The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 03


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"Do you want breakfast, or do you plan to sit on my lap all day and talk about the dance?" he asked with faux exasperation.

She stood, "No, I'm letting you up, because you need to make me another cup of coffee; you make it taste better than I do. Then you need to feed me -- I'm starving!"

He made her coffee, he made her breakfast, and then he fed her -- literally. She sat sideways on his lap; she fed him, he fed her. He didn't know how he looked when the spoon approached his mouth, but she was too stinkin' cute when he brought her a spoonful in an 'airplane', doing loops and making airplane noises before depositing the food in her open mouth.

If airplane delivery was his thing, her thing became to kiss him as soon as the food was in his mouth, or after she gave him a sip of coffee or milk. Breakfast took thirty minutes instead of ten, but the last five or so were a makeout session with her wiggling on his lap.

He thought maybe, so he tried, but Kitty was still sore, if a bit wet.

They cleaned up the kitchen, put on their swimsuits and flip-flops, and wandered over to the hot tubs by the central pool, holding hands and chatting.

When Jo took off the cover up, the Brute signaled his appreciation by standing at attention, hard and proud. Jo looked down, giggled, looked around, petted the Brute, and said, "Not yet, Big Boy. Let's see how thing go in the hot tub!"

She was about to get fucked in the hot tub; or, more correctly, was about to fuck Chris in the hot tub, when two more couples came outside. She was straddling him; he was diddling her puss with one hand, squeezing her ass with the other, and licking her nipple under the bikini top. She wanted him so bad she was about to pull her bikini bottom aside and insert his big cock when they heard the happy voices.

She reluctantly returned to her seat beside him, and he bent forward enough to kind of hide his hard on. There were two hot tubs, but the young couples saw them and came right over. "I don't know if you remember us from the dance, but I'm Mary Samples and this is John, my husband. This happy couple is Don Chambers and his wife Lynn.

"If I remember correctly, you are Jo Kennedy and Chris Alexander -- am I right?"

She was, of course, so they invited Mary and John, and Don and Lynn, to join them. Chris greatly appreciated the bubbles for obscuring his hard on and Jo's body; she was already getting enough attention from the men, and he from the women.

Chris was sitting to Jo's left; Mary sat to his left, then John, Lynn, and Don. It was an 'eight person' hot tub, but if two more joined them it would be crowded; they were side to side already.

The conversation was easy, as they responded in kind to Jo's questions about where they were from, what they did, etc. John and Don were summer TCU CIS grads who now worked for a startup cyber security firm headquartered nearby. They liked that Chris had MIS and business minors to go with his engineering degree. They loved that Chris, like them, was a KA, which evoked secret handshakes and laughing recital of the KA toast, or pledge. That was all done in fun, perhaps even poking fun at their fraternity ties.

Mary and Lynn were seniors at TCU, and proud Tri-Delts. All four were shocked that Jo was an incoming freshman: "We thought you were at least 21!" Lynn proclaimed. "Oh, my goodness, Honey, you're very mature for your age. You and your --what, boyfriend, or are you married?"

Jo looked at Chris, who smiled at her; "He's my boyfriend -- my new boyfriend."

"Well, new or whatever, you two OWNED that party last night! You in that shimmering dress with those pearls dangling -- you stopped the show! Chris in his matching custom suit -- whowee! Half the people in the hall made a run at one of you, and some tried both!

"None of us did, though -- we're all newlyweds -- but we did talk about you!"

Don turned to Chris. "So how old are you Chris, and what's your story?"

"I'm the old man in the group," he said with a chuckle. "I'm twenty-five. I work for Beck Construction as a project manager."

"Project manager at twenty-five; that's pretty cool. Built anything we'd recognize?" John asked.

"Not yet. First time in Texas -- I've been working in Tennessee, where I'm from, and in Arkansas, where I met Jo."

"Okay! That sounds like a story! Tell us!" insisted Mary.

Jo grinned at her newly-anointed boyfriend. "Your turn."

Chris started to tell the 'Joe Friday, just the facts' version of the story, but he liked these people and he was feeling playful. "This little blonde here is so smart she graduated from high school at mid-term. TCU showered her with scholarships, but she needed a ride down here, so I volunteered.

We got to talking, she told me she was from the Ouachita, and she was wearing faded jeans. I started teasing her about the old Johnny Duncan song, Jo and the Cowboy... you guys look confused. Never heard that song?"

They looked at each other, shaking their heads and looking puzzled. Jo interjected, "Of course they don't! You're an old Millennial who loves classic country; none of us young people know stuff like that!"

"Uh, you did... do, Country Girl! Come on, sing it with me, for their elucidation and education!" Chris pleaded.

She shook her ponytail no, but the grin on her face meant she was feeling playful too.

"I know you want to, so I'm gonna do my part, and I expect you to do yours!" He turned to the others, and said, "By the way, she sang this with me on the way down, so don't let her fool ya! She knows classic country too."

"Life can be great on the interstate when you're riding 'cross Arkansas

I won't forget the day I met the girl from the Washita

Making my way through Little Rock I saw her thumbing me

I pulled over to let her get in and saw heaven in faded jeans."

Chris splashed water on her arm to alert her, and the chorus began; she grinned and the chorus became a duet.

Wild as a raging river is she, Jo holds my heart in her hand,

Sweet country girl I'd give the world just to be your full time man

Jo was looking at him shyly when her solo began, but seeing his beaming smile turned her voice husky and sexy.

She said "Thanks for stopping my

Name is Jo you look like a cowboy to me

I see by the plates on your ninety-eight that you're from Tennessee

And you're a good looking cowboy

Too 'bout the sexiest thing I've seen"

I said "You ain't bad for a country

Girl all tight in your faded jeans"

Wild as a raging river is she, Jo holds my heart in her hand,

Sweet country girl I'd give the world just to be your full time man.

They sang the whole song grinning at each other, and got a round of applause at the end.

"That is so cute!" exclaimed Mary. "You guys are so cute! I'm a convert to country!"

Chris looked around after her interruption and saw the disbelieving looks on John and Don's faces. "She can sing too? Like that?" John asked incredulously.

"Sugar, you are gonna have to pledge Tri-Delt! We are not only the best sorority on campus, we win the singalong and talent show every year! I can see our next championship trophy, right after you walk off stage in April!"

That sobered Jo, who quickly replied, "I won't be able to pledge a sorority. I have to keep my grades super high to keep my scholarships, and... well, frankly, I don't have the money either."

"Jo, we have tutors for every subject -- we have the highest GPA on campus! I'll bet we can find a scholarship for you about ten minutes after the sisters meet you! Where are you living, by the way? Would you like to live in the house -- there's an opening for the spring!"

Chris saw the conversation was overwhelming Jo, so he jumped in. "Those are really great offers, but Jo has to go meet with her advisor on the 7th to get things sorted out. She'll know a lot more then. Remember, she was a high school senior in Arkansas seventeen days ago, so she doesn't know what you know!"

The girls enthusiastically volunteered to show her around, help her through registration, and introduce her to people returning to campus early, before classes begin on the 10th. She looked to Chris for guidance and support; he hugged her and said, "How lucky can you get? We go to the hot tub for a soak, and you end up with senior guides and counselors! You'll have all the registration paperwork done and know more about TCU than any freshman by the time classes start!"

She gave him a superior look and sniffed, "Actually, Old Fella, I've already done all the registration 'paperwork'; it's online nowadays!"

She turned to Mary and Lynn, "I would truly appreciate your help with all this! To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed! I didn't make the decision to graduate at mid-term until late October, so about all I had time to do was create a resume, fill out college applications, write essays, and finish my high school courses.

"My high school counselor told me about the TCU scholarship offers on November 16. I turned 18 two days later, hitched a ride down here with Chris that night, and... well, you know all the rest! Anyway, I'll gladly accept all the help you'll give me!"

"Do we 'know all the rest', Jo? How did you come to be on the arm of the old man over there at the dance, and what about that kiss at midnight? Methinks Chris left out a few details!"

"He might have, but our short story has a lot of twists and turns. Like him convincing me to take advantage of his spare bedroom, promising a platonic relationship, and then hitting me with going to the country club to meet with his three bosses and their wives.

"Oh, yes, he really did that, and to top it off, I learned from one of the wives that his parents were coming the next day! Oh, yes, my roomie did that too!"

The girls frowned at him; he threw up his hands and said, "What? It was just mom, dad, and my two sisters. Ask her if they were mean to her in any way!"

The gazes turned back to Jo. "No, all four were wonderful. In fact, I consider his sisters to be my best friends, although I hope we can be friends too!

"Anyway, they are this perfect family -- considerate, sweet, loving, and all of them are beautiful; Chris is the ugly duckling of the family!"

"Hmmm. Then they must be a really gorgeous family!" said Lynn, after a measuring look at Chris. "So, go on!"

"They are also kind and generous, and they give really nice Christmas presents. Did you see the dress, shoes, and pearl earrings I had on at the ball? 'Santa' gave me those, and his family practically filled my empty closet with nicer clothes than I've ever owned.

"Although, to be honest, my generous roommate bought me a few things too -- like four dresses and four sets of jeans, slacks, and blouses -- so I wouldn't look out of place in my raggedy, faded jeans and hoodies when I started school. I told him I wasn't looking for a Sugah Daddy, but he did it anyway, no strings attached!"

"Ohhhh! So the suave older gentleman who represented himself as your platonic roommate bought you clothes and jewelry? Did he keep his promise of 'no strings attached'? Because I would have been pretty suspicious about his motives!" Mary teased.

"He did, but he started getting sweet on me somewhere in all this -- maybe while I was wearing the LBD and heels he bought me in exchange for meeting his bosses. Or maybe when we went to the mixer... I'm not sure, but I think it was when we went running along the river the first time. He kept falling behind me and watching me run, and got this funny look on his face."

Chris just shook his head and grinned, while the others hurrahed him. Finally, he said, "Actually, it might have been the first time I saw you, 'all tight in your faded jeans'!"

"Oh! That was the first time he met you, when you hitched a ride with him, right? Like the song?" Lynn exclaimed to a grinning Jo.

They exchanged grins, and Mary said, "You guys are too cute! But those looks aren't exactly platonic, and the kiss he put on you last night... wow! Not platonic!"

"He didn't put a kiss on me last night -- I put one on him! I got tired of waiting, of wearing as little clothes as possible around him, and of being denied when I practically threw myself at him! So I took control... and then immediately lost it!

"I don't remember much about that first kiss, other than hoping it would never end. But, to make a long story short, one thing led to another, I woke up in his bed this morning, and now he finally concedes that I'm his girlfriend!"

"You know, I don't really like RomComs that much, but you guys tell a good story!" said John. "After hearing it, I'm feeling the need to take my wife back for a nap, but before we go, I want to tell you it's actually a great story! Even though we only got the PG 13 version, my mind filled in the blanks quite well, and, damn!

"I thought our first meeting at a fraternity party, with other dates we had to ditch, was kismet, but, talk about fate! You guys lived out Jo's song, and then burned down a building and were responsible for at least a dozen babies with your first kiss! That's what I call a great story!

"Now, darling wife of mine, I'd like to hobble stiff-legged back to the room, and take a long nap with you!"

They got up grinning, and he didn't even try to hide the protrusion in his shorts. He grabbed a laughing Mary, and started across the patio toward their room. Mary looked over her shoulder, "Thanks, y'all; I can tell he really did like your story!"

Lynn gave Don a look that turned his neck and face red, and boiled the water around him, then proclaimed, "We need a nap too, Hubby! My shorts are as wet as John's are full -- and I'll bet yours are just as crowded as his!"

He got up with the same protrusion tenting his shorts, and they walked quickly down the center courtyard to their apartment on the end. This time it was Don who looked back and said, "Thanks, y'all -- great story!" before being pulled along by his wife.

"Now, where were we?" Chris asked, as he tried to pull her back onto his lap.

"Uh uh! No public sex! Besides, Kitty is feeling good now, and she wants to try some new stuff on your big, soft bed!"

"I hope Kitty doesn't need a nap, because we're not at all sleepy over here!" Chris said, putting her little hand on his big, hard cock.

"Nuhuh, Honey, Kitty is ready to play -- let's go!"

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

Yeah, it was long overdue. The fine on that particular library book was more than could be covered by all of the gold in Fort Knox. I'm speaking metaphorically of Chris and Jo removing the Platonic from their status. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It should be "UC Berkeley" (note spelling) or just "Cal".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He's 25 with no discussion on birth control with an 18 year old?

6King6Kingover 2 years ago

NEXT ?!?!?! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How about some more!

MastergoMastergoover 2 years ago

Great story and I really hope it continues. Agree with others would be interesting to know what the sisters and mother were saying. Would really love to see where this goes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I say again...Bravo Texican!! I was hoping for another strong addition to your story and you did not disappoint. I also like the inferred secrets between Jo and his mother and sisters and look forward to getting the skinny on that in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Extremely well written. A good story with characters your readers care about. By far one of the best I’ve read on here. Can’t wait for the next part.

JayDavidJayDavidover 2 years ago

Enjoying the story. One small nit--at the dance, you say that Jo isn't wearing a bra, but when they are in bed, Chris removes the non-existent bra. Otherwise, nicely dome!

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