh squeezing hard.

He wore the same short leather kilt. His uncovered chest crisscrossed now by two thick leather belts, secured at the cross over point in the middle of his chest by a strange animal's head. On the thick belt around his waist, the worn wooden handle of a sheathed knife moved.

I waited for Sabina to speak her greetings of enslavement, but she remained silent.

"Greetings sluts, do you not speak." Krall boomed looking at Sabina he shrugged, "Never mind I have little time for you both." He grunted.

He moved to the male slave next to me and started unlocking the manacles.

His voice was stone hard and cold. "Boy," his hand slipped into his cloak. The man arched threads of neck muscles tighten. The robe fell open, and I gasped. Krall had the slave's balls in his hand, and although large, were dwarfed by his huge palm and fingers.

"Look slut remember these, maybe I should give them to you so you can hang them around your neck." He laughed but it carried no humour only coldness. He bent down close to the male slave.

"Boy your new Mistress, as paid a lot of coinage to own you. Though I cannot see why these little fruits should command such a high price."

His hand fell away,

For a moment, he looked at me with the cruel grin. His large hands took the hem of my cloak, and with bulging biceps ripped the cloak from the hem right up to my shoulder band, and pulling the two torn sides away from my body, he stood back.

Sabina gasped but said nothing.

Standing next to me his oak tree thighs tensed, I blushed knowing only the kilt covered the monster hidden behind it. Was he going to take me here, I gasped.

"Well slut you saw him naked now let him see you." He paused. "I'll say this for you girl; you are a beauty.

"One day we will meet slut. One day life will follow death, and you will produce me a healthy brat for the Tribe of the Kalona."

Suddenly his huge hands pulled my thighs wide apart.

"You could take me girl, even now as tight as you will ever be,"

I gasped, pure cold fear running through me.

"I have broken in a few virgins;" he laughed, "and some who were not." He paused and continued.

"Look boy! A virgin cunt yet to be opened," he growled. "Keep them spread slut."

"Look," Krall snapped. "See how it weeps for its first cock." He lifted the slave's shaft pulling back the skin to reveal the large dome shaped head.

I looked at Sabina her eyes wide open with fear.

"See this slut, in my hand it belongs to a man who kneels at a woman's feet. Never be tempted girl by this, it is only good for pissing with. Krall let the slave's penis fall back and then I saw it. The ring was not just a decorative gold band, behind the slave's scrotum but underneath was a short curving bar coming from the underside of the ring separating each testicals and adding further painful pressure to them.

"Now I'm told you are trouble boy. You have this death wish, that one day you will be a man and fight men like me." Krall grunted. "I would gut you in a moment and strangle you with your own intestines." He sighed. "Instead slaver Ruddick has sent for me to waste my time collecting you, because he is busy. Apparently, your new Mistress is waiting with her coins, and your leash in the space port yonder. Let me say this I would prefer to send you to your maker, and mate with this slut whose cunt weeps for a real man. Then maybe I will enjoy what your body brings to my purse. "

The silver knife suddenly flashed into his hand. The speed of such a huge man took all of us by surprise. Now I stared on at the knife in his fist, my heart racing. The short thick curving blade serrated along the top with barbs, the razor sharpness glinting even in the dim light.
