The Devlin Family


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Her face hovers near and you stare into her fathomless depths. The lights and colors inside of her now glowing with new vibrancy and spinning like a maddening kaleidoscope. You embrace the madness. You give yourself to it.


Three of her hair tendrils part your lips and plunge inside your mouth. Acting without thought you simply begin to suck them and pleasure them. They thrust in and out, each to their own pace.


Another, more slender, tentacle slips in alongside the one stuffing your ass, filling you beyond what you thought possible. These too each thrust to their own alternating rhythm in and out of your double penetrated back door. They curl and writhe together in your guts, stretching not only your ass but your abdomen as well.

"MMRRRRMMMM!" You cry out even as you continue sucking and pushing against the tentacles in your mouth which were by now starting to touch your throat as they went just a bit deeper on each rapid thrust.

Your balls are held in a vice like grip. Your nipples now being lashed and slapped. The rest of her hair reaches out around our head to encompass it leaving her face the only thing to you could see.


Faster and faster she fucks your ass. Faster and faster she milks your cock. Faster and faster she probes your mouth and gropes your soft human body. The motions are coming together. All working in one great orchestra of lust and pleasure. The lights in her eyes now are blinding but you cannot look away.

It is a miracle you had lasted this long but you realize it is because your senses are no longer yours alone, and neither are hers.

You could FEEL her pleasure.

You could feel her tentacles writhing and thrusting inside of you both as the fucker and the fucked. You could feel your hard manhood held deep inside of her even as you felt her around it. You could feel her breasts against you even as you felt your chest against her. You could sense feelings and sensations that were wholly inhuman. Memories of terrors and loneliness that crushed your heart, yet felt soothed in your presence. You could see yourself through her eyes, a transcendent being of heavenly light, even as you saw hers in yours. You could feel EVERYTHING. Hers, yours, same.

And she could feel you. She sees her own face through your eyes, glowing and shifting in wild patterns with the rapidly rising pressure of your imminent orgasm. Her body shook as the waves of pleasure that rocked your body now seized hers. She felt your fleshly body from inside of it, she felt your weakness and vulnerability compared to her powerful form. And she saw the brilliance inside her own eyes. She could feel EVERYTHING. Yours, hers, same.

Most of feel love. LOVE. A love pure and a love twisted, a love earthly and a love alien. A love a sin and a blessing. A love perfect and indestructible and irresistible. The love of brother and sister. The love of twins. The love of lovers. The love of soul mates. The love of two incomplete halves...made one.

While your bodies hold tight together and still her tentacles are a blur as they ravage you, her tight pussy frenetic in the build up with a matching need as that growing in your balls. You no longer know who was doing what to who, it all blended together in one frenzied blur of bliss. You ride the dizzying edge rapture for what seems like forever. But eventually...WHOOOM!

Your ecstasy consumes you body and soul. You don't merely climax at the same time, you climax as one unified greater whole. You can feel your ass clench around her twin tentacles from both perspectives. You feel waves of a new type of pleasure pulsing out from her pussy and through her large body, through your body too. You feel your cock erupt inside of her to fill her pussy with your earthly seed even as you feel the warmth of your cock throb inside you and the warm jizz coat your gripping tunnel. You both feel it all. Hers, yours, same, one.

It is with your own will that you pull her tendrils from your mouth so that you could call out into the night in a shared voice from a single throat.



The climax stretched on and on. You cum harder and longer than than you ever had before. Your body trembles in your sister's powerful grasp as you just...keep...cumming. Your own orgasm drawn out by your sister's long powerful release.

As the shared climax fades so too does the moment of perfect unity. You feel your consciousness drawing back into your own body as she draws back into hers. But in that conduit you feel a link remain, a permanent connection with your twin had been forged in love and lust and intimacy.

"...ohhhhh..." You whimper as reality comes crashing in. Everything ached! In the grips of passion Vespera had held you too tight to say nothing of your throbbing sore balls and ravaged asshole. "Let me down." You whisper.

She lets you down as gently as a falling leaf. She pulling back she lets your spent cock slip from her gooey snatch. God, even that hurt. She had gripped you so hard there was sure to be bruising. In the future you'd have to teach her to not squeeze so tightly. Oh so gingerly she slides one limb from your aching hole and then the other. Your gaping sphincter twitches, trying to close all at once but it would take a little time for you to relax back to normal. You felt hollowed out inside...but god damn did you feel satisfied! You had taken a fucking for the ages and while you felt as flat and empty and used up as an old condom god DAMN did you feel good. The warm fuzzy afterglow tingles through every square inch of you. Vespera's tentacles extricate themselves from around you as she lays you upon the ground with a truly touching loving tenderness.

Reaching up you pull her down with you, your arms trembling and weak. "Lay with me."

At first you expect to be spooned by her huge writhing body, you welcomed it, but instead she curls up beside you just as she had done last night. She rests her head on your chest and gazes up at you.

"Listen." She says.

You lay still a moment. "I don't hear anything." Then you smile as you hear it...just faintly...not through your ears but through her senses. "You're listening to my heartbeat." You run your fingers through her writhing nest of long hair, petting her and treasuring her.


You blink tears from your eyes. "Yeah...I feel it too."

Together you lay there, a long quiet time. Her gazing up as her ever shifting tentacles caress your sore tired flesh and you with her head cradled in your arms gazing back. Along the way the magic of the eye drops wane and then fail, but it didn't matter anymore. You had her here in your arms and that is all you cared about. You could still catch fleeting moments, sensations, and emotions from her. She was so happy and, even better, she wasn't scared anymore. She wasn't scared when she was with you. Everything was right in the world.

More had changed than just your link with your twin. The shadowy essence that clung to her was steadily fading and her flesh, while still the deepest of non-reflective blacks, could actually just barely be seen under the bright pale light of the moon. You had changed her. You had brought her here just like you wanted to do. You hug her tight with happiness bursting inside of you as you realize she'd never have to go back to that terrible other place ever again.

"You're home."


A shiver runs through you as the cool night air wicks the sweat from your exhausted body but you didn't want to interrupt this moment for anything. But your sister senses it. Moving on a shifting carpet of writhing tentacles she turns. Scooping you up with great care she pulls you in for the little spoon you had been secretly wishing for. Her limbs wrap all around you except for your face, shielding you completely from the cold breeze in a cocoon of tentacles. She holds you tight, her breasts pressing into your back, and rests her chin upon your head. Closing your eyes and letting out a long happy breath you savor this safe cozy feeling of her being all around you.


"I love you too Vespera."


Cocooned in your sister's embrace you rest your weary body. Despite feeling happier than you ever had before you were not at peace. You knew this magical moment in the tower would have to end at some point and the pair of you would have to face the real world. How would a creature like Vespera get by out there? No simple illusion could cover her wild form. Would the pair of you stay together as lovers? How would that even work? You knew no human woman or man could ever do for you what Vespera did, but once Ves got settled she might have other ideas. What kind of life could she lead in a world ill suited for one such as her? She would surely be the oddest of what Trixie described as your oddball family. And most pressing on your mind, would your family even accept her?

You open your eyes and whisper. "We have to go." You push out and after a moment Vespera releases her grasp. You roll from her tentacles and up onto your hands and knees. Looking back at her you say. "We have to talk to Mom. Dad said he was busy tonight. We need to talk to her while he's not around. She'll know what to do."

"Mother." Ves shifts to a standing position.

"I know you love her too." You smile as you receive flashes of memories of your mother sitting quietly with Ves, now knowing how to communicate but content to be in her presence. "She's a pretty great Mom, despite...everything. She'll understand once we tell her. If anybody can get through to Dad it's her. Mrrrm!" You groan as you struggle to your feet, Vespera reaches out with a helping limb. "Thank you."

With difficulty you dress. You walked into this tower already beat to hell but now, after being with Ves, you were absolutely smashed. Everything hurt from the knot on your head right down to your bruised ankles. Your muscles are sore and your joints aching from being stretched. And your ass and battered twig and berries was a whole other thing. The gash on your calf had split wider in your lovemaking with your sister and was bleeding again. But your purpose gives you the strength to press on. You put on your underwear, pants, socks, and sandals then reapply the shirt around your leg to stem the bleeding. Vespera watches and helps, picking items up for you as needed and supporting you with a steady arm.

As you turn to her, ready to depart, you realize the dark shadows had now completely vanished from her. Her arrival to your world was complete. Born into this reality by the sin of incest, yet you could not think of it that way. What had happened had been so...right. Seeing her here, really here, gives you courage. This gives you the hope and belief that together the Devlin twins could do anything.

"Come on." You say as you take her tentacle in your hand. "It's time to meet the family."

With gingerly steps you force your body into action and start back for the house. You exit the tower doorway, the writhing mass of your twin pouring through with surprising ease. She moved over the ground with a constantly shifting fluidity unlike anything you'd seen, how an octopus moved across the ocean floor the closest thing but even that not quite comparable. The pair of you walk hand in tentacle back around the shore of the lake. Eventually you have to lead her further out as she continually kept splashing her limbs loudly into the water.

"You're getting wet." You chuckle. "Get out of the water silly."

She looks at rippling waters of the lake seemingly confused. She pauses to watch the waves settle down...then splashes it again. Three tentacles thrashing wildly as she made a hell of a noise.

"Stop!" You laugh as you shield your face from the spraying water. "What's gotten into you?"

Her limbs stop and she pulls them back and she watches the water slowly calm again.

"I'll bring you back here later, okay?" You say. "Right now we have to get back to the house." She looks back at you with that hint of a smile you'd only seen once before. It is brief but it is there. "Come on." You pull her along toward home.

With your sister's help the trip is not nearly as difficult as it might have been. She holds your hand and even supports your back at times, once she gently lifts you right over a fallen log in your path to set you down on the other side. Her connection with you gave her a new appreciation of your fragile human form. Along the way she looks about as if seeing the world anew. She reaches up to touch high branches as they sway in the breeze and she picks up a clump of earth to squish it in her grip then watches the pieces fall with open wonder.

You pat her arm. "You'll get used to it."

She looks to the moon and reaches out for it. "Beautiful."

You gaze up at the pale gibbous moon with a new appreciation. "Yeah. It is, isn't it." You grin. "Floating there in the reminds me of your face."

A passing moth flutters up and lands on her outstretched limb. She brings it down to her face to study it more closely. Attracted by the glow it flits up to land on her nose. All six eyes go crossed as she focuses in on the insect. "Beautiful."

"You are too pure for this world Sis." You can't stop smiling. "Yeah, it's lovely."

"Gentle." She carefully scoops it off of her face to look at it again.

You nod. "Yes, gentle. Living things are very delicate."

As she reaches out and tries to lightly pet the wings with one her hair tendrils the moth takes flight and returns to its nocturnal trek through the forest. You stop to let Vespera watch it go with rapt fascination. Taking the time to watch it flutter off you appreciate the simple beauty of it, one you would have taken for granted and not even given a second glace to on any other night. Your eyes turn to her and you fall in love with her even more.

Before long you are at the edge of the trees and peering across the sprawling lawn to the garden and manor beyond. You grip her firmly in your hand and steel yourself for what was to come. They would accept both Devlin twins or they would accept neither. You would have it no other way. You take a long deep fortifying breath.

"Jacob." Ves could sense your tension, and you sensed hers.

Bring her tentacle to your chest you hold it tight. "Stay with me Ves and let me do the talking."

Together the pair of you start off toward the house.


Through sheer force of will, fueled by your love of twin and family, you make your way toward Devlin manor with Vespera at your side.

As you near you begin to realize something is amiss as a great dome of faint yellow luminance fades into view, flickers, and then bursts in a blinding flash. Lights begin to turn on around the house and you could hear raised voices inside. So much for sneaking up.

"Come on." You say and hurry forward, rushing through the garden and up the stairs to the terrace Maybe if Dad wasn't home you could still get to your mother and...

There is blue spark followed by the crack of a mini thunderclap. There, out of thin air, your father now stands not 20 feet in front of you. It is not the stuffy yet dapper father you knew though. The tall man in front of you now wears a long red mantled caped with a hood, sigils of power glowing along the hem and edges. In his hands he wields a heavy automatic pistol the likes of which you'd never seen before, it looked like something stolen from the set of a science fiction movie. Along it's broad flat barrel there glowed more runes as well lights that looked more technological than supernatural. Emblazoned just above trigger are the distinctive block letters MT.

MT...Minamoto Technology? That was Grace's family's company. But they didn't produce weapons...did they? You have no time to think about it as your father casts a familiar spell of protection. Blinding yellow light emanates out from his extended free hand.

"Dad, NO!" You cry as the wave of light washes over you.

Your fathers eyes widen as the light also washes over Vespera as harmlessly as it did you.

"Jacob!" He bellows in both anger and fear. "What have you DONE!?"

Just then the other members of the household begin pouring out of the house, summoned by the commotion and raised voices.

"STAY BACK!" He waves them away. "Lilith, get the kids back in the house!"

Grandma rushes to his side, similarly bedecked for battle with an elaborate robe and large domed goggles on her face, readying a long staff with a wickedly sharp whirling crystal contraption on the end of it. Ciara as well, her eyes glowing with orange-green power, flits forward to defend her true master.

Initially the others look ready to fall back at the prodding of your mother, until they see who it is the head of the family was squaring off against.

"Jake!" Trixie calls. You notice Bron immediately break off from the others, transforming into his hulking monster form mid stride, and moves to flank you and your twin.

Your mother turns to look with worry in her amber eyes. She sees the bruises and injuries over your body and gasps. "What has she done to you?"

"No, wait! Stop! She's not dangerous." You plead with them. "Let me explain."

Vespera's face darts from one person to the next, terribly confused as to what was happening here. You step out in front of her and hold your hands out toward your family.

"Get out of the way boy!" Your Dad levels the gun to point just above your head at your sister and begins casting a spell with the other hand.

"Daddy! Put the gun down!" Trixie shrieks, scared out of her mind.

You continue to try to calm the situation. "Please! Listen to me! She isn't what you think she..."

BOOM! The trigger is pulled and the gun goes off. You hear the bullet whiz over your head. You look back in terror only to see the projectile had ricocheted off of her shoulder with barely a mark. She looks at you and you feel her bewilderment. You weren't sure she even recognized the attack for what it was. She continues looking around with rising uncertainty.

Everything is happening so fast. Before you even have a chance to think of what to do your father's spell activates and two huge snarling tiger like creatures appear on the other side of Vespera from you. With claws out and fangs bared they leap on your sister. This time there is no mistake, Vespera knew she was under attack. She turns and and tears the creatures limb from limb in a matter of seconds, their howls of pain fading as they disappeared back to where they come from.

"Bron! Get Jacob out of there!" Your father barks as he prepares yet another spell.

"On it!" Bron grunts as he circles in on you at a full lope.

You turn to prepare yourself though you hadn't a clue how you could resist him. "PLEASE STOP!"

Devany moves to engage but is held back by your mother. "For God's sake just listen to him!" Your older sister calls out.

But nobody was listening to anything. A great gout of jagged edged flames pours from your grandmother's staff and engulfs your twin. The magical flames lick over and around sister, searing your skin and hair even from a few feet away, but it rolls off of her like water off a duck's back. Ciara, now flying high above, shoots down at Ves with green bolts of energy. Again your sister does not seem affected.

Your grandma lets out a frustrated huff. "It's no use Samael."

"Fuck!" Your father spits. Their magic simply had no hold on your sister and they were running out of options.

Just then Bronwyn, his white eyes locked on his quarry, rushes in at you with incredible speed. Even faster though is Vespera's tentacle as it snaps out and grabs him around the neck. She lifts him from the ground as he claws and bites at her. You had felt both of their great strength...Bron didn't stand a chance. His eyes bulge as the limb tightens.