The Bitch and the Butch


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Ellie had trained her well - Sophie's tongue was working wonders, every lick and gentle caress sending waves of ecstasy through Mercedes' body. The posh girl didn't last long at all - the combination of the situation, her changes, Sophie's expert tongue and one quick look at the redhead eagerly eating her out was more than enough to push her over the edge.

She came - she came hard.

Sophie wasn't ready for it at all - Mercedes came, blasting the redhead in the face with her cum. She tried to lap it all up, licking and swallowing as much of her flatmate's delicious cum as she could. Ever since Ellie had shown her the light, she'd wondered about how Mercedes would taste - she was so above everyone else, she wondered if her cum would be the same.

Whether it would taste as incredible as Mercedes made herself out to be.

It did.

After cumming, Mercedes collapsed onto the bed, waves of pleasure running through her - and Sophie continued to lap away, her tongue working miracles and her fingers getting involved, pushing her into a second orgasm, and then a third, and then another - she'd never had so many. This was heavenly - this was better than anything she'd ever known.

Sophie had fucked her better than anyone had ever fucked her before.

Mercedes was conscious that Sophie had stopped licking - she eventually, somehow, managed to sit upright, and saw that the redhead girl was still on her knees. She looked up at Mercedes, who realised what was happening.

She remembered what Ellie had told her - it's a two-way street. If you make them fuck you, you have to fuck them back. You're the butch, and you're in charge - show your femme how special you think she is, and she'll be yours as long as you want her.

You're the butch, Ellie had stressed, and Sophie is your femme.

Mercedes could almost feel Ellie there, giving her her blessing - now was her time.

"Right, your turn to get fucked, Sophie," Mercedes smirked, channelling the butch girl Ellie had trained her to be. "Ellie told me you've got a cock stashed away here?"

Sophie couldn't move fast enough - she ran to one of her desk drawers, and removed a large strap-on. Was this the one that Ellie had been wearing that day she'd discovered them all in this room - Ellie, Esme and Sophie in some kind of wonderful lesbian orgy? Maybe it was.

She hoped it was.

She'd never used a strap-on before, and it was strangely empowering to step into the harness and slide it up her legs. It was a weird feeling, that big black cock sticking out in front of her. Her cock. She'd used a dildo before, but she'd never used one to fuck someone else.

But, as she looked at Sophie and unbuttoned her shirt, she realised that she'd never fucked anyone as beautiful as Sophie before.

"On the bed, Sophie," she smirked, "I want to have some fun."

The redhead didn't need to be told twice.


Mercedes lay in Sophie's bed, smirking and content as she thought about what had happened. She was still wearing the cock, which was glistening with a combination of Sophie's juices. Mercedes had made her clean it up after she was done - it was another power thing Ellie had advised her to do. After she was done, they'd shared a lot more kisses, and Mercedes got her first taste of Sophie's girl cum. It was wonderful - she'd certainly be getting more of this.

She looked down at her chest, where Sophie's arm was draped over her - the redhead was napping, her energy seemingly completely drained by the powerful fucking she'd just received. Mercedes had given no quarter - Ellie had told her that Sophie could take it. She'd played with her, teasing her with her cock just like the boys used to do, and then she'd ramped up the speed and the dirty talk, working hard to push Sophie though several orgasms of her own. And, as the nub of the harness started pounding against her clit as she buried her cock inside Sophie, she'd even managed to push herself through yet another orgasm too.

They'd fucked - no, she'd fucked Sophie - for what felt like hours, and yet no time at all. It was no wonder they were both drained, and Sophie needed a little rest. She'd earned it, Mercedes thought with a smile.

With Sophie napping, Mercedes was left alone with her thoughts.

Being here with Sophie, and having sex with her, had been better than she could ever have imagined.

As Sophie rested, Mercedes grabbed her phone and sent a message to Ellie:

"It worked - thank you."

Moments later, a response:

"Really my pleasure. How'd you feel?"

What could she possibly say back?


Ellie again:

"You know the best thing - you've barely even started. I've got a lot more to show you."

Mercedes was smiling as she replied:

"I can't wait."

She put down her phone, and looked over as Sophie - her sweet smile as she rested, and the feeling of her warmth on her body - having her was truly wonderful. She's mine now, Mercedes thought - she's my femme girlfriend and I'll be her butch partner, and we'll be happy together. At that moment, all that was coursing through her mind were thoughts of the future.

Their future.

A gentle smile crept onto the corner of her lips.

But she certainly wasn't going to forget the present either.

She nudged Sophie awake, and was delighted when the redhead started kissing her breasts almost immediately.

"I'm not letting you lay around all day, Sophie," she smirked, "it's time for another fucking."

Sophie's noise of pleasure was music to her ears.


Things moved quickly that next week.

Mercedes spent a lot of time with Ellie, learning more ways to assert herself over Sophie and embrace the inner butch that she had now learned had been hiding inside her all her life.

Ellie fucked her, and showed her how to fuck, harder and better than she'd ever known. Ever fucking, full of lessons on how to fuck Sophie and assert her dominance further over her femme girlfriend.

They went shopping together, Ellie offering Mercedes tons of advice on what to wear, and how to wear it. She took Mercedes to a local LGBT hairdressers she'd found. She took her to a sex shop, and bought a big cock and a selection of toys to use on herself and Sophie. They went to tattooists, piercers, clubs - anywhere Ellie went, Mercedes demanded to go.

Well, not Mercedes anymore - she'd changed her name. Mercedes seemed so feminine, a reminder of who she was, but not who she'd become. Now, she went by Merc - it was rough, solid - butch.

As she embraced her new lifestyle, she outed herself with many of the people she knew - well, after the radical transformations she'd undertaken, it was impossible not to. Her parents didn't take it well - they were old-fashioned, used to how things 'should' be. Well, she'd told them how things were now.

Word gathered, and it was a full room at the next swim team meeting, as people came to see if the rumours about their captain were true.

She sauntered into the room, all eyes on her, wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit and boasting her new cropped haircut. Around both of her biceps, she sported some new tribal band tattoos - some of the people who'd known her for a few years were very surprised, given Mercedes' vocal opposition to tattoos bringing down the image of the team.

But then, they knew what she thought about homosexuals, and the way she'd destroyed Colton Stanley's reputation simply because of his sexual orientation - clearly she'd changed, and not just a little bit.

"Mercedes," Alice, one of the vice-captains began to speak, but she was cut off.

"It's Merc now," she said, matter of fact, addressing Alice but speaking in a volume loud enough to command the attention of the room. "I don't go by Mercedes anymore - call me Merc. I don't need any questions, or any comments - this is who I am now, and nothing has changed. I'm still the captain here, and we still have a varsity tournament at the end of the month. So, if you're done staring, let's get back to training."

She may be Merc now, but once the team members got over the initial shock, they found that she still had the same personality - she was dominant, arrogant, in charge, and she pushed them to their limits.

Her teammates soon stopped caring about the change - their minds were on one thing only, and that was beating their rivals.


Esme had reacted to the change with surprise - she'd never imagined Mercedes as a butch, or even a lesbian - and then practicality. If there was a change in the air, she needed to change too or be left behind, and she was never going to be left behind - as long as Mercedes was in charge, she was going to be her second-in-command no matter what.

As she saw it, there were two options on the table. She saw that Mercedes had fallen for Sophie, and reasoned that, if they weren't exclusive, she could play on her looks and retain her place in the hierarchy as her friend's lover.

But flirting got her nowhere - Merc had eyes for only one person, and that was Sophie. Esme pulled out the big guns - her skimpiest dresses, her best make-up, some of the nicest smelling and attractive perfumes from her family business - and all to no avail.

Esme wasn't blind, and she wasn't stupid, and so she knew there was only one option left. As she sat there, in her room, barely wearing a black minidress that was somehow respectable and slutty in equal measure, and she knew what she had to do.

What mattered most, she thought and hesitated. Who am I now, or who I could be - who I'd have to be - in order to remain in Merc' s good books and protect her position in the group.

Really, though, there was only one decision, and she knew it.

She pulled out her phone, and tapped a message to Ellie: 'Can we meet?'

'Come over now', Ellie had replied.

Ellie didn't know what to expect but, when Esme came to her room and asked how she could undergo a similar transformation to Merc, she couldn't believe her luck.

She was more than happy to oblige, but she told Esme that she needed eating out first - if Ellie was going to transform her into a butch lesbian, she wanted to put her to use as a femme lesbian one last time.

She didn't think that the perfume heiress would mind.

She was certainly on her knees in front of the butch lesbian fast enough.


Things had changed for Sophie since the start of term.

She'd fallen into Mercedes and Esme's social circle, an exclusive world so far away from her everyday experience, and it had been magical. Then she'd met Ellie, and experienced the joys of lesbian sex, and she couldn't imagine looking at boys again. And then, after Mercedes had transformed into Merc, they'd become a couple - she had a girlfriend. A girlfriend. She was the femme girlfriend to a butch lesbian.

And she loved it.

It was not a world she'd ever imagined she'd have fallen into, but now it was her life, and she completely loved it.

She'd come out to her parents - they were surprised, but supportive, as she knew they would be. As far as they were concerned, if she was happy, then they were happy too - that's all there was to it.

Her phone went off - it was Merc: 'Get back here, Sophie - I'm in the mood for a fuck.'

She was soon running back to the accommodation block, and she was about to be a lot happier.


Ellie sat on the same bench she'd occupied that very first day at uni, enjoying her lunch. And just like that very first day, Mercedes noticed her and sauntered over.

But, unlike that first day, there was a world of difference in the relationship between the two women.

She wasn't Mercedes Alexander any more - no, she was Merc, butch dyke and proud of it. The once-notorious homophobe was now in a relationship with another girl, and she wasn't shy about it. And, whereas she'd initially hated Ellie on sight, now the two women had grown quite close.

Now, they had a lot of shared interests.

"You sitting on my bench, butch?" Merc asked, a joking tone in her voice.

"Only if you're going to join me," Ellie replied.

Merc did, and the two girls started chatting.

It was wonderful, Ellie thought. She'd come into this thing to get revenge on a callous girl who'd taken such pleasure in humiliating her, and it had turned out so much better than she'd expected. She'd got her revenge, but it didn't really feel like that - no, it was better. She'd found a whole new set of influential friends. She was part of the clique. It was Merc, Esme, Sophie - and now Ellie too.

This revenge had worked out beautifully for everyone.

"I've got a present for you, Merc," Ellie said. She rummaged around in her backpack, and placed something on the table - a large bottle of pills.

"What's this - you doping me up? You know the swim team doesn't do that, right?"

"It's nothing like that, I promise," she smiled. "You asked me how I got a body like this - it's a diet of working out and a couple of these a day. There's a good mix of stuff in there - testosterone and steroids and a load of other things that'll bulk you out nice and good."

She pushed the bottle towards Merc.

"You don't have to take them, of course - Sophie loves you already, and you've got a decent body on you with all your swimming. Maybe you're happy as you are, and I wouldn't blame you. But in case you're not, or in case you want to go further down the road, or in case Sophie wants you to, here's how to do it. Just give it a think, okay? You don't want them, that's fine - just toss them into the bin, I won't be upset. But don't be sorry you don't have them, okay."

Ellie seemed to notice the time.

"I've got a class in five minutes - I've got to run. See you later, butch."

She rose from the seat and wandered off.

Merc sat there for a few minutes, staring at the pill bottle - she knew what effect steroids could have after spending a lot of time in the gym, but she'd never taken any.

But then, there were a lot of things she'd done in the pursuit of Sophie that she'd never have done before, and they made her happier than ever.

She was a new person - a better, happier person.

Her phone went off - it was Esme in their flat groupchat, suggesting the three of them hit the Cocktail Lounge and see where the night took them. Sophie pinged back quickly, saying she was up for it, and Esme responded with a thumbs-up. She used to be all about hearts - now, she was all about thumbs-up.

It didn't take Merc more than a moment to reply - she was in. A night out with her girlfriend and her best friend - what could be better? Their Cocktail Lounge nights were always enjoyable, but now the three of them had become closer than ever before, they were something else. Partying, dancing, fucking - perfect.

She'd never been happier.

She rose from the bench, and went to return to the flat.

But she stopped in her tracks. She pocketed the pill bottle - no harm in having a little security, just in case, she reasoned.

Oh, the idea of transforming further, making herself sexier and sexier in Sophie's eyes - it was a wonderful one to keep in reserve.

But for now, her thoughts were elsewhere - on the night out, on what she'd wear, on how much and how hard she'd fuck Sophie when they got back to the flat. Maybe even in the toilets there. And probably before they left, just for good measure.

Sophie pinged back in the groupchat: 'Looking forward to seeing you, butch.'

Merc smiled.

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SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl3 months ago

I really enjoyed your story Grace! You really bring a unique Butch-femme perspective to a well-written story. I loved every bit of it! You bring out the Butch in girls and we all need more of them! Thank you!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hey Grace hope you are doing well in your working life meanwhile when you come back I have a request to have more of this homophobic straight girls to manly butch conversion stories maybe With Merc going more deep or Esme or even any new character your call but whenever you feel up for it please consider doing one again one like this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Bless us with a sequel of this please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hey Grace hope that someday soon u do a sequel for this when u feel like doing

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hot and well written. I'd rather had it ending with Esme being the whore femme of Mec and Sophie with Ellie.

GraceFairwayGraceFairwayover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I like your idea, inkyhaunt - maybe there's a little of that in there, who knows?

To the anonymous comment, I actually haven't seen Mean Girls, but everyone tells me I should - I'll try to find the time for it, that's a promise!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Silly and improbable, but fun and sexy. You wouldn't, by any chance, be a fan of Tina Fey's film 'Mean Girls' would you?


inkyhauntinkyhauntover 2 years ago

I thought this would be a typical revenge story--where the bad girl gets humiliated and shunned from society. Instead, it's the story of how a butch gets revenge by helping three girls find their true selves. I don't think for a second that Mercedes became gay because of hypnotic suggestion--those audio files merely helped reveal what was already inside her (not surprising for someone who was so vocally homophobic, in the "she doth protest too much" way). That's how choose to interpret the story, at any rate.

RubyJGoldmanRubyJGoldmanover 2 years ago

This was fantastic! really enjoyed it!

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 3 years ago

A wonderful tale, verrrry well told. I liked how you turned the revenge into a better ending for everyone. It was almost romantic, in a butchy kind of way.

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