The Family That Lays Together


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"Oh that's so goooood!" she whispered, excitedly, but almost too loudly.

Doug leaned forward and licked one of her nipples. She bit the edge of the sheet as she moaned, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was unusual for their parents to hear them upstairs, but it wasn't impossible. They had been chastised for playing their music too loud, on occasion.

She gasped and grabbed at his head, to pull him to her breasts, arching herself to press her breasts toward her brother's eager mouth. "Oh Doug, love them. Suck them! Kiss them! Never stop," she gasped as she felt tears rolling down her face.

Realizing his sister was weeping, Doug paused. "Daphne?"

"It's just so wonderful...don't stop! I'm gonna...," she gasped as she pulled the sheet into her mouth and bit down to keep from screaming.

Doug could feel his twin sister's sexy body shaking, as if she was having a seizure. He realized, of course, that she was having an orgasm. He continued to lick and suck her breasts, but placed a hand on her sopping wet panties. When he did so, a muffled, "Unffffoooooongggggggggggh!!!" escaped her throat. He wondered what it would be like if they weren't afraid of being heard.

When her body stopped spasming, she put her arms around her near-naked brother and snuggled up against him, pressing her breasts into his side and kissing his throat. Doug endeavored to take his sister into his arms, thinking that nothing had ever felt so perfect.

After a long while, Daphne placed her hand on Doug's erection. "I better take care of this before I go to bed," she giggled, almost silently.

"Daphne, you don't have to..." he began as she slid out of his arms and began tugging at his boxers.

She removed his boxers, dropped them in the floor, gazed at his swollen, precum-covered penis and smiled at her brother. "I knew it was big, but whoa!"

"Daphne..." he whispered as she kneeled between his legs and grasped his swollen member.

"This won't take long, will it, Big Brother?" she said, in what Doug thought was the sexiest voice he had ever heard. No, Renee had never turned him on like this. Renee was all about lust and titillation and affection -- this was Daphne. This was love PLUS all those other things. This was the perfect storm of uncontrollable lust and pure romantic love, he mused.

Then she was doing the unimaginable. She was taking him into her mouth. He couldn't help but think that she was not as expert -- nowhere near -- as Renee had been, but again, this was Daphne. Just the thought of WHO was doing this to him was enough to bring him to the tipping point. He gazed down and saw her looking directly into his eyes, 3 inches or so of his thick length in her mouth...

"I'm cumming," he gasped and was aware that Daphne immediately pulled back, but began stroking him. How did she know how to do this? Was it some innate, instinctual, natural ability that girls had? He felt like shouting his pleasure, moaning like a wild animal, but he knew he couldn't. Instead, as he gazed down at his incomparably beautiful, panty-clad twin sister, great geysers of his cum began to jettison from his swollen cock. Daphne had his cock angled upward. They watched as a gob of his seed shot several feet into the air and then fell back down onto his chest. This was followed by several more blasts of his boycum, each one with just a bit less force than its predecessor. Finally, even though Daphne continued to tenderly stroke his cock, he was through. His stomach was covered with pools of his warm semen. Rivulets of it were rolling down to the bed.

Daphne stopped stroking, but squeezed his cock gently, causing a drop of his cum to bubble out the meatus. She leaned and, making sure he was watching, stuck her tongue to it and then moved back, causing a strand of his cum to be connected to his body and her tongue. She took her finger, caught it, and placed her finger in her mouth. She suckled it and closed her eyes as if she were enraptured. Doug thought that action was just as sexy as if she had taken his entire load into her mouth, as Renee had done.

"How was that?" she whispered as she raised straight up, still on her knees, and put her hand into her panties.

"Better than the other times," he smiled. "Much better with my pants OFF!"

Daphne's hand was working in her panties. She closed her eyes and moaned. Her eyes flitted open and closed several times as she orgasmed again. "Oh that was good!" she moaned, then crawled up, kissed her brother's lips and went back to her room.


The next day was back to "normal". Doug helped Marvin all morning while Daphne helped Chrissy wash clothes and hang them out to dry. Chrissy seemed happier than usual, but when questioned she only gave an enigmatic smile. Daphne wondered if it was because she had gotten to see Uncle Jack for a while or whether, possibly, Marvin had been more amorous. She thought back on the brief squeeze of her own bottom that he had given her a couple of nights previously and idly wondered if that led to lovemaking between their parents. She had rarely thought of their parents making love before; for the first time she allowed herself to imagine it and was surprised to find that she found it somewhat exciting.

Marvin left for work that afternoon. Chrissy busied herself making a casserole to take to a book club meeting that night. When Daphne realized that she and Doug would be alone for a few hours, she began looking for Doug and eventually found him in the garden, using the garden tiller to weed between rows of vegetables.

When he saw Daphne approaching, he cut the tiller off and wiped the sweat from his face. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, noticing the wide grin across her face.

"Did you know Mom has book club tonight?" she asked, enthusiastically.

Doug almost laughed. Was his sister really this eager to be alone with him? He decided to tease her. "So?"

"So? We are gonna be alone for several hours, doofus!"

Stifling a giggle, he replied, "Doofus? Daphne, I'm not in the mood..."

"Shut up!" she laughed. "You can't fool me. You got plans?"

Doug glanced toward the house, but was satisfied that they were out of sight. He took his sister's hand and pulled her to him and kissed her; just a brief kiss on the lips. "Well, maybe," he smiled.

Daphne looked into his tanned face. She loved him so much. He was so handsome and she knew that he loved her more than anyone on earth. She felt the same. She tingled all over, recalling what they had done the previous evening. She thought about what Uncle Al and Robert had urged her to do. She knew it was wrong. It was terribly sinful. It was incest; it was taboo. And she wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything in her life!

She smiled. "I love you," she said, then turned and went back to the house.

Late that afternoon, their Mom told them that they were on their own for supper. They had leftovers from the weekend. They set about warming the leftovers while Chrissy got ready to leave.

When she came out of her bedroom, ready to leave, she remarked, "You guys never eat this early. Were you starving? Didn't you eat lunch? There's a little ice cream left, if you want it, later." With that, she was out the door.

Doug started gathering the dishes. "Well, we're alone. Are we gonna play monopoly or what?" He put the dishes into the sink and started washing them off.

"Well, aren't you all domestic today? You hardly ever wash dishes! I think I'll just stand here and watch," Daphne teased.

Doug looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Mom won't like it if she gets home and we haven't washed the dishes. There may not be time later."

Daphne walked behind him and put her arms around him, hugging him tight, pressing her breasts against his back. "What in the world are you talking about? Aren't we just gonna watch TV and play Monopoly?"

"If that's what you want," he said as he dried the last of the dishes. He turned to face her, her arms still around him. "Is that what you want?"

"I think you know what I want, but I'm not making any promises. Meanwhile, you kinda stink, and I probably do too. I'm going for a shower." At that, she turned and went upstairs.

Doug thought of just boldly walking into the bathroom and joining her in the shower, but he thought that was way too forward. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, anyway. Would she want to do more than they had done already? He wanted to do everything he had done with Renee -- AND everything that Renee had done with Robert! He didn't know if that was in the cards, or not, but he certainly was not going to push it.

He went upstairs, got undressed and got out a fresh pair of boxers. He tentatively tried the door to the bathroom and found that she had locked it. In a way, he was relieved. She wanted to take it slowly and so did he. After all, he had not seen her completely naked in years.

After a few moments, he heard her unlock the bathroom door. She opened it a crack and said, "Wash up, stinky butt!"

Daphne went to her room, locked the door, unwrapped the towel that was around her and tried to decide what to wear. She didn't want to be too forward. She didn't even know how far she wanted to go. She thought about shorts, but decided that if things got really hot and heavy that she didn't want to have to wrestle them off. She finally put on a pair of bikini panties and an old shirt that had once belonged to Marvin. It was a plaid print that came down almost to her knees. No bra. She posed in front of the mirror and decided that it looked pretty sexy. She unbuttoned another button at the top. Much sexier!

She unlocked the door to the bathroom, then picked up a magazine and lay down on the bed to wait on Doug. She heard the shower water go off, then a couple of minutes later, Doug knocked and opened the door a crack.

"Ok if I come in?" he asked.

"Well, I guess so, if you'll be a gentleman," she replied.

He was clad in only boxers and it was apparent that he already had a full erection. Daphne tried not to stare, but it was impossible not to notice. She was nervous but her body began to tingle and her mouth began to water. If nothing else, she intended to get him off again. She wanted it in her mouth. She didn't think she wanted him to cum in her mouth, but she had loved how her brother's cock had felt in her mouth and the feeling she had, knowing how much pleasure she was giving him.

Then he was on the bed with her, gathering her into his arms, his mouth seeking her mouth. She eagerly accepted his tongue into her mouth, sucking it and moaning her passion. She adjusted so that she could thrust her eager tongue into his mouth, as well. Both siblings emulated the sex act with the thrusting of their tongues into each other's mouths. Doug reached around her and grasped her bottom with one hand, pulling her closer to him.

After a minute or so, they broke the kiss, both gasping for breath. Doug looked into his beautiful sister's face and grinned. She grinned back and snuggled into his arms. He lay on his back; she was lying halfway on top of him. His hand was on her bottom, stroking and squeezing lightly.

"I love you," she whispered. "I told you this afternoon, but you didn't say anything. Do you love me?"

"You know I love you more than life itself," he said, kissing her forehead.

She propped herself up on one elbow and stroked his chest. "You're beginning to grow some hair here. And I like the way it is all over your tummy. It's really sexy!" she giggled. She bent over and kissed his nipples, then licked them. "Does that feel good?"

"Not like it does to a girl, but everything you do feels good to me. If you like doing that, keep doing it."

"I like to do it!" She continued to suck and lick at his nipples, but then began kissing down his chest to his tummy. She ran her fingers through the sparse hair on his tummy while she licked and sucked at his navel. She peered up at him as she placed her hand farther down, on top of his boxers, and grasped his swollen cock.

Doug moaned. "Daphne, oh you drive me crazy," he moaned.

Suddenly she got on her knees on the bed, unbuttoned the shirt and cast it off. Dressed now in only her bikini panties, she pinched her own nipples as she gazed at her near-naked brother.

"You drive ME crazy, Doug!" she moaned as she grasped his boxers and, with his assistance, removed them. "Oh it's so big and beautiful!" she gasped.

Doug reached for her; the twins lay on the bed, hungrily kissing each other, moaning and fucking each other's mouths with their tongues. Doug tugged at his twin sister's panties.

She gasped. "Take them off of me! Yes!"

He pulled at them, careful not to stretch the elastic. He rolled them down her long legs and dropped them in the floor as he rolled to his knees and kissed her wet pussy, then dragged his tongue from her gushing hole to her clitoris.

"OHHHHHHHH, my GOODNESS!" she moaned. "Oh Doug! Yes, oh baby, yesss! That feels sooo goooood, baby!" She arched her back, feeding her twin brother her virgin pussy. "Oh big brother, that's amazing!"

She reached and placed both her hands in his hair, urging him to continue this delicious violation of her drooling loins. Gone were any inhibitions she might have had. Nothing had ever turned her on like this, nothing had ever felt this good or this right. She knew now that she would willingly give herself to her beloved twin brother. She would deny him nothing. She rocked her hips up and down, fucking his face as she mashed his head downward.

"Oh you're going to make me cum! Please don't stop! Oh Doug it's so beautiful! Baby, baby, baby.... Oh I love you! Cummmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Oh baby! Ohhhhh Yesssssss!"

Suddenly she pushed his head gently away and turned onto her side, away from him, pulling her knees up to a fetal position. "No more. Not now," she mumbled.

Doug lay behind her, placing his arm around her, laying his hand on her thigh. His lust-hardened cock, slick with his own emissions, lay against her bottom. He almost giggled, knowing that he had done such a great job that his sweet sister needed some recovery time. He thought about how Renee had taught him and felt proud that he had learned his lessons well.

After a couple of minutes, Daphne rolled over to face him. "Whew!" she whispered. "I never had one that good before!"

Doug smiled. "So no complaints?"

"None. I don't know if I can even walk! I'm done! You can go back to your room now," she grinned. "Seriously, I need to pee and then I just want you to hold me awhile. Is that okay?"

"Yes, it's okay," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss her mouth. "Daphne, there's no agenda here. Don't assume that I expect anything, okay?"

Daphne managed to get to her feet. "You're sweet to say that, and I know you mean it, but I've got plans for you, Big Boy." She traipsed into the bathroom.

When she got back, she straddled him, leaning down to kiss his mouth. As she lowered herself, her pussy mashed against his erection. She moved her body slowly, up and down, allowing his shaft to rub against her wet pussy. She pushed so that her clit made contact with his hard, wet shaft.

She moaned and her breath quickened. "Doug, baby..." she groaned, her blue eyes looking unfocused and distant. "It's just too good! I could cum again so easy," she whispered. "Can we swap positions?"

Daphne reached into the floor to retrieve her red bath towel, doubled it and placed it underneath her, then rolled over to her back and spread her legs. Doug got between her legs and gazed at the incomparable sight of his beautiful sister's gorgeous face and her sexy body. Her pussy was gleaming with moisture. She reached for his cock as he lowered himself. She rolled it across her clit, then stroked the head down her wet slit to her virginal hole. She rubbed his cock there, staring into his face, both of them realizing how close they were.

"Daphne?" Doug managed to gasp. He suddenly felt emotional and was afraid his voice would crack if he spoke.

She exhaled and closed her eyes, continuing to rub the head of his cock up and down, between her swollen labia, to her throbbing clit, and then back down to her virginal opening. She arched herself up at him, capturing his glans. He pushed forward and felt something give way. He looked into his sister's face and saw a brief moment of pain, but then her hand was on his butt, and she was arching herself up to receive him. He thrust forward and felt himself slide to the hilt inside his twin sister's tight cuntal sleeve.

"Unnghh," she moaned. "Please don't move yet, Doug."


She moved so she could look in his face. A tear ran from her eye down the side of her face, but she was smiling. "It's not hurting much," she gasped. "It's worth it! It's what I want! I love you. I want to be yours."

Doug kissed her mouth and stroked her face. After a minute, he felt her body undulating beneath him. He moved his hips slightly and then pushed back inside her. She smiled again and nodded her head.

He began to pull back farther before pushing back in. She was so very tight, but very slick, nevertheless. He suddenly realized that he had not cum and, in fact, had hardly even thought of it because of his concern for his sister.

"Don't get carried away," she grunted and he could tell she was experiencing a little pain. "This is not the only time I'm gonna let you do it, so be gentle. This is not the only chance you'll get!" she giggled and kissed his mouth. "Want to cum inside me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," he smiled, gritting his teeth. Then he felt the sweet tingle between his nuts and, closing his eyes involuntarily, felt his cock swell and spasm, hot geysers of his sperm emptying into his sister's clasping little cunt. He moaned and opened his eyes. His sister's beautiful blue eyes were gazing intently into his own as he emptied himself deep inside her.

"I'm cumming," she whispered sweetly. "Oh Doug! Ohhhh! It's so perfect!"

"Sweet Daphne," he moaned as her body shook beneath him. She lay there, gasping for air, nuzzling and kissing his neck and face.

Eventually she pushed up at him. "Doug, get off, please," she whispered.

He slid out quickly, realizing that he was causing her to be uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, Baby. You okay?"

"Yes. It stings. It sure didn't hurt like I thought it might, though!" she smiled, as she got up, examined the towel that she had placed underneath them, then went to the bathroom.

Doug heard the shower come on and, looking down at his shrinking cock, realized that there was a little blood on it. He got up, went to pee, and then got in the shower with Daphne.

She laughed. "Well this is a first!" She put her arms around him and kissed his mouth. "I doubt it will be the last," she said mischievously.


In the weeks that followed, the twins had sex almost every day. Some days, if they had enough privacy, they did it more than once. One or the other would sometimes go to the other twin's bed late at night. They managed to make almost no sound at all as they made love, realizing that their mother might hear them. There were plenty of times when Marvin was at work and Chrissy was gone somewhere that they could have sex and make as much noise as they wanted.

One such evening, about a month after they started having sex, Chrissy had left for her book club meeting. The twins had showered together and were on Daphne's bed, kissing and anticipating an unhurried evening of passionate sex.

"I have a secret," Doug whispered.

"You better not!" Daphne teased. "We don't keep secrets. What is it?"

"The day that Uncle Al brought you home from the beach... y'all had gone out to the garden and I had taken your luggage upstairs," he began.

"Yeah? What is it?" Daphne asked, suddenly looking concerned.

"I heard Uncle Al and Mom in Mom's bedroom. They were whispering..." Doug swallowed, then said, "I peeked around the corner and I saw Uncle Al laying on top of Mom!"
