The Blackmailed Graduates Ch. 05


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"We're really not supposed to say," Megan replied somberly.

With their task complete, Stacey and Megan then quickly and silently packed up their belongings, and made themselves look presentable before taking their leave.

"Should I text Jessica and warn her? But trying to warn a friend is what got me deeper into this mess," I thought to myself. Deciding not to risk further punishment by alerting her, I then dropped to my knees and said a quick prayer, asking God to protect and keep her safe, and to forgive me for my cowardice, and for all that had just transpired.

That night, at dinner, I could hardly look anyone in the eye. The guilt was overwhelming, and I constantly wondered if anybody had heard anything, or were even suspicious. It seemed, though, that I was in the clear.

I didn't even want to return to my room that night, knowing that Ms. Wescott's eyes would be on me. Still, I had to act as normal as possible.

Logging in to the chat program that night, Ms. Wescott was strangely absent.

Sunday then came and went; again, with me around my family, acting as if everything was normal and perfect. I attended church, played games with my siblings, and watched TV. As I did these usual activities, I felt like somebody who was just going through the motions, numb to feeling. Ms. Wescott was also still nowhere to be found on the chat program at night.

On Monday morning, I arrived to Ms. Wescott's classroom, where I was assigned. The anger building inside of me towards this woman was intense.

"There's my girl! Lilith and I really enjoyed the show on Saturday night!" Ms. Wescott gleefully said to me as the door closed and she looked up from her desk at me with a smile. "And when you said, 'I'm coming' to your father, I nearly fell out of my chair!" She continued with wholehearted laugh, her eyes slightly glistening with tears.

Up to this point in my life, I had never wanted to hit somebody so much, and with so much force. I wanted to just run up and knock her right in her mouth, and send her tumbling backwards in her chair, feet flying over her head and all.

Seeing the look that I was giving her, Ms. Wescott slowly collected herself, and then paused to think of what to say next.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I don't think that that'll ever have to happen again," Ms. Wescott said in a voice that was reassuring. "Unless it needs to," she then added with her authoritive tone, looking me straight in the eyes. It was moments like this that determined just how defiant I was willing to be towards her; but as I'd been learning the hard way, less defiance was usually better, and so I held my tongue.

"Also, please forgive my midnight absences. That will happen on occasion, as other business comes up that I need to tend to," Ms. Wescott added.

Just then, Jessica walked through the door, looking rather distraught.

"There she is! Starlet number two!" Ms. Wescott said, her face again beaming with joy. This confirmed it for me: Jessica was the second appointment, as I had suspected. I felt sick to my stomach at this realization.

Jessica suddenly walked right past me, up to Ms. Wescott, and dropped to her knees.

"Please, Ms. Wescott, let us go. I can't do this anymore," Jessica said, tears starting to welter in her eyes.

"Get up RIGHT NOW," Ms. Wescott commanded, trying to maintain her composure. Jessica froze where she was, still an emotional wreck, and continued to sob quietly. I leaned down and put my hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to provide some degree of comfort. I also wanted her to get up, so as to avoid making a scene, should somebody walk in on us.

"Get up right now, or I'm going to take it out on Samantha," Ms. Wescott said sharply and without sympathy, her voice unwavering.

With that, Jessica slowly rose up, wiping her eyes along the way. My conscience again weighed on me, reminding me that I was responsible for her current state. I gently grabbed hold of Jessica's arms from behind to help her to her feet.

"Today is an assessment test, and Ms. Valdez in room fourteen is going to need somebody to help her proctor. Get yourself together, and head over," Ms. Wescott said sternly, pointing towards the door.

Jessica took a moment to blow her nose and wipe her eyes. After collecting herself, she meekly made her way out.

The moment the door shut, Ms. Wescott turned to me, and motioned for me to get closer. I leaned in, and she whispered to me in an almost inaudible voice, "You really should have seen her, though. Stacey had her on her back and was going balls deep, while Megan sat on her face, riding her until they were both finished. I thought the poor thing was going to suffocate before it was over! Jessica is an fantastic pussy eater, though, as you know. I'll show you the video sometime."

Again, I felt like punching this woman. Not only did she just use me as a tool to manipulate and control my best friend, but now she's callously trying to regale me with tales of Jessica's abuse.

Just then, the first students of the new semester started to arrive for class, and our discussion abruptly ended, much to my approval. It's a strange and sad comfort to have work be a welcome distraction from your personal life.

As class started, Ms. Wescott gave her usual orientation, and announced that there would be a short assessment test. I then took a stack of tests and handed them out to each student, and took my place at the back of the class in order to help proctor the exam.

"Class, you have half an hour to finish this test. You may now begin," Ms. Wescott said to her new students.

As I sat in the back of the room, watching the students, I suddenly felt a vibrating sensation betweeb my legs... It was the jewelry that Ms. Wescott had given me! As it vobrated, it transferred its energy onto the clit ring to which it's attached, causing an intense, pleasurable sensation.

I let out a gasp from the surprise, and several students turned in their chairs to look at me. With my clit being covertly and mechanically beat into submission, I returned their gaze with a strict one of my own, as if to say, "Focus on your work!" Thankfully, they got the message, and diverted their attention back to the test.

I then looked over to Ms. Wescott, who was looking up at me, holding her phone, and casting a mischievous smile at me.

"Of course she'd do this to me right in the middle of a test," I thought to myself, doing everything I could to keep it together while Ms. Wescott's device worked on my sensitive clit. I squirmed in my chair, trying to find a position that would minimize the toy's effectiveness; but my efforts were to no avail, as my panties were firmly holding everything in place.

A few minutes in, and just before I was about to cum, the vibrations suddenly stopped.

Not that I wanted to have to fight back a raging orgasm in the back of a packed classroom, but truth be told, it was rather disappointing to be so close, only to have it taken away.

I recollected myself, sat up straight, and braced myself in case she reactivated the device. I wasn't sure if she'd continue, or if that was just her giving me a warning. This may have been her way of demonstrating her control over me, and showing me that she has power over me at all times, even at work.

As I sat there, waiting and watching the clock, about a minute later, the vibrations started again! Ms. Wescott was playing with me. The chair that I was sitting in had arm rests, which I grabbed onto with both hands, trying to steady myself as her wicked contraption showed no mercy to my now swollen clit.

This process repeated itself until the end of the exam. Each time, Ms. Wescott edged me closer and closer to an explosion, always bringing me just to the brink, but never letting me finish. It was absolutely maddening!

Once the exam was over, I stood up on my trembling legs, and then slowly passed by each desk as I collected the tests. My panties were completely soaked through, and I felt extremely sexually frustrated, and upset for having been put through that. I spent the rest of the class again sitting in the back, stewing in my disdain for a teacher whom so many admired.

After the class was dismissed, and after the students had left, I stood up, and walked straight over to Ms. Wescott. She had a slight grin on her face that I could tell she was trying to suppress.

"I hate you," I said directly and plainly, leaning in slightly and looking straight at her from across her desk. She looked back at me, remaining silent. Her expression remained unchanged, and she was still trying to not show her absolute amusement.

I then immediately started walking straight for the exit, not wanting to hear anything that she had to say, and left. Before the door closed behind me, however, I could hear Ms. Wescott start to laugh; it was a sound that reminded me how much joy she took in her debauchery, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I really did hate her, and it's my sincere prayer that God will deliver me from her someday.

Later that night, at home, I pensively opened up my nightly chat conversation with Ms. Wescott. I hoped that should would again be absent.

To my disappointment, Ms. Wescott was already on and waiting. She wasted no time in sending a message that read, "Hi, Samantha! Sorry that I've been so busy lately, but I have to take off yet again. Before I go, though, I'd like to invite you and Jessica over to my house after work next Thursday. There's somebody who I'd like you to meet. I hope that you can make it. I'll talk to you later, my love! XOXOXO"

And with that, her status turned to "Away," and her message disappeared moments later.

"Who did she want me to meet?" I wondered. I then spent yet another restless night in bed, wondering if I'd ever be free of Ms. Wescott and her ilk.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Will u be adding to this any time soon it’s very intriguing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well done leaving a cliff hanger. Please write more

fluffy916fluffy916over 2 years agoAuthor

Hey Anonymous! Thank you for your support. I currently do not have any estimated completion date. I've rewritten the 6th chapter several times now, and I can't seem to decide on a story line for it. I'll keep you in mind, though, and see if I can get through it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hello fluffy916 do you have a probable ata? Like maybe an update in November or December? Your story is addictive and unlike any other I have read.

fluffy916fluffy916almost 3 years agoAuthor

Dang, thank you! I really appreciate that, sincerely.

I'm thinking of two different plots... One is where Samantha and Jessica become "enforcers" for Ms. Wescott. When a girl fails to answer the summons of Ms. Wescott, it's up to Samantha and Jessica to bring her back into the fold.

Another plot that I'm thinking of involves the blackmail of an entire family. When the husband, either a politician or wealthy businessman, gets blackmailed with evidence of corruption, it's his family who pays the price.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

No problem you are like one of my favorite top 10 erotica writers. Don’t stop making stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Although you said you are carefully deciding on what to write next chapter. Do you know when it will be ready? Or give a hint?

fluffy916fluffy916almost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you for all of the awesome ideas! I have a lot to think about. Megan certainly is following in the footsteps of Ms. Wescott, so you're right, there may be something there that's worth exploring further. Love it!

As for the ending, it has to be meaningful. I have a few ideas on how to wrap it up, but it needs to be satisfying. That said, I'm definitely not ready to end it quite yet.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Or maybe another alternate ending is after they escaped the clutches of mrs.wescott megan decides to blackmail the other three or they willingly go to her when they need rough strap-on/tribbing sex because they are so used to that sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I’m assuming every story or most has a general ending and I would hate to see this have no closure. I was thinking of a few ways it may end.

The main characters unconsciously than consciously become genuinely more interested in lesbian sex. That can go for as long as you want or whatever feels right to you. And Maybe chapters laters this could happen:

I don’t know if you planned samantha & jessica to fall in love. But if they do a lighter ending would be them finding a way to escape. But ending up falling in love. But maybe as an added bonus the trauma made them need hard strap on sex.

A darker ending maybe they tried to escape but instead of blackmailing mrs.wescott imprison them.

Mrs.wescott finally breaks Samantha or jessica where finally making them consciously albeit reluctantly seek out sexual encounters with mrs.wescott.

Maybe Jessica found a good boyfriend and samantha gets jealous straining their friendship but mrs.wescott sabotages it. A tipsy and extremely depressed and crying jessica gets sapphic comfort from Mrs.wescott.. the hugging, compliments, and light kisses turn into a deep makeout session. Mrs.wescott then commands jessica to verbally say she wants to be fucked. So a sapphic moment Kissing boobs, sucking nipples, etc turning rough. Clothes ripping, neck biting, This leads to Jessica asking mrs.wescott to re-create her losing her virginity. So a harder & longer doggy style scene. Like mrs.wescott making jessica call her mommy, to fuck her hard, more slu t, whor e, , harsher ass slaps, more hair pulling, maybe with a strap on that shoots thick, artificial cum. This then leads to mrs.wescott using moving the strap-on and tribbing a begging jessica while she bites her neck and tongue kisses her as they both cum.

Maybe with samantha mrs.wescorf asks her out on a date. Finds a different side to mrs.wescott. She then confides in her that she is jealous of jessica boyfriend. Mrs.wescott than takes that opportunity to seduce samantha. This leads to them making out hard and playing with boobs, neck biting. Then samantha asks mrs.wescott if they can use this black 9 inch double ended dildo so there clits can collide while being both filled.

And something similar with Stacey with her consciously submitting.

Megan Could maybe become a devout follower and goes out of her way to become a carbon copy of mrs.wescott.

Maybe as another idea you could have mrs.wescott blackmail the mothers to have sex with jessica and samantha.

Side note

it would be kinda funny if there is an actual hell/heaven dynamic in your universe. And maybe philosophical arguments wnere mrs.wescott philosophical satanism rubs off on jessica or samantha.

fluffy916fluffy916almost 3 years agoAuthor

Hey, my Anonymous friend! Thank you for taking an interest in the series, and for your kind words; I really appreciate it, sincerely. It's feedback like yours that has kept me going.

Currently, I have no estimate on the story length. I've had several ideas on how to continue, but nothing totally concrete. Several times now, I've started writing, only to scrap it all. When something does come together, I can definitely include some of the elements that you mentioned, though.

Any input or comments that you have, I'm almost more than happy to hear!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love your story & had some questions.

Is there any update on when the next chapter will come?

How long will the story be? I know you won’t spoil the ending but was curious on your grand scope.

So far everything you written is perfect. I was wondering though for future chapters could you have mrs.wescott orgasming more & missionary tribbing? Her on top, breast to breast, clit to clit?

fanofkinkfanofkinkabout 3 years ago

Love this series, please carry on 👍🏻

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it!

Please continue, this series is great!

fluffy916fluffy916over 3 years agoAuthor

Much appreciated, Nuee!

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