The GFBJ Ch. 06


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Liz stopped dancing and settled on a steady rhythm that she knew from her past two days of oral sex was 100% certain to end in Tommy's orgasm. Tommy made a valiant effort to continue to suck his cock and rub his balls but eventually gave in and just let him fuck her mouth. She kept one hand on Liz's head and the other around his balls, as if she were still in control. Liz didn't care how long it took to make Tommy come and didn't mind if it took a long, long time. She'd given Tommy one last orgasm this morning before they had to get going, but they'd only had time for quickie. There was no way Tommy was not going to come now, not as long as the young woman kept that cock between her lips.

It didn't take a long time. Tommy's moans turned to growls. His cock was going deeper into her than Liz had thought Tommy would ever be able to take. Liz pushed herself harder into Tommy and Tommy squeezed her head harder between her legs. Tommy's growls became hoarse gargles as the cock went still deeper. Her body shuddered and tried to double over but that only drove the cock deeper into her throat. She arched her back trying to get her head free, but he followed her down. He was masterful, keeping his cock right at the spot just short of gagging, always threatening no matter how she squirmed. And all this time she was coming in a series of spikes in Liz's mouth.

When she was finished coming he slowly pulled his cock out and released her head and she slid down and off the chair and into Liz's arms, shaking. He stood over them. Liz could have simply lifted up her head and sucked him. He said, "I'm going to fuck your girlfriend. How do you think she'll like to be fucked?"

"Come on," she said to Tommy, "Let me help you." She got Tommy to climb onto the bed, where she propped the young woman up on her back on pillows. She spread open Tommy's legs and lifted her knees. "I want her to watch herself get fucked." She led him by his cock between Tommy's legs and put his cock right at her hole.

The two women kissed. "I really did try to make him come," Tommy said.

"He's a stud," Liz replied, "Like you."

He entered Tommy slowly, inching in and out. Liz helped by pulling Tommy's knees up to give him more access. Tommy was almost bent double anyway.

"I want you to make her come again," Liz said when he was all the way in. He began ploughing Tommy in a steady rhythm. Liz stroked Tommy's body and tweaked her nipples. He leaned over her and gave her a deep, long kiss.

"I— I don't usually let girls do this to me," Tommy said.

"A real cock is better, isn't it?"

"This one is. I don't believe it after, after what you, you did to me, but, but . . ."

"But you're going to come again, aren't you?" Liz finished Tommy's sentence as she stroked the woman's trim body and tweaked her little nips. "And it's different, isn't it? A different orgasm." Tommy was straining now from J's steady and deep stroking. Liz bent over her and French-kissed her as she came on J's cock. She pressed on Tommy's clit and lightly rubbed it to make the orgasm even more intense. J had his hands on Liz's back so she could sync with his rhythm and together they made Tommy come over and over until she was exhausted.

Tommy just lay there a while after J withdrew and her orgasms receded. Liz held her close; J stayed separate but kept a hand on the young woman's stomach. At last Tommy turned her head to J and said, "You're not bad. I mean for a guy." She ran a hand weakly over his arm.

"And you, Tom-Tom, are an exquisite nymph beyond any man's imagination."

Tommy giggled at that. She stretched out her limbs over Liz and J and the three of them lay like that for a while. She sat up. "Ah. Okay, time to pay the piper. So, Mr. Moore— I know that's not your name but that's my pet name for you— it was so hot how you got your wife, my sex toy—" Tommy paused to run a finger lightly along Liz's lips— "to cancel our bargain. Super hot. But after two days of some of the best pussy-eating I've ever experienced, I can't help feeling . . . I mean . . . how would you like your blow job?"

J sat up too. He rubbed his chin and made a show of counting on his fingers and nodding, as if working through all the various possibilities.

"I would love it if—"

"Uh-uh, sex toy, silence. You don't get a say, remember? This is between me and Mr. Moore." She slid her hand along J's thigh, close to but not touching his half-hard cock. "So, Mr. Moore, what do you think? I mean, it's not every day a guy gets a blow job from a lesbo."

"Exquisite lesbo nymph. Well, Tom-Tom, there are innumerable ways I'd like you to perform fellatio on me. Would you be willing to try a few before I decide on . . ."

"On how you want to pop the cork? Sure. We lesbo nymphs love variety."

J got off the bed and stood on the rug at its foot."Elizabeth, would you get a warm wash cloth. You know," he said, motioning to his cock, "since it's Tom-Tom's first time."

Tommy got off the bed and stood in front of him, looking him up and down. "You must be aware, Mr. Moore, that we lesbos don't mind the taste of pussy. But I like the idea of my personal executive sex toy getting her husband's cock ready for me." She put her hands on her narrow hips and winked at him.

Liz went into the bathroom and came out with a wet washcloth, which she used to wipe him over. Then she used a hand towel to dry him off.

"We should start with the classic position," he said. He took hold of Tommy by her shoulders and moved her to exactly face him, then pressed her down to her knees.

"Sex toy, sit here on the bed and watch," Tommy ordered, then took his cock and balls in her hands. He was mostly hard and quickly grew to full straightness with her light stroking. "So, Mr. Moore, what would you like this lesbo girl to do for you?"

"Well, Tom-Tom, I've been wondering what else my wife taught you. Any other so-called names?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Moore. Lots." She smiled up at him and then over to Liz, who was pressing her lips together to keep from speaking. She had her hands stuffed between her legs, which wouldn't stop shaking. "Let's see." She tapped a finger against her cheek, thinking, while she continued to stroke the stiff cock that pointed at her face. "There's the Head Shot."


She did. He went up on his toes immediately. He had to put his hand on Liz's shoulder to keep his balance. "Tom-Tom, you're . . . uh . . . a quick st-study."

Tommy released him. "I had a really good teacher."

"What else did she teach you?"

"Um, Popsicle? I'm not very good at that one."

"Try." He hissed as she slid his cock in and out.

"See? Sex toy is better."

"You are still delightful."

"What else, sex toy? Oh, how could I forget?" She put his cockhead back between her lips and moved her head around on him. He groaned and grunted in appreciation. "That's Knob Polishing."

"Is that what she calls it? I know it well. Okay, Tom-Tom, up." He moved to his easy chair. "This is one of my favorite spots to have my knob polished and popsicled and all that."

"You are a lucky guy," Tommy said. She stood naked between his legs.

"I know. And you really are the cutest thing, Tom-Tom. How are you feeling right now?"

"You know, Mr. Moore, it's interesting." She knelt and took his cock in her hands. "I was having this . . . I guess fantasy? . . . over there." She gestured back to where she'd been on her knees.

"I think we'd all love to hear it."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"What was it? I hope it involved me."

Tommy smiled. "Oh yes, definitely." She watched Liz come over to sit on the side of the bed next to them. "I just— I had this— it's kind of— it feels perverted, maybe wrong." She glanced sideways at Liz.

"Then you absolutely have to tell us. Everything."

"Okay." She took a breath. She stroked his cock a bit more, focusing on it. "I was kind of . . . pretending . . . I was a gay guy."


"Is that weird? I mean, I'm gay, okay? I know that. But I really thought, when your strange wife conned me into doing this, I thought, okay Tommasina, it's okay, you're just going to be a straight girl for a little while, then you can go back to your pussy obsession. You know?"

"But that's not what happened?"

"Oh my god, hell no. I was there on my knees taking a friggin' penis in my mouth and I thought, wow, I'm just like a gay guy. I even imagined— this is the fantasy part and I totally understand if you think this is too weird for you— I had this fantasy that I was this young gay guy, like gay teenager maybe, and this was my first blow job, and how cool it was. You know? I didn't imagine I was a straight girl, which in reality I totally was. Does that make any sense at all?"

They were all silent for a moment, taking that in. Liz put her hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Tom-Tom, do you remember our conversation earlier about anima and animus?"


"It looks like your animus is also gay. Or at least bi."

"Huh." She nodded slowly, absorbing that concept, then turned to Liz. "I'm really liking your guy more and more." Then back to him. "Now I really want to give you a blow job. I mean if you're not totally weirded out right now."

"Hmm. I'm about to get a blow job from a lesbian who's going to imagine she's a young gay man giving his first blow job, is that right?"

"Bingo, Mr. Moore."

"So what am I, your professor or teacher? Or just an older student?"

"Hmm. Well, if I'm a gay guy then I just realized I'm gay. I've even got a girlfriend." She glanced over at Liz. "So how did I get here?" She wiggled his stiff cock to make her situation clear.

"Well, it turns out that your new girlfriend, as loving and attractive and sexy as she is, is also a perverted genius of the human psyche and has perceived, correctly apparently, that she can seduce you into sucking a man's cock."

"I'm starting to wonder who's the sex toy here."

"We both are."

"True that." She took his cock between her lips and lightly mouthed him.

Liz tapped her lips.

"No, Elizabeth, you may not speak. You see, Tom-Tom, my wife is going to deny it and tell me that she's doing it because she loves me, and she certainly does. But you're doing what you're doing now because you love her."

"Also true."

"Gay men give blow jobs," Liz said. She belatedly tapped her lips.

Tommy rolled her eyes. "She's really fixated, isn't she?"

"One of her finest qualities."

"Okay. Is it Trombone time?"

"Tom-Tom— or should I call you Thomas?"

"Nah. I'm kind of liking being Tom-Tom. I mean again. Boyish. Brings me back to when I was a boy. You know, I remember climbing trees with the boys, and I could always out-climb them. I was pretty good. And I could climb higher because I was lighter. That was cool. But then I got tired of it. I guess I got tired of being a boy."

"Tom-Tom has grown up. Tom-Tom, give me a blow job." He sat up and looked down on her.

Tommy closed her eyes and slid his cock into her mouth. She slowly sucked him in and out. He stayed calm for a little while and even stroked her head, but then his back had to arch and he needed to put his hands on the chair arms to support himself. "Sex toy," she said, pausing, "You're right. Cocks are nice." And to him: "You're making me wonder about my sexual identity."

"Sexual identity is the clothing we put on in the morning and then take off at night."

"True that is." She sucked him a bit more. "Mr. Moore, whoever I am, whatever I am, it's time." She sucked him more, not deep, but smoothly and steadily. His hips moved in rhythm with her head.

Liz tapped her lips, seeing he was close and wanting to say something, although she didn't quite know what, she was just bursting inside. But neither was paying attention. J made his characteristic long moans, his head tilted up to the ceiling. Tommy still had her eyes closed. Her fingertips played over his balls and the base of his cock that her lips couldn't reach as her steady sucking inched him closer and closer. Liz knelt down to be as close as possible to them, putting a hand on J's leg and another on Tommy's shoulder to feel more intimately what was happening. She kissed and stroked them both on whatever parts of their bodies she could reach. She caressed Tommy's head and gently worked her fingers into the young woman's hair as her head moved back and forth more forcefully, a little deeper, taking control. J didn't try to hold out. His cockhead, Liz saw when Tommy pulled him almost all the way out, was as swollen as Liz had ever seen it, and he moved his hips in sync as his grunts of pleasure became shorter and shorter and his body tensed.

Still, that moment that Liz adored, the moment when he was right at the peak and he was totally hers and was about to give her his essence, that peak seemed to last and last as Tommy's slow strokes coaxed and teased him in a way that Liz had never done, never thought to do because she was always as hungry for his orgasm as he was.

But even J had his limits. Finally, with a small jerk she would have missed if she weren't pressed against and touching both of them, he released his cream into Tommy and her rhythm changed subtly and Liz could tell that Tommy was eating her husband's come. She moved a hand to her neck to feel her swallowing.

J came over and over, his sounds becoming breathy ahs. His eyes opened and he looked down on the two women, Tommy still sucking the last of his orgasm out of him, Liz beaming with moist eyes a loving smile that felt like a wildfire consuming her face.

Tommy released his softening cock and turned to her. They kissed and Liz pushed her tongue into Tommy as far and wide as she could, tasting him all over inside Tommy's mouth. The next several minutes were a blur. She bit and kissed Tommy all over, starting at the throat that had just swallowed her husband's seed, biting her little nipples as Tommy rose, sliding her face down the abdomen that now held his fluid, to the wet sex between the woman's trim legs.

Somehow Tommy ended up lying back on the edge of their bed and Liz dived into her pussy and ate and ate and ate.

"No, no, I can't," Tommy breathed, but Liz was intent on making Tommy come yet again, following her as she squeezed her legs around Liz's head and grabbed her hair and curled up into a ball, and wouldn't stop eating her even when the young woman tried to push her away, until hands on her shoulder pulled her off, and J whispered, "She needs you to cuddle her now."

Liz climbed up and wrapped her arms around Tommy. J pulled the covers over them and slid in on the other side to hold them both.

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toycar69toycar692 months ago

I wasn't sure with the initial GFBJ but I'm really loving the scenes with Tommy. So hot!

MormonJackMormonJack9 months ago

Very HOT, VM! Thank you and 5 stars! Keep them coming!!!

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