The Bully and the Brat: Blackmailed


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"Stop fighting," Jeff whispered, "I am not going to fuck you. Your uncle and I have found a way for you to pay off his remaining balance."

"You sick Motherfucker! I hate you! Let me go!" Anna tried to scream and shout, but it retreated into a mum-and-hum mixture that frightened Rod.

"Jeff, please. Don't do this. Look, I'll send you the money tonight. Just please let her go."

"Shut the fuck up," Jeff whispered, "get the tape. Get a piece ready, 'cause this bitch will scream bloody murder when I let my hand go."

"Jeff, we-"

"If she wakes your wife up, then what?"

"Nomm, ugjmmm," Anna looked at her uncle wide-eyed.

Rod felt his heart would give out from the heavy thuds but saw no way but Jeff's. If his wife awoke, he would have a lot of explaining to do. He picked up the tape and tore a piece off with his teeth. He held it up like a school project and was happy to receive a nod from his sadistic professor.

Rod had never bullied a woman or ruggedly forced her. Jeff hadn't either, but the thrill was beyond comparison. The way she swirled in his arms sent his cock brushing against her backbone.

"You gotta be quick. This little bitch has a loud mouth," Jeff ordered with a taunting chuckle.

Rod nodded, understanding the task at hand was vital. When Jeff removed his hand, he smashed the tape to her lips. It was a bad connection, and Anna groaned against the plastic before swirling to kick one of them in the leg. Jeff's strong hold on her arms hurt, and she began to whimper.

"Stop being a crybaby. I'm not going to hurt you," Jeff explained, "Uncle Rod here just wants a taste of that little pussy."

"Nonmnmm, fukmmu!" Anna groaned, losing her breath in the process.

"I missed you, too, little girl," Jeff annoyingly cooed against her ear.

Pulling her up by her armpits, Jeff dragged her inside her room and tossed her on the bed. Rod had the door closed before she could scramble to her feet. Her bladder was full and developing to release at any moment.

Jeff stepped up, bumping her chest and sending her flying back on the mattress. He grabbed both of her ankles to hold her down. Thick goosebumps appeared on her tan skin that shone blue against the moon's gaze.

"What now?" Rod asked.

Anna looked terrific, and Jeff wanted to kick Rod to the side and fuck her petite wiggling frame.


"Will you calm the fuck down, little girl? We are not going to hurt you." Jeff explained despite his stiff grip on her ankles

Anna reached over and pushed her lamp, hoping to produce a loud noise she knew would get her aunt's attention. Jeff pounced on her while Rod balanced the stumbling light fixture to keep it steady.

"Look at me, little cunt." Jeff said with a pop to her cheek.

Anna glared at his smug face and groaned louder, a vicious growl that he found amusing.

"What sort of lies have you been telling, huh?" Jeff mocked, "You didn't want to tell him this pussy belongs to me?"


"I've decided to share it with him, and you are going to be Daddy's good girl."


"You need to be quiet. If you wake Cindy up, what will she think?" Jeff gazed down at her tank top before pulling her tits to view, "What would she say seeing her niece like this? You've got to be a good girl for me and Uncle Rod, okay?"


"Hush, hush, little girl," Jeff smiled, agitating her nipples.


"You missed my tongue?" Jeff questioned, bending to lap around her breasts.

Rod felt his loins stir from the sight and flipped on the light to enhance the dull view. He watched Jeff pinch her nipples, each growing harder to the peak. Jeff plunged his head and suckled each brown bud.

Anna reared her head away but it only caused her nipples to tingle from his deep suckle. Jeff moaned in approval. She instantly became aroused from his lips and tried to wiggle from the delightful sensation.

"My little cum slut is always shy at first," Jeff chuckled, "Isn't that right, baby girl?"

Anna jerked away. She stopped once Jeff's teeth nibbled at her flesh. She produced mourning groans to outweigh the pleasure coursing through her chest. Her pitiful eyes centered on Rod, who was only paying attention to her breasts, each being manipulated by his neighbor.

"Here she is... As I said, the debt will be paid," Jeff explained to Rod while sliding his fingers over the soft prickly skin on her arms.

"If you are a good girl, you may get to cum," Jeff whispered between kisses up her collarbone, "You don't want to be homeless, do you? And I am sure you don't want to ruin Rod's marriage. 13 years, right, bud?"

Wide-eyed, Rod bounced his head. His cock was aching, but more so, his mouth watered to taste her rigid nipples and lick what he imagined was sweetness between her thighs.

"Anna. Please. You'll help me one more time?" Rod asked, stepping up to admire her body, lying sturdy with her knees pressed together.

The silver tape muffled Anna's whimpered reply, but she shook her head as a no. Two weeks ago, she had spent twelve hours fulfilling Jeff's desires and had put her mind and body through enough from these two men.

"It won't hurt."

Kneeling on the bed, Rod inched closer and caressed her arm. She shook her head, but Rod knew he could change her mind.

"Jeff just wants me to lick you," Rod clarified, "Right?"

Jeff smirked and stroked her hair, "I might want to fuck her in the ass after."

Anna wriggled and groaned at the horror, but Rod shook his head, frowning at Jeff's crude approach.

"I'll lick her, and that's it."

Jeff chuckled and rose to his feet. He took a step back toward the wall and watched the setup unfold.

Rod was like a pussy whipped teen as he peppered kisses along her stomach. Anna kept her dark gaze on him, and he nodded in approval.

Rod was delighted at her softness, but Anna groaned and mumbled. He looked toward her to find her growling at Jeff.

"Anna, just focus on me, please. After this, it will be over, I promise," Rod explained with a husky tone.

Anna jerked. She didn't like either one of these perverts. His kisses were cringe and soft against her belly. This seduction would be easy to battle. She kept her eyes shut and her body stiff as he brushed his tongue against the band of her shorts.

Anna felt the bed move on her left side and knew Jeff had returned. She took a few deep breaths, uncertain of what he may do. She felt his fingers cross over her forehead just as Rod's kisses spread around her covered mound.

"It doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good," Anna repeated the mantra inside her head.

Rod was teasingly slow, attempting to savor this moment.

Jeff sensed Anna wasn't pleased and pinched her nipples.


Anna fluttered her eyes open to look toward him. Rod's kisses were barely a dot on her radar, but she eyed Jeff's fingers as they tugged her buds.


"Did you miss me, little one?" Jeff whispered.

Anna answered by closing her eyes and slipping back into her mantra. This doesn't feel good; she thought as butterflies carved her stomach. Maybe if she cried, they would leave. But no tears retreated from her eyes as Rod carefully pulled her legs out of her shorts, creating sparkling tingles of desire.

Naked and exposed from the waist down, Anna thought of kicking him in the face. But his gentle reluctant approach made her wonder if Jeff was forcing him into this. Maybe he had no choice.

His lips locked onto her clit for a moment sending her hips to rise. Then his tongue slithered against her moistening folds.

"Oh. God, it doesn't feel good. It doesn't, oh, it can't feel like this...."

Anna's mouth dropped, and she let out a loud breath from her nose. The tape was making it hard to breathe. She reached to take it off, but Jeff caught her hand.

"I'll take it off, but don't scream," Jeff warned.

Anna nodded, and Jeff carefully removed the tape, brushing her plump lips.

"Good girl," Jeff bent to kiss her forehead.

Anna shook off his kiss and looked down at her uncle's rosy tongue. It swirled and slapped against her clit, sending distractions of pleasure. Perhaps this wasn't as bad as before. It was a harmless notion, and she was on the receiving end.

"Hmm, Ah," Anna marveled at his skill and stroked his head.

"Am I doing okay?" Rod asked between licks.

"Mmhmm," Anna grasped the sheet with one hand, keeping the other glued to his scalp.

Rod eyed her softened features and began to hump, connecting his cock to the soft fabrics on her bed. Her pussy was sweet and tangy, but she didn't produce nearly enough cream for his liking, at least not yet.

"Can I put my fingers inside?" Rod asked her.

"No," Jeff answered, "Keep licking it."

Anna frowned toward Jeff before nodding, "Yeah I... you can do that."

Anna noticed Jeff glaring at her. He wanted her to himself but had set up this taboo scene.

"Just make her cum with your tongue," Jeff ordered Rod.

Anna looked down at Rod, stroking the thin hair on his head, "You can finger me while you lick it. It feels good. You're really good at it. I like your tongue," she giggled.

Anna didn't have to peer back at Jeff to know he was furious. But she gasped when his large palm came down on her right tit.

"Hm, that hurt. Don't hurt me," Anna whined.

Rod stopped his trek and looked concerned, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"She's fine. Trust me. She loves it rough."

"I don't. I don't like to be hurt," Anna lied with a whimper, "Can you lick it right there again," she asked, placing her finger on her clit.

Jeff seethed as Rod fell hard for her sheepish performance.

"She's lying. She was moaning when I got rough with her," he explained, "I told you it's always the ones you least expect, Rod."

Ignoring Jeff, Rod dove back into her slit, lapping as his finger drove inside a slippery slope.

Anna enjoyed making Jeff mad. Rod was mildly skilled with his tongue. She smiled and rolled her hips as his finger pushed inside her. She could feel the jealousy radiating from Jeff's frame and decided to perform.

Removing her hand from Rod's hair, Anna relaxed back. The tongue and finger combo was amazing. Grasping her tits, Anna rocked seductively against his mouth.

"Hmm, mmm," she giggled, enjoying the warmth of his tongue.

Jeff clenched his jaw and glared at her, "Anna," he gravely warned.

"Ooh, yes. Mm, your tongue is so good," she whined.

Indeed the man's tongue was nothing compared to his, and she was playing games with his pride.

"Oh. Oh. Oh, ooh, yes," she whimpered, tossing her head from side to side.

Anna was nowhere near her climax but bucked and stroked Rod's ego.

"Oh, I've never come that fast," she panted, "Your tongue is the best."

"You are a lying little cunt," Jeff chuckled and popped his palm against her tit again.

Rod flew up and scowled, "Don't hit her, Jeff," he pointed his finger, "I'm serious. Just get out while I finish. Make sure Cindy is still asleep. You wanted this, so at least lookout."

Jeff chuckled and looked toward Anna, who wore that adorable fake pout.

"Thank you," Anna smiled, "Can you keep licking me? I want to cum again, Daddy."

The title sent Rod's cock to pulse while it was the final straw for Jeff. He grasped her jaw in fury, feeling the veins thud in his forehead.

"Keep it up, and I swear to god, I'll hurt you."

"Jeff. I don't see the problem?" Rod groaned, "She's being obedient."

Anna wanted to laugh but settled on a smile toward her confused uncle, "Thank you. I don't know why he is so mean to me," she pouted.

"You know why, you, fucking...."

Jeff stood up and calmed himself of the rage he felt. He figured Anna would be disgusted by her uncle's need; instead, she chose to submit--something she hardly did for him. He watched her hips twitch, and her eyes roll back. She was actually enjoying it.

Jeff couldn't watch. This plan wasn't working to his advantage, and he hauled out, slamming the door behind him.

"That fucking bitch," he grudgingly murmured, making heavy bounces down the steps.

When he reached the bottom, Cindy was still sprawled on the couch. He rolled her to the floor, and she awoke in a scramble, unsure of what was happening. Jeff stood above her with his thick cock hanging.

Cindy thought she might be dreaming, but even her fantasies wouldn't be this sweet.

"Where's Rod," she whispered.

"Passed out in the Shed. Suck me off," he ordered, rubbing his jaw from the irritation.

"Jeff, I don't know about this, babe. It's-"

Jeff grasped her head with one hand ending her words and hauled his throbbing member toward her lips.

"Suck my fucking cock, you don't question me, do you understand?"

Cindy fluttered her tongue against his shaft, noting the thick pre cum. Jeff was ready for her. Perhaps he had been thinking about fucking her all night and had waited for her husband to sleep.

"Suck this dick then I want you to kiss that motherfucker goodnight," he mumbled in outrage.

Cindy wrapped her lips around his cock and obediently sucked his tip.

"Take me deeper, I love my cock in that pretty mouth."

Cindy was flattered and batted her lashes, taking him deeper into her mouth. She savored his thick mushroom tip and suckled out the tangy concoction.

Jeff had the yearning to abuse her and rammed his cock into her throat, sending spit flying around her lips.

"Fuck, mm, suck me deep, dammit," Jeff groaned, using her hair to guide her up and down.

Cindy took his face fuck with stride, allowing the juice to run down her chin. She slurped him and brushed her fingers against his aching ball sack.

"Shit, that's it, baby girl, suck that fucking cock while your husband is sleeping," Jeff smiled, "Hmm, yes, that's my nasty little bitch."

Cindy couldn't take it. His firm grip on her hair and his taboo groans. She pulled back and twisted onto her stomach, revealing her rosy hole still gaped from their last fuck.

Jeff began to enter her pussy, which was leaking but would only produce a good orgasm. Cindy needed more to extinguish the burning fire.

"My ass," she whispered, "Fuck my asshole. Fuck me hard and deep, Daddy."

With no regard for her swollen rim, he slammed inside her hole. Cindy covered her mouth to keep her groans hidden. His invasion was beautiful and sent adrenaline coursing through her veins. She let her ass adjust before sweeping her narrow hips for a more profound sense.

His large hands settled on her hips, and the two bucked and pounded for an end. Cindy wanted to scream and cry her praises for his cock but settled on silence to appease what she thought was her sleeping family.


Anna exhaled a raspy breath, pushing Rod's head away from her swollen clit. She had come hard that last time with visions of Jeff that she couldn't shake.

"oh, no, no, It's too sensitive," Anna whined, closing her thighs around his face as he plunged back to her clit.

Rod looked up pitifully and whispered, "Please, can I lick your asshole?"

As soon as she nodded, Rod lifted her hips and splashed his tongue across her puckered hole. Her need to pee was gone and replaced with a new control.

"Ooh, yes. Oh, I like that," she whispered.

Rod moaned and lapped his tongue along the silky cream between her crack. He inched up to tongue her pussyhole before centering back on her clit.

"Ah, hmm, go slower, please," Anna urged, sliding her palms over his head.

Anna shut her eyes to focus. She cringed momentarily at what was happening, but that odd sensation vanished as he gently pulled at her clit.

"Yes, just like that. Oh, that's so good. I'm going to cum again."

Her thoughts went to the man downstairs and that fiery gaze he had given her.

"Ooh, hmm, Daddy, yes, oh, mm."

Rod's slick slurps were music to her ears. Anna arched her back and prepared for another explosion on the tip of his tongue. a burst of bliss spreading around her thighs, released her guilty conscience.

Rod wasn't finished and slurped her goodness in a rotating cycle, leaving her quaking and shaking against her bedsheets.


Anna wanted to sleep, but her leaking cunt couldn't rest. It stirred with the need for something to fill the sticky void. Rod had left without fucking her, sneaking into his marital bed to find his wife on the bed, shockingly naked.

When Jeff opened the door, Anna held her breath. She roamed her eyes down to his crotch, but he wasn't erect. She was mad at what he had forced her to do but felt a craving she couldn't shake. Staying quiet, she pushed the cover over to show him her glistening pussy.

Carefully closing the door, Jeff walked toward her bed.

"You thought that shit was funny?" Jeff asked in a hushed whisper. "You think it's clever to embarrass me like you did?"

Anna shook her head and bit her lip, "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?"

"Yeah, I...." Anna swallowed her pride and waved her hand for him to come closer.

Jeff stepped up. His heart thumped while his cock jumped awake.

Keeping quiet, Anna reached for his crotch, rubbing his dick stiff inside his pants. His fingers fumbled through her thick curls, messy from wiggling against her uncle's tongue. She brought his cock out. Before she could reach to kiss the tainted pole, Jeff pulled her head back.

The quick motion made her gasp. Anna looked toward his intense stare and pouted.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered, "Can you give it to me, Daddy...."

It was straight out of his fantasy. Kneeling, Jeff brushed his finger over her cheek. Her bright smile spread to her eyes, causing his heart rate to increase.

"You didn't like that did you, baby girl?" Jeff asked, searching for proof in her eyes, "You like me better, don't you?"

Anna wanted to laugh but lied with a charming smile, "Yup, I like your tongue better...."

With that, Jeff felt a jolt of confidence and attacked her lips. Holding on to his shoulder, Anna tried to keep up with his hectic twirls. Despite her ruse, she melted as his large palms spread over her back. His kiss was powerful, but she needed his cock.

Anna broke her kiss and brushed his beard. There was no denying his allure as the moonlight twinkled in his chocolate eyes. No one had ever looked at her this way, and she felt powerful.

"I missed you," Anna lied through her teeth.

"Fuck," Jeff uttered, "I missed you too, baby girl. I want you to lay back. I want to make love to you."

Anna giggled and flew back onto the bed. Jeff breathed deeply before slowly mounting her frame. His lips fluttered against her cheek, slowly sweeping toward her neck.

The painfully slow seduction caused doubt to creep into her mind. What was she doing? Perhaps playing with fire but his lips caused a fire only he could extinguish.

"You belong to me, little girl," Jeff groaned.

Anna cringed; she couldn't do this.

"I um, maybe, we, Oh-"

Before she could finish her protest, his hard cock knocked into her tight void.

"Fuuck," Jeff hissed.

"Mmm," she purred, wrapping her arms around his neck.

His slow strokes dissolved her into the sheets along with his heavy frame. She felt so small underneath his sharp gaze. Jeff kept his arms up to examine her expression. She was in awe of him, and he couldn't explain the smoothness surrounding his cock..

"I love this pussy, and I want to own it," he confessed in a whisper against her cheek.

Anna whimpered as his cock settled deep. He pulled away to work his hips and bring her what he knew was a beautiful orgasm.

"Oh, god, hmm."

Quickening his pace, Jeff moaned, "Fuck, cum for me, baby girl."

"Hmm, oh, daddy, oh, daddy. It feels so good."

"Mmmhmm, Do you love Daddy's fat cock in your little pussy?"

Anna tightened her hold on his arm and coated his cock in silk, "Yes, oh, mmmm, yes, Daddy. Oh, god, yes, I love when you fuck me," she confessed in a whisper.
