The Empty Seat


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The kids did an amazing job at school and were ready for their move to senior status. On the last day of school, Jordan and Jessica met the kids by the school gate. Jordan had planned to take them to lunch at Undici's in Rumsen.

At the restaurant they were given a great table. Jordan and Jessica had a glass of wine, the kids, soft drinks. Then they ordered. Jordan took out some envelopes. "Rather than move all your clothes to my house for the summer, take this," as he handed both Sam and Emma an American Express envelope. Bring some clothes with you from your house, but this can help you get whatever else you need. The kids opened the envelopes. Each gift card was for twenty-five hundred dollars each.

Sam reached across the table and shook Jordan's hand and said, "Thank you very much."

Emma got up and gave Jackson a hug and inadvertently said, "Thanks for this, dad." Jordan looked up with surprise. He had tears forming in his eyes, as did Jessica. "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me," Emma said apologetically.

"No need to apologize. I'm honored," Jordan said while not looking up as he didn't want anyone to see the tears streaking down his face. The table was quiet, giving Jordan a chance to compose himself. Before he did, Jessica went behind Jordan and gave him a meaningful hug and a few kisses along his neck.

She whispered, "I think they love you as much as I do." He just nodded his head.

When he composed himself, Jordan took out additional envelopes. He handed the next envelope to Jessica. She opened it and showed the table the title to the Lexus SUV.

"Oh my God. I can't believe this is true. Mom told us about the car and I just blew it off as an attempt for Jordan to get into your pants," Emma said while she and Sam started laughing hysterically.

"Well did it work?," Jordan asked Jessica. There was uncontrollable laughter.

"I'll never tell," Jessica said. She was smiling while her kids were laughing. So was Jordan.

Jordan said, "As the two of you have your driver's license, you can drive the car as well. That's if your mom lets you."

"First dibs," shouted Sam."

"No fair, he gets to drive the car first," Emma pouted.

"I thought that this was going to be a problem so take this," handing a fourth envelope to the kids. They found a title to a five-year old Honda Touring SUV. It had seventy thousand miles on it. "You have to share, and I mean share."

Emma went over and gave Jordan a kiss, Sam was too stunned to say anything. Finally, he said, "Thank you."

Jordan handed Jessica another envelope. She opened it and there seemed to be quite a few papers that she took from the envelope. She spent a few minutes reading, and when the twins tried to ask her a question, she held her hand up, stopping any conversation.

"You sure about this, Jordan? There can be complications?"

"Mom," Sam yelled, startling other patrons, "What's this all about?"

"I was just offered a job at Jordan's company, as a Vice President of Marketing. There are potential complications."

"Your mom is more than qualified for the position. I'll handle any flack, if there is any. I want her working for the company. She deserves the chance."

Now Emma was crying. Sam was trying not to.

"I don't think there are enough napkins on the table," as Jordan tried to make light of the subject while handing out napkins to the kids and Jessica.

"When would she start,?" Emma asked.

"After Labor Day, but her contract begins on July 1. "Listen, I love your mom. I want what's best for her and for the two of you. I love you two as much as I love your mom. You are great kids, with great futures ahead of you. I want to be part of that, if you will let me."

"I want nothing more," Jessica said. The twins nodded their agreement.

"One last thing," Jessica asked Jordan.

"What's that?"

Pointing to the salary Jessica asked Jordan, "Is this right?"

"It is."

"Then I accept." She was smiling.

Jordan ordered a bottle of champagne and four glasses were filled. Forget the twins were not old enough to drink, no one was going to deny them a taste of the bubbly celebrating many things.


The tour that started off in Los Angeles and for the rest of the summer went great. The audiences were loud and Emma sang her heart out and Sam dazzled them with his strong guitar playing. During the down time, the kids had a great time on the farm. They invited friends to use the pool, while Sam took care of the animals. Jordan and Jessica invited friends and family to join them for barbeques as well as swimming parties. Emma got back to riding horses.

At the end of July Jordan surprised the "family" with a trip to Israel. He hired a personal guide and for almost two weeks they toured the country.

On the second night in Israel, Jessica came into their bed and slid her mouth over his erect cock. She swung her legs around and lowered her pussy to Jordan's mouth. Jordan couldn't get enough of the hairy pussy as he pressed his face into her moist pleasure center. The ritual dance began. Jessica moving her hand up and down her cock, then sliding her tongue from top to bottom. Jordan was equally busy. Finger fucking her he went right for her clit, licking the sensitive bud. Jessica had to stop her sucking as the pleasure was too much. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Jordan. So good. Your tongue feels sooooooooooooooooooooo good." Her hips moved faster as Jordan held her by her thighs so he could continue pleasuring her clit. "Fuck..................Fuck.......I'm cumming. Cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming! Yes, Fuck yes, cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmming." She squirted into his mouth.

Jessica moved up and impaled herself on Jordan's cock. She began grinding on his cock. He reached for her tits and began mauling them, causing her to moan. He moved onto playing with her tight nipples. All the while Jessica was moving up and down on the very erect cock of her lover.

After a while Jordan announced his orgasm. "Jessica, I'm cummming. Cummmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiing." He exploded ropes of his cum into Jessica's still tight, wet pussy.

"How I love you so much," Jessica said.

"I feel the same way," Jordan replied.

One morning, while they were having breakfast at the King David Hotel he told the twins that when they graduate college they should come back to the country on the Birthright program. Two weeks spent with other Jewish college graduates touring the country. Their last two nights in Israel were spent in Tel Aviv where they swam in the Mediterranean Sea,.

In early August they took a cruise to Alaska. They spent a weekend touring Philadelphia. Included was an outstanding meal at Ambrosia's.


Some two weeks before the next to last stop in Las Vegas, while having a quiet dinner at home, out of the blue, Jordan said to Jessica, "Do you want to get married?" She almost chocked on her food.

"Married. Are you serious?"


"This is sudden. Nice proposal. When were you thinking?"

"How about next week in Las Vegas. We will be there for some R & R and will be taking the kids to Zion and Bryce. A small wedding, just the two of us and the kids. Sam can be my best man and Emma your maid of honor. We can have a bigger party when we get home. It will be great. We can do it on Saturday night. We will back from the parks by then."

"I trusted you when we first met so I think I have to trust you on this. Will I have time to buy a wedding dress?"

"You will. There's a great place for wedding dresses on the Strip. Emma will need something as well. I'll take Sam to buy a suit and get him some shoes!," he said while laughing. We will tell the kids at dinner tonight.

"You're kidding, right?" Emma yelled.

"Nope. We've agreed to get married next week while we are in Las Vegas," Jessica said.' Sam you will be best man and Emma will be my maid of honor.

"At the 'Elvis' Chapel?," Sam laughed.

"No, I'll give you more information when we get back from Bryce." Jordan explained everything. They were all very happy.


They had a great time at Zion, hiking and staying at the hotel on site. They loved the hoo-do's at Bryce. They got back to The Venetian on Wednesday morning. Jordan and Sam went shopping for a suit and Jessica took Emma for dresses for both of them. That night the four of them, over dinner, discussed the wedding. Jordan said that he has a present for Jessica that he will give her just before the wedding.

"We need to pick out wedding bands," Jessica said.

"There's a jewelry store in the hotel. We can go see him after dinner."

"Can we go, too?" Sam and Emma said.

"Of course," Jessica replied.

Jessica found a very simple thin gold band. Jordan's was a little thicker. "I love the simplicity of the band," Jessica said.

"I need to get you an engagement ring, too."

"It can wait until we get back to Jersey."

"During the day on Saturday, if you want, you and Emma can share the honeymoon suite I rented. That way you can have some privacy before the wedding, Jordan said.

"I think we would like that. Emma and I have to go to pick up the dresses on Friday."

"And we need to pick up the suits."


Jordan said he found a local rabbi, recommended by the concierge. "It will be a very simple ceremony. I've ordered some flowers for the small chuppah.

At 8:45 PM, the four of them gathered outside a small room next to a larger one. Jordan and Sam had dark blue suits tailored for them. White shirts and fun, Mickey Mouse ties. Emma had on a short, low neck scooped, silver dress that accentuated her firm bust. It was a good three inches above her knees. Jessica had on an equally exquisite cream-colored dress, though not as short as Emma's but still falling above her knees.

Jordan had ordered a personal handwritten Ketubah, the Jewish marriage contract. That was the surprise for Jessica. The two of them signed the document, and unknown to Jessica, the rabbi who was going to marry them was the same rabbi who officiated at Jordan's Bar Mitzvah. The rabbi walked into the room and signed the contract. The rabbi said that they will get two witnesses later. By signing the contract, they were officially married in the eyes of Jewish law. They went into the hallway and walked about 50 feet and entered a small office. The Rabbi said to wait a minute.

Then there was the first surprise. The Rabbi walked in and Jessica's parents were right behind him followed by Jordan's Uncle Sid and Aunt Beth.

Jordan said, "I couldn't have us get married without our parents present. Let's get this started, rabbi." Jessica was too stunned to say anything.

The rabbi said, "Sam and Emma will walk down the aisle first, then Jordan with Sid and Beth and then, wait a minute, open the door and then Jessica and her parents will go down the aisle.

When the door opened for Jessica and her parents, they entered into a packed room of family and friends. That was the second surprise. A photographer was snapping away pictures and a woman was taking movies.

"Let's go sweetheart," Jessica's dad said to her as they began the walk down the aisle."

By the time Jessica reached Jordan her hands were shaking. But the look she gave him was one of genuine love and happiness. The rings were exchanged, the vows said and then the rabbi placed the glass on the floor. When Jordan broke the glass, the shouts of "Mazel Tov" bounced off the walls of the room. They left the same way they came into the ceremonial room, through the small door. Waiting for them was the Ketubah, needing two witness signatures to complete the document. Uncle Sid was one witness and Jessica's uncle, her mother's brother was the other.

They walked into another large room where there must have been 100 people, including some of Jordan's clients, including Ronnie Dunn and Kix Brooks. A band out of Hoboken, NJ, the Blaire Reinhard Band, was playing.

The newly married couple had their first dance together with the background of Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight." On into the night, the couple moved around greeting friends and family. In a brief moment, Jessica asked Jordan, "How did you pull this off?"

"I'll tell you in the morning."

The last song the band played was "Only in America." The band was joined by Dunn and Brooks as well as Emma on vocals and Sam on guitar. They played through the song twice with the crowd dancing their asses off. Then it was time to say good night. It took another hour for all the guests to make their way to Jordan and Jessica. They would see all of them at breakfast the next morning as Jordan arranged for a buffet for their guests.

Sam and Emma would stay with their grandparents that night as Jordan and Jessica went to the honeymoon suite.

They made love in every conceivable way, with both of them crying out their passion. Jessica never had orgasms that filled her like the one's tonight. Jordan was able to make love to her three times with his cock and twice more with his mouth. When the performance was over, both bodies were bathed in sweat. Jessica was crying quietly. They held each other until they fell asleep.

The next morning, they met their guests for breakfast. The kids sat on either side of their mom. "Ok, spill the beans, husband. How did you do this?"

For the next fifteen minutes Jordan went on to explain how he and the twins had planned this about six weeks before I asked you to marry me. They were sworn to secrecy. I knew from day one that you were going to be part of my life. Now, I have a present for my two co-conspirators." He handed each of them an envelope. He also gave one to Jessica.

"You really mean it," Emma cried. Tears began to roll down her face.

"I most certainly do."

"Jessica, I given the three of you a copy of the legal papers that, if you want, can be filed in our local court so I can adopt Sam and Emma as my children. I hope that's okay with you?"

The Sam and Jessica joined Emma in crying.

"That would be a perfect ending to this fairy tale," Jessica said.

"Who says the fairy tale is ending?" Jordan asked.

"I do have one question for you," Jessica said. "At our table last night there was one empty seat. Who was supposed to sit in that seat?"

"No one. I purposely left the seat empty as a reminder of how we met that night at PNC. If it wasn't for that empty seat we may not be having this conversation."

"A fucking empty seat, is the reason for all this happiness," Sam said. "If my friend had not gotten sick, maybe none of this happens." He put his head into his hands and began crying again. Jordan reached over to console his son. Then his son started laughing. I owe Stu Chandler a free dinner. He's the one who was supposed to go with me, but got sick.



Jessica and Jordan moved into a larger apartment in New York City. The Farm was used, more as a get-a-way retreat.

Jessica proved that her hire was the best thing for the company. She streamlined processes and made the company more profitable.

After the tour was over, the Don Henley of the Eagles, another one of Jordan's clients, asked if Emma could tour with them. To do so, Emma took a year off from starting college. She started writing her own songs. Jordan put her in touch with some professionals who put the words to music. She recorded her first album during her first year at NYU. Her career took off. She started singing in small cafes but moved into larger arenas toward the end of her college career. Right before graduating, she was cast as the lead in a Broadway musical and from there her career continued to shine. She also had time to play with Brooks and Dunn and the Eagles. At her high school's 10th year reunion she ran into an old friend, Brian Solomon. They sat together during the reunion. They started dating and two years later were married. He was a high school history teacher, and a good one at that. She presented Jessica and Jordan with their first grandson three years later. Simon Adam Solomon, named after her late great, great grand-father, Stuart.

Sam decided to take a different career path. Originally he was going to be a veterinarian. He decided to go to business school, getting into the Wharton School of Business after a college career at the University of Pennsylvania. He was awarded his MBA and then went to work for his father. Starting at the bottom, Jordan was grooming him to take over the business. A fellow classmate at Wharton, got a job at Morgan Stanley. From Ohio, Sue Brodsky moved to New York City. It took all of three months before she moved in with Sam and another year before they became engaged. Married for three years, a baby girl Lori, named after one of Sue's aunts, was born. Sam continued to dabble in playing his guitar, only working when Brooks and Dunn and the Eagles came calling.

Jessica and Jordan's love for one another continued to grow. The passion remained and their sex life never waned. They traveled the world, visiting many countries, always fucking at least once in those countries.. Jordan and Jessica retired when Jordan turned fifty years old, turning the business over to their son, Sam. But their real passion was babysitting their grandchildren, which numbered six, when they retired. Jessica said that "Grandma was always on call."


The End

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a nice love story! It was nice to read that she has a hairy pussy. Little girls have bare pussies, women have hair!

Ravey19Ravey1910 months ago

Some weaknesses in the story and some obvious typos including at least one erroneous name. A good storyline but as others said I think they moved into sex too easily and little was made of their insecurities especially Jordan being concerned about gold diggers. Despite that, an enjoyable read.

jlg07jlg0710 months ago

Beautiful story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The story has some problems, but I still gave it a 5 because its a hairy pussy story and that is the tag I searched.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Got about halfway through the first page and couldn't get any further. The writing was that bad. No one speaks that way in real life. It sounded so mechanical, boring. I don't know how everyone has been able to read it and give it so many stars. 1*

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

Contrary to BP, I think the sex dominated the story early in their relationship. Thoughts of whether they were in love versus lust should have come up at that point, but didn't. Jordan should have had some thoughts of whether his wealth influenced her attraction as well, so a couple small plot misses. Otherwise, great story and very well written. The back half was especially strong - 4.8*

taboo39642taboo3964211 months ago

Enjoyed the story, but the sex was weak

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy11 months ago

Very enjoyable story!


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. Two edits to consider:

1. In the first part, Jorfsn is a lawyer. Yet he only earns a BA and MBA.

2. Witnesses to a Ketubah must not be blood relatives of either the bride or groom.

Small stuff, but distracting. Loved the story.

Funfriend1410Funfriend141011 months ago

Five stars, I felt that I was getting to know them , well written and delightful.

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