The Family That Lays Together


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Doug reached and grasped her hair, gently pulling her further onto his turgid member. "Oh Renee, oh Renee!" he groaned.

She suddenly stopped. Holding his saliva-slickened cock in her hand, she whispered, "I need to cum, too." She reached around and unclasped her bikini top and removed it. She lay down and motioned for Doug to join her. "Suck my tits, Baby Brother," she begged.

Doug got on all fours over her as she lay on her back. He kissed her mouth, sucking her tongue and feeding her his own. When she moaned, he began kissing her face and down her neck to her upper chest. He manipulated her breasts with his hands while kissing her.

"Oh Doug, you've learned so much in just a few days!" she gasped. "When you do this to Daphne, she'll want your loving every day!"

Doug began to feast on her breasts, causing her to moan and groan and gasp and push herself into his mouth. "Eat em up, Doug! Bite your sister's tits! Suck them! Oh it's so good!"

Doug gently bit a nipple, as she had taught him, then licked it and went to the other one. For whatever reason, Renee loved that mixture of pain and pleasure. Doug didn't understand it, but knew what she liked and was eager to please. He kissed around her magnificent orbs and then kissed down her tummy and began tugging at her bikini bottom.

Renee lifted her hips and aided him in pulling her bikini down her legs. She splayed her legs wantonly and watched her little brother as he began to expertly kiss and lick her bald pussy. Oh he was so good, to be just a beginner. When he licked her wet gash all the way to her swollen clit, she gasped, "Oh FUCKKK baby! Eat me out!"

Doug continued to do just that. He fucked her hole with his tongue, grasping her butt cheeks to gain leverage to push his tongue as deep into her delectable pussy as possible. She closed her thighs around his head, hunching his face. He could barely move, but managed to take her clit into his mouth, licking and sucking simultaneously. He could sense, by the way her legs were trembling, that she was on the verge of orgasm. An idea popped into his mind out of nowhere -- as he continued to hold her bottom firmly in his hands, he moved one hand slightly and extended a finger to touch her butthole and wriggled the first digit inside.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UNNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHhh! I AM CUMMMINGGGG!" she moaned. Doug didn't think she was loud enough go be heard back at the creek. He certainly hoped not.

As she reluctantly relaxed her thighs around his head, she groaned, "You are one naughty boy! That's the kind of thing that makes a girl keep coming back for more." She reached for his cock and, getting on all fours, indicated for him to lay down on his back. When he had done so, she engulfed his entire length in her mouth and throat. She moaned with passion.

Doug couldn't hold back his orgasm for another second. He knew his sister was ready and, in the back of his mind, he was wondering if the other siblings were concerned about where they went. He felt the deep tickle between his nuts as his scalding load of jism flowed down his long, thick shaft and erupted into his beautiful older sister's throat. He looked at her face; a look of pure ecstasy was on her face and he could see her throat muscles working to swallow every drop of his warm offering.

"OHHHHH YESSSSSSS!" he moaned. She continued to suckle until his cock began to shrink, then took it out of her mouth and licked it, squeezing it and lapping the last pearl of his cum as it appeared at his meatus.

She looked up at him. "Excuse my French, but you are fucking delicious, Little Brother," she whispered.

He smiled. "Not as delicious as you are, Big Sister! We better get back, though."

They both jumped up and got dressed.


As soon as Renee and Doug got out of sight, Robert swam behind Daphne and grabbed her by the waist, tickling her.

She laughed and kicked at him. "Stop, I'm ticklish! You'll make me pee!"

He stopped, but kept his hands on her waist and drew her close to him, his face scant inches from hers. "If I wasn't your brother..." he smiled.

Daphne was very turned on, already. She knew her hormones were taking over her thinking, but she just said the first thing that popped in her head. "You'd do what?" She knew she sounded like she was teasing him. Was she? He was her brother! Not only that, he was a grown man! But he looked so much like Uncle Al -- and what had she done with him? Was this much different? Was it any worse?

Robert quickly scanned around to make sure that nobody was looking, then placed a hand on the back of her head and kissed her. To his -- and her -- great surprise, she opened her mouth to accept his tongue, sucking at it and then probing his mouth with her tongue.

She moaned and pushed him away. "No, Robert. No. This is wrong!"

"Well, you asked what I would do, right?" he smiled.

She regarded him. "You blaming it on me?" She couldn't help but smile when she looked into his handsome face. She imagined doing with him what she had done with Uncle Al. She wondered if he would stop and not insist on more.

"Yes. It's all your fault. I'm a perfect gentleman. It would never enter my mind to try to kiss my sexy and beautiful little sister. Seriously," he grinned. He reached for her waist again and pulled her close to him. They stood there, in the middle of the creek, their faces just inches from each other, saying nothing.

As turned on as Daphne was, she was also very nervous. She knew she shouldn't be in this situation. What if Doug and Renee came back and saw them? "Well if you're going to do it again, don't do it here," she gasped. She turned and swam to the bank, got out, grabbed her towel and looked out at him, expectantly.

Robert stood in surprise for a moment, then grinned and swam toward the bank. By the time he got there, Daphne was gone. He grabbed his towel to dry off and scanned the woods.

"Over here!" he heard Daphne, in a loud whisper. He shaded his eyes and spotted her under a grove of trees, relatively hidden from the surroundings.

He dropped his towel and made his way over to her. Without a word, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her again. She kissed him back, eagerly and hungrily, slipping her tongue into his mouth. He took her ass in his hands and pulled her against him.

Daphne knew that she was letting this situation get out of hand. Her older brother was just so handsome and she had never been around anyone with as much sex appeal -- not even Uncle Al! Robert was young and virile and now he had her bottom in his hands and was pushing his cock against her tummy. It felt big -- big like Uncle Al's! She wanted it -- not to fuck him -- of course not -- but she wanted to do all the delicious things she had done with her uncle, just last week.

After a moment of feverish kissing they were holding each other, gasping for breath. Robert's hands were massaging her butt cheeks and pushing his cock against her bikini bottoms. He kissed her ears, then down her neck to her upper chest. She was panting. He thought for a moment that she might be hyperventilating and looked with concern into her face.

"You okay, Daphne?" he asked.

She nodded. "Just excited," she gasped. "We shouldn't do this!"

"Oh I know," he said, rather sarcastically, as he began kissing her again. She opened her mouth and pushed herself against him, reveling in the certain knowledge that she had given her older brother an erection and that he was grinding it against her wet, virginal pussy through her scanty bikini.

"I know about you and Renee," she gasped, using all of her will power to step out of his embrace.

"You know WHAT?" he blurted.

"I heard you talking last night. I didn't mean to. I wasn't trying to spy. I promise. I was coming downstairs to get a drink of water... I heard enough to know..."

Robert put his hands on both sides of his head. "So is this like, some kind of blackmail or something? What do you want from me, for you to stay quiet?"

"NO! It's not anything! I wouldn't ever tell anyone about anyone's secrets -- especially something like that!"

"Then why did you tell me you knew?"

She shook her head. "I'm just confused, that's all. You're kissing me and hugging me close to you know! I guess I just wanted to be honest with you. I shoulda kept it to myself," she said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I guess I felt bad that you're going behind Renee's back and it's my fault."

"Oh. Wow. That makes more sense, then," he whispered. "You're right. But just so you know...I had no intention of having sex with you..."

"I'm not hot enough?" she teased, relaxing somewhat.

Robert laughed out loud. "You know better than that."

"So you would...if it was ok?"

"That and a lot more," he whispered, his cock becoming rigid again. "Why are you asking?"

"A girl likes to know she's desirable," she smiled, twisting a strand of her hair in her hand.

"You're desirable. You know you are. You could tell how you were affecting me. Couldn't you?"

"I have no idea what you mean," Daphne smiled. "I'm a virgin. I don't know about those kinds of things. I'm totally innocent!"

Robert smirked. "Right. You went to the beach with Uncle Lecher last week."

"What do you mean? Are you talking about Uncle Al?"

"Come off the innocent act. Everyone knows about Uncle Al. Renee went with him to the beach. He didn't have sex with her, but he sure taught her a lot. I guess I can thank him for that. Don't tell me he didn't try to do anything with you. He loves teen girls. I bet you a twenty that he's done things with that hot daughter of his."

"Are you serious?" Daphne gasped.

"Did he or not? You know my secret. Tell me yours."

"Did he really do stuff with Renee?"

"Yep. Shall I tell you what or do you want to guess?" he asked.

"Touching and oral?"

"Exactly. She was a virgin and he got her so worked up that she was ready to give it to him...but he wouldn't. At least not then. Know what he told her to do? I bet you do know."

Daphne swallowed and realized that her breasts and pussy were tingling as much as they were when she and Robert were kissing a few minutes previously. "He told her to go home to you?"

He nodded. "And do you know why?"

"Because he did it with Mom," she stated.

"Exactly. He firmly believes that sibling sex is the best, most intimate sex that you can have. And he's right. And since I've experienced that for almost 6 years now, that's probably why I am so attracted to you."

"But it's so wrong."

"Taboo. Forbidden. Did he tell you to go home and seduce Doug? He did, didn't he?"

She nodded.


"I don't know. I mean, I have feelings for Doug and I'm attracted to him, but it's just wrong!"

"I'm not gonna try to talk you into it, Daphne."

"Good. What did you mean when you said that Uncle Al wouldn't have sex with Renee, at least not then?"

"Well after she got experience, he had no qualms about it. She tells me all about it!"

"Are you kidding? They've really gone all the way?" she gasped.

"Oh yeah. Several times. She loves it. She says she loves pretending he is her daddy!" He grinned and laughed a little.

"What? She has not had sex with Daddy!!" Daphne couldn't even imagine such a thing. That was way off the charts and out of bounds.

"No, Daphne. Of course not. With Marvin? Are you kidding, me? But the fantasy is still there. I think most girls have the 'daddy fantasy', even though it may not be a fantasy of their own dads."

"I never had such a thought in my life!" she exclaimed.

"Give it time. Just think, after you seduce Doug, you may get a shot at Uncle Al -- or even me!" He laughed but winked at her.

Just then they heard Doug and Renee yelling, wondering where they were. They all walked back down to the creek and went for another dip before returning to the house.


Renee and Robert left late that afternoon. After supper, Doug said that he felt really tired, so went to bed early. Both Chrissy and Daphne thought this was unusual, but soon found a movie on TV and watched it until late. Marvin worked on his Bible lesson that he was to teach at church the next morning.

The family always had a busy day on Sunday. They attended church services both morning and evening and usually visited shut-ins in the afternoon. Daphne wore a yellow dress that came several inches above her knees. With her recently-acquired tan she looked fantastic. Marvin even told her that she looked beautiful and didn't even comment on the length of the dress.

The twins accompanied their parents on several visits that afternoon. Doug's mind continued to wander every time he glanced at his beautiful sister, thinking how sexy she looked. The dress was fairly conservative, but he imagined reaching under it, feeling of her warm thighs and all the way to her panties. He longed to do with her what he had done with their older sister, Renee.

That night, after a late supper, the twins went upstairs. Daphne decided she would shower and dress for bed. In the back of her mind she thought she might go to Doug's room afterward and, at least, get a good-night kiss. She showered, went back to her room, and dressed in a tee shirt that was somewhat shorter than the dress she had worn that day, and bikini panties. She decided to remain braless. After all, why put it on so close to bedtime?

She felt thirsty and wanted a cold drink of water. She didn't want to have to get dressed again to go downstairs for cold water, so decided that she would just get some tap water out of the bathroom sink. Just then she heard the shower come on, signaling that Doug was about to shower. She decided that she would just quickly go downstairs and get some cold water from the 'fridge. Maybe Marvin wouldn't see her. He didn't have to be such a stick in the mud, anyway!

It was bedtime, after all. Why couldn't a girl get a drink of water when she was dressed for bed? She realized that, even if her dad saw her, he probably wouldn't realize she wasn't wearing a bra, but the tee shirt was pretty short -- just inches below her crotch.

Just as she began to pour the water from a pitcher that they kept in the refrigerator, she heard her dad in the living room. "Daphne, that you?" She knew that he must be sitting in his recliner, reading.

"Yes, Dad," she replied. "Just getting some water."

"Come here a minute, Baby."

Shit. "Dad, I'm dressed for bed. What is it?"

"It's okay, Baby. Come in here a minute."

She took the few steps into the living room, very conscious of how short the tee shirt was and of the fact that she was wearing no bra. Marvin looked up from his paper. She saw him glance at her long, tan legs. His eyes rested briefly on her chest before he looked in her face.

"Baby, don't run around like that in front of your brother," he said. "I know you're ready for bed, but just be careful. Even though he's your brother, he is a young man, and men have lustful thoughts."

"Dad!" she whined.

Much to her relief, he laughed. "I'm not getting onto you, Daphne. I know that you know how to dress like a lady. You are a lady, like your mother. And beautiful too, like her."

Daphne felt tears coming in her eyes. Her dad was mellowing, she thought. He didn't pass out compliments every day. She admired and loved him so much -- and a compliment or kind word from him meant so much to her. He was truly a good man. "Daddy, that's so sweet. I love you! What did you want?"

"Oh. I wanted to tell you that I'll try to get an extra key made for the truck so you both will have one," he said.

"Oh. I hadn't even thought of that. It's so nice of you and Mom to get that for us. You're the best parents, ever!"

"Come over here and give your old man a hug, pretty girl," he laughed.

She sat on the edge of his recliner and leaned awkwardly to kiss his cheek. When she did so, Marvin reached around her and his hand rested directly on her bottom. He kissed her cheek, in turn, and when she started to get up, she thought she detected the briefest, almost undetectable squeeze. Did her dad just squeeze her bottom? Without comment she went back upstairs with her glass of water. Her face felt hot and, she realized, her body was tingling.

When she got back to her room, she realized that the shower was no longer running. She gave herself a couple of minutes, then went through the bathroom to Doug's room. The door was open, so she knocked on the doorframe, just in case.

The room was dark. Was he already asleep? "Doug?"

A bedside light came on. Doug was sitting on the edge of his bed, in his boxers. "I just got out of the shower. I was feeling for the lamp when you showed up," he laughed. "And I'm glad you're here!"

Daphne sat on the bed next to him. She could feel his bare leg touching hers. Even this seemed so intimate. He looked into her face and placed his hand on her cheek. He tentatively leaned toward her, but she eagerly reached for him. Soon they were kissing deeply, their tongues wrestling. They fell back onto the bed as Doug ran his fingers through her hair. Soon, breathless, they broke the kiss.

"You looked so good in that yellow dress today," Doug whispered. "I don't think I've ever seen a prettier girl in my life. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I wanted to be alone with you and tell you how pretty you are and kiss you..."

Daphne giggled. "Oh I love it! I love you to say things like that to me, Doug. I love that you think I am pretty. I knew you were looking at my legs and I kept thinking I couldn't wait to kiss you again!"

"Can I be honest?" Doug whispered.

"Of course. What?"

"I imagined peeling that yellow dress off of you."

Daphne smiled. "That's pretty hot. Should I go put it on again, or will this tee shirt suffice?"

Doug could feel his already-hard cock straining against his boxers. Was his sister actually giving him permission to remove her tee shirt? What was she wearing underneath? Probably her bikini, so it wouldn't be anything new -- even though that would be scorching hot, just the same.

Daphne suddenly stood, as Doug sat up on the edge of the bed. He saw her smiling down at him as he reached for the hem of her shirt and started lifting. Her bikini panties came into view, then her flat, sexy tummy. He stood, then, holding her shirt just inches below her breasts. He saw that she seemed to be panting with excitement, as was he. He hesitated.

"Don't stop now, Doug," she breathed. "Before I change my mind..."

Doug lifted the tee shirt, revealing her perfect young breasts to him for the first time ever. When he again paused, she grabbed the shirt and wrestled it over her head and threw it in the floor.

She pulled him onto the bed and they laid on their sides, looking at each other. Doug's eyes were fastened on his sister's gorgeous breasts. Her nipples were so hard! He knew that meant that she was sexually excited.

"You like them, Big Brother? My tits?" she gasped.

He nodded, unable to enunciate what he was feeling.

"Touch them?" she moaned, as she grasped one of his hands and laid it gingerly on one of her bare breasts.

Doug, of course, knew something about handling a girl's breasts, having learned from their older sister, Renee. He had already mentally compared Renee's breasts with Daphne's. Renee's were a bit larger and as near-perfect as breasts could possibly be, he thought -- but Daphne's -- well, they belonged to Daphne. He loved Daphne with all his heart and felt that everything about her was sheer perfection.

He stroked her nipples delicately, with the full knowledge that he was doing it "right". Daphne gasped at the sheer, overwhelming pleasure.

She was literally panting with excitement. She had been so excited with Uncle Al that she felt as if she might swoon; then she had been almost that excited again with Robert, just the day before -- but this! This was Doug! She loved him; she was IN LOVE with him. Uncle Al and Robert excited her, for sure. And she cared about them -- for sure. But not like THIS!